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Vegetarians Back 'Chicken Run'

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I saw chicken run, because of all the vegetarian fuss around the film. I

really can't see how it would persuade anyone to stop eating meat - it's

just a claymation film - it's so far removed from the real world, and how

chickens are really treated, that it's almost absurd to think (after I have

now seen it) that people are so hopeful about this film.


I think a lot of vegetarians are going to be dissapointed when they actually

see the film. It is LIGHT, it is definitely not " Amistad " with Chickens

(anyones personal opinion of Spielberge's motives not withstanding), it's

" the great escape " with chickens, and does about as much for animal rights

as the great escape did for the treatment of POW's.


I hate to be such a downer, every little bit of counter-carnivorous popular

entertainment helps, and surely it is feasable that a beniegn film of this

type could stir up sympathy for the treatment of animals, but this

particular one just doesn't go far enough. This film most definitely would

not have persuaded me to think about animal rights as a child, and I'm sorry

to say that it gave me not a single swish of air beneath my adult vegan

wings either.


A thirty second clip inside a real chicken farm, with real chickens (not

fantasy talking clay chickens with teeth and giant eyeballs) being

brutalized - would have been much more effective. But the " point " of the

film is to show off Ardmaan's meticulous claymation in a profitable way, not

rouse chicken sympathy, so........






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Friday June 30 7:08 AM ET



Vegetarians Back 'Chicken Run'


By SUE LEEMAN, Associated Press Writer


LONDON (AP) - As the cute, clucky cast of " Chicken Run " cackles onto screens,

vegetarians are egging on the public to give up meat.


" We think the film will have a major effect on children, " said Juliet Gellatley

of the charity Vegetarians International Voice for Animals, or VIVA!, which

plans to show a commercial about poultry farms before some London screenings of

" Chicken Run. "


" We hope that they will never eat another chicken, " Gellatley said.


But Peter Bradnock, chief executive of the British Poultry and Meat Federation,

said the film - a quasi-parody of " The Great Escape " about a group of hens

trying to get out of a British chicken farm - was unlikely to affect chicken



" These are not real chickens, " Bradnock said. " People don't equate their

favorite meat with plasticine figures in a movie. "


The film's producer, Aardman Productions - which also made the Oscar-winning

" Wallace and Gromit " shorts - was keeping out of the fray.


" We made a fun film and it is not political in any way, " spokesman Arthur

Sheriff said Thursday.


The film, which garnered critical acclaim and healthy box-office receipts when

it opened in the United States last week, opens in Britain on Friday.


British vegetarians were delighted when the meat substitute quorn was served at

the premiere earlier this week.


VIVA!, which distributed fliers outside theaters for its Save the Pig campaign

to coincide with the film " Babe, " has made a 20-second commercial showing a

chicken in a cage with the slogan: Chicken Can't Run. "


Gellatley said the pig campaign " led to a huge increase in calls from people

wanting to become vegetarian - and we believe meat sales fell. "


But Phil Saunders of the Meat and Livestock Commission said the " Babe " campaign

" made absolutely no difference to pork sales. People have a lot more sense. "


Butcher Nigel Armstrong, who has a shop at London's famous Smithfield meat

market, said those like him who sell only naturally reared meat could actually

benefit from VIVA!'s campaign.


" I'm quite glad these people are poking their nose in, because it makes people

think and in the long run it helps to raise standards in meat production, "

Armstrong said.


" During the 'mad cow disease' scare, my sales of beef actually rose, " he said.




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I don't usually think of myself as having a negative outlook on life, but I

think in this instance I must have. I'm the only veggie I've come across

who recoiled in disbelief on first hearing of this film. My immediate

reaction was " how can anyone make light of such a horror? " . What next, a

sexy sitcom from an African refugee camp? I think that if it causes people

to think at all it is more likely to fool them into thinking that animals

in factory farms have some kind of choice/control/chance of escape.

Oh, and in case anyone doesn't know, Quorn contains battery eggs - good

joke, huh?

