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Hey everybody!


The following is a very important message by a sick man facing the

horrible conditions of jail! Even if you don't read the news, or just

don't want to read this READ IT!!!! This man needs our help and we must

give it to him! Show him your support, and tell him your in the BSA to let

him know he has the support of the organization! We must stick together on

this one and get this man out of jail!





The following was written by

McWilliams himself:




Please help keep me out of federal prison by writing a letter to the judge


My name is Peter McWilliams. I am a cancer survivor living with AIDS. I was

arrested in July 1998 on federal medical marijuana charges, even though I

live in California, a state that approved medical marijuana use in 1996.


In November 1999, the federal prosecutors successfully obtained an order

prohibiting me from mentioning to the jury that I have AIDS, that marijuana

is medicine, that the federal government supplies eight patients with

medical marijuana each month, or that California has a law permitting the

very act that I was accused of violating.


As I never denied my medical marijuana cultivation, that left me with no

defense whatsoever. To avoid an almost certain guilty verdict and a


mandatory-minimum sentence, I pled guilty to a lesser charge. (The whole

story is at www.petertrial.com) My sentencing for this charge will be on

March 27, 2000. The deadline for turning in letters of support is February

20, 2000.


Would you please take the time to send a letter, or a fax, or even an

e-mail, to the judge on my behalf? It would make all the difference in my



The letter need not be long or eloquent. One sentence is sufficient.


The judge can sentence me to 0 to 5 years. The federal sentencing


place my recommended (but not mandatory) sentence in the 5-year range. It


probably unavoidable that I get a sentenced to some time -- perhaps the

full five years.


What I am asking the judge -- and what I am asking you to ask the judge --

is that I be able to serve my sentence under " home detention, " also known


" electronic monitoring. " (An electronic transmitter would be permanently

fastened to my ankle and my whereabouts would be monitored 24 hours a day.


would not be able to leave my home except for medical or court


As I live in Los Angeles, this will allow me to write my books, including

Galileo LA.)


In writing the Judge King, please observe these commonsense guidelines:


1. Please be respectful. The judge owes me, or you, nothing. You are asking

for a favor. When Judge King was asked to allow me to use medical marijuana

while out on bail, he said to the attorneys on both sides, in a voice

trembling with compassion, " I am struggling mightily with this. Please,

struggle with me. " Alas, there was nothing in federal law that permitted


to allow me to break federal law, even to save my life, but I believed the

sincerity of his struggle. Personally, I don't want judges rewriting law as

they see fit. Judge King is a good judge upholding a bad law. My sentence,

however, is at his discretion. I believe he will be fair, that he will read

the letter you send, and he will be moved by your heartfelt request. I

believe we owe courtesy to the King.


2. Please focus on my health (www.petertrial.com/undetectable.htm) and my

contributions to society (through my books www.mcwilliams.com/books) as

reasons why I should receive home detention or electronic monitoring (the

term can be used interchangeably). The legal arguments will be made by my



3. If you know me, please say so, and state any positive character traits

you may have noticed wafting by from time to time. (This letter is not

written under oath, so you will not be arrested for perjury.)


4. If you have read any of my books, please say so. If they helped you,

please say how. (Exception: Please do not mention " Ain't Nobody's Business

if You Do. " See 5.)


5. Please do not give your opinion of the War on Drugs (unless you're in

favor of it), how the government treated me in this case (unless you

approve), your views on medical marijuana (unless you're against it), or

anything else critical of the status quo. Save those remarks, however

well-reasoned and accurate, for letters-to-the-editor. Such comments may be

counterproductive in a letter to a federal judge.


6. If you can, please keep the letter to one page, and no longer than two.


Actual letters (those things made popular in the last millennium, printed


paper, put into envelopes, and sent through the Post Office) are best.


is better, but handwritten is fine. Please use the most impressive

letterhead to which you have legitimate access. (Your business stationery


better than your personal stationery, for example.) If you don't have

stationery, you can create a letterhead on any word processor in about two



Please address the letters to:


" The Honorable George H. King "


and begin the letter:


" Dear Judge King, "


Please mail the letters TO ME at:


Peter McWilliams

8165 Mannix Drive

Los Angeles, California 90046


If you know you're probably not going to get around to writing a letter


I know just how you feel -- I don't know where to find an envelope any


much less a stamp -- please send a fax (signed, on letterhead, if possible,

but if not, that's fine) to:




If you think you might not get around to sending a fax, please send an

e-mail. Please write at the bottom of the e-mail " You have my permission to

reformat this letter, print it, and sign my name at the bottom. " Your name

will be signed for you, next to which will be the initials of the person

signing it. Please include your complete mailing address.


The e-mail address is peter


Finally, please circulate this request as widely as you can -- post it on

bulletin boards, send it to receptive people on your e-mail list, send it

out in newsletters, put it on your web page. Kindly use your creativity,

but, please, no spamming.


If you cannot post the entire message of this missive, the online address


this request is www.petertrial.com/letters.htm.



