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PETA's McCruel Child Abuse (family comments, please?)

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Tuesday, 4 July 2000 00:58:05 EDT


PETA's cruel McChild abuse???




PETA's McCruel Child Abuse


http://www.jewishworldreview.com -- KEEP A CLOSE EYE on your kids and

grandkids, this summer. PETA's out to get them.


If you take your kids to McDonald's -- or even if they're just playing in the

schoolyard -- PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) wants to

traumatize them against meat, by giving them " Unhappy Meals. "


In what is arguably its most outrageous campaign to date, PETA, the so-called

" animal rights group, " will soon pass out a box of the most sordid,

disgusting " toys " imaginable to your youngsters. And they'll do so behind

your back.


In a sickening parody of the perennial McDonald's kids promotion, PETA

announced that it will go to schoolyards and McDonald's restaurant

playgrounds to hand kids a package containing a stuffed " Son of Ron " doll ---

a bloody Ronald McDonald wielding a bloody butcher's knife. The " Unhappy

Meal " box, which will be handed out to children while they are playing in

July and August, features a picture of a bloody, severed cow's head and

allegations that McDonald's is responsible for cruelty to animals used for

its food. Beneath the phrase " McCruelty to go " are descriptions of chickens

and pigs crammed in small spaces.


One leaflet features Ronald McDonald wielding a bloody knife over a chicken

he is about to kill, along with the phrase, " Son of Ron: America's #1 Serial

Killer. " Another contains a picture of slaughtered pigs hanging upside-down,

with the slogan " Animals deserve a break today. McDonald's Cruelty to Go. " A

more graphic photo features yet another bloody, severed cow's head--skinned,

hanging on a hook, and dripping with blood--asking, " Do you want fries with

that? "


PETA's press materials say the goal of this disgusting campaign is to get

kids to see " that Ronald McDonald isn't a clown, he's a murderer. " And PETA

wants kids to " lose their lunch . . . about . . .McDonald's 'Happy Meals.' "

And, of course, the ultimate goal is to traumatize your child into becoming a



No, you are not capable of teaching your five-year-old your values on the

ethics of cuisine. While you are ordering " fries with that, " and little Bobby

and Susie are just behind you on the playground slide, they are about to have

their minds molested by the PETA thought police. The animal rights stranger

lurking behind the see-saw knows better than you what your child should eat.


And while your children might once have thought Mr. McDonald, clowns, and

animals were cute and Big Macs were tasty, after PETA gets hold of your kids

-- regardless of your consent -- they will cry upon sight of any of these

items. The images of the bloody Mr. McDonald and the animals will be forever

ingrained in their minds.


The sad thing is that McDonald's is well known for doing a lot for kids and

communities, to little fanfare. Where is PETA, when it comes to helping

communities? And what if, G-d forbid, your child must go to the hospital for

a medical procedure? Will PETA help you with alternative accommodations, when

your traumatized child doesn't want you to stay at McDonald's bloody mascot's

Ronald McDonald House?



And you thought we were kidding!

PETA's risky arrogance in this latest campaign illustrates its desperation.

Its past campaigns have failed, and it must escalate its tactics to the

absurd and outrageous to try to get your attention. In 1996, PETA protested

McDonald's Happy Meals that featured a plastic toy from the Disney pig movie,

" Babe. " No-one cared. The Babe Happy Meals were a hit, while PETA mascot,

" Petunia the Pig " was arrested. Yet, again, in 1999, PETA declared as October

as " Slam McDonald's " month. But nobody slammed McDonald's. They ordered more

Quarter Pounders and McNuggets than ever. And nobody paid attention to PETA.

PETA even tried to silence an opposing group, People Eating Tasty Animals (my

kind of group), in the courts, and it was successful--preventing the group

from using the same PETA acronym. Still, no-one noticed.


Poor PETA. The group tried using sex, religion, beer, and fashion, and still,

no-one blinked. In May 1998, they paraded around the " Lettuce Ladies, " women

wearing lettuce leaf bikinis, around Capitol Hill and McDonald's locations

across the country. Yet, they still couldn't get people to shun " Micky D's "

beef in favor of the veggie burgers these alternatively-clad " ladies " were



Then, they tried to push the idea that eating meat causes male impotence.

Billboards featured a bikini-clad vegetarian woman dangling suggestive

sausages from her hand, saying, " I threw a party --- but the cattlemen

couldn't come. " But men still ate beef. And Last year, they ran largely

ignored ads and billboards claiming " Jesus was a Vegetarian, " and pushed beer

instead of milk, in a failed " Got Beer? " campaign. Earlier this year, they

protested leather pants at the Gap. But the Gap sold out of the item.


Most sane people are against animal cruelty. But that's not the same as

animal rights. The fact is, we're a carnivorous society. And while

vegetarianism may be a bigger fad, today, than it once was, we will always

eat meat. And we will always wear leather. And we will always prefer

experimentation on animals to that on ourselves and our children. That will

never change. And we will always resent PETA's efforts to not only interfere

with these facts of life, but also to make animal rights and lives supreme to

those of our own.


So, now, PETA's taking no prisoners. They're going after our kids. They want

to mold young minds early in the developmental stage of life. It may result

in lifetime fear of animals and clowns for your kids. But who at PETA cares

about ruining your child's psyche when the " supreme " goal of life without

meat might be achieved?


PETA's demented campaign is just another form of child abuse.



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