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eWellness March 2002

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As promised here is the March, Tree of Life ewellness letter. If you have

received this letter and wish to or you do not wish to be part of

the mailing, see details at the end of this message. Enjoy!


Dear Friend of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center,


Thank you for being part of the Tree of Life family and for cultivating deep

spiritual peace for the whole planet. The Tree of Life is one of the leading

Rejuvenation Centers in the world for " Sevenfold Peace " through Body, Mind,

Family, Community, Culture, Ecology and the Divine.


In this monthly e-wellness letter we feature:

1) Commentary on Genetic Engineering by Gabriel Cousens, MD, MD(H). See

website for entire article (http://www.treeoflife.nu/ewell.htm).

2) Recipes from the World's #1 Live Food Café.

3) The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center Experience.

4) Employment and Apprenticeship Opportunities.

5) Updates on the Masters Degree program in Vegan and Live Food Nutrition

offered by the Tree of Life College of Living Arts.

6) Calendar for upcoming Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center programs.

7) Announcing the New Tree of Life Health Products Store.


1) Commentary on Genetic Engineering by Gabriel Cousens, MD, MD(H)


Genetically engineered food presents a serious threat to the survival of all

species on the planet, and the very living planetary organism called the

Earth. Paradoxically, the crisis that genetically engineered food is

presenting to the world represents a tremendous impetus for us world

citizens to take control of our lives and protect the environment in a way

that goes beyond government interference in the healing of the planet. To

truly understand the situation that we face, we need to have some basic

facts about genetically engineered food.


Genetically engineered food is 4-11% less productive per acre, which creates

a situation where more pesticides and herbicides are needed, has significant

health problems that have been associated with it within a few years of its

use, and is a potential nightmare disaster to the ecology of the planet. In

essence, GE food threatens human health, and the health of the total

planetary ecology. How can it be that governments, and the three leading

countries that we are talking about are the United States that has produced

72 percent of the genetically engineered food, Canada, one percent, and

Argentina, 17 percent, how can it be that these countries would be allowing

this to go on without any protection of the public. In fact, different than

almost any other nation in the world, the U.S. has, in a sense, made it

impossible to trace what is genetically engineered food or not, even so

difficult that epidemiologists in this country cannot even do studies on it,

because we cannot trace what is genetically engineered or not.


A simple quote from Robert T. Frailey, as co-president of Monsanto's

agricultural sector, makes it very clear. This is a quote from John

Robbins's book, The Food Revolution. Mr. Frailey says, " The genetic

engineering is not just a consolidation of seed companies. It is really a

consolidation of the entire food chain. " In other words, with the use of

patents, with the use of terminator seeds, which are seeds that do not

reproduce, so people have to buy the crops again, there is a raw and naked

corporate plan against the wishes of the vast public throughout the world to

attempt to control the food chain, and therefore, obviously, the economy and

the people who are eating in the food chain.


Because in the United States, the food situation with genetically engineered

food is so pervasive, the only way that we can deal with this complex

problem becomes very simple. SIMPLY GO ORGANIC AND VEGAN. We vote with our

mouths, and in this way, by consumer demand, we begin to make change against

the powers that be. Europe is leading the way in this. Many of the major

food chains in Europe have gone genetically modified free. As a result, the

U.S. exports of genetically engineered food, which in 1996 were 3 billion

tons, dropped in the year 2000, to 177,000 tons. It was a huge drop-off, and

has had a devastating effect on the economy of genetically engineered food.

There is fierce resistance throughout the world, against genetically

engineered food. And, the simplest way to do it is vote with your mouth --

go organic and vegan. (to read the complete article you can visit:



Gabriel Cousens, MD, MD(H)

Diplomate in Ayurveda

March, 2002



2) The Tree of Life Café is the world's #1 Living Foods café serving 100%

Organic, Vegan, Live Gourmet meals 3 times a day. This year we are bringing

out a new book: " The Rainbow Green Cuisine " with three breakthrough chapters

by Dr. Cousens about our unique healing green cuisine.


