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EarthSave potluck this Sunday 4/14/02 with speaker Dave Henson from

Occidental Arts and Ecology Center. . .see calendar below for details and

our schedule for the rest of the year. If you are in the area please join

us and bring a friend who is new to our ideas! Let's plant some seeds!





" We can change our whole life and the attitude of people around us simply by

changing ourselves. "

- Rudolf Dreikurs




Tuesday, February 26, 2002 11:26 PM








> >>>>>> COMMUNITY

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> EarthSave Sonoma County is a non- profit group that meets once a

> >>>>>>> month to support a community of like-minded people. We share our

> >>>>>>> food, our ideas and our dedication to compassionate living for

> >>>>>>> all beings of the Earth and for the Earth itself. EarthSave

> >>>>>>> promotes food choices that are healthy for people and the planet.

> >>>>>>> We educate, inspire and empower people to shift toward a plant

> >>>>>>> based diet and to TAKE COMPASSIONATE ACTION for all life on earth.

> >>>>>>>


> >>>>>>> 5-8 PM @ SUBUD HALL 234 HUTCHINS Av. SEBASTOPOL, CA. (off of hwy.

> >>>>>>> 116 South or Gravenstein Hwy., just South of downtown

> >>>>>>> Sebastopol ). Call our hotline for more info. 707-547-9896.

> >>>>>>> Please bring enough vegan/vegetarian food for at least 5 people

> >>>>>>> and your own non disposable plates and utensils (to not create

> >>>>>>> more trash), and label your food dish, as to the ingredients.

> >>>>>>> Donations accepted to help pay for our materials and space

> >>>>>>> rental, and or become an EarthSave member. Please invite many

> >>>>>>> people to ESSC, so we can keep this going longterm. Bring many

> >>>>>>> and carpool if you can.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> 2002 CALENDAR FOR EARTHSAVE SONOMA COUNTY / All events are

> >>>>>>> vegan / vegetarian potlucks with speakers.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> January 13th, 2002-Sun. 5-8pm: Vege Potluck and speaker

> >>>>>>> Harriet Katz. Harriet will speak about Nourishing Our Soul. Our

> >>>>>>> wellness depends on how we are treating ourselves inside too,

> >>>>>>> tame the inner judge and critic that can make us feel bad. All

> >>>>>>> change comes from within, eating and thinking. This should help

> >>>>>>> us be softer and less judgmental of ourselves and others. A great

> >>>>>>> talk to start a different kind of new year. EarthSave strives to

> >>>>>>> be a peaceful, compassionate and non judgmental group.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> February 10th, 2002-Sun.5-8pm: Vege Potluck and Moses

> >>>>>>> Goldberg N.D. from the Family Wellness

> >>>>>>> Center

> >>>>>>> 652 Petaluma Av., suite F, Sebastopol, CA. ph.)707-829-5455.

> >>>>>>> <www.docmoses.com>

> >>>>>>> Dr. Goldberg (a Naturopathic Doctor) will talk about his practice

> >>>>>>> and natural healing modalities; focusing on creating lasting

> >>>>>>> health through effective treatment of each own's personal health

> >>>>>>> issue. Dr. Goldberg will talk about our local Sonoma County

> >>>>>>> environmental toxins, from vinyards (pesticides etc.), animal

> >>>>>>> waste from the 4.5 million factory farmed chickens just in Sonoma

> >>>>>>> County alone, to crematoriums,; and how they effect your health

> >>>>>>> and well being, and of course how to clear them out of your

> >>>>>>> system (detox).

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> March 10th, 2002-Sun.5-8pm: Vege Potluck and Virginia Romero,

> >>>>>>> Director of The Wellness Counseling Center and Holistic School of

> >>>>>>> Massage, 345 South E st., Santa Rosa,CA .ph.)707-546-8115

> >>>>>>> Virginia will tell us about her Center, and go over some of their

> >>>>>>> basic concepts such as: bio-magnetic energy, meridian balancing,

> >>>>>>> raising the bodies vibrational frequency, right / left brain

> >>>>>>> integration, diet, and the concepts of mind, body, spirit as one.

