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Part 2 Broadcasting the Revolt

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Part 2 Broadcasting the Revolt



What's this you ask? 2 urls for top House Republican leaders? Both of

them, Dick Armey, and Tom Delay, have gone the extra mile AGAINST BUSH

and FOR ISRAEL LATELY. We hope you will thank them for doing so.

What's going on in the Republican Party these days? The Republican

Revolt against Bush seems to be growing. And in the Garden State, New

Jersey, home of the Sopranos, among others? " May 2, 2002 GOP Knocked

Back in NJ Senate Race The leading candidate for the GOP nomination to

challenge Torricelli, Essex County Executive James Treffinger, ended

his campaign last week after federal officials investigating

government corruption raided his offices. Treffinger's departure

shrank the GOP field, once six candidates, to three. The prior

dropouts included Robert Ray, who investigated former President

Clinton as independent counsel. Ray entered the race in March but

quit after three weeks, saying he had started too late to be

competitive. " Clearly the end of the Treffinger candidacy has thrown

things into turmoil, " said Tom Wilson, a Republican strategist who

served as communications director for former Acting Gov. Donald T.

DiFrancesco. DiFrancesco was a central character in last year's

election meltdown for the New Jersey GOP.He took office when Christie

Whitman left to lead the Environmental Protection Agency early in

2001, but dropped his bid for a full term amid questions about his

personal financial dealings. Democrats went on to seize control of the

governorship and the state Assembly and achieve a 20-20 tie in the

state Senate. Ousting Torricelli -please see:


would be a huge victory for New Jersey Republicans and the national

GOP, which is seeking to retake control of the U.S. Senate, where

Democrats have a one-seat majority. New Jersey Republicans have lost

10 consecutive Senate elections since 1972 but insist Torricelli can

be defeated. The criminal investigation into his dealings with a

campaign contributor ended in January with no charges filed, but the

Senate ethics committee has taken up the probe. " Voters are fed up with

their United States senator and the perpetual barrage of ethical

allegations surrounding his incumbency, " said Mike DuHaime, executive

director of the state Republican party,. " I think everyone would

agree-even Sen. Torricelli-that he has a job to do connecting with

the voters and making sure that the people have confidence in him, "

said Ingrid Reed, director of the Eagleton New Jersey Project at

Rutgers University. Already, Torricelli is the favorite topic of

discussion among the Republican candidates. But their own race is

very much up for grabs. "


Who was James Treffinger you ask? Actually he was born with a

different name and was adopted. An Italian American by birth,

Treffinger looks a bit like the world famous Italian actor, Marcello

Mastrianni. What did Treffinger do to engage the wrath of the Feds,

who came down on him recently like a ton of bricks? We don't know for

sure but we suspect it was because the moderate Republican Treffinger,

who has always maintained good ties with New Jersey's Jewish

community, and strongly supports Israel,

backed John McCain's Presidential bid against Bush in 2000.

Treffinger packed buses with his own people to go to Staten Island,

New York, not far from New Jersey, to support McCain in the New York

Primary. Treffinger knew that if he was able to get the US Senate

nomination he was running for in 2000 he could never take New Jersey

with Bush at the top of the Republican ticket. Had McCain beaten Bush

for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2000 a Treffinger win

in the US Senate race might have been possible. As things turned out

Treffinger lost the 2000 Republican US Senate primary to another

moderate Republican , who in turn was defeated by Jon Corzine, the

wealthy Democrat who is now in his first term in the US Senate. But

Treffinger was in the Republican US Senate primary in a big way this

year. We think Dubya did not want to see a political opponent and a

friend of John McCain in the US Senate. Of course we do not have any

inside information proving any or all of this. It would not be the

first time that the feds have been used for political purposes

however. Please see: Is Dubya Using FBI to Fix NJ Race-Steal US

Senate? BushBusters/message/1957

which goes back to the 2001 Gubenatorial race in New Jersey. We

suggest too that you read about Robert S. Mueller III, who is Dubya's

new FBI Director. Bush FBI Choice Has Interesting Background


Part Two Bush FBI Choice Has Interesting Background


Part Three Bush FBI Choice Has Interesting Background


also just type in Mueller in our message archives to read more about

him. Going even further back, Jimmy Carter's FBI used ABSCAM to bust

then New Jersey Democratic Senator Harrison " Pete " Williams way back

when Williams was going to be Ted Kennedy's New Jersey campaign

manager in the 1980 Democratic Presidential Primary race against

incumbent Jimmy Carter. Carter happens to be related to Bush. He said

so himself on c-span not long ago.

