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Broadcasting the Revolt

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Broadcasting the Revolt

An old song had a title " The Revolution Will Not Be Televised " . Well,

that was before the internet.

Today we can broadcast our revolt through the internet, and we can

even call radio and TV talk shows and write letters to the editor and

demonstrate for or against all sorts of things. A revolt against Bush

is under way in the House and the Senate these days, for which we

express our thanks and offer our encouragement. We also hope that

non-office holders will get involved in protesting the Bush agenda.

We are deeply troubled by the Bush Saudi arafat axis of evil against

Israel. We think it is past time for arafat, the man we feel ordered

the murders of Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy,


US Diplomats, and other American citizens, as well as more Jews than

anyone since Hitler and arafat's uncle, Hitler's mufti, to be brought

to justice by the appropriate government(s). We feel that the only

American official who should meet arafat should be the American

official who puts the handcuffs on arafat and takes him into custody

for what we hope will be a speedy trial, with an appropriate sentence

for the mass murderer of Israeli Olympic competitors in Munich and

kindergarten children at Maalot.

Nor has arafat changed a bit since he ordered the Maalot kindergarten

and Munich Olympic massacres.

Danielle Shefi , was 5 years old she was murdered by arafat's

genocidal thugs on Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath, April 27th, 2002. " In

Adora, the gunmen left behind blood-soaked bedding, shattered windows

and a Mickey Mouse pillowcase pierced with a ragged bullet hole. The

pillow was on the bed where Danielle Shefi, 5, was lying when she was

killed. " In the same genocidal attack " Natan Greenberg, 14, was shot

and wounded in his bed downstairs, and his mother, Katya, was killed

in her bed upstairs. Lying beside her, her husband, Vladimir, was

badly wounded. Their mattress was crimson with their blood. Across

from the bed, two yellow birds sat silently in their cages, near a

medallion of Lenin. *** a 36-year-old neighbor of the Greenbergs, who

declined to give his name, bridled when asked if the Greenbergs were

originally Russians. " Jews, " he said. "


(arafat) " has committed scores of terrorist attacks from 1964 to 1993,

including the Lod Airport massacre, the massacre of 21 children at

Maalot, the massacre of 11 Israel Olympic Athletes in Munich, and

many, many more. After he signed the Oslo treaty in 1993, he has

presided over more than 4,000 terrorist attacks. "


" Lieberman Urges Dems To Confront Bush MAY 3, 2002


excerpted from: The Forward " Joe: Show 'Vision' On Foreign Policy


congressional elections looming and the shadow of September 11

receding, Senator Joseph Lieberman is calling on his fellow Democrats

to challenge the Bush administration on its most popular ground:

foreign policy. " It's very important for Democrats not just to

distinguish ourselves from the Bush administration on domestic policy,

but to prove by our interest and by our statements that we understand

foreign and defense policy, " Lieberman told the Forward in an

exclusive interview. " We have a set of ideas and a vision, and we

[have to show] that we are prepared to act to protect America's

security, both internationally and domestically. "

A former vice presidential candidate and potential 2004 presidential

contender, Lieberman has criticized the Bush administration *** for

insisting that Israel stop its military operations in the West Bank.

Lieberman has emerged as a strong champion of American action to

depose Iraqi president Saddam Hussein.*** Many observers say

Lieberman, a three-term Connecticut senator, enjoys a built-in edge in

Democratic presidential jockeying thanks to his reputation for moral

rectitude, his credentials as a national security hawk and his strong

support for Israel, all of which are linked to his status as the

Senate's only Orthodox Jew. " Lieberman holds a very unique territory

in the party, " said Marshall Wittman, a Republican activist associated

with the conservative Hudson Institute in Washington. " He has strong

credentials on Israel and on Iraq. He is basically trying to revive

the Scoop Jackson heritage, " a reference to the late Washington State

Democrat known for his blend of a hawkish foreign policy and liberal

domestic views. Lieberman has repeatedly stated that he will not run

for president if 2000 standard-bearer Al Gore decides to enter the

race, and is pressing for candidates to declare by the end of the

year. If Gore steps aside, Lieberman said he was " strongly thinking "

about running. He has already begun laying the groundwork, actively

traveling, raising money and making speeches since the beginning of

the year.