> >>>>>>> Virginia is a very motivated, high energy person who has a great

> >>>>>>> deal to offer us. Good health is more than food, so this will

> >>>>>>> offer us an expanded view point of how health is achieved and

> >>>>>>> maintained.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> April 14th, 2002-Sun.5-8pm: Vege Potluck and Dave Henson,

> >>>>>>> with Occidental Arts and Ecology Center, 15290 Coleman Valley Rd.

> >>>>>>> Occidental, CA. ph.) 707-874-1557 <www.oaec.org>

> >>>>>>> Dave will tell us about his non- profit center and talk about

> >>>>>>> Sustainable Food Systems, Organic Gardening, and Seed Saving

> >>>>>>> techniques. The OAEC is truely a magical organic paradise, very

> >>>>>>> close by, and they have classes and tours, and accept volunteers,

> >>>>>>> if you want to learn how to do Organic Gardening. OAEC is a very

> >>>>>>> good thing for the world, and is an model of what we could all

> >>>>>>> create. With so much of the world so sold on synthetics, this

> >>>>>>> place makes one realize where true health and environmental well

> >>>>>>> being come from. Imagine if everyone grew their own food, how

> >>>>>>> healthy our world would become?

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> May 12th, 2002-Sun.5-8pm: Vege Potluck and Phil Lieb, the

> >>>>>>> owner of The Vitamin Planet, 135 Kentucky Av., Petaluma, CA.,

> >>>>>>> ph.) 707-765-0975

> >>>>>>> Phil will talk about how to shop for quality supplements for

> >>>>>>> Vegans / Vegetarians. Phil is a certified Nutritionalists, and

> >>>>>>> has sold vitamins for years, and now owns a wonderful discount

> >>>>>>> (with name brands) vitamin store. He knows all about every health

> >>>>>>> issue imaginable and is a wealth of information. Join Phil for an

> >>>>>>> enlightened talk and you will be glad you did. Isn' t it nice to

> >>>>>>> really know what your putting in your body, and that it wasn't

> >>>>>>> synthetic or an animal by product, since a lot of supplements are

> >>>>>>> are not clean or clear in what they put in their products. Phil

> >>>>>>> will also answer any other health question as well. This day

> >>>>>>> being Mother's Day, we will honor our Mother Earth in Celebration

> >>>>>>> of this great day. Bring your mom to this wonderful talk and

> >>>>>>> gourmet potluck, the food is better then any restaurant I've

> >>>>>>> been to.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> June 9th, 2002-Sun.5-8pm: Vege Potluck and John Roulac author

> >>>>>>> of Hemp Horizons, and owner of Nutiva, a Hemp Based Nutritional

> >>>>>>> Natural Foods Company <www.nutiva.com>

> >>>>>>> John is a foremost expert on Hemp, and currently is with the

> >>>>>>> National Association of Hemp, (that promotes Hemp as an

> >>>>>>> ecological solution to cotton, timber, gasoline, health / food,

> >>>>>>> non toxic and sustainable housing materials etc.) Hemp is the

> >>>>>>> most under rated plant, and the solution for pollution, health,

> >>>>>>> and the environment. The problems lie w/ the debate that hemp is

> >>>>>>> Marijuana, and it is not the same thing, and does not have the

> >>>>>>> same effect, and Hemp has been banned in many countries, that

> >>>>>>> could widely benefit from it's use. Most people feel it's the

> >>>>>>> large corporations that oppose a natural alternative to their

> >>>>>>> synthetic products, and they hide behind the false idea that Hemp

> >>>>>>> is pot, (which it is not), so the government will ban it, and

> >>>>>>> reduce their competition. Once again, in America, big

> >>>>>>> corporations gain at the expense of our planet- there seems to be

> >>>>>>> a common theme here. What can you do? Buy Hemp, and meet John.

> >>>>>>> Some people say by using Hemp, we could heal our planet, please

> >>>>>>> come and find out more.

