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Hare Krishna Mantra Yoga of Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu

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Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu

The Pioneer of Hare Krishna mantra yoga


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Hare Krishna Mantra Yoga - Solve All your problems once and for all



Hare Krishna,


Hare Krishna


Krishna Krishna,

Hare Hare

Hare Rama,

Hare Rama

Rama Rama,


Hare Hare



We've all heard the Hare Krishna mantra at some time, but what the heck is so

special about this mantra? Why are we supposed to spend time chanting it? What

can it do for us?


First of all, let me explain a little about mantra-yoga. Mantra-yoga is actually

a tradition found in almost every spiritual path and religion in the world. It

may involve the softly spoken repetition of a prayer or mantra for one's own

meditation, or it may be the congregational singing of spiritually uplifting

songs, prayers, or the sacred names of the Supreme Being. It all involves the

same process, but in the Eastern tradition it is called mantra-yoga because it

is the easy process of focusing our minds on the Supreme, which helps

spiritualize our consciousness. Man means the mind, tra means deliverance.

Therefore, a spiritual mantra is the pure sound vibration for delivering the

mind from material to spiritual consciousness. This is the goal of any spiritual

path. Although all spiritual traditions have their own prayers or mantras, the

Vedic mantras are especially powerful and effective in uniting us with the

spiritual realm.

Many years ago the brahmana priests could accomplish many kinds of wondrous

deeds simply by correctly chanting particular mantras. Many of these mantras

still exist, but it is very difficult to find those who can chant them

accurately. This is actually a safety measure because if the wish-fulfilling

mantras were easily chanted, there would no doubt be many people who would

misuse them. But other mantras that are available can easily help purify one's

consciousness, give spiritual enlightenment, and put one in touch with the


In Bhagavad-gita (10.25) Sri Krishna explains that He is the transcendental om

mantra and that the chanting of japa (chanting a mantra quietly for one's own

meditation) is the purest of His representations and sacrifices. It is

understood that by chanting japa and hearing the holy sounds of the mantra, one

can come to the platform of spiritual realization. The energy in the sound

vibration of the mantra prepares and opens one's consciousness to higher levels

of reality. This is the process of mantra-yoga. Even though the mantra is

powerful in itself, when the mantra is chanted by a great devotee, it becomes

more powerful. This is the effect when a disciple is fortunate enough to take

initiation from a spiritually powerful master who gives him a mantra for

spiritual purposes. Then the disciple can make rapid progress by utilizing the


In this age of Kali-yuga the process of chanting japa or mantra meditation is

much more effective than practicing other spiritual paths that include

meditating on the void or Brahman effulgence, or trying to control the life air

within the body as in raja-yoga. Only a very few can become perfect at moving

the life air up to the top of the head or raising the kundalini force up through

the various chakras. And meditating on the void becomes useless as soon as there

is the slightest external distraction, which in this age of Kali is a continuous

thing. Therefore, the most effective means of focusing the consciousness is to

concentrate on the sound vibration of a mantra.

There are two mantras that are especially recommended in the Vedic literature.

One is omkara or the om mantra, and the other is Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna,

Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, which is

known as the maha or great mantra. It is explained that these two mantras can

deliver one to the realm beyond material existence.

Omkara (pranava) is considered to be the sound incarnation of the Supreme

Personality of God and is identical with the Supreme Lord. The Narada-pancaratra

states: " When the transcendental sound vibration is practiced by a conditioned

soul, the Supreme Lord is present on his tongue. " The Atharva-veda and the

Mandukya Upanishad both mention the importance of omkara. Omkara is said to be

the beginning, middle, and end, and is eternal, beyond all material

restrictions. Omkara is unlimited, transcendental, and indestructible. As such,

it is not so easy for the average person to understand all the intricacies of

omkara or to chant om properly.

