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Here's a site that sells epazote seeds and many other herbs for cooking. Fresh is best.

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Herbs Ashwagandha - Evening Primrose

Fennel - Osha

Pennyroyal - Wormwood



Basil, Sweet




(Salad) Burnet



Chamomile, German

Chamomile, Roman



(Sweet) Cicely

Coriander (Cilantro)








(Yellow) Dock


Evening Primrose






Main Catalog

Seed Codes Explained

= grown without chemical fertilizers or pesticides



Herbs are an essential part of any garden not only because they give flavor and

relish to our food, also because of their health-giving properties, finally

because of the manner in which they support and sustain the plants growing



Most of the seeds we offer in this section can be grown fairly easily and with

every hope of success; those difficult to germinate seeds are clearly marked.

The seeds themselves are pure, clean, fresh and of a high germination, although

it should be remembered that some herbs are extremely slow to germinate and

patience is often required.


This slow germination has nothing to do with the percentage germination; it has

everything to do with the nature of the seed. If making an herb garden, choose a

piece of land facing south or south-west, or at least as open a piece of ground

as possible. It is also good practice to plant herb seeds at strategic places in

the vegetable garden.


As regards the growing of herbs, it can safely be said that all herbs should be

grown in well-drained soil and many of them prefer a sunny position. Perennials

often should be divided every three years to get the best growth.





Ashwagandha — Withania somnifera —


P / HW,WW / Ht 5' / Spac 16-24 " / Area 30-80 /

Price: $1.75 Quantity: [input] " Indian ginseng " . Tender perennial often

grown as an annual for its roots, though recent research has shown leaves much

higher in withanoids. Major Ayurvedic medicinal used in much the same way that

ginseng is used in Chinese medicine - to improve vitality and to aid recovery

after chronic illness. A very useful, especially when one is worn down and

stressed-out. While ginseng is hard to grow, this one is easier than tomatoes,

is milder and you get an annual crop, at least. Tender, but does better than

tomatoes in cold weather. Medicinal: Tonic, strengthening, consequently

considered aphrodisiac. Excellent for long-term stress. 25 seeds. C









Basil, Sweet — Ocimum basilicum —


A / Ht 1-2' / Spacing 6 / Area 50 /


Delicate annual. Sow in well-fertilized, sandy soil after all danger of frost is

passed. Keep well watered. Well suited to growing in pots. Invaluable for all

tomato dishes. Add chopped leaves to stews & stuffings, or sprinkle on raw.

Primary ingredient in Pesto, a delicious pasta sauce. Medicinal.

Sweet Basil Price: $1.50 Quantity: [input] Our fine standard variety

for cooking now exclusively from Chase. Superb taste. 1-2 " long shiny green

leaves; spikes of white flowers. 400 seeds. O


Lettuce-Leaved, Genovese Price: $1.50 Quantity: [input] Large long

leaves favored for pesto; excellent for a wide variety of dishes. Best for

freezing. 400 seeds. O




Cinnamon Basil Price: $1.50 Quantity: [input] Really not particularly

cinnamony. Reputedly the hardiest of all the basils. 400 seeds. C


Thai Basil Price: $1.50 Quantity: [input] This is the true strain used

in Vietnamese and Thai cooking. Has a slightly anise-like flavor. an essential

accompaniment to pho, a famous Vietnamese soup. 400 seeds. C





Borage — Borago officinalis —


A / Ht 18-36'' / Spacing 15 / Area 50 /

Price: $1.50 Quantity: [input] Sow from Spring to Fall, doesn't

transplant well. Tolerates poor soil, re-seeds itself freely, and is a drought-

resistant ground cover and soil binder. Grows in as little as 8 weeks, given a

little encouragement will naturalize in most locales. The pretty, blue flowers

flavor beverages; the young cucumber-flavored leave for salads or cooking, and

can be cut frequently. A great attraction to bees. Borage is said to improve the

flavor & growth of many plants. Medicinal. 55 seeds. C






(Salad) Burnet — Sanquisorba —


P / Ht 15'' / Spacing 15 / Area 100 / Apr# 100

Price: $1.50 Quantity: [input] A perennial that grows in any garden

soil. Easily raised from seed, needs full sun, some lime, and adequate watering.

Culpepper referred to Burnet as " the Herb that preserves the body in health and

the spirit in vigor. " The young cucumber-like leaves are popular in salads at

times of the year when cucumbers are difficult to grow. Leaves also good for

winter greens. Medicinal. 100 seeds. C Price $1.50







Catnip — Nepeta cataria —


P / Ht 2-3’ / Spacing 15 / Area 75+ /

Price: $1.25 Quantity: [input] An aromatic perennial of the Mint family

that frequently naturalizes in this country. Grows to 3' , with downy, pale

green foliage and small lavender flowers on 5 " spikes. Does well on any good

soil, but does best in sandy soil. Historically the leaves were used in a tea

(or pressed for oil) both for pleasure and as a tonic, nervine, and

antispasmodic. Well known to cats who often love plants to pieces. Medicinal.