Thank you from the bottom of my weary but very grateful heart.




Peter McWilliams






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Just a reminder that this is an animal-related list.


If you are so inclined, here is a short list of ways you can help animals...



Seattle Ready to Take a Strong Stand Against Animal Abuse


Australian Hens Need Your Help to Get Out of Cruel Cages


Homeless Dogs Burned Alive


Tupelo Airport Employees Charged with Malicious Killing of Lost Dog


Stop Construction of Huge Primate Breeding Facility in Spain


Help Make Dissection Alternatives the Law in Illinois


Help Win Freedom for Four Baby Elephants


Stop Dog Shooting in Moulton, Iowa


Help End Federal Funding for Chimp Killers


Stop Government-Sanctioned Cruelty in Our National Parks


Urge Swift Return of Indian Baby Elephant


End Medical Training on Live Kittens


Ask Chicago Mayor to Ban Breeding and Importation of Dolphins


" Shelter " Gives Animals to Experimenters


Animal " Actors " Still Need Your Help


Help Make Animal Cruelty a Felony in Georgia


Update: Turkey Farm Cruelty Investigation


Unilever and the FDA's Unnecessary Rat Test Requirement


Stop the Poisoning of Starlings in Jefferson County, Ky.


Ask Wal-Mart to End Live Animal Sales


Help save the Prairie Dogs from being killed to extinction


Martha Stewart Promotes Pet Shops


Urge Cat Toy Companies to Stop Using Real Fur


Demand University End Use of Live Turtles in Physiology Lab


Help End " Dog Labs " at LSU


Urge Petland to Stop Selling Animals


Support Sanctuaries for " Retired " Research Chimpanzees


Stop Nature Park's Capture of Wild Monkeys for Laboratories


Urge New Hampshire Officials to Hold Breeder Accountable


Help Convict Dog Breeder of Animal Cruelty


End Use of Dogs by the Chicago Transit Authority


Stop the Reintroduction of Cruel Body-Gripping Traps in Massachusetts


Ask Department Stores to End Fur Sales


End CU Dog Labs


Urge Coke to End Greyhound Race Sponsorship


Stop the Bullfighting Bloodbath in Nogales


Kappa Sigma Fraternity Fails to Follow Through on Opossum Torture Case


Help Free Monkey Trapped in Seattle Dentist's Office


Urge Prosecution of Tennessee Puppy Mill Owners


Massive Illegal Predator Control Program in Georgia


Urge Support of Elephant Accident Prevention Act


Mayor James T. " Cookie " Cook Not So Sweet to Dogs


Stop Cruel Spectacle at Chinese Zoo


Cockfighting: End the Slaughter


Urge Disney to Leave Real-Life Dalmatians Out of Movie


Help Dogs in South Korea


Urge Lew Magram to Stop Fur Sales


Ask Shriners to End Animal Acts


The FDA Needs You to Help End Cruel Forced Molting Practices


Help the Plight of Greyhounds and Podencos in Spain


Downed Animal Protection Act


Urge American Express to Permanently Ban Fur


Stop Dog Shootings by West Virginia Shelter


Demand That Intel Prohibit Cruel Animal Experiments by Students in Science Fair


Demand Humane Treatment for Colombia's Strays


Help End State Department Animal Labs


Demand Strengthened Animal Protection Laws in Spain


New UniverSoul Circus using animals


Texas Tech University experimenters have decided to see whether fire ants kill



Urge Museum to Hatch Humane Exhibits


Keep " Free to Good Home " Animals Safe


Help Save " AquaBabies " and " Tiny Tanks " Fish, Frogs, and Snails


Stop Animal Abuse in Taiwanese Dog Pound


End Med School " Dog Labs "


Urge Louisiana Shelter to End Cruel Killing Method


Speak Out for Animals in Petco Stores


Ask Whatever Works to End Animal Urine Sales


Ask University to Stop Using Live Tiger as Prop


Demand Holland America End Support of Cruel Dog Race


PetSmart Urged to End Sales of Small Animals, Reptiles, and Birds


Disneyland Dismal for Mice


Tell Melaleuca to End Animal Tests


Help Get Fur Out of Nordstrom


Get Fishing Out of the National Parks


Burger King: Time for a Veggie Burger


Tell Macy's To End Fur Sales





> Hey everybody!


> The following is a very important message by a sick man facing the

> horrible conditions of jail! Even if you don't read the news, or just

> don't want to read this READ IT!!!! This man needs our help and we must

> give it to him! Show him your support, and tell him your in the BSA to let

> him know he has the support of the organization! We must stick together on

> this one and get this man out of jail!


> bart.





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Don't people get enough support in this human centred planet?


Let's do something for the animals here ...


Vikas Sharma of Operations & Media

Carnival Management


Web: http://www3.sympatico.ca/carnival

Email: carnival






bart [bart]

Friday, February 04, 2000 4:28 AM







Hey everybody!


