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Environmentalists to Protest at the HQ of WWF--dubbed World Without Forests-- on

Lands for Life Anniversary


News release Thursday January 27, 2000

8:15 - 9:30 a.m.

World Wildlife Fund

245 Eglinton Ave. East (at Mount Pleasant Rd.)


TORONTO -- The World Wildlife Fund Canada is not what it claims to be -- that is

the message a group of environmentalists will convey at a demonstration at the

WWF Canada headquarters. There, protesters will unfurl a banner which dubs the

WWF 'World Without Forests'. The protest coincides with a one-day session at the

WWF on the implementation of Ontarios Living Legacy.


One year ago the World Wildlife Fund and other members of the Partnership for

Public Lands entered into secret negotiations with the Harris Government and

the_ logging and mining industries on the eve of an election, ultimately

helping to produce the disastrous settlement entitled Ontario's Living Legacy

(which was formerly known as Lands for Life during the planning process). The

WWF literature repeatedly praises the settlement's minimalist protection as an

" outstanding achievement " (1999 Annual Review).


" The protesters are seeking to expose the WWF's role in 'greenwashing' the deal,

as it consistently makes no mention of the deep flaws in the settlement, " says

Shelly Lipsey, a long-time activist and critic of the dea. Some of the points

the protesters are seeking to draw attention to include the facts that:


* only 5% of the land use planning area was designated parks or protected areas

while 95% of the area was given to industrial interests, including the

extablishment of a system of 100 year leases to private logging interests.

Additional protection is made difficult by the Forest Accord which guarantees

wood supply to logging companies.

* the 5% is not even protected since mining, sports hunting, trapping and

snowmobiling will be allowed, thus creating a two-tier park system in

Ontario--in some cases not even meeting international definitions of what a park


* Monte Hummel, president of WWF Canada, is himself a sports hunter

* Ontario Living Legacy " protects development from parks--not parks from

development " (Toronto Star editorial, April 25, 1999)


In short, the protesters are asking people to consider whose interests the WWF

Canada, as it is currently constituted, really represents? The WWF's large

corporate donors, including mining companies like Noranda, and board members

like David Lindsay (Mike Harris' campaign manager), put it in a clear conflict

of interest position during last year's secret negotiations, and may explain its

current deafening silence on the flaws of the agreement. " Who does WWF really

advocate for? They're supposed to advocate for the wildlife of the world. Yet

the WWF did not stand up for wildlife or its habitat in last years secret

negotiations, " says Herschel Stroyman, a former WWF donor.


" The majority of the public opposes any sports hunting in parks. The WWF should

come clean, and clearly outline its position on sports hunting, " implores Susan

Krajnc of the group Freedom for Animals. Shelly Lipsey, says " Last year, the WWF

gave Mike Harris a B+ for the Lands for Life deal. Wildlife give the WWF an F. "

Contacts: Herschel Stroyman (416) 533-7664, Shelly Lipsey (416) 654-8556, Susan

Krajnc (416) 593-9542





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The WWF have been a bunch of bum fuckers for years!


Prince Charles ... that filthy fucking fox hunter is a big member of the WWF



They have no right to call themselves a preservation group ... they should

be called the PPF (Putting People First)





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Or even the PTF (Putting THEMSELVES First)


> ----------

> Vikas Sharma[sMTP:carnival]

> Reply

> 02 February 2000 16:41


> RE: nothing's sacred


> " Vikas Sharma " <carnival


> The WWF have been a bunch of bum fuckers for years!


> Prince Charles ... that filthy fucking fox hunter is a big member of the


> ....


> They have no right to call themselves a preservation group ... they should

> be called the PPF (Putting People First)


> Bastards!


> Vik



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Hmmm LMAO...why don't you guys tell us how you REALLY feel!? Ok...so what

organzanizations do you believe do the most work for our environment?



>Cathy Jupp <Cathy


>Or even the PTF (Putting THEMSELVES First)



>> " Vikas Sharma " <carnival


>> The WWF have been a bunch of bum fuckers for years!


>> Prince Charles ... that filthy fucking fox hunter is a big member of the

>> WWF

>> ....


>> They have no right to call themselves a preservation group ... they should

>> be called the PPF (Putting People First)


>> Bastards!



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I am sceptical of environmental groups ... not sure who does what ...


I have heard of an outfit called Earth First ... I have heard that they are

pretty cool with that aspect of the planet ...


Any pro-animal group works for the environment.


Greenpeace does quite a bit, but I haven't kept up with them over the past

years ... I just remember them going out and trying to stop whale hunters.

Now, that's doing something!