Actually, the chanting of omkara is generally practiced by impersonalists and

those engaged in the mystic yoga process. By chanting om and controlling the

breathing perfectly, which is mostly a mechanical way of steadying the mind, one

is eventually able to go into trance or samadhi. Through this system, one

gradually changes the tendencies of the materially absorbed mind and makes it

spiritualized. But this takes many years to perfect and such a slow process is

not practical in this age. If one is not a brahmana, he will not understand

omkara and will not be able to get the desired results from chanting it.

Therefore, it is not advised that people chant omkara in this age of Kali-yuga

because they are generally not qualified to chant it properly. The mantra for

Kali-yuga is the maha-mantra, or great mantra for deliverance, which is Hare

Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama

Rama, Hare Hare.




There are many Vedic references which specifically recommend the chanting of the

Hare Krishna maha-mantra as the most effective means of reaching spiritual

realization and counteracting all the problems of this age. Some of these verses

are the following:

" These sixteen words--Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare

Hare/Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare--are especially meant for

counteracting the ill effects of the present age of quarrel and anxiety. "

(Kali-santarana Upanishad)

" All mantras and all processes for self-realization are compressed into the Hare

Krishna maha-mantra. " (Narada-pancaratra)

" Chant the holy names, chant the holy names, chant the holy names. In this age

of Kali [the age of quarrel and confusion] without a doubt there is no other

way, there is no other way, there is no other way. " (Brihan-naradiya Purana


" In this age there is no use in meditation, sacrifice and temple worship. Simply

by chanting the holy name of Krishna--Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna

Krishna, Hare Hare/Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare--one can achieve

perfect self-realization. " (Vishnu Purana 6.2.17)

" The self-realization which was achieved in the Satya millennium by meditation,

in the Treta millennium by the performance of different sacrifices, and in the

Dvapara millennium by worship of Lord Krishna [as the Deity in the temple], can

be achieved in the age of Kali simply by chanting the holy names, Hare Krishna. "

(Bhag.12.3.52) (Verses similar to this are also found in the Padma Purana,

Uttara-khanda 72.25, and the Brihan-naradiya Purana 38.97)

" Living beings who are entangled in the complicated meshes of birth and death

can be freed immediately by even unconsciously chanting the holy name of

Krishna, which is feared by fear personified. " (Bhag.1.1.14)

It is also said that all Vedic rites and the results of all other spiritual

practices are found within the holy names of the Hare Krishna mantra. Thus, it

is the easiest and most effective process for spiritual enlightenment and

liberation. The Vedic literature leaves no doubt, as stated in the Skanda Purana

(Caturmasya-mahatmya section), that the most perfect process of spiritual

elevation that can be executed is the chanting of the holy names of Lord Sri

Hari. Such performance of sankirtana can please the Supreme Being, especially in

the age of Kali.

It is also for this reason that Brahma said to Lord Krishna in Srimad-Bhagavatam

(11.6.24) that in the age of Kali pious and saintly persons will easily cross

over the darkness of this age if they hear about and praise Your transcendental

qualities and activities.

The Kali-santarana Upanishad specifically states, " After searching through all

of the Vedic literature, one cannot find a method of religion more sublime for

this age of Kali-yuga than the chanting of Hare Krishna. "

The Sri Caitanya-caritamrita (Adi-lila, 17.22) also says, " In this age of Kali,

the holy name of the Lord, in the form of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, is the

incarnation of Lord Krishna. Simply by chanting the holy name, one associates

with the Supreme directly. Anyone who does this is certainly delivered. " In

other words, it is this mantra that provides the doorway which leads directly to

the spiritual realm. Furthermore, the use of it means that we change the

vibrational level of our own consciousness and the environment in which we

exist. This can cause the manifestation of that spiritual vibration and

atmosphere in this material world.