In addition to trying to chip away at Bush's sky-high approval

ratings, observers say Lieberman clearly wants to steer his party

toward the hawkish positions he has defended for years. " 9/11 put

national security back at the center of the political debate, " said

Will Marshall, president of the Progressive Policy Institute, a think

tank linked to the centrist Democratic Leadership Council, which

Lieberman helped found. " That raises the threshold for Democrats

willing to become president. Lieberman is well in front on this. He

has emerged as a leader of the tough-minded internationalists who

believes in U.S. strength as an instrument of international security.

That sets him apart from the soft, multilateralist wing of the party. "

*** Lieberman *** has now been criticizing the White House for

insisting that Israel stop its military operations in the West Bank.

" Engagement doesn't justify muddying our moral clarity by publicly

pressuring the Israelis to not do exactly what we're doing in

Afghanistan, " Lieberman told the Forward. " Israel is a victim of the

same kind of suicidal terrorism we were victims of on September 11. "

In pressing for an Israeli withdrawal, Lieberman said, the

administration made a " foreign policy mistake. " " When dealing with an

ally, we should have known that the demand we were making on them was

impossible to comply with, " Lieberman said. " And knowing that, it

makes no sense to me that we continue to make the demand publicly

because when the Israelis turned it down, it hurt our credibility and

it was unnecessary. " Lieberman said he *** wouldn't have asked them to

withdraw - even privately.*** Lieberman *** was one of just 10 Senate

Democrats to vote in favor of the 1991 Gulf War (Note : Al Gore also

was brave enough to vote in favor of the Gulf War in the US Senate

then.) and has been one of the most vocal advocates of a regime change

in Baghdad. While he said there was " substantial evidence suggesting

links between Saddam Hussein and the September 11 attacks " and

" evidence of links between Iraq and the Palestinian Authority, "

Lieberman argued that the main reason to intervene was Iraq's pursuit

of weapons of mass destruction. " We wounded the king but we did not

kill him, " he said of the first President Bush's decision not to

topple Saddam in 1991. Lieberman praised the current administration

for what he said seems to be the decision to mount a military strike

aimed at removing the Iraqi strongman. " When and how is up to the

military command and the president, " Lieberman said, " but the sooner

would be the better. " Lieberman continues to advocate American support

for the Iraqi National Congress, the main opposition group. " For the

last decade, a school of thought within the intelligence community has

been saying that we had to find a general to replace Saddam, "

Lieberman said. " But we have been looking for such a general for 10

years and we haven't found him. " While in agreement with the

administration over Iraq, Lieberman seemed to chart a more dovish

course on the question of engaging Iran. In recent months, and

especially after Israel intercepted an alleged Iranian arms shipment

to the Palestinian Authority in January, American supporters of a

rapprochement have been mostly silent. Still, while acknowledging that

Tehran is a " significant cause of the instability " in the Middle East

because of its support for terrorism, Lieberman noted that " the

reality is they still hold elections there, " where reformists

regularly carry 65% to 70% of the votes. " So you've got a situation

very much like the Soviet Union, " he explained. " A minority that is

not representative of the majority is controlling the country... and

also fomenting instability throughout the region and the world. " This,

he said, is why both Congress and the president have to think of ways

to help the majority gain control of the government. " There must be a

[Lech] Walesa or [Vaclav] Havel there who will emerge as the leader of

a new Iran, " he said. " So I'd like to see us engaged any way we can. "

" Congress to Express Solidarity with Israel

Thu May 2, 2002

WASHINGTON (Reuters) the U.S. Congress was set on Thursday to approve

resolutions expressing solidarity with Israel in its fight against

" terrorism. " The U.S. House of Representatives was expected to pass a

resolution on Thursday supporting Israel and condemning " ongoing

support of terror by (Palestinian President) Yasser Arafat (news - web

sites). " The measure sponsored by House Republican Whip Tom DeLay of

Texas, and Rep. Tom Lantos, a California Democrat, was expected to win

overwhelming support. The Senate is expected to take up a similar but

less strongly worded resolution expressing support for Israel as a

" front-line state in the war against terrorism " as early as Thursday.

Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, a South Dakota Democrat, said it

was important for the Senate to go on record to show its support for

Israel and would vote on a resolution sponsored by Sen. Joseph

Lieberman, a Connecticut Democrat. " I think the Lieberman resolution

is a very appropriate way with which to state our continued allegiance

and alliance with Israel and that I hope that that will happen, "

Lawmakers wanted to voice support for Israel, particularly in light of

the U.S. war against terror following the Sept. 11 attacks against the

World Trade Center and Pentagon (news - web sites) that killed around

3,000 people. There certainly is a need for Congress to say

something, " said Terry Holt, spokesman for House

Majority Leader Dick Armey, a Texas Republican.

http://story.news./news?tmpl=story & u=/nm/20020502/ts_nm/midea


Int'l Observers Killed in West Bank -(arafat must be running low on

Jews to murder)

(ever wonder what will happen when Nazi Mufti's nephew arafat runs out

of Jews to murder? Wonder no more he will murder everyone




Mar 26, 2002 JERUSALEM - Two observers from an international force in

Hebron were shot and killed when Palestinians opened fire on their car

in the West Bank on Tuesday, the Israeli military said.

The observers, serving in the Temporary International Presence in

Hebron, were driving on a bypass road used mostly by Jewish settlers

when their car came under fire near Halhoul, a West Bank town north of

Hebron. A Norwegian official in the West Bank said the two dead were

Turkish and Swiss. There was no immediate comment from the peace

force. The two were the first members of the force to be killed in the

West Bank. A third observer was slightly wounded, the military said.

The force, made up of unarmed observers from Scandinavian and European

countries, was set up under a 1997 agreement dividing Hebron into

Palestinian- and Israeli-controlled zones. The city was divided

because about 450 Israeli settlers live in three enclaves in the

center of the city, among some 130,000 Palestinians. The observers,

recognizable by their clearly marked white cars, make periodic reports

about violations of the truce. Settlers charge that the observers are

biased against them,***

http://story.news./news?tmpl=story & cid=540 & u=/ap/20020326/ap_


IT SEEMS TO ME that arafat did not realize that there would be any

survivors of the attack on international observers to identify the

perpetrator, obviously arafat hoped to blame the attack on Israel so

that International ARMED observers In LARGE NUMBERS would be sent. Of

course arafat himself ordered this attack, as he has so many other

atrocities! " Wednesday, March 27, 2002

Palestinian barefaced lie: " Two TIPH observers shot dead by the

Israeli occupation forces " Palestinian barefaced lie: " Two TIPH

observers shot dead by the Israeli occupation forces " [iMRA: The

official Palestine News Agency WAFA provided an opportunity today for

the world to see that nothing will stop them from telling a lie - even

the broadcast testimony of a Turkish soldier [see transcript below].

