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New footage of British Circus Elephants being abused.

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Here is a very disturbing report on elephant abuse in England (see below). Also, below is my correspondence with Born Free UK and their recommendations for what we can do to help. The more I learn about elephants and the abuse they suffer at human hands in Zoos and Circuses, the more I am opposed to elephants being in these venues at all. Thanks. Margaret--- On Thu, 8/20/09, Tricia Holford <tricia wrote:




Hello Margaret


Has Will had time to reply to you yet?


If you have a look at our web site, you will see our comment on this disgusting footage, http://www.bornfree.org.uk/campaigns/zoo-check/circuses-performing-animals/circus-elephants/


As you will see, we are urging people to write to our Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), calling for wild animals to be banned from British circuses. Strange though it may seem, such circuses are still legal in our country!


If you look at the ADI website, you will see the worker has been sacked. http://www.ad-international.org/animals_in_entertainment/go.php?id=1625 & ssi=10 However, as ADI explain, this does not go far enough.


All the best.




Tricia Holford

Co-ordinator, Activate / Rescue Programme

Born Free Foundation











Join stars of music and entertainment at the Royal Albert Hall to commemorate Born Free’s 25th Anniversary and help save the lives of over 25,000 animals! For more information visit www.bornfree.org.uk/wildandlive










Margaret Morin [dogs_good] 19 August 2009 00:54Will TraversNew footage of British Circus Elephants being abused.











Dear Will, Have you or anyone in Born Free UK heard of these incidents or seen this article from the Wednesday August 19, 2009 Daily Express?




Could you let me know what will be done in the UK , and/or any action Born Free is recommending animal advocates in the USA take, so I may inform my group, please? Thank you. Margaret Morin, Concerned Citizens for Jenny (and Gypsy)














Trainer Lars Holsher and his elephants are one of the main attractions of the Great British Circus


Wednesday August 19,2009


By John Ingham


SHOCKING images of circus elephants being beaten sparked fresh calls yesterday for a ban on wild animals in the Big Top.


An undercover video shot by Animal Defenders International shows three elephants crying out after being hit on the head with a big metal hook, a broom and a pitchfork.


A circus worker is also seen twisting an elephant’s tail.


The animals, part of the Great British Circus, were said to be left chained up for 11 hours at a time.


It is also claimed that when the circus moved five miles from Watford to Bushey the elephants were kept in a trailer for more than seven hours.


In the film, an African elephant called Sonja, born in the wild but bought after her mother was shot in a cull, shows the classic signs of mental disturbance – including rocking, swaying and head bobbing – which are often seen in animals held in captivity.


ADI, which used a hidden camera to make the film, claims it witnessed “a staggeringly high level of casual violence†in just a few days at the circus.


The pressure group’s chief e xecutive Jan Creamer said: “In the name of entertainment these elephants are beaten, jabbed with hooks, chained up for hours a day and pushed into a metal box each week where they remain for hours on end while the circus moves.


“This is an indictment of the circus industry and also the Government, who have failed to fulfil their commitment to ban the use of wild animals in travelling circuses. This investigation shows how animals like elephants suffer in the circus.


“The public wants a ban, Parliament wants a ban, animal protection groups want a ban.


“Surely it is time for the Government to take action to stop this suffering right now.â€











A spokesman for the Great British Circus, which stars elephant trainer Lars Holsher and also features lions, tigers, reindeer and camels, refused to comment on the allegations without seeing the footage.


But he said: “The campaigners’ refusal to let the circus see the material shows that they do not want to give us the chance to defend ourselves fairly. It is a legal requirement that the trainer of any animal has the means of restraining it and the accepted way of restraining an elephant is to use a hook.

“It would be irresponsible and contrary to health and safety requirements to have an animal in public without adequate means of control.

“It is perfectly acceptable for elephants to wait in their purpose-built travel accommodation with food and water while their stable is erected.â€

The circus’s website describes claims of maltreatment as “laughableâ€. It says their trained movements “are based on natural behaviour†and adds: “Patience and reward are the secrets of success.

“No one here hits animals – doing that would confuse them and prevent them learning.â€

It claims that the elephants spend only three hours on average once a fortnight in their transporters.

A spokesman for the Environment Department said: “Work is under way on whether the Government should regulate the use of wild animals in circuses and is due to be completed later this year.

“This does not stop anyone who is aware of a problem from reporting it now.â€


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