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thoughts on not-so-pleasant things

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In a message dated 2/24/2001 9:42:31 AM Pacific Standard Time,

isabelle240 writes:



> So my point is, we should all stop hating and start being happy with

> ourselves and enjoying life. It's too short to just be pissed at the world




you really are being overly sensitive and playing the victim here in a real

big way.

Nobody here or on any vegan list I have been on hate the world. We may hate

what the majority of the world's population chooses to do but it's our love

for the world and everyone in it that gets us so passionate about the

atrocities that go on. It is obvious that you do not comprehend the full

impact that a non vegan diet plays in the harming of our planet and it's

children. Surely you would be more understanding if you realized the

implications. Peoples health is severely compromised, animals are mercilessly

tortured and slaughtered and our planet is dying. Now maybe you don't care

about the future of this planet with respect to yourself but the future

generations who do not yet have a voice need a defense system lest they

inhabit a barren toxic wasteland. They cannot consciously choose whether they

are born but the prior generations can consciously choose to preserve the

health and well being of the planet for them. Animals cannot consciously

choose the inhumane suffering they are forced to endure either. We inflict it

upon them. It's horrible!

To top that off, we poison our children by feeding them milk dairy and meat

everyday and give them a sentence of an unhealthy, unethical lifestyle by

brainwashing them with political, greed based propaganda about what a good

diet is.

Now you may be able o sit idly by while animals suffer and people die and

children are lied to but most of us are much more convicted to our beliefs

than that. You are obviously much too invested in your own emotional needs as

you demonstrate by perceiving yourself as the target of hateful people but

the truth is you should move off of yourself and see these issues for what

they are.

Eggs are simply not part of a vegan diet. I remember that post and the

response was that if an individual chooses to consume eggs and want it to be

acceptable forever for them, then they should chat visa a vegetarian list and

not a vegan one.

Vegans are strong people. Strong in their commitments, beliefs and


If this is too powerful a stance for yu then you should find a nice list

where the pink paint is a bit thicker and the heads are still somewhat in the


Time is wasting for our dieing planet!




If you have met men who will exclude any of Gods creatures from the shelter

of compassion and pity, you have met men who will deal likewise with their

fellow men.  

Francis of Assisi






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Some time ago I quit most of the vegetarian e-lists I was in (except this

one), because they only made me feel bad. Why do vegetarians/vegans/animal

rights activists have to be so bitter about everything? Why do we have to

hate the world? Hating won't solve anything. Why can't we just be happy with

ourselves because we're doing something for the world and for us? Look,

there are infinite things that are horrible and that are going wrong in this

planet. We can't fix the world -- that is beyond our control. But we are

doing our part. I'm doing mine, and I'm satisfied. If you can't do anything

about it, don't stress about it.

In other lists, I got hate mail for eating marshmallows the previous month.

I got hate mail for eating honey once in a while. I got hate mail for not

giving up my leather shoes. I got hate mail for supporting a woman who

adopted chickens who laid eggs everywhere and sometimes she used those eggs

to make a cake. What a horrible, horrible woman. I got hate mail for calling

myself a vegan, because apparently I'm even worse than the average

meat-eater, I'm an embarassment, I'm betraying the vegan community, yadda


So my point is, we should all stop hating and start being happy with

ourselves and enjoying life. It's too short to just be pissed at the world

all the time. Maybe I'll get in trouble for saying this, but I don't think

anyone should hate meat-eaters either. If you don't respect someone's

choice, how do you expect them to respect *your* choice? Anyway, I better be


Peace & Love,

Belle, from Toronto.


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In a message dated 2/25/2001 12:58:48 PM Pacific Standard Time,

alyssa71 writes:



> Are there any marshmellows not made with gelatin?


> Just curious,

> Alyssa



Yes Alyssa. You can make them with Agar instead of gelatin. You can get the

recipe from vegsource. Also, some Seventh Day Adventist grocery stores stock

vegetarian marshmallows.




If you have met men who will exclude any of Gods creatures from the shelter

of compassion and pity, you have met men who will deal likewise with their

fellow men.  

