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Marine expelled for tossing puppy - any examples on YouTube?

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Hey, a news anchor contacted me and is looking for more YouTube examples of this abuse and animal abuse by marines - have sent what I can find - if any of you can send me YouTubes I would be most grateful and send them on - I may have missed some -



MelI hope you're well. This is part of a much bigger story. Could you help me track down more examples on youtube?MARINE EXPELLED FOR TOSSING PUPPY OVER CLIFF - read Motari's KINSHIPCIRCLE PRIMARY - PERMISSION TO CROSS-POST ASWRITTENUPDATE/ Marine Expelled For TossingPuppy Over Cliff UPDATE: Lance Cpl. David Motari “Being Processed For Separation†From Marine Corps ENOUGH? What About Prosecution For Crime Of Animal Abuse? ACTION: Ask Military To Overhaul Its Policy On Animals In War Zones===========================================================1.UPDATE: LANCE CPL. DAVID MOTARI EXPELLED FROMMARINES===========================================================6/11/08: The Marine Corps expels one Marine anddisciplines another fortheir roles in a video showing a puppy tossed over acliff to his death.Both soldiers were on patrol on Iraq at the time. Inthe video a manidentified as David Motari dangles a black and white dog bythe scruff ofthe neck, cooing: "Cute little puppy." Sgt. Crismarvin BanezEncarnacionbaby-talks: "Ah, so cute, so cute...little puppy." Motari thenhurls theanimal over a cliff into a rocky gulch. The dog, who looks about12 weeksold, squeals while flying through the air. A thud is heard farbelow...The 17-second video posted on YouTube drew sharp condemnationfrom animalrights groups when it came to light in March. "That's mean.That's mean,Motari," an off-camera Encarnacion is heard telling the Marinewho tossedthe black and white dog. The off-camera Marine snickered slightlyafterward.Lance Cpl. David Motari, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 3rdMarine Regimentat Kaneohe Bay, is "being processed for separation" from theMarine Corps...He also received unspecified "non-judicialpunishment."The second Marine, Sgt. Crismarvin Banez Encarnacion, alsoreceivedunspecified "non-judicial" punishment. Encarnacion is assigned totheWeapons and Field Training Battalion, Marine Corps Recruit Depot SanDiego...===========================================================2.WHAT ABOUT PROSECUTION FOR THE CRIME OF ANIMALABUSE?===========================================================FROMKINSHIP CIRCLE: While we applaud the Marine Corps for expelling Motariand reprimanding his accomplice Encarnacion -- animal cruelty is a CRIME.Our letters asked for the men to be charged with aggravated cruelty andintentional killing of a companion animal. We urged maximum penalties andpsychological counseling...3/4/08: The Soldier Who TossedThe Puppyhttp://www.kinshipcircle.org/letter_library/letter_new.asp?LetterID=1729 & amp;seriesfirst=true & nbsp;The Moron & nbsp; HisAccomplice & nbsp;A Fatal Toss... & nbsp; MarineWho Did ItLINKS TO VIEW ORIGINAL VIDEO:http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25108189/http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,23317978-5006003,00.htmlhttp://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/43462/9fb16ab3/us_soldaat_gooit_puppy.htmlhttp://digg.com/people/US_Soldier_throws_puppy_off_cliff_(video)?t=13323218===========================================================3.SOLDIERS VENTING RAGE ON ANIMALS? TAKEACTION!===========================================================TAKEACTION:Soldiers Coping? Animal Abuse Is A Crime!http://www.kinshipcircle.org/digest/2008_03.html#anchor2**COMPLETE CONTACT INFORMATION TO PROTEST AT LINKABOVE**===========================================================SOURCEOF INFORMATION / REFERENCELINKS===========================================================MarineExpelled Over YouTube Puppy Video http://news.mobile.msn.com/en-us/articles.aspx?aid=25108189 & amp;afid=1Marineexpelled...Second Marine punished for clip showing dog thrown off cliff inIraq http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25108189/KINSHIP CIRCLE REFERENCES:FACT SHEET: Animals- War’s Unseen Collateral Damage http://www.kinshipcircle.org/fact_sheets/Animals_CollateralDamage.pdfSoldiersCoping In Iraq? Animal Abuse Is A Crime! http://www.kinshipcircle.org/digest/2008_03.html#anchor2AmericanSoldier Shoots Yet Another Poor Dog In Iraq? http://www.kinshipcircle.org/digest/2007_10.html#anchor61/19/07:Latest Casualty: Soldiers Torment Crippled Dog InIraq http://www.kinshipcircle.org/letter_library/letter.asp?LetterID=1626 & amp;seriesfirst=trueAction Campaigns I Literature I Animal Disaster AidNetworkinginfo orkinshipcirclehttp://www.KinshipCircle.org * http://www.kinshipcircle.org/disasters/PLEASEMAKE A TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATION TO KINSHIP CIRCLE:http://www.kinshipcircle.org/donation/***************************************************************************************************UNSUBSCRIBE: & nbsp; * Select a Kinship Circle ALERT received inyour mailbox * Hit“FORWARD†* Enterkinshipcircle * TypeUNSUBSCRIBE in your subject line and hit send***************************************************************************************************SUBSCRIBE: Kinship CirclePrimary: Actioncampaigns on animal cruelty issues worldwide Kinship Circle Animal Disaster AidNetwork:kinshipcircle AnimalGas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient used cars.

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