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>>> July 14th, 2002-Sun.5-8pm: Vege Potluck and Video Night, with

> >>>>>>> SPAR (Sonoma People for Animal Rights), premiering The Witness,

> >>>>>>> an incredible story of a seemingly hardened man's journey into

> >>>>>>> compassion, starting with some abandoned cats and ending with

> >>>>>>> compassion for all. Eddie Lama, now a leading Animal Right's

> >>>>>>> Activist is completely dedicated to ending the needless suffering

> >>>>>>> of animal beings, through awareness and outreach, and does so in

> >>>>>>> a very unusual and direct way. This film will open your heart

> >>>>>>> wide open and set you on fire, even if you are saying " don't

> >>>>>>> preach to the choir I'm already a vegetarian..... " , there is

> >>>>>>> still room to know more, refresh your commitment and compassion.

> >>>>>>> Yes a few sad sights, but we need to see those sad sights, or how

> >>>>>>> else could we know and feel and care enough to take action to

> >>>>>>> change them. I dare you to pull your head out of the sand and

> >>>>>>> take an honest look at our dirty and destructive dairy industry

> >>>>>>> as well, and realize that all dairy cows after they dry up end up

> >>>>>>> as hamburger, so how is one truely a real vegetarian, consuming

> >>>>>>> dairy, and contributing to their death and suffering? Come to

> >>>>>>> this double feature, and please bring many friends. This dairy

> >>>>>>> industry video is from PETA <www.peta.org> (People for Ethical

> >>>>>>> Treatment of Animals). Knowledge is power. Popcorn provided.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> August 11th, 2002-Sun.5-8pm: Raw Foods Potluck / preparation

> >>>>>>> demo. with John Kohler, Raw Foods expert, <www.rawfoods.com>

> >>>>>>> ph.) 707-581-1701

> >>>>>>> John will give a demo. on how to prepare a raw foods meal and

> >>>>>>> talk about the exceptional health benefits of Raw Foods, and you

> >>>>>>> will get to eat what we all prepare. This night will be a healing

> >>>>>>> treat, and might shift a few eating habits for the better. Maybe

> >>>>>>> Raw Foods is really simple after all? Come to this event with a

> >>>>>>> raw foods dish, or any sort of raw organic food( vege, fruit,

> >>>>>>> seeds or nuts) you can bring, and John will show us how to make

> >>>>>>> it taste wonderful! John is an EarthSave member and has been a

> >>>>>>> dedicated volunteer for our group. Thanks! John. John is also

> >>>>>>> part of a Sonoma County Raw Foods Group, that meets the 2nd

> >>>>>>> Wednesday, in Santa Rosa, for a Raw Foods Potluck. Check out

> >>>>>>> their web site and their potlucks too. And John also sells good

> >>>>>>> juicers if you need one call him. If you don't want to bring any

> >>>>>>> food then donate some money to ESSC , in exchange for getting the

> >>>>>>> food we all create together; it's your choice to donate money or

> >>>>>>> to bring raw organic food, because food will be provided, and

> >>>>>>> prepared there.

> >>>>>

> >>>>>>> September 15th, 2002-Sun. 5-8pm: Vege Potluck and Bradley

> >>>>>>> Miller National Director of The Humane Farming Association

> >>>>>>> (HFA) P.O.Box 3577, San Rafael, CA.

> >>>>>>> <www.hfa.org> ph.)

> >>>>>>> 415-485-1495

> >>>>>>> HFA is the nations largest and most effective organization

> >>>>>>> dedicated to the protection of farm animals. Founded in 1985,

> >>>>>>> they have over 150,000 members strong. The HFA has many campaigns

> >>>>>>> against factory farming, animal abuse, veal boycott, harmful

> >>>>>>> antibiotic drugs people are consuming through dead flesh,

> >>>>>>> hazardous impact of factory farms on the environment,

> >>>>>>> investigations, and exposes on national TV (60 minutes, Prime

> >>>>>>> Time, Good Morning America....) The HFA has their act together,

> >>>>>>> and have done a lot already; they are well organized and

> >>>>>>> powerful. HFA also has a 7 square mile farm animal protection

> >>>>>>> refuge, with rehabilitation and care for abused animals. PLEASE

> >>>>>>> COME and SUPPORT this IMPORTANT EVENT. How can one person help?

