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Robyn - Vegan Values and Abortion

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All I have to say is nicely said. I was reading through all those pro-choice

e-mails and wondered where it would stop...finally I saw yours and it was very

refreshing. I myself agree with you on the point that it is an inconsistency -

either you respect life or you don't, no matter what form it's in. I feel that

to be vegan is to not only respect life but to know its unimaginable value and

to treat it accordingly. I also feel that abortion is murder, and in a sense the

situation is much like the situation with the animals killed for food. One of

the arguments of those cruel butchers is that animals are dumb and incapable of

feeling. Is that not what some say of abortion? But are they not both life?

Thank you for sharing, Robyn.





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Well, if one believes that unborn children and animals are in the same

broad class of beings, then it is inconsistent to give then different

rights. Whether they are in fact in this class together is very much an

open question and while I don't agree with it, I fully respect the

position saying they are.


However, if they indeed have significant differences, then it is not

inconsistent to give them difference rights.


Children (post-birth), for example, don't have equal rights in most

cultures. They are generally subject to the will of their parents, and are

not permitted to buy alcohol and cigarettes, while adult citizens enjoy

these rights. However, most people would argue that children have

significant differences from adults that justify this denial of rights. Is

this hypocrisy?




Yesterday, Theresa wrote:


> All I have to say is nicely said. I was reading through all those

> pro-choice e-mails and wondered where it would stop...finally I saw

> yours and it was very refreshing. I myself agree with you on the point

> that it is an inconsistency - either you respect life or you don't, no

> matter what form it's in. I feel that to be vegan is to not only

> respect life but to know its unimaginable value and to treat it

> accordingly. I also feel that abortion is murder, and in a sense the

> situation is much like the situation with the animals killed for food.

> One of the arguments of those cruel butchers is that animals are dumb

> and incapable of feeling. Is that not what some say of abortion? But

> are they not both life?

> Thank you for sharing, Robyn.

> Theresa

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> I myself agree with you on the point that it is an inconsistency - either

> you respect life or you don't, no matter what form it's in.


Hmmmm...who amongst us has never killed the fleas who live on our animals?

Fleas, flies, cockroaches are all fully formed sentient creatures with

nervous systems and the capability to feel pain and I see no reason to

believe that they are unable to feel fear. And yet most people kill them

without a thought, many vegans (in my experience) included. The most caring

of us recognises that lines have to be drawn somewhere - there was even a

short but interesting debate (on this list I believe) some months ago about

whether people would kill or play host to headlice.

I am childless by choice. I do not have the mental makeup that would make

me a good parent. I am selfish in that I want to do what I want to do with

my life, not give it up to a child's needs before my own, which I personally

believe is the only way to be a good parent. My husband is equally

unenchanted by children. If I were to fall pregnant, I would have an

abortion, no question. I would have it done as early as possible to ensure

that it was indeed a group of cells that was removed and not an entity

capable of suffering. I do not regard this as murder any more than I would

regard the use of a contraceptive coil that allows fertilisation but

prevents implantation as murder. This world needs more unwanted children as

much as it needs more unwanted dogs, except maybe less so because the dog

would not use up as many resources as the child in its shorter lifespan.

If I were to fall pregnant, would those of you who would not want to have me

abort take lifetime responsibility for the child? And would you explain to

my husband's and my family how they should not be torn apart by my decision

to put the child up for adoption? Or would you insist that I keep the

unwanted child, sacrificing my independent choice for the rest of my life so

that a few cells should not be discarded?

And would you go through the pregnancy, and face for me the fact that at my

age (43) the chances are higher that the child would be malformed? Because

that would guaratee that I would have a child for life. Would you take from

me the discomfort, the dread and pain of the birth? Would you guarantee me

that I would not die, because women still do die as a result of pregnancy

and childbirth?

Maybe all these things are worth suffering, if you truly want a child. I do

not. Who has the right to tell me if I fall pregnant as the result of

accident or rape that I no longer have any choice in the matter?

Heaven forbid that anyone should be faced with an accidental or rape-caused

pregnancy. But if anyone is, then they need to decide for themselves

whether they want to have that child come to term. The choice would be hard

enough for most people without being told that they are murderers if they

make the choice that someone else does not like.


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