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Anger, Humour and Advocacy - That's cool ... but let's apply that philosophy to the Suffering of Humans too.

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I know a lot of you are going to be pissed at me ... but I think that

" Anger, Humour and Advocacy " thingy is a big load of SHIT!


I don't want to discredit Matt's work, as I revere his commitment to the

cause (from what I have heard from Anji) and I cannot, nor will not,

criticize anyone's efforts in the area of Animal Liberation ... however, I

cannot agree with anyone who criticizes those who make an effort ...

however they decide to make that effort.


Here are my comments in response ...



" In my opinion, our inability--individually and as a movement--to deal with

our anger in a constructive manner is the greatest hindrance to the

advancement of animal liberation. "


Constructive in whose opinion? If there are people out there who are angry

enough to blow up slaughterhouses in order to end this

mindless killing, well, then all the power to them ... if there were a

concentration camp down the street and you went and ceased it's

operation by " any means necessary, " you would be heralded for championing

the cause of human rights. But, do something

outrageous in support of animals, and you are criticized by the

" non-violent " members of the animal liberation movement ... not

to mention the rest of society. How fucking long are we going to sit around

and let this shit go on?


" As a reaction to what goes on in factory farms and slaughterhouses,

extremely strong negative feelings are understandable and entirely

justified. Over time, people tend to deal with this rage in one of three

ways. The first, and most common in my experience over the years, is to burn

hot and furious. This anger leads to cursing, screaming, hatred, vandalism,

etc. It also doesn't last long in many cases. I wonder, for example, what a

former Vegan Outreach member did with his prominent " Vegan for Life " tattoo,

once he quit being active--and vegan--after two years. "


I understand this feeling ... there are people who join the animal rights

movement as a political or emotional outlet and who don't have

these inherent feelings deep inside. They become Vegans or veggies for a

couple of years ... then drop out.


However ... there are people like myself ... who have been ACTIVE members

of the animal liberation movement ... who have quit active

work in the movement because we are sick of being criticized by the

armchair radicals of the movement. I have moved on to a more

" seed planting " approach (which has been best described by my friend Anji)

.... and I believe it has worked. I have been a vegetarian for

almost 13 1/2 years and a vegan for almost 9 1/2 ... I was active when I

was much younger, but even after being discouraged by a mal- aligned animal

liberation movement in Canada, I have just maintained my duty (promoting

vegetarianism and compassion amongst my

friends and acquaintances). Given the opportunity and support ... I might

be inclined to support a Direct Action movement.


" The third possible reaction is having a positive outlook and a sense of

humour. This not only makes it easier to continue in activism long-term and

avoid self-righteous and arrogant fundamentalism, it also makes it possible

to interact positively and constructively with others. "


Positive outlook? Sense of humour? This is killing we are talking about!!

There is nothing self-righteous about conducting animal liberation

in one's own way (be it civil disobedience or bombing a vivisection lab)...

it's an act of altruism regardless of the manner it is conducted.

Whether you believe it or not, that's our brothers and sisters being cut

up, slaughtered, electrocuted, maimed and violated! I am not saying

we need to be negative ... I believe in having a positive outlook in every

manner of work we conduct ... I still believe we can have a positive

outlook regardless of the method. All animal liberation supporters must

support each other's work ... regardless of the means. We need to

stop criticizing each other's work! You want to have a sense of humour ...

go ahead ... but if someone was killing people ... I think your sense

of humour would surely take a back seat.


I wish we all could end this through peaceful means. I wish that with all

my heart. And I believe in a lot of the education that is available.

I think the Vegan Outreach site is AMAZING ... I think Anji's site is

invaluable ... as they help us carry the word with much more confidence.



" My story is not unique. Not only does it show the shortcomings of anger and

the benefits of patience, it also indicates that you shouldn't give up on

your friends if they don't react to information as you would like them to.

Shunning your friends because they don't immediately adopt your vegan

religion not only cuts you off from the very people we need to reach, it

also perpetuates the stereotype of the joyless fanatic with no life other

than complaining. "


I agree ... I don't shun my friends if they eat meat ... I believe that

there is hope ... I have seen many of my friends convert .. sometimes, years

after I have made them aware of Vegetarianism. However, we should never

condone those who make light of that killing or persecution ...

and I am sure many of you have come across acquaintances who make fun or

joke about the killing of animals. And if that hurt and anger

cuts you off from them, then I don't think that makes you a " joyless

fanatic " ... again ... apply the human element ... joke about the holocaust?

Not a fucking chance ... you would be charged with violating human rights

or a hate crime! The joking of animal persecution is just as severe and

should be taken just as seriously! Do not compromise your beliefs to " fit

in " ... that's bullshit.


" Fighting " suffering is not the only way to make a better world; creating

happiness and joy--especially when flowing from a thoughtful, compassionate

example--can be an even more powerful " weapon " for creating change. "


There has always been suffering, and, as long as there remains sentient life

on Earth, there will always be suffering. This is simply the price of

conscious life. The question becomes what one does with that existence. We

can choose to add our own fury and misery to the rest, or we can set an

example by simultaneously working constructively to alleviate suffering

while leading joyous, meaningful, fulfilled lives. "


Agreed ... creating positivity amongst one another will change the world

.... and that is why I have chosen a less Direct approach to

animal liberation. And, I believe that you can kill people with kindness

.... but how long will we allow this to go on? When are we

going to stop " padding " our arguments to appeal to speciesist? (Telling

them things like vegetarianism is good for their health - rather

than promote compassion ... or that we should stop polluting the lakes so

that WE can have clean drinking water - rather than explaining to

them that there are thousands of species of life which depend upon lakes

being clean or liveable) When are we going to push the speciesist argument

to the forefront?


When are we going to elevate other animals to the level of human beings and

demand that they be treated as such?


So have fun! Laugh at the Simpson's (Lisa is a vegetarian); enjoy loud music

(I recommend Beck: " She's got tofu the size of Texas " ); party with friends

(Beck's beer is vegan); enjoy great vegan food (Ethiopian is awesome).;

travel to new places (Washington DC has great Ethiopian restaurants); read

(or listen to) a bubble gum novel (anything by Elmore Leonard); see a

popcorn movie (South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut will test your sense of

humour). Another way to make sure you don't take yourself too seriously is

not to let anything be off limits to humour among friends. Once, the

question came up what I wouldn't joke about. I named one thing, which, of

course, became the sole source of jokes for a week!


I really believe that nothing should be " off limits " ... I agree that we

should be able to laugh at anything ... and that as long as there is no

hatred in your heart when you make a joke about something .. then it's

simply that, a joke. But ... I hope we are able to laugh at the

horrible tragedies that happen to humans, as well. When the slaughterhouse

worker is accidentally trampled to death in the slaughterhouse

by angry cows ... I hope we can all find the humour in this. I do.



With respect to all of you ... peace and love ...



Vikas Sharma

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