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Chico is dead. Please call to express your disappointed protest

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Despite logic, sound scientific and medical evidence, and with complete disregard for compassion...the innocent Chico, today paid with his life. Chico was killed to test his brain for rabies. Fact is that there does not exist an alternative and definitive test for rabies, other than that of killing the suspected animal and testing brain tissue. However, the treatment protocols for one exposed to rabies is 100% successful in eliminating the disease-and although costly, approximately $1700, it involves only 5 shots over 4 weeks, in the arm and one in the hip/thigh. IN FACT, the treatment would

be administered at the very same SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT facility where the decision to kill Chico was made by Dr. Larry Jecha. Post-exposure vaccines are readily available--and SRHD could pass on the savings to the three individuals who were bitten. (The cost was also offered to be covered, see below) Did ANYONE ask the three individuals if they were willing to go this route? Did ANYONE explain the FACT to them? Often, doing the Right Thing is with some additional work or expense, but IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO. Ethics and Honor do not come cheaply. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) has only three studies which pertain to quarantine periods to definitively rule-out rabies in a suspected animal. The animals are: dogs, cats and ferrets. The quarantine period is 10 days. This is because if an animal transmits

rabies through a bite, the disease has traveled to its salivary glands (oral) and the virus is 'shedding' via the saliva into the bite wound. Soon thereafter, usually within 72 hours, the disease has ravaged the brain of the 'biter' and the animal dies. CDC has determined that mammals; dogs, cats and ferrets, will die within 10 days if they bit while rabid. IF Chico bit while rabid (and therefor transmitting the disease), he would have exhibited symptoms within the 10 days he was held at Spokanimal, this can be medically and scientifically extrapolated simply because he is a mammal, of similar size as a small to medium dog, and the rabies virus progresses the same in mammals. Of course, Chico exhibited no such symptoms. Below, Nedim C. Buyukmihci, V.M.D., reveals more information about Chico and the battle to save him from a wrongful death. Please

read: I've spent all day speaking with health officials and other bureaucrats, pointing out the scientific flaws as well as the procedural flaws in the decision to kill Chico, the cynomolgus monkey. I even offered to pay all the costs of rabies prophylaxis for the three human beings who were bitten in addition to costs of transporting Chico to our Sanctuary.It apparently all fell on deaf ears. Chico was killed late in the afternoon.For all who made an effort to intercede on his behalf, thanks. For anyone on this list who still thinks it's acceptable to keep monkeys (or any wild animal) as "pets," I hope you will reflect on how there have been and will continue to be more Chico's because of human selfishness, how these hapless creatures become pawns in an anthropocentric game that never seriously considers their interests. It NEVER ends well for them, Chico's case

only being a glaring example of how wrong things can go.With reverence for all life,Ned-------Nedim C. Buyukmihci, V.M.D.Co-director, Born Free USA Primate SanctuaryBorn Free USA united with Animal Protection InstituteE-mail: nedWeb site: http://www.api4primates.org/ Shall we now take a deep breath, grateful that we did all that we could? I think not. Please cross-post and make at least one more phone call-express your personal disappointment in Spokane's lack of interest and willingness to make an informed decision-which would not have cost Chico his life. The Mayor's Office and the Health Department received a reported FLOODING of phone calls, yet, they made a decision to ignore the public's outcry. BE HEARD--You DO have power. Don't let them have the last word. FOR ALL OF YOU WHO CALLED THE MAYOR'S OFFICE, you'll be very interested to know: The very same MAYOR MARY VERNER who's office politely told hundreds of callers 'it is out of our jurisdiction' happens to be the CHAIR of the SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS. As does the CITY COUNCIL--all from the MAYOR'S office. Did anyone phone the County Commissioners and get the same story? Spokane Regional Health District Board Members Member Title Mary Verner, Chair David R. Crump, Vice Chair City of Spokane Council Member, Mayor City of Liberty Lake Council Member Dick Denenny City of Spokane Valley Council Member Rob Crow City of Spokane Council Member Bill Gothmann City of Spokane Valley Council Member Brad Stark City of Spokane Council Member Bonnie Mager Spokane County Commissioner Margaret Jones Citizen-at-Large Todd Mielke, Chair Spokane County Commissioner Mark Richard Spokane County Commissioner Charles R. Wolfe Citizen-at-Large Michael Fisk Citizen-at-Large Staff Marsha Secretary, Spokane Regional Health District www.spokanecity.org is the official website of the City of Spokane www.srhd.org Scape-goating, dodging, hiding and deceiving. The SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT receives FEDERAL FUNDING--Your tax dollars. Maybe the MAYOR, Dr. Larry Jecha and the CITY COUNCIL should resign. This type of 'Sweep the problem under the rug' political approach is what is KILLING America and sheltering CRUELTY. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD NOW (509) 625-6250 Mayor's


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