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Fw: Sabrina Nelson - Her Star McDougaller Story

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Sabrina Nelson:

Cured of Relapsing Polychondritis





Dr. McDougall's Comments:

Over the past few months I have

provided case examples (along with supporting scientific

literature) for two autoimmune diseases, lupus (Vanessa) and

rheumatoid arthritis (Jean Brown) and many more will follow.

Relapsing polychondritis is another disease from this same

family, where the body seems to attack itself. I have always

asked myself, “Why would the body attack itself? – How stupid!”

The answer is not simple, but I do now know this involves immune

reactions where proteins (mostly animal proteins) pass through

the gut wall into the blood stream, where they cause our own

bodies to make antibodies against these foreign invaders.

Unfortunately, these antibodies are not just specific to the food

proteins, but attack similar looking proteins in our tissues –

like out cartilage, joint tissues, skin, kidneys, and most other

tissues. Doctors name the disease based upon identification of

signs and symptoms that are similar. For example, if the primary

area of attack is the cartilage tissues of the ears, nose, and

ribs, then we call it relapsing polychondritis. If the damaged

organs are primarily kidney tissues, then we call it

glomerulonephritis. If it attacks the joints, then we call it

rheumatoid arthritis; the skin, joints and kidneys, then we call

it lupus.


The patient and doctor may feel

better because they now have a name for the disease, but the

truth is there is no real benefit to the patient other than a

thinly veiled peace of mind. Naming the disease does not help a

doctor determine the cause, or cure the disease. Essentially the

same armament of never-curing, sometimes symptom-relieving,

side-effect-filled, expensive, drugs is used (steroids, cancer

drugs, immune-suppressants, and NSAID). The patient stays sick

and the disease progresses, largely unchecked.


I believe these diseases are

caused by factors in our environment and food is our strongest

contact with our environment. So logically, here is where we in

the medical business should look for cause and cure. But almost

no doctors have this insight, and instead, they are looking for a

solution in the highly profitable businesses of pharmaceuticals –

which so far, has not come – and likely never will.


Over the past 26 years of medical

practice I have seen hundreds of people greatly benefited, and

often cured, of various autoimmune diseases by a change to a

low-fat, plant-based diet (no animal products, no added oils) –

and never anyone harmed by this cost-free, dietary approach. The

scientific literature supports my beliefs (you can look at some

of this evidence on my web site www.drmcdougall.com, under “Diet:

Only hope for arthritis” and under “Common Diseases” section). I

get very little support from my colleagues and I used to care – I

wanted to be a respected doctor. I’m too seasoned (old) to care

about their feelings any more. They are wrong and they must be

held accountable for the suffering they are causing their

patients. (continued on right panel)


To learn more about the McDougall

Program phone:

(800) 941-7111 or

(707) 538-8609


Dates for 2002 live-in Programs

in Santa Rosa, CA:


August 30 – September 8


October 4 – October 13


November 15 – 24


December 6 – 15


Please Note: The prices for the

live program will be increased January 1, 2003.


See www.drmcdougall.com for more



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I and my young family were committed

to healthy living. After all, my husband, Jeff and I had been

vegetarians for 10 years, though we still consumed dairy

products. So I was surprised when I developed a painful, burning

redness in my ears.


Doctors were puzzled by my

symptoms, but finally, I received a diagnosis - relapsing

polychondritis. This rare auto-immune disease, commonly known as

RP, is related to arthritis and lupus. Little is known about RP,

other than the symptoms its victims exhibit – namely,

inflammation of cartilage throughout the body. The cartilage of

the ears, nose, throat, ribs and joints can be affected, with

redness, inflammation and a painful burning sensation. In many

cases, RP is debilitating, and life threatening, particularly

when it moves into the respiratory system.


RP is another of the medical

community’s incurable diseases, a “disease with unknown cause.”

Doctors offered me little hope of relief, other than treating me

with prednisone and telling me to stay out of the sun. In my

sunny California climate, staying out of the sun meant missing

out on a lot of family fun, and the medication offered

questionable results and the risks of a whole host of side

effects. I wondered what the rest of my life would be like,

relying on medication and waiting for the next episode to hit.


