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Tribute to life of JAY DINSHAH - vegan pioneer

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Jay Dinshah was WONDERFUL !!

The American Vegan Society innovated in vegan

information and resources for forty years, and provided

the world's largest portable vegetarian (vegan) bookstore

since at least 1975.


Maynard S. Clark



Famous Vegetarians

H.Jay Dinshah (1933-2000)



To anyone who believes that life itself has some purpose - or is even its

own reason for being - one should not wantonly destroy even plants. The

destruction of any life is thus an act not to be taken lightly, or presumed

to be isolated in the scheme of things. It is to be preceded by careful

consideration of the responsibilities and the possible alternatives

involved, and accompanied by an understanding that one is indeed doing the

right thing according to his present state of existence . . . The ethical

vegetarian is seriously interested in lessening the suffering that he may

be causing in the world - even inadvertently inflicted upon relatively low

forms of life.

Ahimsa, August 1971


The American Vegan Society, founded by Indian-born Jay Dinshah, follows

similar views [as Natural Hygenists] but enhances them with Jainist

attitudes of ahimsa and the elimination of all animal products and clothing

apparel. Freya, Dinshah's wife, helps to run the active organization that

includes a retreat called SunCrest and a magazine, Ahimsa

- Janet Barkas in 'The Vegetable Passion', 1975


Mankind cannot, I submit, save itself from destruction through mere

cleverness of scientific technology selfishly applied, nor through wishful

thinking. But through a deep sense of brotherhood of all life, and a

willingness and eagerness on the part of each and every person to work

constructively for the preservation and enhancement of life, mankind may

yet be preserved and go forward into the next millennium with confidence,

competence and compassion.


The Vegetarian Way, XXIV World Vegetarian Congress, 1977

Man must get his thoughts, words and actions out of this vast moral jungle.

We are not predators. We arc, hopefully, more than instinctive killers and

selfish brutes. Why take such a dim view of our potentialities and



Out of the Jungle

Man cannot pretend to he higher in ethics, spirituality, advancement, or

civilization than other creatures, and at the same time live by lower

standards than the vulture or hyena.

The Pillars of Ahimsa indisputably represent the clearest, surest path out

of the jungle, and toward the attainment of that highly desirable goal.

Out of the Jungle


AND - why avoid intoxicants such as alcohol, drugs, and tobacco:



Ahimsa and Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco


This booklet is adapted from the January/March 1993 issue of " AHIMSA "

magazine, published by the American Vegan Society, P.O. Box H, Malaga NJ 08328.


The author, Mr. H. Jay Dinshah, is the President of AVS, Editor of

" AHIMSA " Magazine, and on Advisory Board of JAINA's Jiv Daya &

Vegetarianism Committee.





There has been substantial recent publicity about studies

indicating that alcoholic beverages may lower the heart attack risk,

through raising the HDL ( " good cholesterol " ) in the bloodstream, and/or

reducing the overall cholesterol level. This has led to theories that a

daily drink or two might lead to better health and greater longevity; it

was joyous news for some who habitually look to modern medical miracles to

save us from the consequences of our own unwise habits and indulgent



Sometimes researchers see what they want to see; and the studies themselves

have come under fire. The Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine

has noted that " One problem is that people sometimes don't report

accurately about how much they drink, so that those who said they don't

drink at all may, in fact, drink two or more drinks a day. It has also

been suggested that people who drink alcohol use more aspirin to treat

alcohol-related headaches. Aspirin helps to prevent blood clotting and

therefore reduces risk of heart attack. So it is difficult to know whether

the reduced heart disease risk is due to the alcohol or the aspirin.


" The disadvantages of drinking far outweigh the advantages especially when

you consider that many healthful and effective approaches to reducing heart

disease are available. For women, even very moderate drinking is linked to

increased risk of breast cancer. Alcohol is also linked to cancer of the

esophagus. Alcohol is also toxic to the liver and to brain cells. And for

many people, it is a highly addictive substance.


" The best approach to reducing heart disease risk is to avoid foods high in

saturated fat and cholesterol, to exercise, and to manage stress. "


John McDougall, M.D., says that " Serious alcoholics have lower blood

cholesterol levels because alcohol makes up a good part of their

diet. Alcohol is lowfat and contains no cholesterol.


" My hardcore alcoholic patients had the cleanest arteries often baby

clean entirely free of atherosclerosis. However, they died from cirrhosis

of the liver, hemorrhagic strokes, malnutrition, accidents and suicides;

and they were often heavy smokers [see later in this article for more on

this link of alcohol and tobacco ed.] and as a result suffered higher rates

of lung cancer and emphysema. Smoking also curbs the appetite and may

result in lower cholesterol levels, by eating less cholesterol-laden foods. "


In the view of Dean Ornish, M.D., " Since cholesterol is made in the liver,

disease of the liver will decrease cholesterol production (e.g. cancer of

the liver or hepatic cirrhosis). Alcohol dependence, besides causing liver

disease, often leads to chronic malnutrition and low cholesterol levels. "


In the case of wine, at least some of the claimed beneficial effect may be

in the grape itself. A recent study shows that some types of unfermented

grape juice contain a natural substance called resveratrol that lowers

cholesterol levels.


That will be comforting for those who still believe in " curing " a symptom

by " taking something " rather than removing the causes. But with all the

potential mischief in prescribing alcohol for cholesterol reduction, it

should be noted that the question generally becomes something of a

nonproblem personally for those on a natural vegan (totally nonanimal)

regimen, who have removed the main contributing causes and maintain their

serum cholesterol well below the danger level.


Another factor in atherosclerosis and heart attacks has now been found to

be excessive iron. For decades meat has been promoted not only for the

ruinously excessive protein it provides but for the iron that " is absorbed

more readily than that in plant foods. " It is now being realized that

while it is not difficult to obtain enough iron from natural vegan foods,

if people have overly high iron levels the body will decrease further

absorption from this food. However, we do not seem to have the ability to

block picking up harmful excesses from meat. Regrettably, alcohol also

seems to affect this regulating ability, causing harmfully excessive iron

levels in heavy drinkers.




It has taken medical research a generation to catch up to what I learned

the hard way so long ago, that even secondhand smoke is far more than a

" mere annoyance " . In my own case, as a nonsmoking youth I used to

regularly play a wind instrument in a small dance band. (As I recall, in

my last year I made about as much in that part time playing as in my

regular fulltime job.) The blowing was good for the lungs, the indoor smog

wasn't. I was usually able to stand the smoke; but one New Year's Eve I

had to play in an especially thick atmosphere and was incapacitated for a

couple of weeks after, trying to get my breath. I decided the " minor

annoyance " (the tobacco lobby's term) wasn't worth it, and never played

another job. (I recently had a chance meeting with our former piano player

whom I hadn't seen in some 35 years, and he mentioned that back then he had

to get out of that line for the same reason.)


Years later, as a traveling lecturer, I eventually had to avoid airline and

bus travel wherever possible, or risk arriving more as a squeaker than a

speaker due to the effects of other people's smoke. Those who say that

smoking is a purely personal matter that has nothing to do with ethics or

nonsmokers' rights, please take note. In the case of tobacco smoke, people

have been saturated with news about lung cancer; but the poisonous

substances are carried by the bloodstream to every cell of the body.


In the early 1960's in California, my wife and I met Dan and Clover

Murphy. (Some years before, as I recall, Dan had been the Vice

Presidential candidate with Dr. John Maxwell heading the ticket for the

mainly nonexistent " Vegetarian Party " .)


Clover had lost a leg, and they got into the prosthetic device business,

going into hospitals and fitting artificial limbs on amputees. They told us

how people thought that these were all war veterans, but in their

experience most of them were afflicted with Buerger's Disease (sometimes

termed " Smoker's Disease " ) with the gradual loss of circulation due to the

vasoconstricting effect of the smoking.