Sorry to be so bitter, but ..... well, I am on this.



p.s. I really really really hope I'm wrong!


> ----------

> anji b[sMTP:vegan]


> Vegetarians Back 'Chicken Run'


> British vegetarians were delighted when the meat substitute quorn was

> served at the premiere earlier this week.


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>I think the problem is veggies don't have a sense of humour anymore. Most

>veggies I talk to are so serious. So the movie won't turn little kids into

>vegetarians, so what? It doesn't have a negative impact either, so who

>cares. It was a really cute movie, I personally liked it a lot. People who

>made this movie weren't thinking of *chickens*. In fact, it didn't matter


>all what animal they put there. Chicken Run is just a fable, a little cute

>story with a moral in the end, usually where the charachters are animals so

>that little kids will like it. The movie is about escape and freedom, not

>chickens. So lighten up and get over it.



You exactly right about the film, but that was my whole point. . . why are

people making so much fuss over this film? I feel like a lot of folks are

embarrassing themselves (nobody on this list specifically) by putting so

much hope into and for making so much fuss over something that is pure



" lighten up and get over it? " - get over chicken run? Obviously it was long

behind me. Get over the treatment of animal? No, sorry, ask someone else.




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I think the problem is veggies don't have a sense of humour anymore. Most

veggies I talk to are so serious. So the movie won't turn little kids into

vegetarians, so what? It doesn't have a negative impact either, so who

cares. It was a really cute movie, I personally liked it a lot. People who

made this movie weren't thinking of *chickens*. In fact, it didn't matter at

all what animal they put there. Chicken Run is just a fable, a little cute

story with a moral in the end, usually where the charachters are animals so

that little kids will like it. The movie is about escape and freedom, not

chickens. So lighten up and get over it.



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Sponsored by Burger King by the way... Save a chicken, eat beef.


No Joke.



Pascal Pilon

Head Redaction

The Upperworld Society / La société Upperworld



-----Message d'origine-----

De : Isabelle Netto [isabelle240]

Envoyé : 4 juillet, 2000 12:25

À :

Objet : RE: Vegetarians Back 'Chicken Run'



I think the problem is veggies don't have a sense of humour anymore. Most

veggies I talk to are so serious. So the movie won't turn little kids into

vegetarians, so what? It doesn't have a negative impact either, so who

cares. It was a really cute movie, I personally liked it a lot. People who

made this movie weren't thinking of *chickens*. In fact, it didn't matter


all what animal they put there. Chicken Run is just a fable, a little cute

story with a moral in the end, usually where the charachters are animals


that little kids will like it. The movie is about escape and freedom, not

chickens. So lighten up and get over it.



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At first I was disgusted that Burger King would have the indecency to run

such a campaign. Then I thought about it a bit more and became disgusted

with the makers of the film for allowing it. This proves that " Chicken Run "

(which was a great movie BTW) was made with the intention of making money,

and nothing else.


Incidentally, " Babe " turned my carnivorous (also racist, ignorant, and bible

thumping cousin) off of pork. I haven't talked to her lately, but I've been

hoping that " Chicken Run " would do the same. Then all she need to watch

would be movies about Steve the Steer and Sadie the Salmon.





> " Pascal Pilon " <p2



>RE: Vegetarians Back 'Chicken Run'

>Tue, 4 Jul 2000 18:07:35 -0400


>Sponsored by Burger King by the way... Save a chicken, eat beef.


> No Joke.



>Pascal Pilon

>Head Redaction

>The Upperworld Society / La société Upperworld



> -----Message d'origine-----

> De : Isabelle Netto [isabelle240]

> Envoyé : 4 juillet, 2000 12:25

> À :

> Objet : RE: Vegetarians Back 'Chicken Run'



> I think the problem is veggies don't have a sense of humour anymore.