The Srimad-Bhagavatam (12.3.51) goes on to say that this process of reawakening

one's spiritual awareness is the most important advantage of Kali-yuga. It also

states (11.5.36-37) that enlightened persons who are advanced in knowledge can

appreciate the real value of this fallen age of Kali-yuga because in this age

all perfection can be attained easily by the process of sankirtana. For

materially embodied souls wandering in this material world, there is no higher

gain than coming in contact with the Supreme Being's sankirtana movement by

which one attains supreme peace and freedom from the cycle of repeated birth and


In the Padma Purana (5.80.2-8) we find a conversation between Shiva and his

wife, Parvati, in which Shiva specifically says that Kali-yuga does not harass

those who utter the name of Hari or chant Hare Rama, Hare Krishna. One can be

freed from worldly existence just by remembering Vishnu's names, no matter

whether one is pure or impure.

The point is that because this age of Kali is so difficult, polluted and

disturbing--taxing our consciousness with so many distractions--all other forms

of religion and processes of spiritual realization either lose their

effectiveness or offer only incomplete knowledge; thus, they simply fail to

produce the needed results. They may produce some peace and forgiveness, some

moral standards and understanding, but they do not deliver the higher principles

of spiritual realization. Shukadeva Gosvami says in the Srimad-Bhagavatam

(12.3.45-49) that although all objects, places, and persons in Kali-yuga are

polluted, the Supreme Being can remove such contamination from one who hears or

chants about, meditates upon, glorifies, or simply offers respect to the

Supreme. Therefore, by remaining ever aware and focused on the Lord in the

heart, the contamination from many thousands of lifetimes can be removed. Such

awareness is many times more potent than any other process; such as austerities,

breath control, strict vows, or bathing in holy places. Anyone who maintains

this concentration at the time of death will certainly attain the supreme

destination in the spiritual world.

In this regard it is further related in the Mahanirvana Tantra (2.14-20) that

all Vedic rites and processes of spiritual purification that were effective in

other ages are useless in this age of Kali-yuga. So the primary process that

must be followed in this age is the use of mantras from the tantric texts that

give immediate results when used for chanting, meditation, or rituals and


This is also verified in a verse from the Brahma-vaivarta Purana which explains

that in the age of Kali, austerities, yoga meditation, elaborate Deity worship,

and rituals, cannot be carried out properly even by experts. This means that our

faculties, whether they are mental, intellectual, physical, or otherwise, are

simply not available in this age to the degree necessary to enable us to reach

the proper results by any of these methods.

Therefore, the Brihan-naradiya Purana (39.97), along with the Vishnu Purana

(6.2.17), the Padma Purana (Uttara-khanda 72.25), and the Bhagavat Purana

(12.3.52) all say that what was achieved in Satya-yuga by meditation, and in

Treta-yuga by the performance of rituals, and in Dvapara-yuga by refined Deity

worship, can now be attained in Kali-yuga simply by sankirtana, glorifying or

singing the names of God, Lord Keshava, Krishna. In other words, because

Kali-yuga is the most difficult age, we have been given the easiest spiritual

process. This is stated in the Kurma Purana (1.30.37) that although the age of

Kali is full of defects, the good point is that people can acquire great

spiritual merit without great strain. The Vayu Purana (58.47), as well as the

Linga Purana (40.47), goes on to explain that pious acts performed in one day in

Kali-yuga are equal to those practiced for a month in Dvapara-yuga, or a year in

Treta-yuga. Further elaboration is given in the Padma Purana (1.41.91-92, and

7.26.40-44) which explains that what merit is attained through ten years of

spiritual practice in Satya or Krita-yuga, a year in Treta-yuga, or a month in

Dvapara-yuga, is attained in one day and night in Kali-yuga. What is achieved by

meditation in Krita-yuga, or by ceremonies in Treta-yuga, or by elaborate

worship in Dvapara-yuga, one can obtain in Kali-yuga simply by glorifying and

repeating the name of Keshava (Krishna). The Padma Purana (6.71.23-29) also

concludes that with all their sins destroyed by this means in Kali-yuga, people

can attain the highest position.