They said it was quite the usual thing for a new amputee (at least, in

those days) coming to from the anesthetic to ask first for a cigarette; and

they were smoking in bed while recuperating or being fitted with the new

limb. Those who can see no causeandeffect relationship may argue that the

smoking was just to soothe, a comforting crutch. In fact it makes as much

sense as someone wounded in a hunting accident to get around by using a

loaded shotgun for a " crutch " .


[Even as I write this, the latest news on the smoking front is an EPA

report that classes secondhand tobacco smoke as a ClassA carcinogen (right

up there with asbestos and radon gas) and accounting for some 3000 deaths

per year, quite apart from all the respiratory ailments and other

" inconveniences " among the young, old, and inbetween forced to share in the

smogfest. The tobacco lobby (surprise, surprise!) says the evidence is

still " inconclusive " , apparently holding stoutly to the theory that poison

gas is able to differentiate among its victims according to who is actually

holding the cigarette.]




If a cigarette makes a poor crutch, a bottle is no better. As with

tobaccosmoke poisons, alcohol circulates via the bloodstream to every cell

of the body, not just one or two organs. Thus, while the liver comes in

for the lion's share of attention, it is by no means the only part of the

body harmed by alcohol. While the gigglewater is pouring " down the hatch " ,

it is in contact with mouth and throat, while undiluted by food or stomach

fluids: alcohol is held responsible for 75% of the esophageal cancers in

the U.S.A. Additionally, about 75% of oral cancer is attributed to either

smoking or drinking.

Even without swallowing, there may be significant risk: in one study,

longtime users of mouthwashes with high alcohol contents (25% or more),

showed a risk of oral cancer 90% higher in women and 60% higher in

men. The link is said to be not yet conclusive, but " cause for concern " .


Agatha Thrash, M.D., writes that " Alcohol injures every cell it

touches. It is classed as a poison by physicians and pharmacologists and

is known to interfere with the enzyme system of the cells. As far as your

body is concerned, you would be about as reasonable to take arsenic,

cyanide, or strychnine as to take alcohol. (Check it out in a nice large

dictionary: " inebriated " means being drunk from intoxication; and

" intoxicate " of course quite literally means " to poison " .)


" ...Alcohol directly damages all cells, but the loss of brain cells is

especially of considerable concern. Learning, in those who drink, is more

difficult. [students, take note.] Injured brain cells are unable to form

the protein material needed for the complex 'memory' structures. Memory is

further decreased because alcohol interferes with dream time. It is during

dreaming that material is stored away in the memory.


" The nerves are injured by alcohol, making them less able to respond to

stimuli. Every pathologist knows that when he opens the cranium of a

chronic alcoholic, he must be prepared to step aside so as not to be

splashed by the large quantity of fluid that has replaced the substance of

the brain lost by alcohol damage. Some health authorities estimate that

each time an alcoholic becomes drunk he loses about 10 thousand brain

cells. Since we have many billion brain cells, many years of drinking may

pass before the results of this loss become observable. "


" Using alcohol causes an increase in all kinds of diseases of the digestive

tract, ranging from esophagitis, gastritis, and peptic ulcer, to colon

disease and cancer of the rectum. " Clearly, it is bad enough even AFTER






It is commonly argued that it is only alcohol " abuse " that is harmful; that

drinking " in moderation " somehow makes real sense, and many sincere people

are ensnared with this seemingly reasonable rationale. But Dr. Thrash

continues: " There is a great increase in liver malfunction, even if one

drinks 'only socially'. Not only is there an increase in cirrhosis, the

classic endstage of liver damage from alcohol, but many of the ordinary

functions of the liver are altered such as blood clotting, production of

antibodies, and the preparation of raw products for the formation of a

variety of essential hormones and chemicals for the body.


" The heart is specifically injured by alcohol. 'Beer drinker's heart' is a

common term among physicians. Sophisticated tests can show definite signs

of heart muscle injury by a single ounce of 90 proof whiskey. The myth

that light social drinking is innocuous has been laid to rest. Many

tissues are singled out for injury by alcohol. Not only is the heart muscle

damaged, but so are skeletal muscles. Muscular strength gradually decreases

among those who drink alcohol. Even bone weight is reduced by habitual

drinking. By Xray, an alcoholic may appear to be a decade or two older

than others his age, because of loss of bone density.


" The pancreas is also specifically damaged, making diabetes, reactive

hypoglycemia, pancreatitis, and other diseases of the pancreas more common

among drinkers. Pancreatitis rarely occurs except in those who drink. "


Vernon W. Foster, M.D., says, " As an intern, I was impressed with what we

found during autopsies of severe alcoholics. Some brains were only half

the size of normal brains, and the cortical convolutions, so essential to

brain function, were almost skin smooth. " This would be after many years;

however, he notes that " Even a small amount of alcohol destroys brain cells. "


If it were only a matter of losing those 10,000 brain cells with each binge

(perhaps an optimistically conservative figure, in light of Dr. Foster's

statements) out of billions, one might argue that we have plenty left

anyway. It has been claimed that we only use about 10% of all our brain

cells, and judging from widespread human behavior, one would suppose this

to be an overly generous estimate in many cases.


But note that Dr. Thrash stated that " Alcohol INJURES every cell it

touches... directly DAMAGES all cells... " (our emphasis). And Dr. Foster

stressed not just the quantity wiped out but the poor quality of what

remained, even as Dr. Thrash noted the learning and memory difficulties in

drinkers, from not only actual cell loss but cellular injury.


In several years of running computers, I became painfully aware that it

does not take a loss of any great percentage of memory bits or electronic

pathways to seriously hamper effective functioning, to corrupt or lose

data, and render the entire system unreliable. A very few little glitches

can bring the whole computer operation to a screeching halt or " crash " .


While in some respects the human body is much more marvelous, selfrepairing

and forgiving than a computer, brain cells that die are not replaced; and

one can still have five, six, or more times the number of brain cells one

supposedly uses in a lifetime, yet experience great difficulty in

functioning as a rational, intelligent and ethical human being.


If you are from the planet Krypton, and think you can do o.k. with half the

brain cells you once had and those that are left in bad shape, let me show

you a nice V6 with three pistons missing, broken spark plugs and no

replacements available. If you can act normally in that condition, you

have my respect; for my part, I need all the brain power I can get.


Smoking two packs a day is twice as bad as smoking one pack, but that does

not mean that one pack a day is good for you. Similarly, one drink may be

half as harmful as two, but at no level of consumption can alcohol be

regarded as completely harmless (or even having only temporary effects),

let alone being necessary to human wellbeing.


In certain circumstances, " moderate " drinking can be even worse than

" excessive " drinking. It is the fellow who has " only had a couple " (not

the one who can barely stand up) that is feeling his oats (or rye) and

thinks he can " lick any man in the place " .


Dr. Foster again: " Even the most naive recognize that alcohol alters

consciousness. In so doing it robs a person of judgment and

selfcontrol. Small doses of alcohol alter the reaction time of your

nerves. Moderate drinkers can become unsafe divers, possibly more so than

the drunk driver. The drunk driver often slows down and creeps along. The

moderate drinker believes his perception is sharpened and his reaction time

is intact. He feels selfconfident. This illusion may cause him to drive

faster and be less cautious. One or two drinks is all it takes to make the

difference between safe driving and an accident, perhaps the difference

between life and death. "


Or as my nephew Ryan put it, " Absolutely right! The guy passed out in the

corner couldn't even FIND his car; it's the guy with just a drink or two

who's feeling great, and gets in his sports car and thinks he's Mario

Andretti! "





Alcohol is the ultimate junkfood. Dr. Foster writes: " There are no

vitamins, very few minerals, no protein, no fat and no carbohydrates in

even a barrel of alcohol. Mixed drinks and malt liquor contain sugar, but

this is of little benefit except for converting it into fat and producing

the proverbial 'beer belly'. Sugar actually tends to compound the toxic

(poisonous) effect of alcohol.


