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Dr. John Hagelin

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At 07:58 AM 8/30/00 +0000, All-vegans-unite (AT) eGroups (DOT) com wrote:

>Reform Party II John Hagelin : Hagelin is a vegetarian

> http://www.hagelin.org


While Dr. John Hagelin is friendly to vegetarians and AR concerns,

his primary concerns are human health and national policy,

and Dr. Alex Hershaft has suggested that Dr. Hagelin has NOT

yet become fully vegetarian.


Therefore, claims to the contrary would be false, would they not,

if Dr. Hershaft's observations were true.


Now, if Dr. Hershaft is a credible witness and observer,

we might have reason to believe his comments.

Dr. Hershaft was the organizer and coordinator of

Animal Rights 2000, where Dr. John Hagelin talked,

presumably about the hazards of genetically modified food.

All food at AR 2000 was vegan, and Dr. Hershaft would

(presumably) had plenty of opportunity to have spoken

with Dr. Hagelin about diet.


How do I know that Dr. Hershaft has said this?

Well, I e-mailed him privately in personal e-mail.


Now, MIGHT Dr. John Hagelin be vegetarian today?

Yes! (But like many kinds of speculation, we don't

really know for sure, and we could only surmise,

but guesses are guesses and not intellectually binding -

they don't require us to believe what is merely guessing.)


But vegetarian claims about the candidates,

their wives and their daughters fly constantly.

The current President has a daughter who

had been a " Vegetarian Times " magazine r,

according to the staff at " Vegetarian Times " magazine,

and is widely believed to be vegetarian.


My thinking is that we ought ONLY to put into the

US White House someone with at least one

committed vegetarian in the family - and preferably more.


BTW, Dr. John Hagelin's candidacy for the Natural Law Party

is unquestioned, and National Public Radio reporters have

determined that BOTH Pat Buchanan and Dr. John Hagelin

will probably be on the presidential ballots in all 50 states,

each becoming an independent or allowed on the ballot

in some other way, if the " Reform Party " designation is not

allowed by their names.


Maynard S. Clark

Vegetarian Resource Center


So, this is how I would reconstruct Saiom's posting:


What are the candidates going to do to educate the citizens, so that

WE can be the leaders we are supposed to be in a democracy?


" Everything should be done intelligently ! "


7 Election links


Al Gore Joseph Lieberman : Democrat Party supports

whaling, subsides to factory farmers, and subsidies to the

vivisection drug companies.



George W. Bush contributors :


The Republicans have the worst record in virtually every

area of animal rights and domination by the meat industry,

canned hunt operators, the environment etc.


Green Party around world :



Libertarian Party : Libertarians don't believe in

animal protection by the government, since they

don't believe in the government



Pat Buchanan : Buchanan wants to export American

animal flesh to China



Atty Ralph Nader : Ask him to stop supporting Makah whale hunt




Reform Party II / Natural Law Party Dr. John Hagelin :

Hagelin is a proto-vegetarian

Dr. John Hagelin

800-332-0000, ext. 112

Hagelin 2000 website



Also Rans


Bill Bradley for President, Inc.

395 Pleasant Valley Way

West Orange, NJ 07052



(now supporting VP Albert Gore, Jr.


Senator John McCain -

now supporting George Bush

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