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COMMENT: Although it seems obvious

that what you put into your intestinal tract will determine its

health and function, most people miss this relationship

entirely – even almost every doctor fails to see this connection,

because of our education. Doctors and their patients are taught

these problems originate from the mind (they are psychological

problems) – not the gut. In medical school, I was taught ulcers

and indigestion were due to “stress” and the treatment was

tranquilizers. Irritable bowel syndrome (spastic colon) is said

to be found in people with depression, hysteria, and obsessive

compulsive traits – tranquilizers are the recommended solution.

In my 12th edition of Harrison’s Textbook of Medicine I am told

that chronic constipation is due to: “…voluntary suppression of

call to stool (failure to initiate defecation)…during the period

of toilet training in childhood, or later in life because of a

sense of social impropriety…” (I would like to see someone on

the high-fiber, dairy-free McDougall diet suppress their urge to



The obvious truth is the inner

contents of the bowel – the foods and their digested remnants –

determine the health of the intestine. Because most people

believe the American diet is normal, healthy nutrition they “can’

t see the forest through the trees.” Change to a starch based

diet quickly and permanently cures almost all of the illnesses of

the intestine from the mouth to the distant end. For more

details on the illnesses of the intestinal tract, read all of the

issues of the 2002 McDougall Newsletter – sign up at

www.drmcdougall.com. Subscription is free.


Books and tapes can be ordered at



Contact the McDougall Program:



(800) 941-7111 or (707) 538-8609


Dates for 2002 10-day live-in

programs held in Santa Rosa, CA:


July 26 – August 4


August 30 – September 8


September 13 – 22


November 15 – 24


December 6 – 15


More information at






























It feels strange to be

discussing my constipation, gas and other previous digestive

disorders with thousands of people! Nevertheless, I am so

thrilled and delighted with The McDougall Program, that I am

happy to share my story in the hope that others might benefit

from my experience.


Ten years ago, at the age of 48,

I developed a hiatal hernia. My gastroenterologist told me that

there was nothing to be done about it, but to take

acid-suppressors and hope for the best. As I don't like taking

any medications, I decided not to take them in the hopes that my

constant heartburn would just go away.


For the following 5 years, I

suffered with chronic heartburn, indigestion, acid reflux, gas

and accompanying belching and burping. Whatever I ate seemed to

just sit on my chest and give me discomfort. I had been a

vegetarian for many years, but was still eating a lot of dairy

and fish, and using salad dressing. The more heartburn I

experienced, the more ice cream I ate to attempt to put out the

fire in my chest.


Finally, about 2 years ago, I

went back to my gastroenterologist and he put me on a strong acid

inhibitor. My acid reflux had gotten so bad, it actually came up

and burnt my throat, and I lost my voice three times! After six

months on the medication, I returned to his office...miserable.

The medication had not helped at all, so he doubled the dosage.

Of course, I then got even more unpleasant side-effects from this

stronger dose, and it didn't relieve my symptoms. So the doctor

ordered another endoscopy, as well as a colonoscopy. (The

previous endoscopy many years before had diagnosed the hiatal

hernia.) This time he found nothing serious, except for the



After another six months I was

back in his office again! This time I had to endure a most

unpleasant procedure involving a tube being put thru my nose and

down my throat. I had to eat and sleep with this contraption in

for 24 hours -- he found nothing. I told him I was sure that

something I was eating was causing all this distress. He said:

" No! It’s all in your head, and I am going to put you on some

Valium " . I said there was no way I was going to start taking a

tranquilizer, and that there was nothing wrong with me other than

the indigestion. I told him I was normally a very happy and

well-adjusted person, and didn’t need Valium! He told me that he

gives most of his female patients tranquilizers " because you

women get so stressed about everything! " That was the last straw!

I left his office in disgust, never to return.


I then turned to my last resort,

and went to see a doctor practicing in " alternative medicine " .

The first thing I said to him was: " Although I never eat

anything spicy, there must be something I am eating that doesn’t

agree with me! " He answered: " Nonsense! Digestive problems

are caused by stress and not by food! " He encouraged me to

persevere with the acid suppressor, and gave me Kava Kava, " a

natural tranquilizer to calm your nervous stomach. " I took one

Kava that night, and experienced such severe stomach cramps and

spasms from it, that I almost went to the ER! Since then, I

read online that Kava has been found to be a very dangerous herb,

and can be extremely toxic to the liver!!! So much for calming

my " nervous " stomach!


The following day I was at the

health food store and happened to start a conversation with a

woman who looked so well, I asked her if she was a vegan. She

said she was. I then told her about my digestive problems, and

that I was thinking about becoming a vegan. She said: " I follow

one diet, and one diet, only – The McDougall Program. It just

makes so much sense! "


I immediately went to the

bookstore and got not one, but three of Dr. McDougall's books,

including " The McDougall Program: 12 Days to Dynamic Health " , and

" The McDougall Program for Women " . That was one year ago, and I

have never looked back! After about a week of strictly following

the Program, I was sitting on my couch relaxing and enjoying a TV

program, when I thought: " Something is different...something is

missing... " and then I realized what it was... I FELT COMPLETELY

AND BLISSFULLY WELL!!! What was missing was the indigestion, the

gas & belching and that uncomfortable bloated feeling I had

always had. The heartburn was gone, along with my lifelong

struggle with constipation! It is so wonderful now, to be able

to enjoy such delicious and nutritious food, and not be suffering

with heartburn or the constant belching I had experienced after

every meal. I also don’t miss being woken up in the middle of the

night with heartburn!


Before going on the diet, I had

also suffered for many years with sinus and migraine headaches

and frequent head colds. These have all disappeared, along with

the dairy! Also, contrary to what I had been led to believe,

dairy does NOT prevent osteoporosis. I had very low bone

density, even though I consumed such huge quantities of dairy

products all my life.


Not only am I now full of renewed

energy and high spirits, but I can eat as much as I like and not

gain any weight. I have lost 20 lb. and now weigh just under

100 lb., which Dr. McDougall tells me, is the perfect weight for

a 5' 2 " small framed female. After six months on the diet my

internist was also impressed that my previously " good " blood

pressure dropped to an even lower 90/70, and my " normal "

cholesterol went down to 135 mg/dl. My triglycerides are now a

low 53 mg/dl, and of course my HDL, LDL, ratio, etc. are all

excellent! My protein levels were completely normal, even though

I had not touched any animal protein. This is my diet for my

lifetime. I wish others could discover how easy it can be to

become healthy!


2002 John McDougall All Rights




















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