See BushBusters/message/3637



for more on Carter. For more information:


Post message:




For more on Torricelli just check the BushBusters message archives. We

hope that Torricelli will resign from the US Senate and drop out of

the US Senate race and that New Jersey's incumbent Democratic

Governor will choose a replacement to fill out Torricelli's term in

the US Senate and hopefully win the Democratic nomination for US

Senator and the US Senate race in New Jersey this fall. We would hate

to see some handpicked Bush type elected in New Jersey this fall as

New Jersey's new US Senator.

We wonder whether Republicans around the country are looking at what

happened to Treffinger

and getting the idea that with a " friend " like George W. Bush in the

White House they don't need enemies.

We'd love to see a Republican House and Senate revolt against Dubya

and company. Perhaps we are already seeing the beginning of it as key

House Republicans like Delay and Armey are standing up for Israel

against the Bush Saudi arafat axis of evil. " There are many Arab

nations that have many hundreds of thousands of acres of land and

soil and property and opportunity to create a Palestinian state, "

Armey said "

http://story.news./news?tmpl=story & u=/nm/20020502/pl_nm/midea


" Let every terrorist know, the American people will never abandon

freedom, democracy or Israel, " said House Majority Whip Tom DeLay, a

Texas Republican who pushed the resolution along with Rep. Tom Lantos

of California, top Democrat on the House International Relations

Committee. "

http://story.news./news?tmpl=story & u=/nm/20020502/ts_nm/midea


The potential assassin of Tom Delay, and or Bill Clinton, is reported

to have said: " he said that he and Clinton were clones, that Clinton

was responsible for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and

that he himself was a brigadier general who had invented a time-travel

machine " I can't recall the citations or urls but I believe that the

same ridiculous cover story at least as far as time travel goes, was

used in some of the nonsense bandied about concerning both Lee Harvey

Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan. If anyone has the urls or citations please

post them. One wonders also about the Montana backgrounds of both the

Unabomber and the potential Tom Delay assassin discussed below. What

sort of government cover stories, if any, are involved in the

psychiatric system of a place like Montana? With Delay's potential to

be pro-Israel perhaps the enemies of Israel may have been behind the

potential hit on Delay? Opinions? SEE MORE AT


Something else to keep in mind whenever we speak of very important

Texans like Delay or Armey: some Texans have long memories. Some of

them recall November 22nd, 1963 when JFK was murdered and John

Connally was shot. They recall the plane crash that killed former

Texas US Senator John Tower. They know who the Bushes really are. Just

do searches in the BushBusters message archives for Kennedy , Tower,

and Connally to find out more yourself. Recall Enron Executive Cliff

Baxter's mysterious death, after his attorney had reportedly been in

negotiations with prosecutors to cut a deal in exchange for Baxter's

testimony. (Against who? Against the Bush gangsters perhaps?) We

think Baxter was murdered!


Recall Salem bin Laden's death , yes Osama bin Laden's brother! , in

a mysterious plane crash in Texas


But of course all of this extends far beyond Texas. Even far beyond

New Jersey. Recall Pennsylvania Republican US Senator Heinz whose

helicopter crashed in 1991 killing the wealthy heir to the Heinz

ketchup, and baked beans, food family fortune. Heinz, and his good

friends, Al Gore, and John Kerry, worked together to try to expose

Iraqgate, the scandal which saw Bush's father illegally arming the

evil Saddam Hussein International Terrorist. Had Heinz not been

killed he might have challenged Bush in the 1992 Republican Primaries

for President. Kerry went on to marry Heinz's widow. Please read 2

very important books


AL-KHALIL Paperback (1991) DIANE Publishing Co; ISBN: 0091751713


ARMED IRAQ by Alan Friedman ASIN:055309650

It's our theory that Bush really does NOT intend to ever liberate Iraq

from the Baathists. Recall the kiss between the Saudi crown prince

and the Iraqi at the arab summit in Beirut recently. " Saudi crown

prince greets senior Iraqi with embrace, kiss Thursday, March 28, 2002

Associated Press BEIRUT, Lebanon - Saudi Arabia's crown prince kissed

a deputy of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in greeting at an Arab

summit Thursday "


Recall the Bush Saudi arafat axis of evil against Israel. Fortunately

the revolt is in full swing!

