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hog wild!!!!!!

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you can start by pissing them off ... when I was very active in the animal

rights movement ... a friend and I would be in the area ... and we would

drive around and get in front of the trucks carrying pigs and drive at about

3 kms/hr ... let's see what else? plastique? firmly planted at about 10

points around the building? ok, ok ...


unfortunately, your neighbourhood, in the late 1800's and turn of the 20th

Century, was a lot like Birmingham .. dirty, black and industrial ... (in

some ways, it still is) ... so, the zoning for that part of town sorta

dictates that it's okay to be living in that cesspool of filth ...


I mean, technically, I am sure there has to be some sort of loophole to get

those arseholes out!


You could et a whole bunch of people (from your neighbourhood -

riding -constituency) on a petition, stating that they believe the place is

a hazard, and that you want it tested for emissions, waste, pollution etc.

.... you would have to start with about 1000 names or so ... call you city

counsellor ... tell him/her that " hey, look, the neighbourhood is changing

.... it's not 1902 anymore, and we won't put up with this shite! "


He/she might say .. " okay, you have 1000 names, that may be enough to check

this place out " ... he/she might also say .. " even if you want us to check

this place out ... if you want this place shut down ... you are going to

need a hell of a lot more than 1000 sigs .. maybe 20,000 or 50,000! "


You could never let on to people that you want to shut this place down

because they are killing pigs .. it would have to be a community issue ...

and then, if you shut this place down ... all that would happen is it would

move somewhere else ... then they could get some killer new digs (no pun

intended), more square footage, more killing areas ... the whole bit ... all

you would have done, in reality, was clean up your community ...


If we are going to shut these places down, we have to keep up the propaganda

about meat eating being bad for people's health and trying to build up their

stance on compassion ... that is truly the only way to put a stop to the

slaughterhouse ... and that is through people's abstinence of meat.


Go there in the middle of the night with a huge banner that is 20 feet wide

by 5 feet high that reads " Auswitz " or something like that ... that would

send the message home to a lot of people ... that little voice would go off

in the back of their heads ... " hey, this is no different, is it? "


I hate to say this, but ... ... I mean it would be ideal if somehow the

water going into the slaughterhouse became poisoned ... and the pigs drank

the water .. became sick .. then the they were slaughtered and their meat

became bad and whole trailer load of people died from eating bad pig meat

.... I think that would send the message home ... so, I am trying to plant

any ideas in your minds .. but ... you guys do live up the street ... ok, ok



I can't think of anything else, really ... except for spreading the message

... or finding a compassionate city counsellor who also hates the

slaughterhouse and would find some loophole in the city zoning for that sort

of thingy. ..


Later skaters!



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thought this might be useful to know, I found it on the PETA site in their

Guide to Letter Writing. i've seen similar numbers on other sites as well.





According to former Congressperson Billy Evan (D-Ga.), " Legislators

estimate that 10 letters from constituents represent the concerns of

10,000 citizens. Anybody who will take the time to write is voicing the

fears and desires of thousands more. " If that's not enough to convince

you, ask yourself this: If you don't communicate with the officials

representing you, who will? While you're complaining to your friends about

gruesome animal experiments, someone who disagrees with you is

communicating with your lawmakers. You're probably not going to

singlehandedly convince your legislators to outlaw the fur trade. But many

legislators share your objectives and just need to be convinced that there

is sufficient public support before putting their necks on the line. The

Advocacy Institute explains: " When votes are secured or changed, it's most

likely the aroused constituent-activists -- the grassroots -- who can

claim the credit. "

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Rock Solid!!


Let's start writing some letters!!!




Vikas Sharma of Operations & Media

Carnival Management


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tbrusselers [tbrusselers]

Wednesday, February 23, 2000 9:54 AM


Re: hog wild!!!!!!







thought this might be useful to know, I found it on the PETA site in their

Guide to Letter Writing. i've seen similar numbers on other sites as well.





According to former Congressperson Billy Evan (D-Ga.), " Legislators

estimate that 10 letters from constituents represent the concerns of

10,000 citizens. Anybody who will take the time to write is voicing the

fears and desires of thousands more. " If that's not enough to convince

you, ask yourself this: If you don't communicate with the officials

representing you, who will? While you're complaining to your friends about

gruesome animal experiments, someone who disagrees with you is

communicating with your lawmakers. You're probably not going to

singlehandedly convince your legislators to outlaw the fur trade. But many

legislators share your objectives and just need to be convinced that there

is sufficient public support before putting their necks on the line. The

Advocacy Institute explains: " When votes are secured or changed, it's most

likely the aroused constituent-activists -- the grassroots -- who can

claim the credit. "




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