The following is a very important message by a sick man facing the

horrible conditions of jail! Even if you don't read the news, or just

don't want to read this READ IT!!!! This man needs our help and we must

give it to him! Show him your support, and tell him your in the BSA to let

him know he has the support of the organization! We must stick together on

this one and get this man out of jail!





The following was written by

McWilliams himself:




Please help keep me out of federal prison by writing a letter to the judge


My name is Peter McWilliams. I am a cancer survivor living with AIDS. I was

arrested in July 1998 on federal medical marijuana charges, even though I

live in California, a state that approved medical marijuana use in 1996.


In November 1999, the federal prosecutors successfully obtained an order

prohibiting me from mentioning to the jury that I have AIDS, that marijuana

is medicine, that the federal government supplies eight patients with

medical marijuana each month, or that California has a law permitting the

very act that I was accused of violating.


As I never denied my medical marijuana cultivation, that left me with no

defense whatsoever. To avoid an almost certain guilty verdict and a


mandatory-minimum sentence, I pled guilty to a lesser charge. (The whole

story is at www.petertrial.com) My sentencing for this charge will be on

March 27, 2000. The deadline for turning in letters of support is February

20, 2000.


Would you please take the time to send a letter, or a fax, or even an

e-mail, to the judge on my behalf? It would make all the difference in my



The letter need not be long or eloquent. One sentence is sufficient.


The judge can sentence me to 0 to 5 years. The federal sentencing


place my recommended (but not mandatory) sentence in the 5-year range. It


probably unavoidable that I get a sentenced to some time -- perhaps the

full five years.


What I am asking the judge -- and what I am asking you to ask the judge --

is that I be able to serve my sentence under " home detention, " also known


" electronic monitoring. " (An electronic transmitter would be permanently

fastened to my ankle and my whereabouts would be monitored 24 hours a day.


would not be able to leave my home except for medical or court


As I live in Los Angeles, this will allow me to write my books, including

Galileo LA.)


In writing the Judge King, please observe these commonsense guidelines:


1. Please be respectful. The judge owes me, or you, nothing. You are asking

for a favor. When Judge King was asked to allow me to use medical marijuana

while out on bail, he said to the attorneys on both sides, in a voice

trembling with compassion, " I am struggling mightily with this. Please,

struggle with me. " Alas, there was nothing in federal law that permitted


to allow me to break federal law, even to save my life, but I believed the

sincerity of his struggle. Personally, I don't want judges rewriting law as

they see fit. Judge King is a good judge upholding a bad law. My sentence,

however, is at his discretion. I believe he will be fair, that he will read

the letter you send, and he will be moved by your heartfelt request. I

believe we owe courtesy to the King.


2. Please focus on my health (www.petertrial.com/undetectable.htm) and my

contributions to society (through my books www.mcwilliams.com/books) as

reasons why I should receive home detention or electronic monitoring (the

term can be used interchangeably). The legal arguments will be made by my



3. If you know me, please say so, and state any positive character traits

you may have noticed wafting by from time to time. (This letter is not

written under oath, so you will not be arrested for perjury.)


4. If you have read any of my books, please say so. If they helped you,

please say how. (Exception: Please do not mention " Ain't Nobody's Business

if You Do. " See 5.)


5. Please do not give your opinion of the War on Drugs (unless you're in

favor of it), how the government treated me in this case (unless you

approve), your views on medical marijuana (unless you're against it), or

anything else critical of the status quo. Save those remarks, however

well-reasoned and accurate, for letters-to-the-editor. Such comments may be

counterproductive in a letter to a federal judge.


6. If you can, please keep the letter to one page, and no longer than two.


Actual letters (those things made popular in the last millennium, printed


paper, put into envelopes, and sent through the Post Office) are best.


is better, but handwritten is fine. Please use the most impressive

letterhead to which you have legitimate access. (Your business stationery


better than your personal stationery, for example.) If you don't have

stationery, you can create a letterhead on any word processor in about two



Please address the letters to:


" The Honorable George H. King "


and begin the letter:


" Dear Judge King, "


Please mail the letters TO ME at:


Peter McWilliams

8165 Mannix Drive

Los Angeles, California 90046


If you know you're probably not going to get around to writing a letter


I know just how you feel -- I don't know where to find an envelope any


much less a stamp -- please send a fax (signed, on letterhead, if possible,

but if not, that's fine) to:




If you think you might not get around to sending a fax, please send an

e-mail. Please write at the bottom of the e-mail " You have my permission to

reformat this letter, print it, and sign my name at the bottom. " Your name

will be signed for you, next to which will be the initials of the person

signing it. Please include your complete mailing address.


The e-mail address is peter


Finally, please circulate this request as widely as you can -- post it on

bulletin boards, send it to receptive people on your e-mail list, send it

out in newsletters, put it on your web page. Kindly use your creativity,

but, please, no spamming.


If you cannot post the entire message of this missive, the online address


this request is www.petertrial.com/letters.htm.



Thank you from the bottom of my weary but very grateful heart.




Peter McWilliams







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