" Congress Passes Resolution Expressing Solidarity with Israel The

House of Representatives and Senate passed a resolution today

expressing America's solidarity with Israel, reaffirming Israel's

right to self-defense, supporting additional defense assistance to the

Jewish state and condemning Palestinian terror. House Majority Whip

Tom DeLay (R-TX) and the ranking member of the House International

Relations Committee Tom Lantos (D-CA) have introduced the resolution

in the House, while Sens. Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) and Gordon Smith

(R-OR) have introduced a similar resolution in the Senate

http://www.aipac.org/newthisweek.html The U.S. Congress must stand in

solidarity with Israel at a time when it is engaged in a battle for

its own survival. The Solidarity with Israel resolution (S. Res. 247)

introduced by Sens. Joe Lieberman (D-CT) and Gordon Smith (R-OR), and

H. Res. 392, introduced by Reps. Tom DeLay (R-TX) and Tom Lantos

(D-CA) was passed on May 2 in both the Senate and the House. The

resolution expresses solidarity with Israel, reaffirms Israel's right

to self-defense, supports additional defense assistance for Israel and

condemns Palestinian terror. Please thank members of Congress for

voting for this resolution. http://www.aipac.org/Action1.cfm

May 3, 2002 CONGRESS House and Senate Support Israel in Strong


By ALISON MITCHELL WASHINGTON, May 2 - The House and Senate voted

overwhelmingly today in rapid succession to express strongly worded

support for Israel in its recent military operations, largely brushing

aside last-minute attempts by the Bush administration to soften

language criticizing the Palestinians. The two Congressional

resolutions were nonbinding, but they put the legislative branch of

government on record as backing the military actions of Prime Minister

Ariel Sharon of Israel,*** The Senate voted 94 to 2 in favor of its

resolution, which also calls on the Palestinian Authority to act

against terrorism, as Mr. Bush has also done. The House voted 352 to

21 for a tougher-worded measure stating concern that the actions of

Yasir Arafat, the Palestinian leader, " are not those of a viable

partner for peace. " Twenty-nine House members voted present*** In

emotional debate, House members and Senate members, from the left and

from the right, repeatedly branded Mr. Arafat a " terrorist " and a

" despot. " *** Senators Ernest F. Hollings, Democrat of South Carolina,

and Robert C. Byrd, Democrat of West Virginia, were the only senators

who voted against the resolution.(NOTE: NOT PART OF ARTICLE BEIING



the vote, the House majority leader, Dick Armey of Texas, (said) " I'm

content to have Israel grab the entire West Bank, he said in an

appearance on MSNBC's " Hardball with Chris Matthews. " (note we are

looking for the exact transcript, we think that Armey is being

paraphrased in the article being quoted, if anyone has the exact

transcript please post it, thanks, as the proper terminology would be

Judea and Samaria to describe the so-called " West Bank " we believe

that everything West of the Jordan River all the way to the

Mediterranean Sea belongs to Israel, good fences make good neighbors,

we believe the border should be the Jordan River with everything east

of it being Jordan and everything west of it being Israel, including

Judea and Samaria, and of course the Golan Heights and the Gaza

Strip.) " He added under questioning, " I happen to believe that the

Palestinians should leave. " (note, not part of article being quoted.

Dick Armey was right when he said that to Matthews, you should have

seen Matthews jaw drop! We recall Matthews as the character doing all

the talk show appearances he can to oppose the move to liberate Iraq

from the evil Saddam Hussein International Terrorist. We recall

Matthews as being pro-arafat and anti-Israel. We recall Matthews as

lying through his teeth when he said in the fall of 2000 that maybe

Floridians went to the polls and could not decide who to vote for for

President so they did not cast a Presidential vote, when the truth is

that the voting machines in Palm Beach County, Florida were faulty,

specifically: " Jackie Winchester, a former Palm Beach County

supervisor who served for 23 years, agreed with Rouverol, saying

problems may have been caused by " faulty equipment. " Winchester said

plastic material underlying the punch ballot gets worn more quickly in

the first line than in others. She said the worn and hard plastic

material " could cause difficulties for voters in punching clean holes

in punch card ballots, especially in the first column. " " We've never

seen a pattern like this, " she said. " It's just very weird to think

that all those people came to the polls and didn't vote for

president. "


