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As seen on Animal Planet Whale Wars: Sea Shepherd E-news

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December 31, 2008





We have found the illegal whalers in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary off the coast of Antarctica earlier than we have ever found them before. That means we're saving more whales, sooner. The Japanese whaling fleet is on the run and we intend to keep them running. We'll be ringing in the New Year with the whaling fleet in our sight and the whales safe from their harpoons...



Sea Shepherd Drives Japanese Whalers Out of Australia's Waters




The Sea Shepherd's ship the Steve Irwin has driven the Japanese whaling fleet out of the Australian Economic Exclusion Zone (EEZ).

"We have chased the whalers for over 800 miles since last Saturday [Dec. 27th]

through bad weather and heavy ice conditions," said Captain Paul

Watson. "They have fled eastward and they are continuing eastward and

we are on their tail and we will keep on their tail."

Since finding the Japanese whaling fleet on December 20th, the Steve Irwin has had close encounters with the harpoon vessel Yushin Maru #2 and the spotting vessel Kaiko Maru and has observed and tracked the Nisshin Maru from the air.

Click here for more details




Sea Shepherd Clashes With Whaling Fleet in Australian Waters




The Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irwin

closed in on one of the vessels of the Japanese whaling fleet at 0730

Hours GMT (1930 Hours Sydney Time) on December 26th off the coast of

the Australian Antarctic Territory north of the Mawson Peninsula.

The Kaiko Maru emerged from dense fog in front of the Steve Irwin.

The Sea Shepherd crew pursued and delivered 10 bottles of rotten butter

and 15 bottles of a methyl cellulose and indelible dye mixture.

"That is one stinky slippery ship," said Sea Shepherd 2nd Officer Peter Hammarstedt of Sweden.

The Japanese ship was ordered out of the territorial waters of

Australia. The message was delivered in Japanese. Read details of the confrontation





Canadian Government Desperately Seeks to Avoid Seal Product Ban





After years of denying that the hakapik and the club were inhumane,

the Canadian government in a desperate attempt to appease European

legislators has decided to restrict the use of both weapons.

The Canadian government is also now demanding that the sealers

ensure that they kill the seals before skinning them, rather than skinning them alive; something they

have long denied is done.

The European Parliament has voted to propose a ban on all seal products that originate from any inhumane hunt.

Fisheries Minister Gail Shea is now denying that these changes are

nothing more than "tweaks" to existing regulations and stating that Canada has

no intention of shutting down the annual slaughter of hundreds of

thousands of seal pups every year.Click here for additional information



















Sea Shepherd is actively chasing the illegal whalers on its 5th Antarctic Whale Defense Campaign: Operation Musashi. We intend to keep the whalers on the run and shut down their cruel operations once and for all. With your continued support, this monumental campaign to Antarctica will be our most successful ever. Thank-you for making this campaign-- and all of our other campaigns to defend sharks, seals, and other marine animals-- possible.

For the Oceans,

Captain Paul WatsonFounder and President -----------------

email: captainwatson

phone: +1 (360) 370-5650

fax: +1 (360) 370-5651

website: www.seashepherd.org















Forward the Sea Shepherd E-NewsSea Shepherd Conservation Society | PO Box 2616 | Friday Harbor | WA | 98250

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