People who go out and bomb fur stores, that's doing something.


People who go out and heckle fur wearers on the street, that's doing



People who stop eating animals are doing more than the WWF for the



Individuals can do a lot ... you don't a big name with lots of money and

highly paid executives to save the world.





Vikas Sharma of Operations & Media

Carnival Management


Web: http://www3.sympatico.ca/carnival

Email: carnival






Edit4You [faison5]

Wednesday, February 02, 2000 12:35 PM


Re: nothing's sacred



" Edit4You " <faison5


Hmmm LMAO...why don't you guys tell us how you REALLY feel!? Ok...so what

organzanizations do you believe do the most work for our environment?



>Cathy Jupp <Cathy


>Or even the PTF (Putting THEMSELVES First)



>> " Vikas Sharma " <carnival


>> The WWF have been a bunch of bum fuckers for years!


>> Prince Charles ... that filthy fucking fox hunter is a big member of the

>> WWF

>> ....


>> They have no right to call themselves a preservation group ... they


>> be called the PPF (Putting People First)


>> Bastards!




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well, I can agree w/ most of that...and I can agree to disagree on the

issues of breaking the law (brother, the cop...), I don't agree that bombing

stores that carry fur is actually going to help the poor animal who is

already dead. But anyway....that doesn't mean you can't write to the stores

and request that they not carry fur items and why...


I need to check on some 501c3 information on some of these animal rights

groups to see if the money is actually doing anything. I bet some of them

would be frightened of an audit.




> " Vikas Sharma " <carnival

>< >

>RE: nothing's sacred

>Wed, Feb 2, 2000, 9:48 AM



> " Vikas Sharma " <carnival


>I am sceptical of environmental groups ... not sure who does what ...


>I have heard of an outfit called Earth First ... I have heard that they are

>pretty cool with that aspect of the planet ...


>Any pro-animal group works for the environment.


>Greenpeace does quite a bit, but I haven't kept up with them over the past

>years ... I just remember them going out and trying to stop whale hunters.

>Now, that's doing something!


>People who go out and bomb fur stores, that's doing something.


>People who go out and heckle fur wearers on the street, that's doing



>People who stop eating animals are doing more than the WWF for the



>Individuals can do a lot ... you don't a big name with lots of money and

>highly paid executives to save the world.





>Vikas Sharma

>Director of Operations & Media

>Carnival Management


>Web: http://www3.sympatico.ca/carnival

>Email: carnival






>Edit4You [faison5]

>Wednesday, February 02, 2000 12:35 PM


>Re: nothing's sacred



> " Edit4You " <faison5


>Hmmm LMAO...why don't you guys tell us how you REALLY feel!? Ok...so what

>organzanizations do you believe do the most work for our environment?



>>Cathy Jupp <Cathy


>>Or even the PTF (Putting THEMSELVES First)



>>> " Vikas Sharma " <carnival


>>> The WWF have been a bunch of bum fuckers for years!


>>> Prince Charles ... that filthy fucking fox hunter is a big member of the

>>> WWF

>>> ....


>>> They have no right to call themselves a preservation group ... they


>>> be called the PPF (Putting People First)


>>> Bastards!




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of course, it's not going to help the poor animal that's already dead ...

but it may make the fur store owners think twice about

remaining in the killing business ..



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Ahhhh...yes good ol'fashioned terrorism works like a charm every time.Do you

have any idea how ridiculous and out of hand I think your last statement

is?....VERY!!!!Violence only begets more violence and you reduce yourself to

the level of the perpetrator of the original crime.The whole concept of " by

any means necessary " is a massive load of shit, and opens the doors wide for

lawlessness and mass coruption of whatever the original goal was.It is very

hard for me to get behind any zealot attitude whether

political,moral,religious,animal rights or otherwise. Has any of this

violence in the past done anything effective really and truly in the long

run? Paul Brennan....human.


om: " Vikas Sharma " <carnival


>< >

>RE: nothing's sacred

>Wed, 2 Feb 2000 15:44:53 -0500


>of course, it's not going to help the poor animal that's already dead ...

>but it may make the fur store owners think twice about

>remaining in the killing business ..






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Paul ...


You know I respect you a lot ... there is no doubt about that ...


I realize how ridiculous this may sound, as I agree with you that " ahimsa "

is the most sensible and evolved way in which to deal with things.

Believe me, as radical and outrageous as my views may sound, I wish we could

end all of this non-violently.