but what can you expect from NBC which is owned, after all by General

Electric, a company Bush Imperial Family relative Nelson Rockefeller

admitted was one heavily invested in, to put it mildly, by Rockefeller

interests in his Congressional confirmation hearings to be Gerald

Ford's Vice President? What can you expect from Microsoft- MSNBC

http://www.microsoft.com/catalog/display.asp?subid=22 & site=645

which also hosts the rabidly anti-Israel Ashleigh Banfield? How

objective could Microsoft's MSNBC host Chris Matthews be in the Gore

vs. Bush Florida election case in the fall of 2000 ? Recall that

Gore's lead attorney was David Boies. If the name David Boies sounds

familiar it should. " David Boies' Press Conference. Re: DOJ v.

Microsoft II, Case No. 98-CV-1232, 1233. Mr. Boies spoke with the

press on the front steps of the U.S. Courthouse in Washington DC after

the hearing on Microsoft's Motion for Summary Judgment. Date:

September 11, 1998. Question: Mr. Boies, could you summarize in fact

what you told the Court this morning from that evidence. Boies: Well,

what we told the Court was that, the depositions and the documents, in

our view, represented a very clear and convincing story of how

Microsoft had attempted to maintain unlawfully a monopoly of operating

systems, and extend that monopoly into Internet browsers, and that a

number of the acts that Microsoft has engaged in, both violated

Section 1 and Section

2 of the Sherman Act. "


After all, if the votes had been counted, Al Gore would be President

today, David Boies might have been Al Gore's Attorney General, and

Microsoft might have been split up, leaving Chris Matthews exactly

where? Armey is of course, even as we write this, being forced to

recant, just as Galileo was forced to recant his understanding that

the earth revolved around the sun. But just as Galileo was right the

first time, so too was Dick Armey. With such a small target the

terrorists naturally feel right at home a map's eye view of The

relative sizes of Israel and the " arab world "



This map from the so-called " palestinians " , shows the real agenda-

Israel is not even mentioned on this one. " Alas, said the mouse, " the

whole world is growing smaller every day. At the beginning it was so

big that I was afraid, I kept running and running, and I was glad when

at last I saw walls far away to the right and left, but these long

walls have narrowed so quickly that I am in the last chamber already,

and there in the corner stands the trap that I must run into. " " You

only need to change your direction, " said the cat, and ate it up.

Above from Franz Kafka's " A Little Fable " Whether it is Pakistan

seeking to eat up Kashmir the Albanians eating up Kosovo, the Moslems

eating up Bosnia, the Croatians eating up the Krajina, terrorists

eating up Dagestan and Chechnya, Syria eating up the Golan, the

so-called " palestinians " eating up Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem, ad

infinitum, no matter which direction we run to we seem to get eaten

up. It is time to stop running. As long as Israel is pressured into

giving up land for so-called " peace " the true name for the so-called

Process is the Piece Process, like Joel Grey's character in Cabaret,

who parodies " Hitler " , a.k.a. Schikelgruber, in the skit, " all I want

is peace " , " a little piece of Poland, a little piece of France. "

Democrats were equally impassioned. Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, a

Connecticut Democrat who is considered a possible challenger to Mr.

Bush in 2004, read aloud Mr. Bush's own uncompromising statement in

the days after Sept. 11 in which he said nations would have to choose

between standing with the United States or with terrorists. " The

intention of this statement is really to embody and express those last

words that I quoted from President Bush, " said Mr. Lieberman, the

sponsor of the Senate measure along with Gordon H. Smith, an Oregon

Republican. The House and Senate resolutions both said the United

State and Israel were in a " common struggle against terrorism " and

both expressed solidarity with Israel " as it takes necessary steps to

provide security to its people by dismantling the terrorist

infrastructure in the Palestinian areas. " The White House tried and

failed, according to Congressional aides, to have that clause

removed. " http://www.nytimes.com/2002/05/03/politics/03CONG.html

We feel that we need to get the House to impeach , and the Senate to

try, convict, and remove the anti-Israel GANGSTERS in the White House,

Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney. Ideally Mr. Cheney would resign first. Mr.

