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NEWS: The Case Against Meat

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So You're an Environmentalist; Why Are You Still Eating Meat?


Jim Motavalli, E Magazine

January 3, 2002Viewed on January 4, 2002



There has never been a better time for environmentalists to become

vegetarians. Evidence of the environmental impacts of a meat-based diet is

piling up at the same time its health effects are becoming better known.

Meanwhile, full-scale industrialized factory farming -- which allows diseases

to spread quickly as animals are raised in close confinement -- has given

rise to recent, highly publicized epidemics of meat-borne illnesses. At press

time, the first discovery of mad cow disease in a Tokyo suburb caused beef

prices to plummet in Japan and many people to stop eating meat.


All this comes at a time when meat consumption is reaching an all-time high

around the world, quadrupling in the last 50 years. There are 20 billion head

of livestock taking up space on the Earth, more than triple the number of

people. According to the Worldwatch Institute, global livestock population

has increased 60 percent since 1961, and the number of fowl being raised for

human dinner tables has nearly quadrupled in the same time period, from 4.2

billion to 15.7 billion. U.S. beef and pork consumption has tripled since

1970, during which time it has more than doubled in Asia.


Americans spend $110 billion a year on meat-intensive fast food, and its

growing popularity around the world may be a factor in dramatic increases in

global meat consumption. © Jason Kremkau


One reason for the increase in meat consumption is the rise of fast-food

restaurants as an American dietary staple. As Eric Schlosser noted in his

best-selling book Fast Food Nation, " Americans now spend more money on fast

food -- $110 billion a year -- than they do on higher education. They spend

more on fast food than on movies, books, magazines, newspapers, videos and

recorded music -- combined. "


Strong growth in meat production and consumption continues despite mounting

evidence that meat-based diets are unhealthy, and that just about every

aspect of meat production -- from grazing-related loss of cropland and open

space, to the inefficiencies of feeding vast quantities of water and grain to

cattle in a hungry world, to pollution from " factory farms " -- is an

environmental disaster with wide and sometimes catastrophic consequences.

Oregon State University agriculture professor Peter Cheeke calls factory

farming " a frontal assault on the environment, with massive groundwater and

air pollution problems. "


World Hunger and Resources: The 4.8 pounds of grain fed to cattle to produce

one pound of beef for human beings represents a colossal waste of resources

in a world still teeming with people who suffer from profound hunger and



According to the British group Vegfam, a 10-acre farm can support 60 people

growing soybeans, 24 people growing wheat, 10 people growing corn and only

two producing cattle. Britain -- with 56 million people -- could support a

population of 250 million on an all-vegetable diet. Because 90 percent of

U.S. and European meat eaters' grain consumption is indirect (first being fed

to animals), westerners each consume 2,000 pounds of grain a year. Most grain

in underdeveloped countries is consumed directly.


Somalian famine victims line up for food handouts. Producing a pound of beef

requires 4.8 pounds of grain, and critics of our modern agricultural system

say that the spread of meat-based diets aggravates world hunger. © David &

Peter Turnley / Corbis


While it is true that many animals graze on land that would be unsuitable for

cultivation, the demand for meat has taken millions of productive acres away

from farm inventories. The cost of that is incalculable. As Diet For a Small

Planet author Frances Moore Lappé writes, imagine sitting down to an

eight-ounce steak. " Then imagine the room filled with 45 to 50 people with

empty bowls in front of them. For the 'feed cost' of your steak, each of

their bowls could be filled with a full cup of cooked cereal grains. "


Harvard nutritionist Jean Mayer estimates that reducing meat production by

just 10 percent in the U.S. would free enough grain to feed 60 million

people. Authors Paul and Anne Ehrlich note that a pound of wheat can be grown

with 60 pounds of water, whereas a pound of meat requires 2,500 to 6,000



Environmental Costs: Energy-intensive U.S. factory farms generated 1.4

billion tons of animal waste in 1996, which, the Environmental Protection

Agency reports, pollutes American waterways more than all other industrial

sources combined. Meat production has also been linked to severe erosion of

billions of acres of once-productive farmland and to the destruction of



McDonald's took a group of British animal rights activists to court in the

1990s because they had linked the fast food giant to an unhealthy diet and

rainforest destruction. The defendants, who fought the company to a

standstill, made a convincing case. In court documents, the activists

asserted, " From 1970 onwards, beef from cattle reared on ex-rainforest land

was supplied to McDonald's. " In a policy statement, McDonald's claims that it

" does not purchase beef which threatens tropical rainforests anywhere in the

world, " but it does not deny past purchases.


