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Source: VeganWay Mailing List



His Excellency Mr. Andrew Romero

U.S. Embassador in Spain

c/. Serrano, n & ordm; 75

28006 Madrid

Embassy fax: + 34 91 587 23 03

Embassy Press fax: +34 91 576 84 64

Embassy E-mail: amemb

We can also send an e-mail via the Embassy Web:







Re: Do Not Support Bullfighting!


Dear Ambassador Romero,


I am very upset to learn that you awarded bullfighter

El Juli in representation of the United States.

The majority of U.S. citizens oppose bullfighting.


Every year, approximately 35,000 bulls are tormented

and killed in bullfights in Spain. Although many

bullfight attendees are American tourists, 90 percent

of these tourists never return to another fight after

witnessing the relentless cruelty that takes place in

the ring. Spanish bulls and their many counterparts

in Mexico and other countries are victims of a savage

display disguised as " art " or " entertainment " that

noted Mexican author Eduardo del Rio described as " a

stumbling block for the humanization of man. "


The bull never has a chance to defend himself, much

less survive. Many prominent former bullfighters

report that the bull is intentionally debilitated with

tranquilizers and laxatives, beatings to the kidneys,

petroleum jelly rubbed into their eyes to blur vision,

heavy weights hung around their neck for weeks before

the fight, and confinement in darkness for hours

before being released into the bright arena. A

well-known bullfight veterinarian, Dr. Manuel Sanz,

reports that in 1987 more than 90 percent of bulls

killed in fights had their horns " shaved " before the

fight. Horn shaving involves sawing off several

inches of the horns so the bull misses his thrusts at

the altered angle. The matador, two picadors on

horses, and three men on foot stab the bull repeatedly

when he enters the ring.


After the bull has been completely weakened,

the matador attempts to make a clean kill with

a sword to the heart. Unfortunately for the bull, the

matador rarely succeeds and must make several thrusts,

often missing the bull's heart and piercing his lungs

instead. Often a dagger must be used to cut the

spinal cord and spare the audience the sight of a

defenseless animal in the throes of death. The bull

may still be fully conscious but paralyzed when his

ears and tail are cut off as the final show of

" victory. "


The bulls aren't the only victims of the intense

cruelty of the arena. According to Lyn Sherwood,

publisher of an English-language bullfight magazine,

horses used in bullfights are " shot behind the ear

with dope. The horses are drugged and blindfolded and

they're knocked down a lot. " These horses, who are

often gored, usually have wet newspaper stuffed in

their ears to impair their hearing, and their vocal

cords are usually cut so their cries do not distract

the crowd. Fight promoters claim the horses are

" saved " from glue factories; this means these animals

are often old, tired plow horses who end up being

knocked down by bulls weighing up to a half a ton.


Bullfighting is a senseless, degrading spectacle that

has no place in a civilized society. The United

States should be speaking against such cruelty to

animals, not handing out awards for its promotion.











SOURCE: EnglandGal










Please stop the deer slaughter!


Dear Freeholders:


The slaughter of 500 deer in Delaware Township,

Hunterdon County, New Jersey is inhumane and dangerous.

Shooting deer in parks and on private property poses a serious

threat to humans in these areas. I oppose such deer killing and

believe the issue of birth control and other humane

forms of deer population control should be considered.

Also the overdevelopment in these areas, which leaves

the deer with no place to live, needs to be addressed.








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