The message is clear: If WAFA is willing to lie when they already know

that there is proof positive that they are not telling the truth, one

can only imagine how warped their reports are

when there is no available alternative report.] Two TIPH observers

shot dead by the Israeli occupation forces


HEBRON, MARCH 27, 2002, WAFA(Official Palestinian News Agency) - Two

European observers from an international force in Hebron were shot and

killed by the Israeli occupation troops, a Palestinian official

spokesman said Tuesday. The observers, serving in the Temporary

International Presence in Hebron (TIPH), were driving on a bypass road

near the city, when their car came under the fire of Israeli

occupation troops stationed on two Palestinian buildings, the

spokesman said in a Statement. The two observers - from Turkey and

Switzerland - were the first members of the force to be killed. +++

Turkish Capt. Huseyin Ozaslah describes Palestinian murder of his

comrades Aaron Lerner 26 March 2002 Turkish Capt. Huseyin

Ozaslah, a member of the Temporary International Presence in Hebron

(TIPH) observers team attacked tonight, was interviewed on the

telephone by Israel Radio on the way to the hospital in English. The

following is a transcript prepared by IMRA: Ozalslah: There were three

people and we were driving in an Opel Corsa. I was sitting in the back

seat and one colleague was driving and one female colleague was

sitting in the front seat and we were just getting out of Hebron. Then

we heard some shooting towards our car. We were very fast - 90

kilometers per hour - and this Palestinian was just standing in the

middle of this road. Reporter: Could you see him? Ozalslah: Yes. Yes.

The lights were on and we saw him. He was in a PPF uniform, a

Palestinian Police Force uniform. He was carrying a Kalashnikov and we

shouted towards him that " we are from the TIPH -

don't shoot at us " . We could hardly stop the car. There were only 5 or

6 meters from the man and our car. And he didn't stop. Reporter: You

told him that you were from TIPH and he continued to shoot? Ozalslah:

Yes. We told him that we were from TIPH and he didn't care. He kept

shooting towards us. My colleagues sitting in the front seat were shot

dead. The driver's blood splashed on my face and I was also injured.

He finished his magazine and he didn't check if all of us were dead or

not and he escaped. But I saw him. That he had a Palestinian police

force uniform and was carrying a Kalashnikov and he finished his whole

magazine - thirty bullets at least. He was about 30 years old. Dr.

Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)

(mail POB 982 Kfar Sava) Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-5480092 INTERNET

ADDRESS: imra pager 03-610666 r 4811

Website: http://www.imra.org.il



By URI DAN New York Post http://www.nypost.com/news/worldnews/7289.htm

December 15, 2001 -- JERUSALEM - Yasser Arafat personally ordered the

execution of two American diplomats in 1973, a former U.S.

intelligence officer says. James Walsh said he knew of a tape

recording in which Arafat calmly discussed an attack on the Saudi

Arabian Embassy in Khartoum, Sudan. In February 1973 gunmen had burst

into the embassy and seized American Ambassador Cleo Noel and his

charge d'affaires, George Curtis Moore. The Black September terrorist

organization took responsibility for the assault and demanded the

release of Sirhan Sirhan, the imprisoned assassin of Robert F.

Kennedy, and other jailed Palestinians. Walsh, then a member of the

National Security Agency based in Cyprus, said his organization

intercepted a conversation between Arafat and Black September in which

the PLO chairman ordered the killing of the Americans and a Belgian

diplomat. Walsh told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz that the

conversation was never disclosed by U.S. officials because it would

compromise American eavesdropping resources. Walsh said the NSA had

intercepted a series of phone calls between Arafat and the Black

September kidnappers. Officials in Jerusalem said the United States

had been informed of the conversation through another channel. They

said then-Prime Minister Golda Meir told then-President Richard Nixon

that Israel had also intercepted a conversation between Arafat and

kidnap leader Khalil al-Wazir, in which they discussed killing the

Americans.. " Colin Powell, as Secretary of State, betrays every

American diplomat who serves under him, and who has ever served by

meeting with arafat, the man who ordered the murders of American

diplomats. Powell owes it to the memory of the diplomats murdered at

arafat's command to take arafat into custody next time he sees him and

personally putting the handcuffs on arafat. My feeling is that in a

world in which international observers sided with Jews there would be

no need for international observers, the fact that Rockefeller money

could pay for the camps for the so-called " palestinians' so that they

would not be re-integrated into the countries they and their ancestors

wandered into Judea, Samaria, Gaza, Israel FROM is part and parcel

with the fact of Bush gangsters funding Hitler from the get go, etc.