Circle Four Farms, a Utah-based pork producer, hosts a three-million gallon

waste lagoon. When lagoons like this spill into rivers and lakes as happened

in North Carolina in 1995, the result can be environmentally catastrophic. ©

AP Photo / Douglas C. Pizac


According to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), livestock

raised for food produce 130 times the excrement of the human population, some

87,000 pounds per second. The Union of Concerned Scientists points out that

20 tons of livestock manure is produced annually for every U.S. household.

The much-publicized 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska dumped 12 million

gallons of oil into Prince William Sound, but the relatively unknown 1995 New

River hog waste spill in North Carolina poured 25 million gallons of

excrement and urine into the water, killing an estimated 10 to 14 million

fish and closing 364,000 acres of coastal shellfishing beds. Hog waste spills

have caused the rapid spread of a virulent microbe called Pfiesteria

piscicida, which has killed a billion fish in North Carolina alone.


More than a third of all raw materials and fossil fuels consumed in the U.S.

are used in animal production. Beef production alone uses more water than is

consumed in growing the nation's entire fruit and vegetable crop. Producing a

single hamburger patty uses enough fuel to drive 20 miles and causes the loss

of five times its weight in topsoil. In his book The Food Revolution, author

John Robbins estimates that " you'd save more water by not eating a pound of

California beef than you would by not showering for an entire year. " Because

of deforestation to create grazing land, each vegetarian saves an acre of

trees per year.


" We definitely take up more environmental space when we eat meat, " says

Barbara Bramble of the National Wildlife Federation. " I think it's consistent

with environmental values to eat lower on the food chain. "


The Human Health Toll: There is some evidence to suggest that the human

digestive system was not designed for meat consumption and processing (see

sidebar), which could help explain why there is such high incidence of heart

disease, hypertension, and colon and other cancers. Add to this the plethora

of drugs and antibiotics applied as a salve to unnatural factory farming

conditions and growing occurrences of meat-based diseases like E. coli and

Salmonella, and there's a compelling health-based case for vegetarianism.


The factory-farmed chicken, cow or pig of today is among the most medicated

creatures on Earth. " For sheer overprescription, no doctor can touch the

American farmer, " reported Newsweek. According to a Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention (CDC) report, the use of antimicrobial drugs for

nontherapeutic purposes -- mainly to increase factory farm growth rates --

has risen 50 percent since 1985.


Ninety percent of commercially available eggs come from chickens raised on

factory farms, and six billion " broiler " chickens emerge from the same

conditions. Ninety percent of U.S.-raised pigs are closely confined at some

point during their lives. According to the book Animal Factories by Jim Mason

and Peter Singer, pork producers lose $187 million annually to chronic

diseases such as dysentery, cholera, trichinosis and other ailments fostered

by factory farming. Drugs are used to reduce stress levels in animals crowded

together unnaturally, although 20 percent of the chickens die of stress or

disease anyway.


One result of these conditions is a high rate of meat contamination. Up to 60

percent of chickens sold in supermarkets are infected with Salmonella

entenidis, which can pass to humans if the meat is not heated to a high

enough temperature. Another pathogen, Campylobacter, can also spread from

chickens to human beings with deadly results.


In 1997, more than 25 million pounds of hamburger were found to be

contaminated with E. coli 0157:H7, which is spread by fecal matter. The

bacteria are a particular problem in hamburger, because the grinding process

spreads it throughout the meat. E. coli, the leading cause of kidney failure

in young children, was the culprit when three children died of food poisoning

after eating at a Seattle Jack in the Box restaurant in 1993.


Business as usual at the animal farm: From left: chicken debeaking, cow

confinement, poultry transport and hog crowding.


The British epidemic of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), or mad cow

disease, which began in 1986 and has affected nearly 200,000 cattle, jumps to

beef-eating humans in the form of the always-fatal Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

(CJD). The CDC reports that an average of 10 to 15 people have contracted CJD

from meat in Britain each year since it was first detected in 1994. In 1998,

the British Medical Association warned in a report to Members of Parliament,

" The current state of food safety in Britain is such that all raw meat should

be assumed to be contaminated with pathogenic organisms. " In 1997, it added,

Salmonella or E. coli infected a million people in Britain. BSE spreads

through cattle that are fed contaminated central nervous-system tissue from

other animals. " Its future magnitude and geographic distribution...cannot yet

be predicted, " the CDC reported. In the U.S., deer have been affected with

chronic wasting disease, which has many similarities to British BSE, though a

definitive link to humans has not been established.