" Protein malnutrition and multiple vitamin deficiencies are normal in

alcoholics. This could be partly responsible for the liver and brain

damage which are the inevitable result of chronic drinking. Diseases like

beriberi (lack of vitamin B1) and scurvy (lack of vitamin C) and pellagra

(niacin deficiency) are often seen in alcoholics.


" Deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients interfere with the

body's ability to fight off infection. Add to this the destruction of the

white blood cells and the other disruptions of the immune system, and we

have the answer to why a larger proportion of alcoholics die of pneumonia

and other infections than of those who abstain. Even social drinkers tend

to suffer more infections than abstainers.


" I can't compel anyone to quit drinking alcohol. That is a decision we all

must make for ourselves. But let us not deceive ourselves into thinking

alcohol is good for us. It is not. It is a poison! "


Time magazine has cited an A.M.A. Journal report that the familiar " beer

belly " is not only due to the calories, but also because alcohol keeps the

body from properly burning fat. Although it makes carbohydrates burn

faster, alcohol can slow fat metabolism by over 30%.





The Center For Science In The Public Interest has drawn attention to many

brands of cream sherry, fruit brandy, and whiskey, containing urethane, a

potent carcinogen apparently formed during the fermentation

process. Government tests showed that 5 out of 25 samples of whiskey

exceeded the limit of 125 parts per billion (ppb) of urethane, which was

the goal agreed to by the liquor industry in 1987, in what CSPI Executive Michael Jacobson calls " toothless. . . sweetheart deals " with the

FDA. Ironically, the CSPI newsletter item was titled " Bad Booze " , leaving

the unwary to hope there might be another type.


As for actual additives, about 30 years ago I was invited to visit a large

modern brewery in Milwaukee, and even back then there was little about the

stuff that was left to old Mother Nature. Leafing through some of the

trade magazines in the waiting room, it was clear that every attribute of

the beer was carefully controlled by adding chemicals.


Some years ago, CSPI compiled a list of well over a hundred additives

permissible in various alcoholic beverages, though not required to be

declared on the label. These include such goodies as enzymes to convert

starch into sugar; clarifying, chillproofing, foam stabilizing and

antigushing agents; antioxidant; antimicrobial preservative; artificial

colors; plus of course natural and artificial flavors.


Strictly from a vegan standpoint some are obviously animal, some are

suspect, and some can be made either from animal or other sources.


The additives include fish glue, pepsin (stomach extract), peptone (product

of pepsin acting on albumin), lactic acid, lactose, glycerin, and gelatin

for beer and/or ale.


Wines fare no better, with gelatin, casein, potassium salt of casein, milk

powder (nonfat dry milk), egg white or albumin from egg white, isinglass

(sturgeon's bladder), lactic acid, and malolactic bacteria.


Distilled spirits are said to contain the least of additives, including

caramel (burnt sugar), unspecified flavorings, etc. Not all brands contain

all permissible additives, of course, and there are some small makers of

" organic " brews or wines that might not use any. Those who wish to are

free to make local inquiries for themselves, for the sake of their

veganism. With hundreds of wine making firms in a single California valley

(for example), the author would not have the resources to locate specific

brands of poison that might be less objectionable in regard to animal

matter, even assuming we had no reservations about it from a standpoint of

harmlessness and simple human ethics.





Of all the dubious claims put forth by the pushers of alcohol and tobacco,

there are two that seem the most patently absurd. The first is the citing

of enormous figures representing taxes paid by the firms, payrolls met,

prosperity shared around. What these actually represent is billions of

dollars that cannot be spent on food, clothing, schools for the individuals

and families of those snared by the habits; thousands of farmers wasting

and ruining vast tracts of land without ever growing a pound of food;

workers and firms that depend and prey on the weakness of their customers;

and they do not include the misery, sickness, despair, and all the billions

of bucks that must be spent to try to pick up the pieces of broken health,

families and lives wrecked by these products.


The second item is the notion that advertising is not really designed to

make more addicts, but " only to Increase the market share " of the specific

firm. This might be swallowed by a few people with but feeble reasoning

power and a fairly short memory.


In point of fact, one of the most successful advertising blitzkriegs in

history was waged over a generation ago, when an ad genius used photos and

endorsements of highsociety ladies to persuade American women to take up

the use of a product that had previously been used mainly by men, and by

women of less than impeccable repute. The goal was to double the potential

market by gaining acceptance of the idea of this product's use. The effort

was a great success, still cited as a textbook example in ad agency

circles. The product, of course, was cigarettes.


(A footnote regarding the sincerity of such endorsements: it was recently

noted that about that time a famous aviatrix a role model who had blazed

new trails for women in her chosen field regretted that her agent had sold

her endorsement of cigarettes: she was in fact a nonsmoker.)


Later on, during World War II, the ads featured brave young lads in uniform

smoking. At present it is alleged that one of the tobacco giants has

cynically used a cute cartoon animal in " one of the most egregious examples

in recent history of tobacco advertising aimed at children " . It is claimed

that in the three years following the introduction of this cuddly cool

character, sales of this brand to children under 18 zoomed from $6 million

to $476 million.


Worse yet, an A.M.A. Journal report claimed that the logo could be

identified by only 2/3 of adults but 90% of 3to6yearolds. Just trying to

increase their preschool market share?


According to the Associated Press, Dr. Joseph R. DiFranza of the University

Of Massachusetts Medical School (Worcester) has charged that a tobacco

industry campaign to discourage children from smoking actually encourages

youngsters to smoke by thinking of cigarettes as " forbidden fruit " .


This researcher claims that scientific studies of this method show that

children exposed to this sort of format are " more likely to smoke, to use

alcohol and to use drugs than children who do not receive any education at

all " .


In another study, Dr. DiFranza said a tobacco campaign involved

distributing signs and literature stressing that it is illegal to sell

tobacco to children. He claims that 88% of nonparticipating stores were

selling cigarettes illegally to children. And of those public spirited

stores participating in the campaign, 86% were found to be ALSO selling

cigarettes illegally to the kids.


The AP report noted the tobacco people's response that

DiFranza had distorted the intent because he wanted to put their industry

out of business. Apparently, they will be the last people on Earth who

still can't think of a single legitimate reason why anyone (if not

everyone) truly concerned with public health, might want to see the tobacco

industry reduced to its last gasp.


Lately, we have seen a rash of this civic-minded " antiabuse " propaganda,

with the legal recreationaldrug firms posing as the great friends of

parents and family, with much subtle and smooth talk about being

responsible and really wanting to help curb youthful drinking/smoking, and

it doesn't take a degree in psychology to get an impression like this:


" Now, kids, you should know that smoking/drinking is only FOR ADULTS, to

show how MATURE THEY ARE in doing this GROWNUP thing in a nice ADULT,

MATURE, GROWNUP RESPONSIBLE way. So get all the facts (from us), and then

when the time comes (oh, many, many long years from now, of agonizing

waiting), you will be well equipped to make this momentous RITE OF PASSAGE



Then, presumably, it will be up to you to decide whether to join the ranks

of he-men and glamorous women enjoying the fruits of the good life, or to

remain an insufferable, indecisive, parent-harassed, acne-ridden little

dork for the rest of your miserable life. The choice is all gloriously YOURS.


This is somewhat like the old tale of the teacher who had to go to the

principal's office for a few minutes. She had brought in a dish of beans

for some agricultural experiment, so before she left the room she warned

the youngsters: " Now, you mustn't ever, under any circumstances, stick

beans up your nose! " Naturally, when she returned she found every single

child busily satisfying its curiosity by trying to stuff the legumes up the

old proboscis. And there isn't even much peer pressure in the outside

world to snort beans, or huge billboards depicting nasal beanstuffing as

glamorous and grownup.


