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Information for the Compassionate Person

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Dear Compassionate Advocate,


For the past 7 years I have been telling people that a good organization

needs an informative and organized website. If you notice popular

organizations like the HSUS, IDA, or Mercy for Animals, all have very

informative websites, and very organized websites.


I have been working over the past few months trying to follow my own advice.

I have been trying to make the Love All Animals website informative, and

organized. I believe that I have accomplished both tasks to the best of my

ability. Now I am asking for your help.


I know many of you are aware of the newest features of the Love All Animals

website, but I am going to try to spell them out for all of you so that you

can take full benifit of our website. We are trying to make our site one of

the best Animal websites availible to the public.


First, in regards to CompassionFest2002, our website address has changed if

you try to go to http://www.loveallanimals.com/compassionfest.html (our old

address) you will be redirected to http://www.compassionfest.org (our new

address). Likewise all e-mails concerning CompassionFest2002 should be sent

to Info, not CompassionFest Also all

e-mails regarding the CompassionFest website should be sent to

Webmaster, not Webmaster.


Now we get in to the fun stuff...


Additions to the Love All Animals Website (http://www.loveallanimals.com)


We are asking you to add your own alerts to our website! Please surf over to

http://loveallanimals.com/alerts/Listings.asp and view our action alerts. If

you have an action alert, press release, announcement, or anything else you

want people to know about, scroll to the bottom of the Action Alert page and

click on add an action alert. Your form will be submitted to the Love All

Animals volunteers to view and approve. This may take as long as 24 hours.


Love All Animals has added a New Animal Listing database you can view animals

that are up for adoption. You can view this page by surfing to:

http://loveallanimals.com/pets/Listings.asp. To add an animal to this site

send all the information about the animal to Pets, we will

get your animal on our site today!


Also if you are looking for an animal, be it a dog, cat, rabbit, or even Pig

you can list your animal need on our website, also you can view your need as

well as other individuals needs by surfing to:

http://loveallanimals.com/pets/Wanted.asp. To add your need to our website

e-mail Pets for information.


Add your own news articles, poems, stories, or editorial to our site by

surfing to http://loveallanimals.com/newz/listings.asp.


Add your own event listings on our website by going to



Soon our entire website will be set up so that you can add your news now.

Although we will approve everything on our website, except of course those

posts on our discussion board. We will try to keep everything that you post

and make sure it is approved.




A Special Announcement for you to think about for this labor day weekend.

This was forwarded to me by our vegetarian campaign coordinator, Jennifer

Powell, you can reach her by e-mailing Jennifer.


Animals killed for food in the United States in 2000 (millions)

Animals     slaughter  other   %   total'00     est'01        %chng

Broilers        8,259.2       532.8    6.0    8,792       8967


Layers         165             264.7    61.6     429.7    446


Turkeys       268             36        11.8      304       308


Ducks         24.5            1.6        6.1       26.1      28.2


All Birds     8,716.7        835.1    8.7       9551.8  9749


cattle           37.6          4.1        9.8       41.7      40


Pigs            98.1            17.1      14.8     115.2    113


Sheep         3.5              .8         18.6      4.3       4.0



Mammals   139.2          22         13.6      161.2    157



Animals      8855.9        857.1    8.8        9713     9906




Chart taken from The Farm Report Spring/Summer 2001




Like always I hope you enjoy our website, and I hope you look at our new

features. Our website has resources for all people, animal activists, animal

rescuers, and people that just care about animals. And please sign our

guestbook giving us your opinon on our site, and add your website to our link



Have a good week and e-mail me if you have any problems.


To respond to this e-mail, e-mail Ryan, all responses to

Admin will be deleted due to they will be considered as

spam by the mail server.


For Compassion to All Living Things,


Ryan Courtade


Love All Animals







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