125 seeds. O






Chamomile, German — Matricaria officinalis —


A / Ht 2' / Spacing 6-10 / Area 100-400 /

Price: $1.25 Quantity: [input] Annual. A truly outstanding

fruity-tasting tea is made from the flowers. It is reputed to be curative to the

stomach, healing, warming, and often used at night to help sleep. Needs good

light to germinate and grow well, average soil is adequate. Drought tolerant,

can naturalize. The daisy-like flowers should be ready for picking 8 weeks after

sowing. Avoid handling too much - they are very tender. Fully dried herb should

be stored in airtight containers. Medicinal. 1200 seeds. C





Chamomile, Roman — Chamaemelum nobile —


P / Ht 3-12†/ Spacing 12 / Area 400 /

Price: $2.25 Quantity: [input] Anthemis nobilis — Very rare &

expensive variety that has all the properties of German Chamomile. This

perennial also has been used for centuries for making lawns-a walk-on ground

cover! Chamomile couches and chairs can be shaped in the soil for a place of

delightful rest for the gardener. Not too much shade, average soil is adequate.

Start seed in a flat and transplant. Hardy. Pretty yellow flowers make medicinal

tea. Pretty in rockeries, as a border plant. Medicinal. 1200 seeds. C


Chia — Salvia hispanica—


A/ Ht 3 -4’/ Spacing 12 " / Area 60

Price: $1.50 Quantity: [input] Chia seeds were chewed by native people

for energy on long treks. They can be made into a beverage, grown into sprouts

that can be added to sandwiches, salads or soups, or ground and added to bread.