> >>>>>>> Come and find out how, and if you feel moved to do so become a

> >>>>>>> member or make a donation to this cause. All donations to ESSC

> >>>>>>> will be given to HFA. Circle this date on your calendar now, and

> >>>>>>> make a commitment to show your support for all of the abused and

> >>>>>>> tortured animals that need our help now, we all know it's not

> >>>>>>> right treat them that way, so now lets take a stand and make a

> >>>>>>> commitment to take action to do anything that will alleviate

> >>>>>>> their sufferings,( how would you feel if it was you living their

> >>>>>>> tortured life?) HFA is making positive change happen now, real

> >>>>>>> legal changes. See you there for this powerful event, please

> >>>>>>> don't turn a blind eye, just because it's too sad to deal with,

> >>>>>>> do the right thing and come.

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>> October 13th, 2002-Sun.5-8pm: Vege Potluck, plus Brooke and

> >>>>>> Naomi Hazen, with Goldridge Organic Farms, Sebastopol, CA. What

> >>>>>> exactly is organic agriculture? Is it a practice or a state of

> >>>>>> mind? What happened to agriculture to get us to where we are

> >>>>>> now? Is organic agriculture today different than conventional

> >>>>>> farming today? What lessons can we learn from the past? Is

> >>>>>> organic meat production really sustainable? Brooke will share his

> >>>>>> opinions on these questions plus a special vision of organic

> >>>>>> agriculture in the future. Take advantage of a man deeply

> >>>>>> involved in organic agriculture for nine long years on the front

> >>>>>> lines. Ask those questions you yearn to have answered about

> >>>>>> organic agriculture. Chances are Brooke will have an answer for

> >>>>>> you, then you decide for yourself.

> >>>>

> >>>>>> November 10th, 2002-Sun.5-8pm.: Vege Potluck and Ed Bauman

> >>>>>> P.h.D., Director of IET (Nutritional Consultant Training Program &

> >>>>>> Culinary Arts), 7981 Old Redwood hwy.#F Cotati, CA. <

> >>>>>> www.iet.org>, ph.)707-795-1284. Ed will speak to us about How to

> >>>>>> Prevent Cancer with Phyto-Nutrients in Food. Ed is an entertaining

> >>>>>> speaker and a large part of the local health community. He

> >>>>>> promotes mainly whole food, fresh organic vegetables/ fruit and

> >>>>>> good water, pretty simple, and true. Of course there's more to it

> >>>>>> than that, and to find out ALL the details of optimum nutrition,

> >>>>>> and what foods to eat as a vegan/vegetarian then come to hear and

> >>>>>> talk to this very well informed man. Check out IET too if you are

> >>>>>> in Cotati, they have fasting retreats that people rave about.

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>> December 15th, 2002-Sun.5-8pm: Vege Potluck and YES! Farm

> >>>>>> Sanctuary. They are located in Orland, CA. <www.farmsanctuary.org>

> >>>>>> A Farm Sanctuary is a Farm for animals, that have been rescued

> >>>>>> from abusive situations, like factory farms, near dead (downed

> >>>>>> animal ) piles, where no one even cares if the animal is dead or

> >>>>>> alive and can suffer half dead for weeks or more, because the

> >>>>>> animal is of no monitary use to the slaughter house. Farm

> >>>>>> Sanctuary is also a living example and picture of what this world

> >>>>>> should be and just by having that as an example of what SHOULD BE

> >>>>>> it will eventually create more kindness, more love, and more

> >>>>>> compassion for all beings on the planet. Farm Sanctuary honors and

> >>>>>> protects our fellow sentient beings that are not necessary to eat,

> >>>>>> or to torture or abuse in any way. If you ever have a free

> >>>>>> weekend, go to FS in Orland, only a few hours away. Also check out

> >>>>>> their web site, to update you on all the current events, and what

> >>>>>> you can do to help. This will be another important and blessed

> >>>>>> event, thankyou for coming to support this event.

> >>>>>>

> >>

> >>>>>>

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