Eggplant Ravioli

With Spicy Red Pepper Marinara

Serves 4


Growing up in a society of rich and comforting foods it is very important

(while transitioning to a raw foods lifestyle) to focus on feeding our

physical bodies and our emotional body as well. This is a key factor when

it comes to easing yourself into this diet while keeping all levels of your

being in balance. This dish is a great example of eating for optimum health

and nourishing comfort while doing so.


2 eggplants, sliced in thin rounds

t Celtic Sea Salt

2 c cashews soaked in filtered water for 8-10 hours

1 c pine nuts

2 ½ T olive oil

2 T lemon juice

1 ½ T Italian seasoning

1 T garlic minced

½ t Celtic Sea Salt

½ t black pepper, cracked

½ t cayenne, ground

½ c water

½ c Sun dried black olives pitted and diced

T thyme, fresh and minced

2 ½ T Basil, fresh and minced


The first step is to remove the bitterness from the eggplant, so two hours

before the preparation of this dish soak the sliced eggplant in warm water

with the teaspoon of salt, set aside. Next is the ricotta filling, in a food

processor blend the cashews, pine nuts, olive oil, lemon, Italian seasoning,

garlic, salt, pepper, cayenne and water until smooth. Hand mix-in the

chopped olives and fresh herbs. To assemble, strain the salt water from the

eggplant. On half of each eggplant round place one to two tablespoons of

ricotta folding eggplant into half moon. Place on dehydrator sheet and

dehydrate for 3-4 hours. Serve warm and with spicy red pepper marinara.

Garnish with basil leaf.


Spicy Red Pepper Marinara

Serves 4


2 c Red bell pepper chopped

1 c Tomato chopped

½ c Sun dried tomato soaked for 2-3 hours in filtered water

½ c apple cored and chopped

2 cloves garlic

2 T Olive oil

t Celtic Sea Salt

½ t Black pepper, cracked

t cayenne (optional)

T Thyme, fresh and chopped

2 T Basil, fresh and chopped

2 T Chives, fresh and chopped


In Blender, blend the red pepper, tomato, sun dried tomato, apple, garlic,

olive oil, salt, pepper and cayenne until smooth consistency. Pulse in the

fresh thyme, basil and chives, making sure not to blend fully leaving small

pieces of herbs in the sauce. Serve over Ravioli or any raw vegetable pasta.



Kale Avocado Salad

Serves 2


This is a great way to prepare kale, (often difficult to eat raw for most

people 'transitioning' to the raw foods diet), when Celtic Salt is used and

the kale is massaged the kale 'wilts' making it easier to digest and

definitely more palatable. This salad has grown to be a staple dish for the

Tree of Life community and all who experience it.


1 head kale, any variety is great shredded

1 c tomato diced

1 c avocado chopped

2 ½ T olive oil

1 ½ T lemon juice

t Celtic Sea Salt

½ t cayenne


In mixing bowl toss all ingredients together, squeezing as you mix to 'wilt'

the kale and cream the avocado. Serve immediately. As a variation add

chopped fresh herbs.


These creations are Copyright of the Tree of Life Café



3) The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center is located in the peaceful town of

Patagonia, AZ, which is located on the high desert mesa where the air is

pure and the night skies are breathtaking. The Tree of Life experience will

transform you on every level:


Eat at the world's #1 live food Café.

Be spiritually inspired with the mystical Kabbalah with Shabbat, Shaktipat

Ruah Ha Kodesh Meditation, Daily Satsang(spiritual Q & A) and Meditation, and

ancient Essene teaching practices.

Experience our progressive cellular detoxification therapies.

Consult with Dr. Cousens for your " Whole Person Healing " .

Sweat lodges, massage therapies, daily Kali Ray Tri Yoga, hikes on the

mesa, daily live food prep classes, chanting,weekly spiritual nutrition

class with Dr. Cousens and EM infused hot tubs.