A standard advertising ploy for alcohol and tobacco is set in a never never

land of funloving and energetic (even athletic) young men and lovely young

ladies. There are no yellow-stained fingers and teeth, no foul stinking

breath when they kiss, no shortness of breath or dry hacking coughs, no

getting tipsy and throwing up their lunch, no hangovers, and never a

frantic call to 911 in the hope the ambulance will arrive in time to rush a

bronzed Aphrodite or Adonis to the hospital after an alcohol-induced accident.


Be wary of this drug-oriented advertising, in whatever form it may

take. Teach your children to recognize the deceptions it involves, and

teach them the truth about these drugs, that the reality is quite the

opposite of the image put out by the clever ad agencies who know all the

psychological tricks to earn their fifteen per cent. For that commission,

they will " sell refrigerators to Eskimos " or cheerfully take horse manure

and portray it as rose petals.





For many years, the tobacco and alcohol industries seemed to be enjoying a

free p.r. ride from the Hollywood trendsetting crowd. Back in the golden

era of the '30s and '40s, it seemed as if one couldn't play the part of a

suave and debonair leading man (or later, to some extent, a glamorous

leading lady) without a cigarette in one hand and a cocktail or shot glass

in the other.


We do not say that EVERY film portrayed smoking and drinking as linked with

glamour and virility, but a hit movie playing against type with a clear

antidrinking message (such as The Lost Weekend, with Ray Milland; 1945)

stood out like the Matterhorn on a Kansas prairie. Much more often, dunking

and smoking (to say nothing of wenching; another hallmark of the James Bond

syndrome) were standard props of the largerthanlife role models projected

by Hollywood.


Drinking and inebriation were also occasionally played for laughs. Who

could ever forget the hilarious scene in " Teacher's Pet " where Gig Young

and Clark Gable are vying for the attentions of Doris Day, and trying to

drink each other under the table? Young confides that he has some quirk

whereby he can drink all he wants and " It doesn't bother me a

bit. " " Yeah? " gurgles Gable, " Well it doesn't bither me a bot either! "


But an intoxicated leading man in never never land remains nonetheless

winning, charming and endearing. The makebelieve hero was not inclined to

throw up or wet his pants, any more than he could be caught coughing after

lighting up and inhaling.


But over the decades, so many of the top boxoffice draws dropped dead from

lung cancer or drank themselves to an early grave; perhaps it spurred a new

wave of Hollywood health consciousness. Maybe it was just part of the new

national trend, starting with the Surgeon General's report on smoking some

30 years ago. Anyway, cigarettes are no longer such a widespread film

prop; and we look forward to the day when most TV and bigscreen role models

will pour their drinks from a bottle of distilled water or fresh fruit

juice. This latter reform has not yet materialized; and by contrast to the

decline in onscreen puffing, drinking seems alive and flourishing in

fantasyland. Let's examine a typical line of dialogue: The hero is just

told by a trainer that he will " have to lay off the sauce " while getting in

shape for a doordie worldclass mountain climb. But the retort makes it

clear that such restrictions are not for real men: " On your best day, I

can outclimb you, and outdrink you! " This specific plum (or lemon) squashed

into our ears a couple of nights ago in a TV airing of a film almost old

enough to vote, but it is by no means dated. Just replace outclimb with

outfight/run/ride/ /shoot/talk/act/pilot/drive/schuss/think/throw/play, or

any other positive heman verb; and such a stereotypical line might be found

in any number of action movies of half a century ago (and later, TV dramas)

up to the present day.




For alcohol's disastrous effects on humans who have not yet been born, we

may cite a welldocumented article by Ethel R. Nelson, M.D., which seems

typical of current medical view. From this we see that as many as 5 babies

in each 1000 will be born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. This may include

such abnormalities as dysfunctions of the central nervous system often

including mental retardation, deficiency of body growth (due to prenatal

damage to their ability to grow new body cells), defects of facial

structures, other major and minor malformations (such as heart defects,

kidney and urinary tract malformations, club feet, and extra fingers or

toes), and speech impairment. Such children may be born exhibiting

hyperactivity and irritability as signs of actual alcohol withdrawal, but

these symptoms remain as major problems.


All this is of course from the alcohol drinking of the mother, and

considerable research has proven that alcohol rapidly travels via the

placenta and umbilical cord to provide a concentration of alcohol in the

baby's blood roughly as high as that in the mother's.


Dr. Nelson concludes with the warning that " ALCOHOL IS A

POISON. Maternal abuse of alcohol during pregnancy appears to be the most

frequent known toxic cause of mental deficiency in the Western

world! " Most physicians currently advise expectant mothers not to drink at

all. But with the notorious failure of birthcontrol methods to live up to

the promise of " complete separation of sex and procreation " some doctors go

much further and now advise ALL sexually active women of childbearing age

to completely abstain from alcohol, as the worst damage may already have

been done before they even learn they are pregnant.





Although toxins that inflict severe damage on the very young MAY be less

hazardous to older people, we should at least be very suspicious and wary

of them. But in the case of alcohol, with the variety of damage it is

known to cause in the adult as well as the gross abnormality in the unborn,

who could be so silly as to suppose it would be harmless to the immature

bodies of children?


This is one reason why we are often dismayed to see otherwise wholesome

family cookbooks include alcoholic substances in recipes for treats

especially enjoyed by children. We wonder what a conscientious parent

would think of us if we told them to throw a slug of 80 or 100proof whiskey

into a fruit shake or a smoothie for a child. Yet this is commonly done,

in effect, by using ordinary vanilla extract, which has a 40 to 50% alcohol

content, the same as the whiskey.


Many people also take (and give their children) overthecounter cough, flu,

or cold medicines with a 11/2 to 19% alcohol content. The alcohol hasn't

the brains to figure whether it's supposed to be in liquor to poison them,

or in medicine (or dessert) to " help " them. Aside from any physical harm,

it's the same old phony message sent, that " a little bit can't hurt " or may

somehow even be good for you.


Please do not get the impression that the author is a knowitall, rolling

rocks down on benighted humanity. On every subtle point of better living

habits, there was a time when every one of us was as ignorant as millions

of others still are. It is only out of compassion and a sense of duty to

help and not to hurt anyone, that we try to share each new crumb of

knowledge that comes our way.


It was not so long ago that we learned to our surprise of alcoholic

ingredients remaining in food even after cooking. But an experiment at

Washington State University (Pullman), quoted by CSPI, showed that widely

varying percentages of the alcohol remained. In a sauce where liqueur was

added after removing the pot from the heat, not surprisingly 95% of the

alcohol remained. But there was still 15% of the original amount in a pot

roast after 21/2 hours in the oven. Three other dishes showed 40%, 45%, and

75% of the original alcohol. Researchers were surprised that in Cherries

Jubilee the brandy was allowed to burn till the flame went out, but the

dish was still spiked with 75% of the original alcohol content.


The American Dietetic Association's Journal has been cited saying that

foods cooked with alcohol retain anywhere from 4% to 85% of the

alcohol. We haven't seen their article and don't know if it came from the

same study or a different source.


As the boiling point of alcohol is lower than that of water, one assumes it

would simply vanish at oven temperature. But things are not always as they

appear. Few foods seem dryer to eat than plain ordinary bread. It is hard

to believe that 3840% of its weight is still water, after all that

baking. You can freeze it hard as a rock.


But in a smoothie or other unheated dessert with vanilla (or almond, etc.)

alcoholsolvent extract as an ingredient you are adding the booze straight,

without any benefit of boiling off even a part of it. This is also true of

some commercial desserts such as frozen mock icecreams (including some

vegan ones; we checked). While many people may be aware that " vanillin " is

a deceptive term for a synthetic imitation, real vanilla listed as such in

a packaged dessert (cookies, mock ice cream) may have been poured out of a

bottle, and the solvent/preservative (2/5 to 1/2 of that bottle's contents)

need not even be listed as an ingredient of the finished product. And some

people are still under the impression that such loose labeling regulations

are designed to inform and protect the public, rather than mask the

deceptions so profitably practiced by many manufacturers.