Francis of Assisi






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In a message dated 2/25/2001 2:44:16 PM Pacific Standard Time,

isabelle240 writes:



> Wow, thanks for the deep psychological profile you provided about me. I

> think you should share your thoughts with my therapist. " overly sensitive

> and playing the victim " . Wow. *Bravo*.



I started to read your mail and couldn't get past the second paragraph! You

start carrying on by attacking me and whining about being attacked! Geesh. I

was merely pointing out to you bottom line that a vegan first and foremost

moves off their perceived wronged by the world perspective and gets busy

trying to help make it right! Get over your self girlfriend and put your

energies into something bigger than your wounded inner child.




If you have met men who will exclude any of Gods creatures from the shelter

of compassion and pity, you have met men who will deal likewise with their

fellow men.  

Francis of Assisi






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Wow, thanks for the deep psychological profile you provided about me. I

think you should share your thoughts with my therapist. " overly sensitive

and playing the victim " . Wow. *Bravo*.

I don't believe in personal attacks. I was just trying to share my point of

view. My email was in no way an attack on your views. They were just my

views that I wanted to share, and that's why we are in a list, is it not?

Personal attacks were totally uncalled for. I really don't understand how

you can accuse me of not understanding the impacts of eating meat. If I

didn't, then why would I be a vegan? You shouldn't make these kind of

comments, I'm sorry but you don't know me. I am as understanding of a

preaching vegan as I am of my Jehovah's Witness neighbour who prays for me

every day and feels really sorry for me because I'm going to burn in hell

for eternity. I'm serious, not being sarcastic. Yes, people are dying,

animals are dying. When people die because of diet, it's their own

responsibility. We can't force someone to stop eating meat. It's just like

smoking. People know it's bad, but they continue doing it. Why should we

care about them? Now, the animals. The world won't turn vegetarian for one

day to the other. It's a very slow process. In fact, from a sociological

point of view, the switch to vegetarian diets has been very rapid since the

60's. Societies are hard to change, period, it's not going to happen in our

lifetime. We can't change the world. Too bad, it's it. But that's just fact.

I could worry about the situation of women in Afghanistan, I could worry

about all the people dying in the 100+ wars that are going on in the world

right now, I could worry about the millions of people dying of starvation

and malnutrition in South America and Africa, I could worry about all the

political prisioners being tortured and killed in dictatorships, I could

worry about the women being stoned to death for being raped, I could worry

about all the homeless children, I could worry about all the elderly who are

denied health care, I could worry about hunting, I could worry about animal

testing, I could worry about pollution, I could worry about ersistant

bacteria, I could worry about all the endangered species, and everything bad

that is going on in the world, and I do. And I do what I can to try and fix

all this, but the reality is, we can't fix everything. I am doing my part.

I'm not going to feed milk and meat to *my* children, but I can't force

someone to stop giving milk to their children. I am doing what I can, and I

do it because I want to. Being bitter about everything won't help, it will

only do harm. And that was the whole point of my email, I am sorry you

missed it. Now I have a choice, of helping the world and being bitter about

everything, and helping the world and being happy for helping the world. I

choose the latter, for my own sake and for the people who have to deal with

me. Is this so bad? Persoanlly, I am through with self-sacrifice. I think

it's an idiotic practice, that is always accompanied with a holier-tahn-thou

attitude, and bitterness. I am not bitter, I choose to be happy, and I don't

think there's anything more important in life. And that's my whole point.

Thanks for accepting me so wholeheartedly and trying to say that I should

quit the list. You're one of the many people who think I don't belong.

Now on another note, how is eating an egg you found on the floor harming the

planet? How is it harming an animal? How can someone be reprimanded for

that? Why is it so bad? Is it written in the wholy book of veganism that

eating something that comes from an animal even if it doesn't harm anything

or anyone is a sign of weakness, and that person should be kicked out of the

vegan community? I don't agree with that. And I know lots of people will

agree with me on this one, but they are afraid to talk because of people

like you. Not eevryone is the same, But I'm sure of one thing about being a

vegan/vegetarian -- EVERYONE is doing their best.