4) The Tree of Life offers two 4-Month Apprentice Programs in the Live Foods

lifestyle. The first is our Live-Food Chef Certification Program

(http://www.treeoflife.nu/chef.htm) and the second is our Nature Farming and

Spiritual Gardening and Sacred Landscaping Program

(http://www.treeoflife.nu/garden.htm). For more information on these

outstanding opportunities visit the Tree of Life website.


We are also seeking applications for candidates interested in the following

employment positions:

Bodyworker - Massage Therapist

Program Assistant

Holistically Oriented Lab Nurse

Live Food Chef Instructor Position

Guest Services - Housekeeping


For more Information contact:

Doug Busch, Operations Manager at doug or call 520 394 2520

ext 206 - view details at www.treeoflife.nu



5) The Tree of Life College of Living Arts was founded in 2001 to offer the

first ever Masters Degree Program in Vegan and Live Food Nutrition. This

progressive educational opportunity has been created in cooperation with the

University of Integrative Learning and the Essene Order of Light.

Applications are being accepted for the second class to begin in 2003 and

must received by August of this year. Candidates who possess two years of

collegiate study and have relevant (documented) life experience are eligible

to apply. Please contact the College of Living Arts Provost by email at

provost. In the near future we will also be offering an MA in

spiritual gardening. Visit http://www.essene.nu for more information.



6) Sign up this month for any of the following events and receive a

complimentary copy of Dr. Cousens' Sevenfold Peace. Offer only applies to

new rs, so sign up for free at ewellness and let your

friends know.


March 29-April 7 - Yoga Spiritual Fast and option of Reiki I & II

Training Combining the wisdom of Kali Ray Tri Yoga® and the benefits of 100%

organic, raw juice fasting Gabriel and Shanti have created an exclusive

program that offers not only physical detoxification but also a greater

sense of well-being and transformation on a psycho-spiritual and emotional

level. Dr. Cousens is a Reiki Master who reveals the hidden principles of

Reiki that penetrate to the core of Reiki and all healing principles. A

unique opportunity for a week of supervised practice in the original

Japanese Reiki training style.


April 9-12 - Zero Point Process Workshop

This four-day psycho-spiritual development course developed by Gabriel

Cousens, M.D., M.D.(H) focuses on dissolving dysfunctional habits,

identities and beliefs. Enjoy the freedom to embrace your life without fear

or resistance so you can fully express your sacred design. Zero Point

empowers you to be free of all limitations to enable you to know the

indescribable, blissful and liberating awareness of who you truly are.

Powerfully understand " the personality is a case of mistaken identity " .


May 24-26 - Arizona Live!

Become empowered in the raw food way of life. World renowned live-food

proponents, Gabriel Cousens M.D., M.D.(H) and David Wolfe, co-founder of

Natures First Law, join together along with the Tree of Life Café live-food

chefs to bring you two days of transformational events that use the vehicle

of a live-food diet and warrior mystic lifestyle for increasing the

awareness of one's own inner strength and dynamics to produce the life you



May 27-June 2 - Conscious Eating Live-Food Lifestyles Education

Join the extraordinary Tree of Life Café chefs and Gabriel Cousens, MD,

MD(H), world's foremost medical doctor promoting a live-food diet, for a

week of learning and exploring the sumptuous secrets of live-food cuisines.

You will experience the joy of preparing raw, life-giving foods and creating

innovative international cuisine that supports health and wellness.



7) We are pleased to announce that the new Tree of Life HEALTH PRODUCTS

STORE recently opened. With great products to assist you in your transition

to the Tree of Life " Rainbow Diet Green Cuisine " . Take the Health Store link

from our Web Site; www.treeoflife.nu.


Thank You

Gabriel Cousens MD, MD (H)


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database of interested parties, please reply directly with remove in the

subject line. Thank You


If you have already signed up but wish to from this monthly

mailing please send a blank email to ewellness with Remove in

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