Fortunately for those who enjoy the flavor of vanilla but want to avoid

alcohol altogether, waterextraction (steeping, soaking) at home is simple

and easy (see The Vegan Kitchen, from American Vegan Society). Also, some

brands of vanilla extract are appearing in healthfood stores, with

vegetable glycerin or soylecithin as the solvent or medium.





It used to be held that the use of one type of drug almost invariably led

to use of harder drugs, with the earlier drugs being dropped. This

steppingstone theory " was largely discredited as experience over many years

replaced this with a concept of " Gateway Drugs " .


There is a growing weight of clear evidence that many people do PROGRESS

from one drug to another, although this is not invariable; the majority of

people who start at each stage do not go on to the next. But people don't

generally discontinue one drug habit when they start another; they simply

add the new one to the drugs they are already using.


Alcohol and tobacco are the earliest drugs in this progression, the " gate "

through which most users of illicit drugs pass. A vast majority of users

of illegal drugs begin drugs with cigarettes and alcohol; and rarely will

people who never smoke abuse alcohol or use illicit drugs.


Of tobacco and alcohol, tobacco is much more addictive: nearly 90% of

smokers are said to be nicotine addicts, but only 1015% of alcohol drinkers

qualify as alcoholics.


Those who propagandize for " legalizing " harder drugs may well ponder the

comparisons of the record of legalized vs. illegal drugs. Over 60 times as

many people are killed by tobacco and alcohol than are killed by opiates,

cocaine, and marijuana combined. And the leading killer of young people in

the U.S.A. is alcohol.


This does not mean these drugs are more dangerous than illegal ones, but

they are certainly easier to find, especially within the home, or (with

cigarettes) in a vending machine with a very effective sign on it saying

children mustn't, under any circumstances, buy these adult items and stuff

smoke up their nose.


The number of teenagers who are " current " drinkers (underage, to be sure)

is nearly five times that of marijuana users; twice as many smoke

cigarettes (again, illegal for them but readily available " for adults

only " ) as those who smoke pot. Today's children typically begin lighting

up at age 111/2; those who drink are first introduced to alcohol (often by

a member of their own family) at an average age of 12.8 years, meaning of

course that many start even younger than that.


And seeing the dismal record of truthinadvertising for the legal

recreational drugs, it doesn't take a genius to imagine the siren songs the

adwriters would be using to gull the young and immature into still more of

these addictive and ruinous habits?





A researcher at Loma Linda University fed a typical American teenager's

diet to rats, and fed a lactovegetarian diet to other rats. The rats were

all given free access to plain water and to 10%alcohol in water. By

switching diets, he found that the diet was directly related to a craving

for alcohol. The rats were up to five or six times as likely to choose the

alcohol solution when the typical teen diet was fed, as when the vegetarian

diet was given. " The desire for alcohol could, as it were, be turned on or

off depending on the diet fed. "


All this proves, of course, is that if you feed a miserable diet to a bunch

of stircrazy rats, you can wind up with a lot of tipsy rodents. As with

most animal experiments, this is not only " inconclusive " but grossly

redundant. We are interested in having fewer humans drink, not designing a

diet to produce drunken rats; and the information we seek has been well

known in reform circles for about a century. It was obtained not via

vivisection but in actual practice in the rescue and rehabilitation of

countless human victims of alcohol. It was known, advocated, and in many

cases used by diet and temperance reformers in England, Scotland,

Scandinavia, the United States, and India, including the Booth family of

the Salvation Army, Dr. J.H. Kellogg of the Battle Creek Sanatorium, and

Mahatma Gandhi. We have in hand a neat little booklet published in England

in 1947, that includes a 4page section of quotations from writers of the

previous halfcentury or more, on the subject of Vegetarianism And

Temperance. These excerpts will serve to highlight this important subject:


" A most encouraging high percentage of our inebriate cases have been

permanently cured, and if only they could all continue the vegetarian diet

on their return to their homes or in the situations found for them, the

failures would, I am convinced, be fewer still. ...If parents can be

induced to bring up the children on a pure and simple fruit and vegetable

diet, and for their sakes to abolish all that is harmful from the home, I

think the need for Inebriate Homes and all other apparatus far rescuing the

human wrecks will diminish and finally disappear. "


Mrs. Bramwell Booth (The Treatment Of Inebriates)


" It has been truly said that cooks make more drunkards than brewers, wine

makers and distillers.


The prohibitionists are prone to make alcohol the scapegoat of all evils,

but they will never achieve any permanent success with their one-sided

efforts without removing the real cause....


" True temperance reform must go hand in hand with diet reform. A simple

and frugal diet combined with regular exercise in the open air will

gradually purify the system from waste poisons and, to a large degree,

lessen the craving for alcoholic beverages and gradually do away with the

desire for them altogether. "


Otto Carque (The Key To Rational Dietetics)


" On the whole, the habit of eating more meat leads to greater consumption

of alcohol, and vice versa. Where much fruit is eaten, there is scarcely

any desire for alcoholic drinks. "


Dr. David Katz (University Of Manchester)



" ...ln general, all highly spiced 'made dishes' tend to produce an abnormal

thirst which requires something stronger than water to satisfy. Irritating

condiments, such as pepper, mustard, vinegar, certain sauces, and the like

have previously been mentioned as injurious to the digestive organs; they

are also obnoxious as creators of the alcoholic thirst. The free use of

flesh meats is probably a still more common cause of the craving for

alcohol. The extractive poisons contained in the flesh of animals are in

the nature of stimulants, and their introduction into the system produces

effects which are analogous to those of drug stimulants. There is at first

a feeling of strength and wellbeing followed by a reaction. No doubt the

free use of condiments of various kinds in connection with most meat

dishes, intensifies this stimulating effect, which, however, is inherent in

all flesh foods entirely apart from their accompaniments. "

Dr. A.B. Olsen



" Experience teaches with certainty that a total abstention from meat is

accompanied by a diminished desire for the other stimulants, and a

comparatively speedy restitution of the nourishing instincts, and the

natural regulation of nutriment. Vegetarian diet, therefore, possesses a

great advantage with regard to the treatment of chronic alcoholism. "


Dr. Michael Larsen (The Medical Treatment of Inebriates)


It appears that the most insidious " gateway drug " of all, arguably

contributing to the untimely demise of more Americans than tobacco and

alcohol and all the illicit drugs put together (and then giving a great big

nudge in that direction as well), is neither smoked nor drunk, but taken

with the knife and fork.


Whether seen in this light as contributing cause and effect or simply as

two mischievous " birds of a feather flocking together " , we find a clear

warning about meat and alcohol even in Biblical times; whatever one's

religious persuasion, the advice seems as valid today as it was then:


" Hear thou, my son, and be wise, and guide thine heart in the way. Be not

among winebibbers, among riotous eaters of flesh: For the drunkard and the

glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags. "


Proverbs 23:1921.



From our own discussions in recent times with practitioners of the modern

Natural Hygiene movement, detoxification by extensive fasting under

professional supervision and rebuilding with a simple, natural and

nonstimulating nonanimal diet, can be even quicker and more effective than

the change in diet alone. Their successful experience has included the

returning to health of patients afflicted with addictions to tobacco,

caffeine, alcohol, and the range of " hard " drugs. First, of course, one

has to WANT to stop.





Traffic accidents are the greatest single cause of death for people between

the ages of 5 and 32, and almost half of these accidents are

alcohol-related. In 1990 alone, 22 thousand people were killed in

alcohol-related traffic incidents.


One study of teenage suicides found that 46% of them had been drinking

before taking their lives.


Some 20 years ago, it was found that alcohol was the culprit in an

increasing number of deaths due to choking: a piece of food [most commonly

a chunk of meat, by the way] becomes lodged in the larynx, at the top of

the windpipe, and presto! one has a " cafe coronary " and HOPES some alert

Good Samaritan nearby will

administer the celebrated Heimlich maneuver.


