Guest guest Posted March 23, 2001 Report Share Posted March 23, 2001 Got Hormones? And you thought hormones were illegal without a prescription. not for the drug pusher dairy industry that is. She has no name, just a number. One day, she'll be ground into hamburger, but that time has yet to come. This past year, a 2-year-old Jersey cow in North Carolina produced 47,724 pounds of milk. Her name is K-93, but she's more than just a number to dairyman Keith Hockett. His world record holding cow produced 5,507 gallons of milk in 365 days. The average American cow produces less than half that amount (2235 gallons). Hocket milks 375 cows on his farm. They get fed a mixture of corn silage, soy hull, corn gluten, hominy and whole cotton seed along with a mineral supplement. K-93 is now pregnant, so her milk contains enormous amounts of steroid hormones, a gift to little human girls who are lucky enough to be receiving her body fluids. If only moms knew what their kids were drinking. Pregnant cows throw off more hormones than non pregnant cows. Their milk contains enormous amounts of estrogen, progesterone, and other steroids. In her lifetime, that little girl will naturally manufacture the equivalent of just one-half tablespoon of estrogen. Who will measure the effects of daily doses of steroid hormones on her developing body? Society takes note of the phenomena and is armed with a solution. It is not in the best interests of the media to the truth. What will happen to bottom lines if milk mustache ads disappear? Do the Hockets inject their cows with Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone? I called their home and asked that question. Farmer Hockett was out for the evening, but his proud wife admitted that rbST (recombinant bovine somatotropen) was injected into K-93 and many other cows at the Hockett Dairy Farm. Try to imagine the size of the udder on a cow who must produce and carry 15 gallons of milk per day. One hundred years ago, the average cow produced just one quart of milk each day. K-93 has been bred and treated with powerful growth hormones to produce six thousand percent more milk than her ancestors. The Hockets plan to begin marketing K-93 and selling her offspring and eggs. Farmer Hocket has already artificially inseminated five surrogate mothers with fertilized eggs from his 1,200-pound super producer. How healthy would one be to consume the entire output of K-93's hormone-laced milk? She produces 130.75 pounds of milk (2092 ounces) each day. There are 1.019 grams of fat in each ounce of milk and 4.18 milligrams of cholesterol. For comparison's sake, one medium slice of cooked Armour bacon (16 slices to the pound) contains three milligrams of cholesterol. K-93's daily contribution to society would include the same cholesterol contained in 2914 slices of bacon. That's 182 pounds of bacon! Just for the record, there are 11.8 grams of fat in one fast food hamburger. K-93's daily milkfat would equal the same fat in 180 burgers. Poor K-93. Those udders must be pained. Do they drag on the ground and get sores? The calcium needs placed upon her body are enormous. Will she deplete her own bones from within as do many other hormone injected bovines? Slaughterhouse workers have no trouble recognizing similarly stressed cows. They can break their brittle pelvic bones with their hands. Imagine such pain to a 1,200 pound animal, whose weight cannot be supported by her own skeletal system. Hundreds of thousands of these animals " go down " each year. They are called " downer cows " because they refuse to walk unless prodded...with an electrical cattle prod. The lovely scene depicted on the side of milk cartons does not reflect the reality of a cow's life and death. The skillfully promoted milk advertisements do not reflect the realities of a lifetime of drinking saturated animal fat, cholesterol, and powerful hormones. K-93 should be remembered as more than a number. Her name should be Athersclerosis, or Malignancy, for that is what she represents. Robert Cohen Forward this message to your milk-drinking friends: Learn about MILK from A to Z: PLAY 2O QUESTIONS: Get email at your own domain with Mail. http://personal.mail./ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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