In the book Eating With Conscience, Dr. Michael W. Fox reports that what is

known as " animal tankage " -- the non-fat animal residue from slaughterhouses

-- is used in a wide variety of products, from animal feed and fertilizer to

pet food. Dr. Fox adds that hundreds of cats in Europe (and several zoo

animals) that ate tankage-laced food have contracted forms of BSE. The

Japanese outbreak is believed to have originated in BSE-contaminated feed

imported from Europe.


According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), more than 10 million

animals that were dying or diseased when slaughtered were " rendered "

(processed into a protein-rich meal) in 1995 for addition to pig, poultry and

pet food. Animals that collapse at the slaughterhouse door or during

transportation are called " downers, " and their corpses are routinely

processed for human consumption. A 2001 Zogby America poll conducted for the

group Farm Sanctuary found that 79 percent of Americans oppose this practice,

which could be an entry point for BSE into the U.S. meat supply. Farm

Sanctuary petitioned the USDA in 1998 to end processing of downer meat for

human consumption, but its petition was denied.


Europe will spend billions of dollars bringing a virulent epidemic of yet

another animal-borne disease -- foot-and-mouth -- under control. In the last

two years, 60 countries have had outbreaks of foot-and-mouth, which kills

animals but does not spread to people.


One of the major western exports is a taste for meat, though it brings with

it increased risk of heart disease and cancer. Clearly, there is something

seriously wrong with a diet and food production system resulting in such

waste, endemic disease and human health threats.


Caring About Animals: The average meat eater is responsible for the deaths of

some 2,400 animals during his or her lifetime. Animals raised for food endure

great suffering in their housing, transport, feeding and slaughter, which is

something not clearly evident in the neatly wrapped packages of meat offered

for sale at grocery counters. Given the information, many Americans --

especially those with an environmental background -- recoil at knowing they

participate in a meat production system so oppressive to the animals caught

up in it.


The family farm of the nineteenth century, with its " free-range " animals

running around the farmyard or grazing in a pasture, is largely a thing of

the past. Brutality to animals has become routine in today's factory farm. A

recent article in the pig industry journal National Hog Farmer recommends

reducing the average space per animal from eight to six square feet,

concluding " Crowding pigs pays. " Morley Safer reported on the television

program 60 Minutes that today's factory pig is no " Babe " : " [They] see no sun

in their limited lives, with no hay to lie on, no mud to roll in. The sows

live in tiny cages, so narrow they cannot even turn around. They live over

metal grates, and their waste is pushed through slats beneath them and

flushed into huge pits. "


Beef cattle are luckier than factory pigs in that they have an average of 14

square feet in the overcrowded feedlots where they live out their lives.

Common procedures for beef calves include branding, castration and dehorning.

Veal calves, taken away from their mothers shortly after birth, live their

entire lives in near darkness, chained by their necks and unable to move in

any direction. They commonly suffer from anemia, diarrhea, pneumonia and



Virtually all chickens today are factory raised, with as many as six

egg-laying hens living in a wire-floored " battery " cage the size of an album

cover. As many as 100,000 birds can live in each " henhouse. " Conditions are

so psychologically taxing on the birds that they must be debeaked to prevent

pecking injuries. Male chicks born on factory farms -- as many as 280 million

per year -- are simply thrown into garbage bags to die because they're of no

economic value as meat or eggs.


Some 95 percent of factory-raised animals are moved by truck, where they are

typically subjected to overcrowding, severe weather, hunger and thirst. Many

animals die of heat exhaustion or freezing during transport.


Some of the worst abuse occurs at the end of the animals' lives, as

documented by Gail Eisnitz' book Slaughterhouse, which includes interviews

with slaughterhouse workers. " On the farm where I work, " reports one

employee, " they drag the live ones who can't stand up anymore out of the

crate. They put a metal snare around her ear or foot and drag her the full

length of the building. These animals are just screaming in pain. " He adds,

" The slaughtering part doesn't bother me. It's the way they're treated when

they're alive. " Dying animals unable to walk are tossed into the " downer

pile, " and many suffer agonies until, after one or two days, they are finally



The threat to slaughterhouse workers' safety is largely underreported or

ignored in the media. For example, Mother Jones magazine, in an otherwise

admirable story on slaughterhouse workers, barely mentions the frequent

injuries caused by pain-wracked animals lashing out inside the

slaughterhouses. Despite the existence of the Humane Slaughter Act and

regular USDA inspection, animals are often skinned alive or -- in a major

threat to worker safety -- regain consciousness during slaughtering.