> veggies I talk to are so serious. So the movie won't turn little kids


> vegetarians, so what? It doesn't have a negative impact either, so who

> cares. It was a really cute movie, I personally liked it a lot. People


> made this movie weren't thinking of *chickens*. In fact, it didn't



> all what animal they put there. Chicken Run is just a fable, a little


> story with a moral in the end, usually where the charachters are animals


> that little kids will like it. The movie is about escape and freedom,


> chickens. So lighten up and get over it.

> -Belle

> ______________________

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>It's thought provoking, isn't it, that people would need to be shown the

>reality for each individual animal?! :-/ It puzzles me when people don't

>generalize beyond the one example before them. When " Babe " turns a person

>off eating pork, why doesn't it also do the job for all other forms of


>at the same time?


Pardon me for being so cruel Deborah, but I believe the answer lies in the

fact that the person in question is stupid enough to let a childrens fable

influence their eating habits in the first place. It really doesn't make

any sense to stop eating just one kind of animal and continue to enjoy the

rest for reasons of animal empathy, but when a film like babe is your " wake

up call " to the treatment of animals (and you're over the age of 11). . . .

.. . . . .welll... . ..is there much hope for rational decisions from that

person on a large scale? Sure babe was a wonderful movie (interestingly

enough, directed by the same guy who directed " Mad Max " I believe, but I

could be thinking of a diff. Australian director named Miller) and it does

help to remind us of how capable we are of empathizing with animals - but if

you watch it and come away thinking that pigs are the only animals worth

saving. . . .well, you see what I'm getting at.






Do these people see there being THAT much difference

>between a pig and a cow? Maybe you could ask this cousin something about

>this and let us know?


>Deborah in BC, Canada






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" when a film like babe is your " wake

up call " to the treatment of animals (and you're over the age of 11). . . .

.. . . . .welll... . ..is there much hope for rational decisions from that

person on a large scale? "


Exactly. There's no reasoning with this woman, because she's incapable of

reason. Believe me, I've tried. With some people, you're just wasting your




> " Patrick Keller " <patrickkeller



>Re: Vegetarians Back 'Chicken Run'

>Wed, 05 Jul 2000 14:46:39 PDT



> >

> >It's thought provoking, isn't it, that people would need to be shown the

> >reality for each individual animal?! :-/ It puzzles me when people


> >generalize beyond the one example before them. When " Babe " turns a


> >off eating pork, why doesn't it also do the job for all other forms of

> >flesh

> >at the same time?


>Pardon me for being so cruel Deborah, but I believe the answer lies in the

>fact that the person in question is stupid enough to let a childrens fable

>influence their eating habits in the first place. It really doesn't make

>any sense to stop eating just one kind of animal and continue to enjoy the

>rest for reasons of animal empathy, but when a film like babe is your " wake

>up call " to the treatment of animals (and you're over the age of 11). . . .

>. . . . .welll... . ..is there much hope for rational decisions from that

>person on a large scale? Sure babe was a wonderful movie (interestingly

>enough, directed by the same guy who directed " Mad Max " I believe, but I

>could be thinking of a diff. Australian director named Miller) and it does

>help to remind us of how capable we are of empathizing with animals - but


>you watch it and come away thinking that pigs are the only animals worth

>saving. . . .well, you see what I'm getting at.






>Do these people see there being THAT much difference

> >between a pig and a cow? Maybe you could ask this cousin something about

> >this and let us know?

> >

> >Deborah in BC, Canada

> >

> >

> >



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>Incidentally, " Babe " turned my carnivorous (also racist, ignorant, and


>thumping cousin) off of pork. I haven't talked to her lately, but I've


>hoping that " Chicken Run " would do the same. Then all she need to watch

>would be movies about Steve the Steer and Sadie the Salmon.



It's thought provoking, isn't it, that people would need to be shown the

reality for each individual animal?! :-/ It puzzles me when people don't

generalize beyond the one example before them. When " Babe " turns a person

off eating pork, why doesn't it also do the job for all other forms of flesh

at the same time? Do these people see there being THAT much difference

between a pig and a cow? Maybe you could ask this cousin something about

this and let us know?


Deborah in BC, Canada

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