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URGENT FOR THE SEALS!!! Tell Sen. Reid to put seal slaughter bill back on floor for vote!

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Here's the latest on Senate Resolution 118 - to Stop CANADA's SEAL HUNT - it is 2 years old and has died in Committee - BUT you CAN call Senator Harry Reid - he is the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Majority Leader, and will determine what bills are put on the senate floor for discussion. Call Reid's office at202-224-3542Ask Reid to take Sen. Res. 118 OUT OF COMMITTEE and put it on the Senate Floor for discussion. Tell him this issue is URGENT now, because the seal slaughter is set to begin as early as tomorrow. You can remind him that IT PASSED the HOUSE already, and has to be passed by the Senate NOW, as the word is out now that it's in the hands of the SENATE FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE, and the vast majority of

Americans want this debacle stopped.Then you can also contact your own senators - to make sure they know the issue is going to be brought up again, and tell them to VOTE for Senate Resolution 118 (and cosponsor if it is needed); senate staffers have said this will still be effective.Make the Phone Call to REID'S OFFICE thenCLICK HERE - URGENT - to take actionhttps://community.hsus.org/campaign/US_2007_seal_resolutionthis page has a link to your senators contact numbers Support Senate Resolution to End Seal HuntThe Canadian seal hunTaffy Lee WilliamsNew York Whale and Dolphin Action LeaguePO Box 273Tuckahoe, NY 10707 USA914-793-9186 / 407-404-2046 cellwww.ny4whales.orgBecause when we save whales, we save ourselves.t is the largest commercial slaughter of marine mammals in the world. Already, the disappearing ice caused by global warming has devastated seal populations in Canada's North Atlantic waters. It's estimated that more than a quarter of the seal pups died in 2007, and the survivors were targeted by sealers. Despite these catastrophic events, the Canadian government is allowing fishermen to kill 275,000 seals in the 2008 hunt.Last year, pups between just 12 days and 12 weeks of age made up more than 95 percent of the seals killed�either by

clubbing or shooting. An independent team of veterinarians observed a previous seal hunt and concluded that the hunt failed to comply with Canada's basic animal welfare regulations.A Senate resolution ( S. Res. 118), sponsored by Sens. Carl Levin (D-MI), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Joseph Biden (D-DE), is calling on the Canadian government to end the brutal and senseless seal hunt. Please ask your senators to co-sponsor S. Res. 118. If they are already co-sponsors, please express your thanks. TAKE ACTIONCheck to see if either, or both, of

your U.S. Senators are co-sponsors of S. Res. 118. If so, please make a brief, polite phone call expressing your thanks. Click here to look up your Senators and their office phone numbers. If your Senators have not yet co-sponsored S. Res. 118, please call and urge them to join in the effort to end the brutal seal hunt in Canada.After you make your phone calls, fill in and submit the form on the right to automatically send a follow-up email to your Senators urging them to support the resolution. Congress receives a lot of email, so it's important that you edit the subject line and the message with your own words so that your legislators know the message came from

a real constituent.Senator Schumer - call him and tell him to Cosponsor Senate Resolution 118:SchumerU.S. Senate313 Hart Senate Office BuildingWashington, DC 205100001Ph: (202) 224-6542Fax: (202) 228-3027757 Third AvenueSuite 17-02New York, NY 100172013Ph: (212) 486-4430Fax: (212) 486-7693Contact CLINTON's Office and tell her to COSPONSOR Senate Resolution 118 to Stop the Seal SlaughterU.S. Senate476 Russell Senate Office BuildingWashington, DC 205100001Ph: (202) 224-4451Fax: (202) 228-0282or 780 Third AvenueSuite 2601New York, NY 100172024Ph: (212) 688-6262Fax: (212) 688-7444Taffy Lee WilliamsNew York Whale and Dolphin Action LeaguePO Box 273Yonkers, NY 10707 USA www.ny4whales.org914-793-9186 / 407-404-2046 cellBecause when we save whales, we save ourselves.

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