The leadership of most nations of influence is sadly allied with that

gang and the oil cartels which the Bush gang is so squarely a part of

itself. No matter what pretense international observers enter Israel

by their real goal is the destruction of Israel. Has the US ever

allowed international observers on its soil? I think not. " The 1929

Riots After a series of disturbances in 1920-1921, the yishuv

continued to develop in relative peace and security. The yishuv's main

concern at that time was its financial difficulties; the economic

crisis of 1926-1928 led many to believe that the Zionist enterprise

would fail due to lack of funds. Zionist leaders attempted to rectify


situation by expanding the Jewish Agency to incorporated non-Zionists

who were willing to contribute to the practical settlement of

Palestine. The prospects for renewed financial support for the yishuv

alarmed Arab leaders who feared economic domination by the Zionists.

Led by the Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, rumors of a Jewish plot to

seize control of the holy places began to spread. Violence erupted

soon after, causing extensive damage. Rioting and looting were rampant

throughout Palestine. First in

Jerusalem, the disturbances spread to Hebron and Safed, including many

settlements in between. At the end of the rioting, 133 Jews were

killed, with more than 300 wounded. Though fully aware of the

situation, the British government took no steps to gain control of the

situation. Afterwards, the British appointed Sir William Shaw to head

an inquiry into the causes of the riots. "


(arafat's uncle) " Haj Amin al-Husseini (1893-1974) Appointed Mufti of

Jerusalem by the British in 1921, Haj Amin al-Husseini was the most

prominent Arab figure in Palestine during the Mandatory period.

Al-Husseini was born in Jerusalem in 1893, and went on to serve in

the Ottoman Army during

World War I. Anti-British and anti-Jewish, the mufti was the key

nationalist figure among Muslims in Palestine. Fearful that increased

Jewish immigration to Palestine would damage Arab standing in the

area, the mufti engineered the bloody riots against Jewish settlement

in 1929 and 1936. Al-Husseini's appointment as mufti was itself the

subject of much controversy. The decision to grant al-Husseini the

position was made by Herbert Samuel, the first high commissioner of

Palestine. It was odd that Samuel, a British Jew, would appoint a man

who would be responsible for so much unrest within the Mandatory area.

Al-Husseini in fact had been sentenced to ten years in prison by the

British for inciting riots in 1920. None of that sentence was served,

as al-Husseini had fled to Transjordan, and was soon after amnestied

by Samuel himself. For his part, al-Husseini had used his influence to

quiet additional disturbances in 1921. He assured Samuel that he would

continue to maintain order, and it was with this understanding that

the high commissioner granted him the position of mufti. In the

following year, he was also appointed to lead the Supreme Muslim

Council, expanding his already significant powers. Known later as the

Grand Mufti, al-Husseini was able to establish himself as the

preeminent Arab power in Palestine. One of the mufti's most successful

projects was the restoration of the Dome of the Rock and the al-Aqsa

mosque. With funds collected from India and various Arab states, the

Dome was plated in gold. The impressive looks of the Dome greatly

enhanced the status of Jerusalem in the eyes of Muslims throughout the

world. Similarly, al-Husseini's own status as Mufti of Jerusalem

increased his standing as an influential Arab leader. The mufti was

dismissed from his position following the riots of 1936. No longer

able to stay in Palestine, he continued his extremist activities from

abroad. During World War II, the mufti was involved in the

mobilization of support for Germany among Muslims. In November 1941

the Mufti met with Hitler.Although he continued to be involved in

politics, al-Husseini's influence gradually declined after the defeat

of the Arab armies in 1948. "












MENTIONED ABOVE " First in Jerusalem, the disturbances spread to Hebron

and Safed, including many settlements in between. At the end of the

rioting, 133 Jews were killed, with more than 300 wounded. " THE MORE



http://www.hebron.org.il/pics/tarhome.htm then let's go here


" It is to be regretted that all the martyrs of the massacre last

August cannot be included in the present

account. I have sketched only those whom I knew personally and well.