Paul, when I think about M.K Gandhi's movement of non-violence, I think

about a man telling his people to stand up for themselves. It's easy to

for other's to take a beating when their own respect, pride, dignity, etc.,

has been violated for 150 years. But, ask people to take it for other's ...

another species mind you .. and it's just not going to happen. We will

never end the persecution of other animals if we simply appeal to others.


Very few of us are active in the cause anyway ... most of us are " just

talking. " What I say is in theory, completely. But for a number of years, I


involved in the animal rights movement, and I felt crippled by the

insensitivity to torture and execution that the average human feels for

animals. Every time I was in a fur protest .. and man, I have been quite

actively involved in those ... I have been more than you can count, I felt

as if the whole world was laughing at our cause ... but let me tell you

something ... when I was involved in weekly heckling sessions on Yonge

Street (myself, as well as a couple of friends, would walk up and down Yonge

Street, between Bloor and Dundas every Saturday afternoon and heckle every

fur wearer in sight) it created an impact. People became ashamed to wear fur

on the streets ...


People have the knowledge ... for us to pretend that we, as people living in

North America in the 21st Century, don't have the knowledge as to what the

fuck is going on ... is unreasonable. Everyone knows it hurts to be killed.

Even if it didn't hurt, it's exploitation ... no one, and I mean no one in

our society wants to have their civil rights violated. Why the fuck is it

okay to infringe on the rights of other animals?


When Gandhi told his people to stop working (he created a National Holiday

to fuck up the British), his people listened because they knew it

would benefit them ... but ask the world to stop eating meat to end the

torture and execution that occurs at the slaughterhouse, and most people

will laugh and tell us to fuck off.


If we are going to live according to the philosophy that our views are based

on our level of personal evolution, then let's not even bother trying to

convert others ... right now, most of the planet is still living in

" selfish " mode ... no matter what we say, they won't change ... if our

purpose is to just be, and that means be who we are ... a more evolved

animal ... then let's just do that. Let's just be ... I can deal with that

.... it hurts, but I can deal with it ..


We can share our knowledge in a non-aggressive manner ... chant and be





Vik ... almost human.


p.s. Paul .. call me sometime soon, I have to talk to you about something on

the side ... nothing to do with animal rights ... but it's important.


" Paul Brennan " <brennan67


Ahhhh...yes good ol'fashioned terrorism works like a charm every time.Do you

have any idea how ridiculous and out of hand I think your last statement

is?....VERY!!!!Violence only begets more violence and you reduce yourself to

the level of the perpetrator of the original crime.The whole concept of " by

any means necessary " is a massive load of shit, and opens the doors wide for

lawlessness and mass coruption of whatever the original goal was.It is very

hard for me to get behind any zealot attitude whether

political,moral,religious,animal rights or otherwise. Has any of this

violence in the past done anything effective really and truly in the long

run? Paul Brennan....human.


om: " Vikas Sharma " <carnival


>< >

>RE: nothing's sacred

>Wed, 2 Feb 2000 15:44:53 -0500


>of course, it's not going to help the poor animal that's already dead ...

>but it may make the fur store owners think twice about

>remaining in the killing business ..






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Am I to assume that the use of the term " bum fuckers " by Vikas Sharma is

insulting the WWF by implying that they are homosexuals? If so, I take

great offence to someone using this sort of statement to cast an insult.

Are we now going to start casting insults by using the N word and implying

that someone is a person of colour?


Using words previously used to insult homosexuals, people of colour, people

of race or disabled persons to insult another person just to make a strong

protest or point, is perpetuating insulting and degrading stereotypes. It

also encourages the perpetuation of discrimination and violence toward those

persons considered 'different'.


How would you like it if someone insulted you for your choice of diet and

proceeded to attack you and force the carcass of a dead animal into your

mouth? This is the sort of violence that 'different' people are subjected

to every day and someone like yourself only perpetuates this violence and

stupidity by reinforcing the notion that someone is sub-standard just

because they belong to another group while using that notion to insult

another person or group.


If I have interpreted your behaviour correctly, I for one believe that a

public apology is in order, as the comment was made in public. I also

suggest that you take a long hard look at yourself. Here you are choosing a

diet to protect the living creatures in this world, however, you give no

thought to the effect your thoughts and words will have on the sentient

creatures of this world.



" Vikas Sharma " <carnival

< >

Thursday, February 03, 2000 3:11 AM

RE: nothing's sacred



> " Vikas Sharma " <carnival


> The WWF have been a bunch of bum fuckers for years!


> Prince Charles ... that filthy fucking fox hunter is a big member of the


> ....


> They have no right to call themselves a preservation group ... they should

> be called the PPF (Putting People First)


> Bastards!


> Vik



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