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Backyard Paradise on Go Vegan Texas! 3/17 @ 10 am or listen in Archives

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Listen every Monday at 10:00 am live on the web at www.kpft.org or later on

archive http://archive.kpft.org Govegantexas.org On Go Vegan Texas! March 17, 2008, 10 -11 amIt's About Thyme & Other Herbs: How to Grow and Cook with Herbs and How toCreate Paradise in Your Own Back Yard Cause "They Paved Paradise and Put Up a Parking Lot" YouTube - big yellow taxi - joni mitchell in concert 1970 Watch video - 2 min 45 sec - www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgMEPk6fvpg"It is certainly preferable to raise vegetables, and I think, therefore, that vegetarianism is a commendable departure from the established barbarous habit. That we can subsist on plant food and perform our work even to advantage is not a theory, but a well-demonstrated fact. Many races living almost exclusively on

vegetables are of superior physique and strength." --Nikola Tesla, inventor & physicist, 1856-1943Tesla argued that it is wrong to eat uneconomic meat when large numbers of people are starving; he also believed that plant food was "superior to meat in regard to both mechanical and mental performance." He also argued that animal slaughter was "wanton and cruel.">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food "--Hippocrates, 400

B.C.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Grow your own medicine right in your back yardBuild a pharmaceutical factory in your back yard and grow your medicine for free Now why do I call them pharmaceuticals, when I am obviously talking about foods and herbs? Because this is what the term "pharmaceutical" originally meant -- medicine from plants. The history of medicine on this planet is actually based in botany (the study of plants). Read this article here: http://www.naturalnews.com/017016.html>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Comments by Mike Adams, the Health RangerIn late March, 2007, San Francisco became the first U.S. city to ban the use of plastic bags by grocery stores. For the record, I'm in favor of the San Francisco bag ban. It's the right decision. Given that plastic bags take 1000 years to decompose in landfill, we need to take action right now to stop adding more plastic bags to the planet.read more at: http://www.naturalnews.com/021764.html Food you grow yourself doesn't require a bag....>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Great Green Recipe for St. Patrick's Day or Any TimeEat Green Veggies and Herbs Daily!Shirley Wilkes-Johnson's Green Herbal Pesto Pesto has traditionally been made with basil leaves but new traditions are being created. Herbal pesto can be used in a variety of ways. It can be used not only with pasta but also as a bread spread instead of butter and it can replace mustard and

mayonnaise for sandwiches. It can be used as a dip with chips, crackers or fresh vegetables like celery, baby carrots, etc. It can be thinned and used as a salad dressing. Add a spoonful or two to flavor soups, stews and chili or to top a baked potato. Herbal pestos not only add bold flavor to your meal or snack, they also have therapeutic amounts of herbs and garlic. The versatile recipe below is intended to spur your imagination. You may want to double this recipe for a party. It will keep several days in the refrigerator and you can freeze any leftovers. Don't be afraid to experiment in the kitchen. This is really good made with all cilantro - if you like cilantro. 2 to 4 medium garlic cloves, minced or crushed1/4 to 1/3 cup raw almonds or cashews, pecans, peanuts, or macadamias Approximately 3 cups of herbs (basil, cilantro, mint, oregano, parsley, thyme or any other herbs that suit