A study in Broward County, Florida (North of Miami) showed that in 88% of

such deaths, the victim was under the influence of....guess what? Due to

the anesthetic action and the loss of judgment, the person cannot tell the

size of the piece of food in the mouth and when it can safely be

swallowed. With increasing alcohol content of the blood, motor functions

(such as swallowing or walking) become partly paralyzed.


" A person is in danger when his sensations, judgment, and

motor functions are not operating properly. You don't have to be driving a

car to fear for your life. Death sits down at a dinner table, too, when a

person has had too much alcohol. "


There is an even more bizarre type of drinking accident that we first heard

of perhaps 30 years ago. As we recollect, one of the famous musicians of

the bigband era had " one too many " and went to bed to sleep it

off. Presumably lying on his back, he had enough reaction vitality left to

throw up, but not enough to wake up and spit it out; he presumably inhaled

some of it and strangled. In any case, he made a fast swap of his horn for

a harp.


We do not know how common sudden tragedies of that kind are, how much of

human talent, hopes and dreams, and life are lost thereby; but they are

certainly easily avoidable. Not by pushing " moderate drinking " but by

knowing that alcohol dulls the judgment that should alert one to stop, at

the very time when that judgment is most crucially needed. Just stop

before you start. There is no such thing as a drink #3, or #4 (let alone a

fifth), if there is no first one. It really is as simple as that.


When you realize how much better you can enjoy life (to say nothing of

working to help others) maintaining health and vitality to a ripe " old "

age, instead of snoring off a stupor or waking up with a hangover, alcohol

becomes not merely pointless but repulsive; it has no attraction whatsoever.


In youthful days as a sober bandsman, I had plenty of opportunity to

observe people in various states of fluidity, from moderately mellow to

miserably stoned; I can't recall ever seeing any IMPROVEMENT in anyone's

disposition, coherence, singing or playing ability, or any other worthy

attribute that might entice one to drink. It was once my privilege (and

once was quite enough for a lifetime) to sit up for a few hours of the

night with a friend, a " moderate drinker " who had suffered some reverse in

his social life and figured the genie in the bottle would make things

right: in a weak moment he was tempted to drink his troubles away.


I saw how this intelligent, sensitive and eminently rational friend was

temporarily reduced to piteous babbling; and I could have done nicely

without this further evidence that a bottle of booze makes a lousy

crutch. Next day he felt even less able to face the world than before, and

the problem had not perceptibly shrunk for all its having been pickled in

alcohol. Real help might come from others, from within or above, but never

by the pint.





It was noted before that about 90% of smokers are considered addicted,

whereas " only " 10 to 15% of regular drinkers are confirmed alcoholics. But

far more people drink than smoke, so it is arguable whether Tweedledum or

Tweedledee should be considered a more serious public health

problem. Actually, more Americans die of tobaccorelated diseases than any

other avoidable cause. Poor diet and the sedentary life are ranked #2 at

present, though this might overtake smoking as #1 as more becomes known

about the diet/disease connection. Alcohol ranks a distant #3 in known

fatalities. Tobacco is blamed for nearly four times as many deaths as

alcohol. But the prudent adult learns to simply avoid the general vicinity

of lighted cigarettes, whenever possible. Alcohol is obviously implicated

in behavioral changes while " under the influence " , often contributing to

violence against one's family, friends, or even strangers; and the mayhem

and death suddenly inflicted on the innocent in alcohol-related auto

accidents, for example, gives such incidents the kind of horror usually

associated with random terrorism. Regarding becoming addicted, it is clear

that the odds are stacked against the smoker, but how about the

drinker? Let us suppose we have ten barrels in a row, and ask ten

volunteers to sit, one in each barrel. Now we say we will drop all of the

barrels into the river and let 9 of them go over Niagara Falls. The other

1 (selected by chance), we will pull out after letting it bang around a

while, and hope the occupant hasn't suffocated or been bruised too badly

anyway. Wouldn't you like to volunteer? Suppose we give you better odds:

we will only allow 5 barrels to take the plunge? It gives you a 50/50

chance; that's fair enough, isn't it? All right, we'll really give you a

break (a poor choice of words, under the circumstances): we will only have

1 or 2 barrels go over the falls, so now the odds are very much in your

favor, aren't they? Why doesn't that make you happy, and eager to volunteer?


As with actual Russian Roulette (played with a sixshot revolver and a

single bullet), there are no winners of anything they didn't have when they

started. Just so with smokers and drinkers alike: whether they become

addicted or not there are no winners, only losers in varying degrees. And

there is no way of predicting who will become addicted; nor is it even

necessary to be an alcoholic to suffer severe physical and mental

deterioration, or to have " one too many " at any time and cause a tragedy

that blights or ends the life of oneself or others. Dr. Foster again: " As

a physician I know firsthand that alcohol presents many problems. I have

patched up too many accident victims where alcohol was the major

contributor. I have watched too many patients die because of the terror

and crime it produces. I have seen too many broken homes caused by alcohol

use. "


Lorrie Knutsen writes, " Moderate and social drinking is the school in which

individuals are trained for a lifetime of alcoholic disaster. Is it worth

it? " 'Do As I Say, Not As I Do " . Dr. Schweitzer believed that " Example is

not the best teacher; it is the only teacher! " Of course he also taught

through his writings and lectures, so we may take this to be an

exaggeration to make a point: if our example is contrary to what we

profess, people (especially, most tragically, the young and impressionable)

will certainly pick up on the discrepancy and follow what they suppose to

be the path of least resistance and most immediate " fun " . Time and again

it has been shown that the children of smokers and drinkers are far more

likely to start smoking and drinking. We cannot expect them to respect the

purity and natural wellbeing of their bodies, and to resist tremendous peer

pressure, if we show by our example that we really don't believe what we

try to teach them. In lecturing in schools and colleges in the 1960's and

later, how often we heard that " you adults have your tobacco and liquor;

marijuana [or whatever else was popular at the moment] is no

different. " Of course I was able to answer that sincerely and effectively;

but considering the absolutely miserable example so many parents and other

rolemodels were setting for them, one could readily understand their

confusion and eagerness to prove that they, too, were now mature enough to

stuff a bean or two up the beak.


We will not have a generation of drugless, nonsmoking,

alcoholfree children at least until we have a generation of parents and

other adults who show in word and deed that they really care, mean what

they say, and practice what they preach. But individual families are the

primary source of education and example in the right way to go, so that

their children generally will be well equipped and backed up to resist any

temptations or prodrug propaganda.


There is no ironclad guarantee, of course, and people of all ages are

individuals with their own minds; but young people without the good home

example and training are just set up as easy pickings for so many pitfalls

in the outside world.





There are so many people today homeless through economic and other

problems; we are well aware that not all this misery is alcohol

linked. But when approached by a beggar for " a buck for a cup of coffee "

or some lunch, it is not uncommon to stand back from a breath like an unlit

blowtorch. And one wonders which came first, the poverty or the

alcohol? And what are the chances for a habitual boozer to break the

alcohol/ misery cycle? For what job will he be suited, if he (or she, for

that matter) will not stop drinking? Accurate work in an office? Fine

steadyhanded assembly work in a factory? Driving a delivery truck? Are you



Nor are only the impoverished financially crippled by alcohol; and this is

true not only in wealthy nations. Recently a national magazine had an

article ( " Scraping By " ) about a workingclass family in Russia with three

paychecks totaling 7500 rubles a month.


Times are tough. Their budget is: 3930 rubles for food, 1750 for 5 bottles

of vodka, and 1820 for rent, transportation, utilities, stockings & makeup,

movies, and miscellaneous. As you can see, " Not a kopeck is left by

month's end for saving. " It might be supposed that living in an economy

where one must stand in line for hours for the simplest consumer goods,

might " drive one to drink " ; and we certainly sympathize with their

difficulties. "


But can anyone think of a single item that might beneficially be cut from

such a budget, that would provide a warm glow from socking away over 23% of

their income each month, far more than the average worker does in any

industrialized western nation we know of, certainly including the U.S.A ?





