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The Bulletin for Environmental Activists


May 24, 2001


In This Issue:


--Action Alerts--


1. NATIONAL ENERGY PLAN: Tell Congress to reject

President Bush's " More Pollution Solution "


2. WHITE HOUSE NOMINATIONS: Urge your senators to

reject Bush nominee John Graham


3. CHILDREN'S HEALTH: Tell your senators to ratify the


treaty that will eliminate toxic chemicals that

contaminate breast milk



You will also find these alerts in NRDC'S Earth Action


Center, which includes tools for taking action easily

online, at http://www.nrdc.org/action


(Please do not reply to this message; see the

instructions below for how to or contact

NRDC with questions or comments.)



Action Alerts




Tell Congress to reject President Bush's " More

Pollution Solution "


On May 17th, President Bush announced his proposed

national energy plan -- an unbalanced approach that

threatens public health, the environment and our

public lands. Drafted behind closed doors with heavy

input from industry representatives who donated

substantial amounts to the president's campaign,

the energy plan is dominated by new subsidies and

incentives to increase oil and coal supplies while

doing little to improve energy efficiency or help



Among other things, the plan includes a proposal to

open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling,

even though drilling would permanently damage this

irreplaceable treasure and the oil supply from the

refuge would provide only an estimated 180 days of

American oil consumption (and wouldn't reach consumers

for at least 10 years). The plan could also allow oil

and gas drilling in national forests, monuments and

other sensitive special places, and would increase air

pollution by weakening Clean Air Act and other

pollution requirements, increase subsidies to coal,

oil, gas and nuclear industries, and increase global

warming pollution.


To make matters worse, while the plan pays modest

attention to energy efficiency programs, the

president's proposed budget drastically cuts funding

for energy efficiency and renewable energy --

technologies that would provide the cheapest, fastest

and cleanest energy. Congress will now consider the

president's plan as it develops energy legislation and

sets national budget priorities.


== What to do ==

Send a message to your senators and representative,

letting them know that we deserve better than a " More

Pollution Solution " to meet our energy needs.


== Contact information ==

You can email or fax your senators and representative

directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at

http://www.nrdc.org/action. If you prefer to call your


congresspersons, the Capitol Switchboard number is




== For background ==

A Critique of the Bush Energy Plan




Urge your senators to reject Bush nominee John Graham


The Senate will soon vote to confirm or reject John D.


Graham, President Bush's nominee to direct the Office

of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the Office of


Management and Budget. This position plays an

extremely powerful role in establishing (or blocking)

regulatory safeguards in every agency in our federal

government. Graham is currently the director of the

Harvard Center for Risk Analysis, and is one of the

most outspoken and controversial figures in the area

of risk management and regulatory reform; he is also

overwhelmingly viewed as a strong ally of large

corporate interests.


Graham's work at the center has been funded by a wide

array of major industries, including the American

Automobile Manufacturers Association, the American

Petroleum Institute, the Chemical Manufacturers

Association, the Chlorine Chemistry Council,

ExxonMobil, and Monsanto. Not surprisingly, Graham's

studies have routinely understated the dangers of

products manufactured by these corporate sponsors by

using questionable anti-consumer and

anti-environment cost-benefit analyses. In just one

example, he downplayed the EPA's warnings about cancer

risks from dioxin exposure while being supported by 48

major dioxin producers, including chemical,

incinerator, pulp and paper companies.


== What to do ==

Urge your senators to say " No " to John Graham.


== Contact information ==

You can email or fax your senators directly from


Earth Action Center at http://www.nrdc.org/action. If

you prefer to call your senators, the Capitol

Switchboard number

is (202) 224-3121.




Tell your senators to ratify the treaty that will

eliminate toxic chemicals that contaminate breast milk


Chemical pollutants are found in our homes and

workplaces, in the food we eat, the water we drink,

and the air we breathe. Some of these chemicals bind

to and accumulate in human fatty tissues; when a new

mother's body calls on fat supplies during

breastfeeding, these chemicals are passed to her baby.


While we've come a long way in reducing harmful

pollutants in the environment, certain chemicals,

called persistent organic pollutants, are still widely

used and have been detected in breast milk at

increasing levels. The good news, though, is that

banning chemicals has proved to dramatically

reduce pollution levels in the environment, and in

breast milk in particular.


On May 22nd, 120 countries came together to address

this issue by signing a United Nations treaty to

eliminate persistent organic pollutants. But before

the treaty, called the Stockholm Convention, can take

effect it must be ratified by at least 50 countries.


== What to do ==

Urge your senators to ratify the Stockholm Convention

to phase out toxic chemicals that contaminate mothers'



== Contact information ==

You can email or fax your senators directly from


Earth Action Center at http://www.nrdc.org/action. If

you prefer to call your senators, the Capitol

Switchboard number

is (202) 224-3121.


== Background information ==

Healthy Milk, Healthy Baby




About Our Bulletins/How to Subscribe & Un



NRDC distributes three bulletins by email. To

to any or all of them or to join our

activist networks, go to:



If you already and want to change your

subscriptions or update your email address or other

information, go to:


(or see the information below).


EARTH ACTION is sent biweekly and calls out urgent

environmental issues requiring immediate action. To

from Earth Action, send an email message

to earthaction with REMOVE in the

subject line.


LEGISLATIVE WATCH is sent biweekly when Congress is in


session and tracks environmental bills moving through

the federal legislature. To from

Legislative Watch, send an email message to

legwatch with REMOVE

in the subject line.



distributed monthly to members of NRDC's California

Activist Network and provides action tools to

Californians and others concerned with protecting the

state's natural resources and the health of its

citizens. To , send an email message to

wildcalifornia with REMOVE in the





About NRDC



The Natural Resources Defense Council is a nonprofit

environmental organization with over 400,000 members

nationwide and a staff of scientists, attorneys and

environmental experts. Our mission is to protect the

planet's wildlife and wild places and ensure a safe

and healthy environment for all living things.


For more information about NRDC or how to become a

member of NRDC, please contact us at:


Natural Resources Defense Council

40 West 20th Street

New York, NY 10011

212-727-4511 (voice) / 212-727-1773 (fax)

General email: nrdcinfo

Earth Action email: nrdcaction



Also visit:

BioGems -- Saving Endangered Wild Places

A project of the Natural Resources Defense Council







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