Doubtless others will take up this

work and complete it. But the reader will find here a number of

cameo-studies of truly splendid

personalities; and from the whole account there should emerge a

definite picture of the ideal types of men

and women who are facing the problem of Eretz Israel on all its

fronts, and of the charmed atmosphere in

which they live and labor and learn and struggle and sacrifices and


L.G. New York, February, 1930. "

Then go here http://www.hebron.org.il/pics/tarpat/victims.htm

Then go here http://www.hebron.org.il/1929/slides/slideshow.htm

Then go here http://home.adelphi.edu/~rudman/BHPage.html


" on Shabbat (the Jewish Sabbath) , the 18th day of the Hebrew month of

Av, 5689 (Saturday, August 24, 1929), 19 year old Benjamin Hurwitz, an

American studying in the Knesseth Israel (Slobodka) Yeshiva in Hebron,

Israel, was killed, along with many other people, in an Arab riot.

This is the story of his life. This Web Page includes a copy of his

last letter, written two days before he was killed, describing the

riot in Jerusalem that had just occurred. Although there are several

web sites containing reminiscences of survivors of the Hebron riot,

this letter is unique in that it describes similar events as recorded

by a victim of the riot. This Web Page also includes links to many

other web sites containing both background and detailed information

about the 1929 riot in Hebron. Of particular interest is the site

maintained by the Jewish community of Hebron

(http://www.hebron.org.il). 1. Life in the U.S. Benjamin Hurwitz was

born on May 4, 1910 in New York City. He attended the Rabbi Jacob

Joseph Yeshiva elementary school. One of the founders of this school

had been his grandfather, Rabbi Moshe Eliezer Gavrin. For high school

he attended the Talmudical Academy (now affiliated with Yeshiva

University) with his religious studies taken in the Teachers Institute

(TI). He was very active in school activities and in his senior year

he was President of the Student's Organization (G.O.) and Business

Editor of the school yearbook, The Elchanite. His father, Rabbi

Yekusiel Raphael Hurwitz, who had learned in the Volozhin Yeshiva in

Europe, was an ardent Zionist who spoke Hebrew with his children and

had purchased an orange grove in Raanana through the land-purchasing

organization Achooza Aleph. After graduation, Benjamin went to The

Land of Israel (Eretz Yisroel) to continue his studies in Talmud. He

was accompanied by his mother, Esther Hurwitz, and his two sisters,

Deborah (later Rudman) and Leah (later Wachsman). They lived in the

small town of Petach Tikvah, near Tel Aviv, because they had relatives

there and it was close to the orange grove. 2. Life in Eretz Yisroel

After studying with a cousin for a few months, Benjamin entered the

Yeshiva in Hebron. This school of advanced Talmudical studies had

been founded a few years earlier by world-renowned Rabbis from Europe.

The Jewish population of Hebron had existed in that city for several

hundred years and were on good, if not close, terms with their Arab

neighbors. However, certain elements in the Moslem world, in

particular the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (during World War II he

collaborated with Hitler), had been preaching against the Jews .

There were a number of anti-Jewish riots that broke out from time to

time during the early 1920's. However, the Summer of 1929 was to

become the bloodiest period of all. The British were notoriously

anti-Jewish and pro-Arab and did very little to stop the Arab riots,

although they did eventually set up an investigatory commission. Major

Events 1929-1938 (http://www.wzo.org.il/home/politic/chall.htm)

The details of this period are described in many other locations and

can be examined at your leisure. However, what is most interesting

and poignant is the contents of the last letter written by Benjamin to

his father. It was written only two days before he was murdered and

describes his analysis of the situation which was getting more serious

with each passing day. The week before the riot in Hebron an Arab had

murdered a Jew in Jerusalem. Benjamin had been to Jerusalem and

recorded his impressions, as well as his part in the preparations for

his mother and sisters to return to the United States while he was to

continue his studies in Hebron. The Jews of Hebron had no inkling of

the tragedy that was to occur since they were on such " good terms "

with their Arab neighbors. " End part one YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN




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