Bush would appoint the real winner of the 2000 election, Al Gore as

Vice President, once Al Gore had been confirmed by the Senate as Vice

President and sworn in, Mr. Bush would resign and Al Gore would then

be sworn in as President, the office he was elected to by the American

people, including the voters of Florida, in 2000.

" Claims of massacre go unsupported by Palestinian fighters By Charles

A. Radin, Globe Staff and Dan Ephron, Globe Correspondent, 4/29/2002

JENIN, - Palestinian Authority allegations that a large-scale massacre

of civilians was committed by Israeli troops during their invasion of

the refugee camp here appear to be crumbling under the weight of

eyewitness accounts from Palestinian fighters who participated in the

battle and camp residents who remained in their homes until the final

hours of the fighting. In interviews yesterday with teenage fighters,

a leader of Islamic Jihad, an elderly man whose home was at the center

of the fighting, and other Palestinian residents, all of whom were in

the camp during the battle, none reported seeing large numbers of

civilians killed. All said they were allowed to surrender or evacuate

when they were ready to do so. The Palestinian allegations led to the

creation of a UN fact-finding team for Jenin, but Israel barred the

team from arriving amid allegations of an anti-Israel bias. Israel

says that those Palestinians killed in the Jenin battle were almost

all fighters, that none were buried in mass graves, and that ample

chance was given to fighters to surrender and for civilians to leave.

It initially estimated the death toll at 100 to 200, and has since

revised that toll downward to 50. Meanwhile, a British military

adviser to Amnesty, Reserve Major David Holley, was quoted yesterday

by Reuters news service as dismissing the Palestinian allegations of a

massacre and predicting that no evidence would be found to

substantiate them. Munir Arsam, 15, a member of Islamic Jihad, said

that during the siege, which began April 3 and ended around April 11,

he did scouting work for older militants, threw homemade pipe bombs,

and helped with ambushes of Israeli troops. He said he was one of 50

boys, divided into groups of 10 by militant leaders, who were assigned

these tasks., Arsam said women and children were able to evacuate the

camp before the climactic battle began. Even at the height of the

struggle, fighters were able to put down their weapons and surrender,

he said. He said he saw Sheik Ri'ad Abu Abd, 57, of Tulkarem, one of

the (so-called) Palestinian " heroes " of the battle, wounded with a

bullet in the leg near the end of the fighting, and asked him if he

wanted to surrender. " He said 'No, I want to die, I want to fight and

die,' and a while later that house was bulldozed, " Arsam said. On the

last day of the battle, with no ammunition left, Arsam buried the

weapon he had acquired during the fighting and surrendered. " They

destroyed all the houses in Hawashin, " he said, describing a

now-demolished neighborhood in the camp. " I was in the last house, and

they called out, 'Surrender or we will fire at you.' There were only

two of us, so we left. " He said the Israeli soldiers held him for four

days then released him. " Abdel Rahman Sa'adi, 14, another Islamic Jihad

grenade-thrower, said he was one of a group of 11 adults and seven

young men who surrendered upon Israeli demand. He said they were

confined in a courtyard near the camp to which the Israeli troops

brought dozens of other men and women. " They told all the small kids

to just leave, and they let all the women go after they checked their

bags, " said Sa'adi, who has braces and was wearing a baseball cap.

" None of them were kept for questioning. " " Of course the Palestinians

won " this battle, he said, because " they did not shake our morale.

This was a massacre of the Jews, not of us. That was around midnight,

on the day before the battle ended. Taleb said he raised a white flag

and walked at the front of a group of 20 people - his own family and

those of two neighbors. The destruction of his house and the

surrounding buildings occurred after the civilians left, he said, when

only fighters remained. He said several times that no civilians were

killed. An Islamic Jihad leader, who insisted on anonymity, said he

was wounded as the battle drew to a close, and crawled 300 yards to

where other fighters were gathered. " There were 35 of us, and they

were bringing down houses on us, so we surrendered, " he said. The

Israelis did not attempt to confine or question him, and he returned

to the camp Saturday, he said. All the fighters said that the Israelis

failed to wipe out the militant leadership in the camp, which long has

been known as an Islamic Jihad stronghold. " Of course we are

reorganizing, " said the Islamic Jihad leader, who walked with a cane

and was thronged by comrades near the wreckage. " I don't know what is

the plan, what is the strategy, but people are full of hatred. " Arsam,

the 15-year-old fighter, said leaders of Islamic Jihad and other

factions were taking new groups of youngsters to a hill near Jenin

every day for military training, teaching them to fire automatic

weapons and to make bombs. A spokesman for the Israeli army asserted,

meanwhile, that Palestinians were moving bodies of people not killed

in the Jenin fighting into graveyards around the camp " to score points

with the UN committee due to arrive to investigate the happenings in

the Jenin refugee camp. " The military said this charge was based on

information received from Israeli intelligence agencies, and refused

to elaborate. "