About a year later, while

recovering from another painful flare-up, I began to read one of

Dr. McDougall’s books, which I’d been given as a gift.

Originally, I thought he would have nothing new to teach me, as I

was a longtime vegetarian. But when I read about my condition and

the links between dairy products and autoimmune diseases, I took

notice. After discussing it with my husband, Jeff, the Nelsons

decided that very day to eliminate eggs and dairy products.


Just one month after adopting the

McDougall plan, I went for a checkup with my doctor. For the

first time since my diagnosis, the anti-nuclear antibodies (known

as SED) in my blood, which signal the degree of RP activity,

weren’t present. After three months and three blood tests where

my SED rate was normal (sed rate reflects degree of inflammation

like a fever), my doctor declared the RP " in remission. " Today,

more than six years later, I have had no more recurrences of RP.


I don't think I'm just “in

remission,” but am “cured” -- as long as I don't eat dairy, eggs,

meat, chicken or fish. Switching to a diet devoid of animal

proteins saved my life. Now I lead a full life independent of

medications. For me, the change was a simple choice. To me it

seemed far more inconvenient to live life on dangerous

medications and in pain than to make some changes in my diet. And

trying a dietary change was a lot less radical than many of the

powerful drugs people often must take to get only temporary



I now share my story and the

success with a vegan diet with anyone who will listen. I also

share this information I have gathered with doctors who treat RP

across the country, and work with an RP support group. Helping

others find relief from this “incurable” disease is important for

me to help prevent others from the unnecessary suffering I







-Dr. McDougall's Comments



Here is an interesting

interchange I had with a well-intentioned doctor concerning a

previous “Star McDougaller,” Vanessa, with lupus and kidney

complications, who was greatly benefited by our diet (you can

find this case on my web site):


Letter to Dr. McDougall: “What a

crock. As a physician, you must have a passing acquaintance with

the scientific method. How can you claim that your

carbohydrate-based diet “cured” her lupus?” … “Your ideas are

sort of interesting, but I can’t really see them for the smoke.

Until you provide nonanecdotal and scientifically sound evidence

to support your claims, you are a snake oil salesman in my



My response to him, and all the

rest of my colleagues, who are unwilling to look at scientific

evidence (beyond what the young, attractive, drug salesladies

provide in their offices daily) was (and will continue to be):


“Show me the evidence that allows

organizations like the Lupus Foundation of America to claim diet

has nothing to do with the cause and cure of Lupus. Show me or

shut up!


If they (and you) are wrong, how

many thousands of people have they harmed? (If I am wrong, who

has been harmed, and how? Diverted from all those miraculous

drug therapies, you think?)


There is a vast difference

between recommending a diet that cuts the food bill of a patient

by 40% and cures constipation every time, and a drug treatment

that makes a person's hair fall out and vomit for years (and

sometimes kills) and never cures.


You are obviously another

ignorant MD, bought by the drug companies, that refuses to learn.

Have you bothered to read the few studies I cited to support a

diet trial by patients -- or do you condemn without reading the

evidence like most drug-company-educated doctors who know



I have given you sufficient

evidence for someone to try the harmless approach that I have

seen work over and over again -- an approach supported by

available evidence -- as insufficient as you may see it. No

doubt, if there was money to be made, there would be a ton of



So either put up your evidence

that diet has nothing to due with Lupus or apologize.


Best Wishes,

John McDougall, MD



So, I guess you can safely say I

am not politically correct (or tactful). But, I am fed up with

people suffering and dying because most of my colleagues are

unwilling to put their patient’s welfare first.


I would be happy to print any

comments you might have about this subject, especially from those

who disagree with my position and are willing to make a

scientifically backed case for not offering a healthy diet as one

of the first options for people with our most common chronic

diseases, including autoimmune diseases, diabetes, heart disease,

hypertension, and intestinal diseases from indigestion to

constipation – to name a few causes of daily suffering.













2002 John McDougall All Rights










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I blame either eating meat/dairy/animal products and/or vaccinations for

being diagnosed with MS. I've been a vegan for almost 2 years and have never

felt better. Thank you for sharing this with us. ~ Jo

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