Recently, there came to us one more item, this with (among other goodies)

such a devastating refutation of the " a little alcohol will help you live

longer and better " myth, that we had to, in effect, " save the best for

last " on this subject.


This comes from John A. Scharffenberg, M.D., M.PH., who has given excellent

dietary/health info at many vegetarian conventions in the past:


" Alcohol is a major factor in going back to smoking. Alcohol affects first

the frontal lobes, the judgment center of the brain. Will power and

discernment are affected and lighting up a cigarette is more apt to occur.


....Scientific thinking used to condone moderate drinking and even

recommended it. This was done because moderate drinking reduced heart

attack risk. However, the overall mortality from all causes combined was

increased, it was later discovered. So this is not a good reason for

recommending the use of alcohol.


" One study showed that moderate drinkers lived longer than total

abstainers. Nancy Day Asher received her doctorate degree at Berkeley by

investigating this subject. She discovered that mortality rate of reformed

drinkers was very high but reformed drinkers were listed as

abstainers. When they were added to the lifetime abstaining group it made

it appear that to abstain from alcohol increased mortality when in

actuality the reformed drinkers waited too late to reform and the alcohol

killed them at a very rapid rate.


" Dr. William Castelli, Director of the Framingham Study, states moderate

drinking did reduce heart attack risk according to their study. (Personal

communication) Dr. T. Hirayama of Japan states the same thing but adds,

however, that the overall death rate is higher among the moderate drinkers

and therefore alcohol cannot be recommended. (Personal

communication Nairobi International Council For The Prevention Of Alcohol

And Drug Abuse meeting.)

" As of 1989, scientific groups have changed their views and now no longer

recommend even moderate drinking. The National Academy of Sciences states,

'The committee does not recommend alcohol'. "


" The scientific reasons for not recommending even moderate drinking are now

clear. Women who drink moderately, that is, 4 drinks a week, have a 50100%

higher risk of breast cancer and 21/2 times greater risk of osteoporosis

and hip fractures. Alcohol increases the risk of a number of cancers. It

tends to increase systolic blood pressure. Even one drink destroys brain

cells and some scientists believe a CAT scan can distinguish by brain

shrinkage the drinkers from the nondrinkers... "


And an item about what a " good time alcohol can give in the Holiday Season,

when drink increases accident and death rates (even more than at other

times). During the holidays many people are taken to the hospital with

excruciating chest pains, so bad they think they are having a heart attack

(which has been described as " feeling like being hit in the chest with a

sledgehammer " ). This is due to the action of alcohol on the heart (or

heartregulating) muscles. Emergencyroom physicians nickname for the

condition: " Holiday Heart " .





" There is truth in wine, " so the old saying goes: " one tells the truth when

drunk. " But which truth? We live at various levels of existence and

consciousness; and there are some parts of our inner, more primitive and

impulsive side that are held in check by the surface veneer of civilization

and the exercise of conscience. In extreme cases, (as in drinktillyoudrop

collegefrat initiations) death has occurred from a drinking bout. But

Nature usually guards best the functions most vitally needed for immediate

survival, such as blood circulation and breathing. " The first to come is

the last to go " : traits most recently acquired (the art and culture; the

conscious reasoning; a sense of duty, altruism and compassion; in short, so

much of what we like to think makes us so superior to various simpler forms

of life) all may go long before one loses all mobility and consciousness,

let alone heartbeat and respiration. We are especially concerned to see

almost universally in expert views on alcohol, that even small amounts

affect the extremely valuable (and vulnerable) parts of the brain involved

in judgment, morality, and reason. Anger, hatred, lust, greed, or any

emotion reasonably controlled under normal circumstances may find free rein

when one is " under the influence " . The most brutal forms of violence

(formerly restrained) may surface. Don't take my word for it: you can read

all about it in your daily paper, or see it on the evening TV news.


That alcohol is a behaviormodifying drug, that inebriated people will do

what they would not otherwise do if in full control, can be seen in so many

cliches such as " going on a drunken binge/orgy/spree " , " spending money like

a drunken sailor " , etc. Or conversely, strict temperance, if one must be

relied on for wise and fair decisions, hence: " sober as a judge " .


We will readily recognize the underlying truth in this passage (from the

translation of a German novel, allowing for some exaggeration for humor's



" Inspector Kersten of the Gilgenrode constabulary... had long recognized

that an alarming increase in criminal activities and acts of violence in

particular, occurred during the hours of darkness preceding every

Sabbath. Though not exactly low on other days, Gilgenrode's consumption of

alcohol rose by more than 100% on Saturdays, which inevitably led to

arguments, insults and, ultimately, clashes of a physical

nature. Injuries, even severe ones, were not uncommon, but fatalities

seldom occurred. The local bone structure was robust and its resilience

exceptional. "


It is widely and readily understood that alcohol can fuel (but not excuse)

violence. We may cite a telling example from an old movie, where a man is

shot dead by a woman claiming selfdefense from rape. A friend wonders,

" Was he the type of man who could do such a thing? " The reply says worlds:

" How can you tell what a man will do when he's drunk? "


Indeed, some supposedly sober scruples nowadays seem so

fragile, that it doesn't take a gallon of alcohol to tip one over the edge

of the ethical abyss. In one poll, 82% of high school girls and 61% of

high school boys said it is " 'not acceptable' to force sex if the girl is

drunk " . This means, of course, that 18% of the girls and 39% of the boys

find rape " acceptable " if the perpetrator has taken the precaution of

suitably doping the victim. Yet some people still think the main symptom

of a decline of our civilization is that the Japanese build more small

computers or perhaps better cars than we do.


Whether examined in the light of land wastage, a significant role in the

misery of poverty, clear harm to health, or assault on conscience and

reasoning faculties with the green light given to violence, on every count

alcohol indulgence fails to measure up as anything desirable or worthwhile,

to say the least. A serious devotee of ethical behavior should easily see

the practice as inimical to the higher aspirations of Ahimsa (Sanskrit:

nonkilling, noninjuring), or doing the least harm and the most good. That

is to say, acting as mature and responsible, ethical and moral human beings.


This booklet is adapted from the January/March 1993 issue of " AHIMSA "

magazine, published by the American Vegan Society, P.O. Box H, Malaga NJ

08328. The author, Mr. H. Jay Dinshah, is the President of AVS, Editor of

" AHIMSA " Magazine, and on Advisory Board of JAINA's Jiv Daya &

Vegetarianism Committee.





At 07:58 AM 6/12/00 -0500, Judy Handley wrote:

>I'm new to veganism and haven't heard of Mr. Dinshah. Where can I go to

>learn more about him?






The American Vegan Society (AVS), founded by Jay and Freya Dinshah in the

early 1970s, is one of the oldest existing American vegetarian societies,

excluding religious institutions. Since its inception, it has provided

background information and support to many local vegetarian and vegan

groups throughout the country. It publishes a periodic magazine, Ahimsa,

which keeps its member abreast of vegan thought and events.


The American Vegan Society

H. Jay Dinshah, 56 Dinshah Lane, P.O. Box H, Malaga, New Jersey 08328-0908

Tel: 609-694-2887




In 1960, the American Vegan Society was born in the United States, founded

by Jay Dinshah. It wholly embraced, and continues to embrace, the

principles of its British predecessor, advocating a strictly plant-based

diet and lifestyle free of animal products. In addition, the American Vegan

Society promotes the philosophy of Ahimsa, a Sanskrit word interpreted as

" dynamic harmlessness, " along with advocating service to humanity, nature

and creation. In other words, in order to practice veganism, it is not

sufficient to simply avoid specific foods and products; it is necessary to

actively participate in beneficial selfless action as well.