your fancy. (Use two or more in combination)1 tablespoon nutritional yeast, optional2 tablespoons fresh lime or lemon juice 2 tablespoons tamari or good quality soy sauce or Bragg's Liquid Aminos1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper - or to taste1/3 cup olive oil, more if neededPulverize garlic and nuts in a food processor or blender then add all other ingredients together and process until sort of chunky smooth or to your liking. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.meatout.org/ K.D. Lang's Indonesian Salad w/ Spicy Peanut Dressing For the Salad: 3 Tbs. vegetable oil salt (to taste) 1 lb. firm tofu, patted dry and cut into ¼-inch cubes 2 small potatoes, boiled and cut into bite-sized wedges ½ lb. Fresh spinach, cleaned, steamed, and chopped ½ head green cabbage, shredded and lightly steamed ½ lb mun bean sprouts, washed throughly For the Dressing: 4 cloves garlic ¼ cup roasted peanuts 5 Tbs. soy sauce 3 Tbs. lime juice or lemon juice 4 tsp. brown sugar ¼ tsp. cayenne pepper 2 Tbs. water Heat the oil and salt in a medium frying pan over medium heat. Add the tofu in small batches and saute until lightly browned on both sides, about 5 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on a paper towel. Arrange the tofu, potatoes, spinach, and cabbage on six separate plates. Prepare the dressing by placing all of the dressing ingredients in a blender and blending until smooth. If the dressing seems too thick, add another teaspoonful of water. Top the tofu and vegetables with the bean sprouts and dressing, and serve immediately.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chocolate Vegan Organic Easter Bunnies at http://www.chocolatedecadence.com/product.htm#bunnies>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Veganizing Easter and Passover Celebrations EGGLESS DEVILED EGGSThis Recipe and More at: http://www.vegparadise.com/cookingwith54.html >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Cesar Chavez Day 2008 (All of March) Join hundreds of thousands of young people across the country in the Cesar Chavez Campaign by stepping up for peace and social justice in your community. Chavez Day, a holiday in eight states (Arizona, California, Colorado, Michigan, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin) and hundreds of localities across the nation, marks the kick off for the Chavez Campaign providing an opportunity for all students to honor the legacy of Cesar Chavez by getting involved in their communities.Events Calendar at:http://www.chavezfoundation.org/cesarchavez-day.html "In 1968 I became a vegetarian after realizing that animals feel afraid, cold, hungry, and unhappy like we do."--Cesar Chavez 1927-1993 Labor Union OrganizerNational Farm Worker's AssociationIn Houston March 27 & 28 In collaboration with Talento Bilingüe de Houston, Sandra Organ Dance Company will present a full-length dance inspired by the legacy of Cesar Chavez and the history of the migrant farm worker movement. Si Se Puede opens with A Prayer for the Farm Worker, written by Cesar Chavez, and also includes Tata Dios, a dance about a couple and their

struggles as migrant farmers. Si Se Puede offers students of all ages a creative and unique perspective on this important issue. tbhcenter.org>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Few of My Favorite Garden Nurseries Houston Chronicle Ultimate Houston Voted Best Small Nursery in Houston http://www.anotherplaceintime.comAnother Place in Time 421 West 11th Street, Houston, Texas 77008 (713) 864 9717>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Buchanan's Native Plants 611 East 11th Street Houston, Texas, 77008 (713) 861

5702A favorite nursery to buy native Texas plants. http://www.buchanansplants.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENCHANTED FOREST 10611 FM 2759 RICHMOND, TX 77469281-937-9449 ENCHANTED GARDENS 6420 FM 359 RICHMOND, TX 77469 281-341-1206myenchanted.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pecan Hill Nurseryin Brookshire, Texas Phone: 281-346-2001 pecanhillnursery.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Monarch chrysalis. Photo Anne-Marie Conard. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Chemical agriculture has been a form of warfare - it is a war against the soil, against our reserves of fresh water and against all microbes and insects that are necessary for the growing of healthful food. Since the earliest origins of modern industrial agriculture, agribusiness has been at war against all life on earth, including us." --Brian Tokar author of Redesigning Life? The Worldwide Challenge to Genetic Engineering But"The organic process has become a legal, government-sanctioned dumping ground for waste products from the slaughterhouse industry." --Jim Oswald, vegan co-founder of The Institute for Plant Based

NutritionBenefits of Vegan Organic Gardening and Agriculture It reduces food safety risks such as E. coli and the human form of Mad Cow DiseaseCreutzfeldt-Jakob disease), which can be spread through bone and blood meal. It decreases reliance upon slaughterhouse and fisheries by-products by eliminating the use of bone, blood, feather, and fish meals and manure.List of VEGANIC SOIL CONDITIONERS & FERTILIZERS at:www.gentleworld.org/VEGAN/veganic-gardening.htm >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> March 17, 2008This Show was produced and hosted by Shirley Wilkes-Johnsonemail: Shirley Staci Davis of KPFT's The Other Side (Thursday nights)as sound engineer>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Go Vegan Texas!govegantexas.org

Mondays @ 10 - 11am (CST) on Pacifica Radio, KPFT-Houston, 90.1 FM 89.5 FM-Galveston Thank you for listening to Go Vegan Texas! today with an open mind and heart!###################################

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