Peace & Love,




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Are there any marshmellows not made with gelatin?


Just curious,


--- Isabelle Netto <isabelle240 wrote:

> Some time ago I quit most of the vegetarian e-lists

> I was in (except this

> one), because they only made me feel bad. Why do

> vegetarians/vegans/animal

> rights activists have to be so bitter about

> everything? Why do we have to

> hate the world? Hating won't solve anything. Why

> can't we just be happy with

> ourselves because we're doing something for the

> world and for us? Look,

> there are infinite things that are horrible and that

> are going wrong in this

> planet. We can't fix the world -- that is beyond our

> control. But we are

> doing our part. I'm doing mine, and I'm satisfied.

> If you can't do anything

> about it, don't stress about it.

> In other lists, I got hate mail for eating

> marshmallows the previous month.

> I got hate mail for eating honey once in a while. I

> got hate mail for not

> giving up my leather shoes. I got hate mail for

> supporting a woman who

> adopted chickens who laid eggs everywhere and

> sometimes she used those eggs

> to make a cake. What a horrible, horrible woman. I

> got hate mail for calling

> myself a vegan, because apparently I'm even worse

> than the average

> meat-eater, I'm an embarassment, I'm betraying the

> vegan community, yadda

> yadda.

> So my point is, we should all stop hating and start

> being happy with

> ourselves and enjoying life. It's too short to just

> be pissed at the world

> all the time. Maybe I'll get in trouble for saying

> this, but I don't think

> anyone should hate meat-eaters either. If you don't

> respect someone's

> choice, how do you expect them to respect *your*

> choice? Anyway, I better be

> going.

> Peace & Love,

> Belle, from Toronto.



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I just want to add that the defeated attitude that you have isn't

really rubbing me the right way. The whole point of being vegan is to

make a difference. You're attacking our attitude when you should be

examining your own. You repeatedly wrote things that were very

pessimistic. There is a difference between realism and pessimism.

Just so you know, you crossed the line into the latter. I honestly

doubt anybody got anywhere with the idea 'you can't fix everything'

and 'I'm doing as much as I am comfortable with'. There have been

many people throughout history that didn't settle for that and

accomplished more than anyone ever thought they could. I don't want

to come off as rude, but if everyone had your attitude, nothing would

ever get done.


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Oh well, since you didn't want to read my email, or if you just didn't have

an intelligent response to my post, then I guess the discussion is over. Bye

bye. Oh and thanks everyone who gave me positive feedback privately, I love

you all :-)



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In a message dated 2/26/2001 11:16:25 AM Pacific Standard Time,

isabelle240 writes:



> Oh well, since you didn't want to read my email, or if you just didn't have



What an angry reply. You are an attention seeker and not committed to a vegan




If you have met men who will exclude any of Gods creatures from the shelter

of compassion and pity, you have met men who will deal likewise with their

fellow men.  

Francis of Assisi






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I'm sorry but this has to be taken off list immediately.








consciouseffert wrote:


> In a message dated 2/26/2001 11:16:25 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> isabelle240 writes:


> > Oh well, since you didn't want to read my email, or if you just didn't have

> >


> What an angry reply. You are an attention seeker and not committed to a vegan

> cause.

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I have found that there is a big variation in the judging of vegans

from list to. But you are right, there is no point in worrying about

everything and attacking people (not making a refernce to anything

specific here) who aren't super perfect in their efforts. It sounds

as if you have run into some bad attitudes in the past and I think

you would enjoy reading the essay at vegan outreach about " the

vegan 'police' " which address this. They believe veganism should be

about trying to make a difference and not purity and a

individualistic sense of self-satisfation. Their site proposes a

very pragmatic veiw that I generally agree with.





You may not have meant your original post to have a pessimistic

tone, but it does come accross. However, I agree with what I think

the general sentiment of your post is: that everyone who is trying

to change is at least making an effort and we need to look at what is

most effective in Making a Difference and not worry so much about

adhering to a strict set of rules. I also agree that in influencing

others we will catch more flies with (vegan :))honey than vinegar!



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