1960 is correct, BTW, and Dr. Schwartz apparently didn't correct his figures.





To understand what it means to be vegan, it is vital to reflect on the

historical roots and origin of the word. Many people think of the term

vegan and its associated lifestyle as something new, faddish, insurgent or

radical. In many ways, just the opposite is true. The word vegan was coined

in England by Donald Watson in 1944. He, along with several other members

of the Vegetarian Society in Leicester, England, wanted to form an alliance

of nondairy vegetarians as a subgroup of the Society. When their proposal

was rejected, they ventured to start their own organization. They

prospected what to call themselves, and, after evaluating a range of

ingenious possibilities, agreed that " vegan " (decisively pronounced VEE-gn,

with a long " e " and hard " g " ) was best. It was derived from the word

" vegetarian " by taking the first three letters (veg) and the last two

letters (an) because, as Donald Watson explained, " veganism starts with

vegetarianism and carries it through to its logical conclusion. "


In late 1944, The Vegan Society was established, followed shortly

thereafter by the creation of a manifesto describing their unified mission

and perspective. Although the group advocated a totally plant-based diet

excluding flesh, fish, fowl, eggs, honey, and animals' milk, butter and

cheese, they also encouraged the manufacture and use of alternatives to

animal commodities, including clothing, shoes and other apparel. In

addition, the group acknowledged that the elimination of exploitation of

any kind was necessary in order to bring about a more reasonable and humane

society and emancipate both humans and animals.


The vegetarian movement in the United States, which had peaked several

decades earlier and by that time was declining, was founded strictly on

health considerations. In contrast, the British Vegan Society was forged

from deeply held ethical convictions and, what Albert Schweitzer termed,

" Reverence for Life. "


In 1960, the American Vegan Society was born in the United States, founded

by Jay Dinshah. It wholly embraced, and continues to embrace, the

principles of its British predecessor, advocating a strictly plant-based

diet and lifestyle free of animal products. In addition, the American Vegan

Society promotes the philosophy of Ahimsa, a Sanskrit word interpreted as

" dynamic harmlessness, " along with advocating service to humanity, nature

and creation. In other words, in order to practice veganism, it is not

sufficient to simply avoid specific foods and products; it is necessary to

actively participate in beneficial selfless action as well.


When we understand the origin of the term and the guiding principles

established by the founders of the vegan movement, we see that, although

inspired by vegetarianism, vegan living encompasses far more than one's

diet. In fact, to be a full member of the American Vegan Society, one must

not only be vegan in diet but must also exclude animal products from one's

clothing, cosmetics, toiletries, household goods and everyday commodities.

Contrary to popular belief, people who eliminate all animal-based foods

from their diet but who continue to wear non-vegan clothing or use

non-vegan products are not vegan — they are total vegetarians.


Omitting animal products from one's life is a passive action; it does not

necessitate asserting oneself, it merely involves avoidance. In order to

actually implement and realize Ahimsa, we must engage the " dynamic " part of

" dynamic harmlessness. " Therefore, to fully apply the vegan ethic, not only

are vegans compelled to do the least harm, they are obliged to do the most



Being vegan is at once complex, challenging and rewarding because each

element of a vegan's life is chosen with conscious awareness; all options

are weighed in terms of achieving the highest good possible. This is not to

say that vegans are " perfect " or that " perfection " is even attainable or

desirable. This is an imperfect world and we are an imperfect species.

However, aspiring to do our best, to ceaselessly reach for compassionate

solutions, to strive to attain justice for all Life (human and non-human),

to live honestly and respectfully, and to lovingly care for our Earth, are

far more realistic and reasonable pursuits than dwelling on impractical

issues of perfection.


When people choose veganism, they make an ethical commitment to bettering

themselves and the world around them. This is a pledge not to be taken

lightly as it requires us to seriously examine all facets of ours lives.

Certainly, animal-free food, clothing and cosmetic choices are a paramount

part of becoming vegan. However, when we delve more deeply into its

essence, we see that a vegan outlook extends far beyond the material and

tangible. Vegan perspectives permeate our relationships, spiritual beliefs,

occupation and pastimes. Hence, there are few areas of life that the vegan

ethic doesn't touch or influence to one degree or other.


Becoming vegan is a process; rarely does someone convert to total veganism

overnight. More typically, people transition to a vegan lifestyle,

generally altering their diet first and then gradually replacing their

clothing, cosmetics and incongruous habits with more serene, compassionate

options. Some vegans eventually change jobs in order to align their

vocation with their beliefs. Others become activists on behalf of animals,

social justice, peace and/or the environment, do volunteer work, adopt

children, take in homeless animals, reduce their material consumption, or

any number of other positive, beneficent acts.


In truth, there is no end to the vegan journey. We are perpetually

challenged to do more, to strive higher, to see and understand more

clearly, to be more loving and humble. This is the gift of veganism. It is

a guide for compassionate living. It is the path of honoring our roots, our

planet, all Life, and ourselves.



shows photographs of BOTH Jay and Freya Dinshah.






*LINK* Dinshah, Jay (a son of Dinshah P. Ghadiali, President of The

American Vegan Society). Song of India; Excerpt posted in: Jain-list

(newgroup, permanent page, viewed 30 January 1999); " Jain-list;

Re: Parsis: The Fastest Shrinking Religion;

ahimsa.vegan (Gabriel E. Figueroa); Thursday, 17

April 1997 01:31:39 -0500 (CDT) "


Dinshah, H. Jay, (1976-77) " Fruit for thought: should man live by fruit

alone? " (a 4-part article series). Ahimsa; Part 1 in vol. 17, no. 2

(March/April. 1976), pp. 1, 4, 7-8; Part 2 in vol. 17, no. 3 (May/June

1976), pp. 1, 7-8; Part 3 in vol. 17, no. 4 (July/August,

September/October, November/December 1976 combined issue), pp. 1-9, 11-12;

Part 4 in vol. 18, no. 1 (January/March 1977), pp. 1-3, 5-8.



The following is a listing of practitioners of syntonic optometry, arranged

by country.

Darius Dinshah, S-C.N., 1399 N. Orchard Road, Vineland, NJ, 8360, 609-692-4686

The Dinshah family was headed by Dinshah P. Ghadiali, a Parsi by background,

who pioneered in syntonic optometry. Of the Dinshah brothers, only Darius

continues it.


" Out of the Jungle "

By H.Jay Dinshah

A practical and logical step-by-step lifestyle of dynamic harmlessness,

based upon a humane and compassionate world-view of reverence for life.

Price: $7.95 + shipping




The Vegan Kitchen

by Freya Dinshah

Our Price: $9.95


Paperback 11th edition (May 1987)

Amer Vegan Society; ISBN: 0942401085

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notify you within 2-3 weeks if we have trouble obtaining this title.

Other Editions: Paperback

Amazon.com Sales Rank: 1,866,556

The Vegan Kitchen

by Freya Dinshah. Paperback (May 1987) Our Price:$9.95


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by Freya Dinshah. Paperback (May 1996) Our Price: $9.95 + $0.85 special



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Average Customer Review: 3. The Vegan Kitchen

by Freya Dinshah. Paperback (September 1998)




> Maynard S. Clark [vrc]

> Sunday, June 11, 2000 9:12 AM



>from Robert Cohen <i4crob ... posted with permission


>---------- Forwarded message ----------

>Sun, 11 Jun 2000 09:29:34 -0400

>Robert Cohen <i4crob


>We who eat no animals, we who call ourselves VEGAN, stand upon the

>shoulders of a great man who left behind his magnificent legacy.


>Jay did more to promote the VEGAN lifestyle in America than any other

>individual, beginning his life's work in the 1950's. He was the founder

>of the American VEGAN society, and tirelessly worked to combine his

>compassionate message to thousands of people.


>I just received a phone call from Howard Lyman. Jay was found dead in

>his office by his wife, Freya. I have no other details.


>Robert Cohen




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