They contain a nutritious oil high in linoleic and alpha-linoleic acids. 100

seeds N




Chervil — Anthriscus cerefolium —


A / Ht 9-12 " / Spacing 4 / Area 35 /

Price: $1.00 Quantity: [input] A major kitchen herb in Europe and

deserves to be more widely known in America. Plant resembles Parsley, has a more

delicate flavor than Parsley, and is used as Parsley is, fresh or dried. It also

has many health-giving properties. Can be sown from early Spring onwards, but

cannot tolerate heat. Hardy, given help can last through Winter. One of the few

Herbs that does not like direct sunlight. Requires watering until it's

established. Slow to germinate. Medicinal. 300 seeds. E







Sweet Cicely — Myrrhis odorata —


P / Ht 3-5' / Spacing 36 / Area 20 /

Price: $2.50 Quantity: [input] A thick-rooted perennial with fern-like

leaves and umbels of attractive white flowers, favored as an ornamental

background plant. Prefers rich, moist, and shady soil. Self-sows freely once

established, or use root division. Heavy scent/flavor similar to licorice, all

parts of the plant are edible. The spicy leaves and seeds are a natural

sweetener and sugary licorice in flavor, both used in baking. Leaves make a

sweet tea, are used in salads. Roots eaten raw or cooked. Very hard to germinate

(may take a year) best to pot and be patient. 5 seeds. C









Coriander (Cilantro) — Coriandrum sativum —


A / Ht 12-18†/ Spacing Stand 6, Leaf 5 / Area 16 /

Price: $1.25 Quantity: [input] An ancient annual. Sow the seed directly

in its bed after all danger of frost has passed. Likes good soil, and hates

having to cope with a great deal of water. Germinates readily but must be

thinned. As it doesn't compete well, cultivate often. The seeds Coriander should

be ready in mid-Summer. The seeds are used as flavoring in cakes, sauces, soups,

beverages. especially Mexican and Chinese cuisine. The leaves Cilantro or

Chinese parsley and their unique flavor add spicy taste and zest to salads,

re-fried beans and other dishes. It is used in many cuisines, notably Mexican

and Vietnamese dishes. Above all it is a great attraction to pollinating

insects. Leafiest, bolt-resistant form. 125 seeds, C






Cumin — Cuminum cyminum —


A / Ht 6-12 " / Spacing 18 / Area 100 /

Price: $1.00 Quantity: [input] An annual herb which is a key ingredient

in both Curry and Chili, and a traditional pepper substitute. Used by ancient

Romans. Likes a rich, sandy loam. It wants four months of mild temperatures for

harvest, so plant as soon as the ground is warm enough and frost-free. Planting

close together will help to support the heavy heads when they mature. A member

of the Carrot family, though less well known. C





Dandelion — Taraxacum officinale —


B,P / Ht 8-18 " / Spac 6-8 " / Area 30-69 /

Price: $1.50 Quantity: [input] Grows to 20 " with ragged basal leaves,

hollow stalks and golden flowers. Known best as a weed, dandelion has an

astonishing range of health benefits. An ancient herb that is both nutritious

and medicinal. The leaves make an excellent addition to salads and are high in

many vitamins, and potassium. Considered one of the best detoxifying herbs, it

encourages steady elimination of toxins produced from both sickness and

pollution. It works with the liver, gall bladder and kidneys, and helps keep

them healthy. 200 seeds. C






Dill — Anethum graveolens —


A / Ht 30'' / Spacing 8 / Area 100 /

Price: $1.00 Quantity: [input] Sow during the Spring period in any good

soil and full sun. Hardy, keep watered and weeded until established. It is

considered a companion to cabbages, but many biodynamic gardeners feel it

retards carrots and potatoes if planted alongside. Both leaves and seeds are

used. Finely chopped leaves add greatly to the flavor of cream cheese. Seeds and

leaves are one of the main herbs used in pickling. Plants that go wild often

will produce enough of an acceptable herb for the average gardener. Medicinal.

450 seeds. O





Yellow Dock — Rumex crispus —


A / Ht 1-5' / Spacing 12 /

Price: $1.50 Quantity: [input] Curly Dock. Common weed. Perennial

growing 1-5' with lance-shaped leaves to 10 " long. Young leaves eaten like

spinach - leaves are high in vitamins A & C. Should grow in any soil. Medicinal:

The root is a potent nutritive tonic. Blood purifier and de-toxicant, it helps

the body break down and eliminate toxins. Promotes the flow of bile and other

digestive juices. Helps balance the liver after hepatitis. Good for the gall

bladder. Gentle laxative. Helps digestive process. Helpful for skin conditions

by eliminating waste products. 100 seeds. C






Echinacea — Echinacea spp. —


HP / Ht 1-2’ / Spacing 12â€-18â€-24†/ Area 100-200 /


Prairie Coneflowers. Beautiful and useful too. Ultra-hardy and drought-tolerant.

Very long lasting flowers (8-12 weeks) both in garden and on the table. Very

hard to start - purpurea is easiest. Medicinal: The root strengthens the immune

system, and is considered a blood purifier.

Echinacea purpurea, Commercial Price: $1.50 Quantity: [input] Purple

Coneflower (Sampson root) Most widely used medicinally. Many 4 " knobby flower

heads with delicate, pink, drooping petals. Very productive. Untreated, of

course. 200 seeds. C




Echinacea purpurea, Biointensive Price: $2.00 Quantity: [input] Purple

Coneflower (Sampson root) Most widely used medicinally. Many 4 " knobby flower

heads with delicate, pink, drooping petals. Very productive. Biointensively

grown. Select strain of purpurea grown at our research mini- farm. 100 seeds. GB


Echinacea angustifolia Price: $1.75 Quantity: [input] Low 6-20 " shrub

with small, upright flowers with 3/4-2/5 " heads. Natural range is dry and barren

Midwest. The type often sold as commercial dried roots. 25 seeds. O






Elecampane — Inula helenium —


P / Ht 8' / Spacing 18-36 " /

Price: $1.75 Quantity: [input] This takes two years or so for the roots

to develop, but is excellent for irritating bronchial coughs, especially for

children. Lung decongestant. Also good for asthma, and has even been used to

treat tuberculosis. Antibacterial activity can be used both internally and

externally on skin. Striking 8' tall plant with golden flowers second year on.

100 seeds. C






Epazote — Chenopodium ambrosioides —


A / Ht 2-4’ / Spacing 18 / Area 100 /

Price: $1.25 Quantity: [input] Mexican tea. Widely used in Mexican

cooking, especially chili sauce and bean dishes, also shellfish and mushrooms.

Quick and easy to grow. Medicinal: aids digestion. 130 seeds. O






Evening Primrose — Oenothera biennis —


B / Ht 36-48 " / Spacing 12 " / Area 100 /

Price: $1.50 Quantity: [input] A North American wild-flower that is

broad, bushy with crinkled lance-shaped leaves and 4-petaled yellow flowers.

Easily cultivated, it thrives in open areas. Leaves and taproot are quite tasty.

Medicinal: High in GLA and used extensively in England for premenstrual

problems, may benefit MS, rheumatic problems, digestion, asthma, more. 200

seeds. C



Main Catalog

Seed Codes Explained







Bountiful Gardens

18001 Shafer Ranch Road, Willits, CA 95490-9626 USA

tel 707-459-6410 • fax 707-459-1925


© Copyright 2003, Ecology Action of the Midpeninsula, Inc.

dba Bountiful Gardens





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