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An Animal-Rights Group Snarls Its Way to Possible Extinction

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An Animal-Rights Group Snarls Its Way to Possible Extinction


PETA's crusaders have changed attitudes for the better, but shock tactics and

junk science can only alienate the public


Is horseback riding or having a pet dog an act of cruelty? The folks from People

for the Ethical Treatment of Animals seem to think so. And while the group has

had great success in making true abuses socially unacceptable, it's now in

danger of overplaying its hand.


In some ways, the PETA crowd seems like a fun bunch. Members have protested in

feathers, fuzzy masks, and body paint -- even nothing at all -- to remind the

rest of us humans that animals are our friends. On Thursday night, Sept. 21,

they'll trot out comedian Sandra Bernhard and assorted celebrity friends for a

glitzy New York City bash to celebrate PETA's 20th anniversary. The timing,

pegged to the city's Fashion Week -- in a year when designers have declared that

" fur is in " -- looks ingenious. But if the activist group continues down its

current path, the next addition to the endangered-species list could be PETA



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" Is horseback riding or having a pet dog an act of cruelty? The folks from

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals seem to think

so. And while the group has had great success in making true abuses socially

unacceptable, it's now in danger of overplaying its

hand. "



What does PETA suggest be done with all the dogs in shelters needing homes? So

many are executed as it is just because the shelters

have to do SOMETHING with them. We got our dog because he needed a home and we

were willing to help out. We've taken care of a

number of stray and SPCA cats and dogs over the years, largely because they

needed homes... is PETA trying to say that is wrong???


Surely not. Surely, they are referring only to generating dogs for sale at

puppy mills and feeding that industry by buying those.

Comments anyone?








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wrote at

Tue, 14 Nov 2000 15:36:53 -0800:


> " Is horseback riding or having a pet dog an act of

cruelty? The folks from People for the Ethical Treatment of

Animals seem to think

>so. And while the group has had great success in making

true abuses socially unacceptable, it's now in danger of

overplaying its

>hand. "



>What does PETA suggest be done with all the dogs in

shelters needing homes? So many are executed as it is just

because the shelters

>have to do SOMETHING with them. We got our dog because he

needed a home and we were willing to help out. We've taken

care of a

>number of stray and SPCA cats and dogs over the years,

largely because they needed homes... is PETA trying to say

that is wrong???


>Surely not. Surely, they are referring only to generating

dogs for sale at puppy mills and feeding that industry by

buying those.

>Comments anyone?








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hi deborah,


> " Is horseback riding or having a pet dog an act of

cruelty? The folks from People for the Ethical Treatment of

Animals seem to think

>so. And while the group has had great success in making

true abuses socially unacceptable, it's now in danger of

overplaying its

>hand. "



>What does PETA suggest be done with all the dogs in

shelters needing homes? So many are executed as it is just

because the shelters

>have to do SOMETHING with them. We got our dog because he

needed a home and we were willing to help out. We've taken

care of a

>number of stray and SPCA cats and dogs over the years,

largely because they needed homes... is PETA trying to say

that is wrong???


>Surely not. Surely, they are referring only to generating

dogs for sale at puppy mills and feeding that industry by

buying those.


you are right. but do you feed your pets cruelty free? how

many other animals have to die, only to feed one pet? would

it be better to let one pet die, and to save the lifes of

e.g 50 chickens, 2 pigs and 1 cow (only guessed numbers for

the lifetime of one pet (but i think it is many more)), or

is it right that they have to die for this one pet? which

life counts more? i think it is a matter of emotional

involvement. we are not involved in the life of these other

animals, we don't know them, but we love our pet (but they

are eaten in other countries of this world). my girlfriend

has rescued a pig from a mass-pig-farm, and has now the

right to live until it dies naturally. they play and kiss,

and it really is heart-warming. would it be worth to kill

it to save (for a short period) the life of one pet??? do

you know about the book: " vegetarian cats and dogs " by

james peden?


to the horseback riding: i can't imagine that a horse is

happy to be forced to go in the direction the rider wants,

with the speed the rider wants, ... (and if they are too

old, they are sent to the slaugtherhouse).







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Yes, the accusations made about peta in that article, are not all correct.

Peta is not against people sharing their home with a dog, they are against

those who breed more animals into this world and sell them for a profit.

Peta would prefer you adopt an unwanted animal from a shelter.






" Is horseback riding or having a pet dog an act of cruelty? The folks from

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals seem to think

so. And while the group has had great success in making true abuses socially

unacceptable, it's now in danger of overplaying its

hand. "


What does PETA suggest be done with all the dogs in shelters needing homes?

So many are executed as it is just because the shelters

have to do SOMETHING with them. We got our dog because he needed a home and

we were willing to help out. We've taken care of a

number of stray and SPCA cats and dogs over the years, largely because they

needed homes... is PETA trying to say that is wrong???


Surely not. Surely, they are referring only to generating dogs for sale at

puppy mills and feeding that industry by buying those.

Comments anyone?








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I think PETA is striving for an ideal world where animals are treated as equals.

I think it's a bit idealistic, being that as you said there are so many animals

out there and how can we rescue them all? How can we ensure all animals have a

pefect and natural life? Nature is pretty cruel sometimes too- is that ok?

But going on the other postings' note, I agree, as in how IS one animal life

more valid, just because it is known and loved?

It's true the slaughtered animals are treated as faceless and nameless (people

don't find them " as " important) as let's say animals in shelters, but it comes

back to that question of how can we chose? How do we break the cycle of cruelty,

slaughtering and entrapment? Of pet " ownership " and the feeding of them?

The cats and dogs in the shelters exist...they need to eat...the cows are killed

for the meat eaters....and their by-products are eaten...ad nauseum.

It is an ideal world where these problems could all go away with positive

solutions. I am not sure that all vegans would all agree with each other on how

that would happen.

But as a new " mom " of a kitten that was abandoned, it's hard to put these

questions to rest.

I don't allow any dead animals aka meat in my home, yet there's her cat food. I

feel like the biggest hypocrite!

The idea of it makes me ill.

KNOWING where what she's meaowing for came from and that painful end these

animals had, makes me so sad, but makes her so happy.

She totally spazzez out for wet food and meanwhile I dread opening that can and

having one of my forks TOUCH IT!!!

I can't impose my veganism on her. I can't play God with my roomates and make

them stop supporting the meat industry with their milk habits and leather


BUT PETA as an organization has the power to make people think about all their

choices. They have so many agenedas and campaigns, I don't think it is possible

or neccessary to agree with them all, but even the contravertial ones bring

important issues to the light. It's a shame when they do stupid and offensive

stuff, it makes them look like freaks, but thankfully, being an organization,

they can just have another campaign about something else later and change the

subject. Phew!

Anyways, great thinking topic!

This is lunchtime at work and everyone is eating beef shishkebob, it really

stinks so im going to get out of here.





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