The Vegetarian Solution: Vegetarianism is not a new phenomenon. The ancient

Greek philosopher Pythagoras was vegetarian, and until the mid-19th century,

people who abstained from meat were known as " Pythagoreans. " Famous followers

of Pythagoras' diet included Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, George

Bernard Shaw and Albert Einstein. The word " vegetarian " was coined in 1847 to

give a name to what was then a tiny movement in England.


In the U.S., the 1971 publication of Diet For a Small Planet was a major

catalyst for introducing people to a healthy vegetarian diet. Other stimuli

included Peter Singer's 1975 book Animal Liberation, which gave vegetarianism

a moral underpinning; Singer and Jim Mason's book Animal Factories, the first

expose´ of confinement agriculture; and John Robbins' 1987 Diet for a New

America. In the U.S., according to a 1998 Vegetarian Journal survey, 82

percent of vegetarians are motivated by health concerns, 75 percent by

ethics, the environment and/or animal rights, 31 percent because of taste and

26 percent because of economics.


Is the vegetarian diet healthy? The common perception persists that removing

meat from the menu is dangerous because of protein loss. Lappé says there is

danger of protein deficiency if vegetarian diets are heavily dependent upon

1) fruit; 2) sweet potatoes or cassava (a staple root crop for more than 500

million people in the tropics); or 3) the particular western problem, junk



But Reed Mangels, nutrition advisor to the Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG),

says vegetarians can meet their protein needs " easily " if they " eat a varied

diet and consume enough calories to maintain their weight. It is not

necessary to plan combinations of foods. A mixture of proteins throughout the

day will provide enough 'essential amino acids.' "


Although meat is rich in protein, Vegetarian and Vegan FAQ reports that other

good sources are potatoes, whole wheat bread, rice, broccoli, spinach,

almonds, peas, chickpeas, peanut butter, tofu (soybean curd), soymilk,

lentils and kale. Supermarket shelves overflow with soy- or seitan-based meat

substitutes. The soybean contains all eight essential amino acids and exceeds

even meat in the amount of usable protein it can deliver to the human body.

(It should be noted, however, that some people are allergic to soy, and the

" hyper-processing " of some soy-based foods reduces the useful protein

content.) Animal rights advocates also claim that, contrary to the urging of

the meat and dairy industries, humans need to consume only two to 10 percent

of their total calories as protein.


How many vegetarians are there in the U.S.? It depends on whom you ask. A

PETA fact sheet asserts that 12 million Americans are vegetarians, and 19,000

make the switch every week. Pamela Rice, author of 101 Reasons Why I'm a

Vegetarian, puts the number at 4.5 million, or 2.5 percent of the population,

based on recent surveys. Older counts, from 1992, put the number of people

who " consider themselves " to be vegetarians at seven percent of the U.S.

population, or an impressive 18 million. A 1991 Gallup Poll indicated that 20

percent of the population look for vegetarian menu items when they eat out.


Actual vegetarian numbers may be lower. VRG got virtually the same results in

two separate Roper Polls it sponsored in 1994 and 1997: One percent of the

public, or between two and three million, is vegetarian (eats no meat or

fish, but may eat dairy and/or eggs), with a third to half of them living on

a vegan diet (eschewing all animal products). Roughly five percent in both

studies " never eat red meat. " A 2000 poll was slightly more optimistic,

putting the number of vegetarians at 2.5 percent of the population. Women are

more likely to be vegetarians than men; and -- surprisingly -- Republicans

are slightly more likely to abstain from meat than Democrats.


The American Dietetic Association says in a position statement,

" Appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, are nutritionally

adequate and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of

certain diseases. " Vegetarians now have excellent opportunities to put

together well-planned meals. The sale of organic products in natural food

stores is the highest growth niche in the food industry, according to

Nutrition Business Journal, and it grew 22 percent in 1999 to $4 billion. The

natural food markets of today are not the tiny storefronts of yesteryear, but

full-service supermarkets, with vigorous competition among giant national

chains. Diverse veggie entrees are now available in most supermarkets and on

a growing list of restaurant menus.


It's never been easier to become a vegetarian, and there have never been more

compelling reasons for environmentalists to make that choice. It's not always

easy to do -- most environmentalists still eat meat -- but the tide is

beginning to turn.


For resources about vegetarianism, contact:

International Vegetarian Union (www.ivu.org)

North American Vegetarian Society (www.navs-online.org)

Vegetarian Resource Group (wwwv.vrg.org)


This article originally appeared in E, The Environmental Magazine.




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