" Monday, 29 April, 2002, Expert weighs up Jenin 'massacre' Jenin:

British military expert David Holley tells the BBC why he thinks there

was not a massacre in the Jenin refugee camp and why he believes

Israel is right to challenge the UN fact-finding mission. Mr Holley,

who is a Major in the British

Territorial Army and a military adviser to Amnesty International,

visited Jenin at the weekend. "

" Peter Beaumont Sunday April 21, 2002 The Observer But a massacre did

not take place in Jenin's refugee camp. " " Human Rights Watch: No

evidence of

massacre in Jenin By Matthew Guttman, most aid workers in the city say

that they have come to one major conclusion though massive destruction

took place there was clearly no massacre. said Peter Bouckaert, a

senior researcher at US-based Human Rights Watch posted to Jenin,

" There is simply no evidence of a massacre " . Brig. Gen. Eyal Shlein,

the IDF commander at Jenin, said, " There was no massacre whatsoever.

If we wanted to perform a massacre, we could have taken over the camp

in one day. The IDF did not use artillery or aircraft. " We feel that

the phony " massacre " in Jenin is another attempt by arafat to copy a

page out of the past. The same tactics were used against Serbia where

arafat, bin laden, and their master: Saddam Hussein International

Terrorist, all fought against Serbia, though Saddam lied through his

teeth and pretended to take the Serbian side. The phony " Racak

Massacre " was the pretext for NATO's diktat to Serbia to accept

foreign troops, including German troops or else. Serbia of course

refused that diktat and NATO launched its Guernica style agression

against Serbia in 1999. 1.5 Million Serbians were murdered during

World War Two, 1.2 million of them were civilians. Murdered by the

Luftwaffe which bombed many of the same World War Two Serbian targets

again in 1999. Many by the 3 Moslem SS Divisions raised by arafat's

uncle the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, 2 of which were Bosnian Moslem SS

one of which was an Albanian Moslem SS Division, all 3 of which hunted

down and murdered Jews and Roma, a.k.a. " Gypsies " and Serbians.

" 01/19/99


(U.S. demands Belgrade admit ICTY's Arbour) (840)

Vienna-The U.S. ambassador to the Organization for Security and

Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), David Johnson,

blasted Serbia for massacring 45 ethnic Albanians in the Kosovo

village of Racak "


" No Massacre in Racak " Says Belarus Forensic Expert Dr Kuzmicov:

" There Were No Shots in the Head, No Torture, No Massacre " Belgrade

daily Politika, March 22, 1999 by Borko Gvozdenovic

" The Racak Massacre, A Brief for the Defense***There was no massacre

in Racak, stated yesterday Belarus forensic expert Vladimir Kuzmicov

in a telephone conversation. He is very well informed with the event

that took place in this Kosovo-Metohia village, which head of OSCE

Verification Mission William Walker had named a massacre. Dr. Kuzmikov

said, " We have investigated the cause of death, how they died, the

distance from which they were shot, and what weapons were used. We

wrote down everything in Serbian, Russian and English and nobody had

any remarks. We and the Yugoslavs signed while the Finns said they

would sign it after some additional tests. " Dr Kuzmicov said that they

had worn several pants and warm clothes. They also had lots of

cigarettes and some objects which suggested they had lived in cold and

hard conditions. This clearly implies they were not civilians. There

were no shots in the heads. Neither slitting of throats. Also, there

are no grounds for the assertions they had been tortured. There had

been no massacre, concluded Dr Kuzmicov. "


end part two You are invited to join




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I joined this group because it said raw food, I had no idea this was a set up to

receive posts which are rants against our president. I do not wish to be a part

of this group and will unsub myself.





Friday, May 03, 2002 3:19 PM

[Raw Food] Part 2 Broadcasting the Revolt






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