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In This Issue Small Victory for Rodeo's Most Abused Victims? SHARK's Latest Hard-Hitting Corporate Thugs Videos UnAmerican USAF Confronting Cruelty Conference IDOA Charles Hartke Resigns Keep SHARK's Accomplishments Growing Quick Links TheCruelTruth.com RodeoCruelty.com Support SHARK! More

About SHARK SHARK's My Space CokeCruelty.com Read our Newsletter Archives Join Our e-List Dear Friends, SHARK is charging forward in its fight to help the victims of rodeos, while exposing the cruelty and deaths at the rodeos to the other issues associated with rodeos, like rodeo insurance. Our videos on YouTube are bringing in around 3,500 hits a day and that figure continues to rise as more

rodeo cruelty and deaths are exposed and videos are created. There are a number of Corporate Thugs shareholders' meetings fast approaching and SHARK wants to know: Do you have any Corporate Thugs stock? Please contact us if you do and want to help! Small Victory for Rodeo's Most Abused Victims? Some relief for the injured and dying animals of rodeo? In our last update we told

you about RodeoInsurance.com, the site for the company that insures a number of rodeos and rodeo associations.We exposed how rodeos were required to get permission from the company before euthanizing badly injured animals. The real kick here is that the insurance company only kept weekday business hours. above, How long did this horse have to suffer due to rodeos' red tape? Since most rodeos performances are held from Friday night to Sunday afternoon, this means that suffering victims could linger for days

before being given the relief of death! There's no telling how many years or decades this travesty has goneon, or how many untold thousands upon thousands of animals have paid a horrific price for the greed and unspeakable cruelty of these people. What we do know is this -- just days after SHARK's update,the RodeoInsurance.com web site added two phone numbers that purport to make someone available 24 hours a day. Of course, since we are talking about rodeo people, we suspect that this doesn't necessarily help the victims get relief by death sooner, and we will have to find a way to really put this to the test. How telling that the only time these people do

anything even close to the right thing is after they have been thoroughly exposed and shamed! SHARK's Latest Hard-Hitting Corporate Thugs Videos Southwest Airlines, Dodge and Denver Broncos are exposed for supporting animal cruelty Speaking of exposing and shaming rodeos, we have more videos up on YouTube and CorporateThugs.com that expose rodeo corporate sponsors

Dodge Trucks and Southwest Airlines. We also have a new video up exposing the Denver Broncos football team for supporting the infamous and deadly Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo in Cheyenne Wyoming. This brings our total number of rodeo videos up to sixty-three, with sixty of them being dedicated to exposing rodeos and rodeo corporate sponsors. Denver Broncos' Mascot and Cheerleaders at Cheyenne Rodeo. SHARK investigator Mike Kobliska is coming into his own as a film-maker. This will allow more videos to make it to SHARK web sites and the internet in general. It will also allow us to start producing films about some of the

other issues we cover. This is very bad news for bullfighting, canned hunters and other animal abusers. A lot of cruel people are going to be exposed and rightfully shamed. UnAmerican United States Air Force? First, it's bad enough that the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds does an air show for the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo (and has for the past 54 years and yet deny it). Then, pilots for the Thunderbirds also make a special personal appearance in the rodeo arena at the Cheyenne Rodeo with the very people who are maiming and killing the

animals. Worse yet, the Thunderbirds give joyrides to rodeos announcers in their multimillon dollar aircrafts, paid for by our tax dollars. Read all about these appalling acts by our Air Force Thunderbirds here. Now. the latest reveals that instead of awarding American company Boeing with a $40 billion contract for more tankers, they are contracting with an European manufacturer for future tankers. That is $40 billion of our tax dollars leaving the American economy, which is already in a recession. How UnAmerican! So much for the

United States Air Force's loyalty to their home and country. This horse went down and didn't get up at the rodeo the Thunderbirds support. See story below: Loss of Contract Stuns Boeing Workers, NeighborsMarch 6, 2008 · Shock, disappointment and anger abound in the state of Washington as Boeing loses a $40 billion Air Force contract to European rival EADS. Boeing had supplied the Pentagon with refueling tankers for nearly 50 years. SHARK is currently in talks with the USAF and additional information has been sent to them for their review. We will keep

you updated on the progress of this issue. In the meantime, please keep contacting the USAF with your opinions. Write: USAF Aerial Events1690 Air Force PentagonWashington, D.C. 20330-1690Phone: (703) 695-9664 / (703) 695-9776Fax: 703-693-9601Email via Web Form Steve Hindi Speaking at Confronting Cruelty Conference In Salt Lake City, UT on April 25 - 27, 2008 Confronting Cruelty is a free three day public conference for anyone who cares about animals. This conference is for sharing knowledge, public education, networking, protecting yourself when acting for the animals, discussing strategies and tactics and energizing the community to fight against animal cruelty. Steve Hindi along with other nationally recognized speakers will cover a wide range of animal protection issues along with videos, discussions, workships. Some of these topics will include: * Increasing penalties for cruelty to companion animals and passage of Henry's Law * Abuse of animals in labratories and factory farms * Harmful effects of climate change and environmental catastrophes for people, animals and ecosystems * Strategies to fight the pet overpopulation crisis * The controversy surrounding "The Green Scare" and more militant forms of animal activism For more information, go to: ConfrontingCruelty.com Charles Hartke No Longer Director of IDOA Charles "Chuck" Hartke, has resigned his position as the Director of the Illinois Department of Agriculture. Hartke was responsible for wooing (with $55,000 checks for both 2006 & 2007) the National High School Rodeo Association to bring back the cruelty and corruption of the National High School Rodeo Finals to Springfield, Illinois in 2006 and 2007. As the Director of Ag who is suppose to be enforcing the Illinois Humane Care for Animals Act, Hartke apparently cared more about ignoring animal abuse than upholding state humane laws, as a result, SHARK made his job extremely difficult.SHARK exposed the abuse and illegal actions of the IDOA-promoted National High School Finals Rodeo throughout its years in Illinois. "See No Evil" Hartke and all his Department's obstructionist activities can be

seen on IllinoisCorruption.com. While a successor for the IDOA Director has not yet been announced, we can't image he will be worse for the animals than Charles Hartke. Keep SHARK's Accomplishments for the Animals Growing Your donations are always greatly needed and appreciated. You can be assured that every dollar you donate goes toward SHARK's work to defend animals and investigate and expose cruelty. To make a donation via PayPal, please If you wish to mail in a donation, please Not able to

donate? There are everyday ways you can help SHARK that don't cost you anything. 1. By doing your online shopping through iGive.com every time you make a purchase a percentage of your total goes to SHARK as a donation! This is done at no cost to you. Simply CLICK HERE to shop at hundreds of online merchants through iGive.com. 2. Always use www.GoodSearch.com and select SHARK as your charity. GoodSearch.com is a non-profit search engine that gives small donations every time supporters use it for their online searches. Add a GoodSearch toolbar or put it in your favorites today! Learn more here. Kindest Regards, Steve Hindi and Your SHARK Team "Kindness and compassion towards all living beings is a mark of a civilized society. Racism, economic deprival, dog fighting and cock fighting, bullfighting and rodeos are all cut from the same defective fabric: violence. Only when we have become nonviolent towards all life will we

have learned to live well ourselves." - Cesar Chavez, civil rights and labor leader, founder of the United Farm Workers Forward email This email was sent to fortheanimals, by afinley Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUn™ | Privacy Policy. Email Marketing by SHARK | Showing Animals Respect and Kindness | PO Box 28 | Geneva | IL | 60134

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