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Dr. Johnny Lovewisdom has passed away

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Tuesday, 17 October 2000 08:11:59 -0700

" Thomas E. Billings " <TEB

Fwd: Johnny Lovewisdom passed away


>Dr. Johnny Lovewisdom has passed away (In memory of Dr. Lovewisdom)


>Tue, 17 Oct 2000 08:35:16 +0000


Please send this to others, post to message boards, print and

post on bulletin boards and send to newsgroups and mailing list.

Links below will provide additional information. There has never

been and there will never be another Johnny Lovewisdom.


" Only with the advent of the Paradisian New Race God-Born shall

worth in my work be seen. " -- Dr. Johnny Lovewisdom


Special Note: Johnny Lovewisdom passed away while his Camp of

Saints was being born. Michael Wright just sold his farm in

Missouri and was on his way to Ecuador to help build Dr.

Lovewisdom's Camp of Saints. Dr. Lovewisdom's vision lives on.

It's a new beginning. Join with us and make Dr. Lovewisdom's

Paradisian vision complete.


Dear Brothers and Sisters:


Dr. Johnny Lovewisdom, the Hermit Saint of the Andes, is now in

the hands of God. I've been informed by Dr. Lance Evans, who has

been attending to Dr. Lovewisdom in Ecuador, and David Mujahed,

who lived with Dr. Lovewisdom for many years, that Dr. Johnny

Lovewisdom, known as the Hermit Saint of the Andes, died

Thursday, and will be buried Sunday, Oct. 15, 2000, near Quito,

Ecuador. Please forward this message to everyone so that all may

pray for Johnny's safe return to God.


Once heralded as the Father of the New Age and a New Race Johnny

Lovewisdom was a true spiritual adept, a mythical mountain

wiseman. Dr. Lovewisdom was one of the world's foremost advocates

of the raw food diet and a leading pioneer in fasting and the

fruitarian movement. Dr. Lovewisdom inspired people around the

world with his visionary Paradisian philosophy and was the

inspiration for Viktoras Kulvinskas' landmark book, Survival into

the 21st Century, which sparked the raw-foods, wheatgrass

revolution. Dr. Lovewisdom's philosophy was rare for its breadth

and depth, a complete holistic philosophy for spiritualizing

humankind. Dr. Lovewisdom suffered many hard lessons on his

spiritual path and left a legacy for us all. Dr. Lovewisdom will

be missed by all. Let us pray for Dr. Lovewisdom's passage into

the hands of God.


There has never been and there will never be another Johnny

Lovewisdom. What a remarkable life this man has lived, living the

life of a contemplative, meditative hermit, self-publishing his

writings in the Andean wilderness, on an tiny hand printing

press, having them trekked to the post office miles away, to be

sent around the world. Dr. Lovewisdom is an inspiration to us

all. His death is a rebirth and a continuation of life and a new

beginning for his teachings. Our love and blessings go with him.

Now we must work even harder to realize Dr. Lovewisdom's

vision. It's now up to us! Let's create a memorial to this

remarkable man by realizing his Paradisian dream.


Dr. Lovewisdom died for us! He died to make us reflect upon our

own life, to find the truth, and live it and teach it. Now he's

gone, and we can only be with him in spirit. The longer I think about

him, the harder it gets, and the more I reflect, upon my own

life, and the meaning of it, and the direction for it. The

anguish that I feel is not for the passing of Dr. Lovewisdom, but

is the result of the reflection it has brought to my own life. I

can not tell you how happy I am for Dr. Lovewisdom, nor how sad I

am for myself. I will always regret that I didn't take the

opportunity to live and study with this remarkable man. Let us

pray for Johnny's journey to be with God.


This whole year has gone by like a day, and it's nearly over. How

many more days do I have? When I see that a calendar year is

nothing more than a day, how many more days do I have, and how

will I choose to live those days?


A Memorial for Dr. Johnny Lovewisdom and an online community for the

discussion of the Lovewisdom Message has been created at

Lovewisdom. You do not have to

to read or post messages. Subscriber information and email

addresses will not be shared with anyone, and you can

at any time. Another email list, for special announcements only,

has been created at



Please post messages in memorial for Dr. Johnny Lovewisdom, the

Hermit Saint of the Andes. Post passages from his writings,

remembrances and reflections of his life, visions for the

realization of his teachings, links to related websites, and

discuss the Lovewisdom Message on Paradise Building. Let's build

a group working together to create an Internet Archive for the

free distribution of Dr. Lovewisdom's writings to all, and create

an online community devoted to his work. To , send a

blank email message to: Lovewisdom- (AT) eGroups (DOT) com

To post messages, send email to: Lovewisdom (AT) eGroups (DOT) com


Another list, the Lovewisdom Announcement List


was created to keep our community of friends and

supporters informed without annoying them with too many email

messages that they may not have time to read. Subscribers cannot

post messages on this list. It's for special announcements only.

Subscribers will receive infrequent announcements of news,

updates and special events pertaining to the Lovewisdom Sanctuary

and Archives, the Lovewisdom Memorial, Camp of Saints, Prayer and

Meditation for World Peace Sanctuary, and the Lovewisdom Message

on Paradise Building. Messages will be sent infrequently, perhaps

once a month or less. To send an email to:

Lovewisdom_Announcements- (AT) eGroups (DOT) com


Copies of some of Johnny's books are for sale on this webpage

from Natures First Law: http://www.rawfood.com/religion.html


This website, by David Mujahed, who lived with Johnny for a

number of years, has a Lovewisdom biography and some Lovewisdom

e-books for sale: http://www.paradisian.com/


This is not the end, but the beginning of a new life with God for

Dr. Lovewisdom. Let us all pray. Peace and blessings to all. I

will always regret that I never took the opportunity to live and

study with this remarkable man, Dr. Johnny Lovewisdom, Hermit

Saint of the Andes. We must now live on with him in spirit.


Peace, Love and Truth

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