The Narada Purana (1.41.89-118) also gives explicit directions on rising into a

higher dimension of existence, both individually and collectively. It is stated

that nowhere does the dark age of Kali affect those whose consciousness is

absorbed in devotion to Hari, Krishna, or who practice the recitation of His

names. In fact, it states that those who are devoted to the repetition of the

names of Hari are equal to Shiva [or can attain Shiva's higher dimensional level

of existence by the required change of consciousness]. Therefore, it is advised

that one should always be absorbed in the spiritual vibrations of reciting the

holy names of Hari, Keshava, Govinda, Vasudeva, Jagannatha, or Krishna. Those

persons need not be afraid of the age of Kali. They are very fortunate and

noble, even if they do not have the association of saintly persons. How

fortunate are those who recite these names, for sins do not bind them and they

are worthy of being worshiped by the Devas. Narada emphatically declares that

individual liberation from the material world is not possible by any other means

in Kali-yuga except through the name of Hari. This is the greatest merit and


The conclusion of all this is that the greatest virtue of Kali-yuga is the

opportunity to learn and hear about the Supreme Being and, thus, clear your

consciousness to perceive who and what you really are. This is clearly stated in

the Bhagavatam (12.3.51): " Although Kali-yuga is an ocean of faults there is

still one good quality about this age, and that is by chanting the holy names of

Krishna one can become free from material existence and reach the spiritual

kingdom. " This is the ultimate goal of life. This is what can easily be achieved

in this age of Kali.

These verses provide some clear evidence as to the power of the Hare Krishna

mantra. The reason that chanting the Lord's names in this way is such an

effective process is because the Lord and His names are identical: they are the

same spiritual energy. By chanting Hare Krishna we are in immediate contact with

God. If we chant someone else's name, we cannot enjoy their association because

the name and the person are different. For example, by chanting " water, water,

water, " we do not quench our thirst because water and the name are two different

things. But in the spiritual world everything is absolute. Krishna is

nondifferent from His names and, therefore, we can feel His presence simply by

chanting His names. This is further elaborated in the Caitanya-caritamrta

(Madhya-lila, 17.131-133), which explains that there is no difference between

the Lord's name, form, or personality, and they are all transcendentally sweet.

Krishna's name is the same as Krishna Himself, and is not material in any way.

It gives spiritual benedictions and is full of pleasure. But in the material

world everything is different. Furthermore, in Caitanya-cartamrta (Adi-lila,

17.22, and the Padma Purana), the Hare Krishna maha-mantra is said to be the

sound incarnation of Krishna, and anyone who chants this mantra is not only in

direct association with Krishna, but is also delivered from the clutches of the

material energy.

Because chanting the names of God brings us in direct contact with God in

proportion to the chanter's purity, this process of self-realization is the way

of success for everyone. The Bhagavatam (2.1.11) discloses that the chanting of

God's names in the manner of the great authorities is the doubtless way to

spiritual success for everyone, no matter whether they are full of material

desires or free of all desires, or self-satisfied because of their spiritual


Simply by relying on the chanting of the holy names of God, one need not depend

upon other processes, rituals, paraphernalia, or persons. One does not even have

to be initiated by a spiritual master to chant the maha-mantra. As the

Caitanya-caritamrta (Madhya-lila, 15.108) says, one does not have to take

initiation, but only has to chant the holy names. Thus, deliverance is available

to all kinds of people. Furthermore, Rupa Gosvami writes about the potency of

the holy name in his Padyavali:



" The holy name of Lord Krishna is an attractive feature for many saintly,

liberal people. It is the annihilator of all sinful reactions and is so powerful

that save for the dumb who cannot chant it, it is readily available to everyone,

including the lowest type of man, the chandala. The holy name of Krishna is the

controller of the opulence of liberation, and it is identical with Krishna.

Simply by touching the holy name with one's tongue, immediate effects are

produced. Chanting the holy name does not depend on initiation, pious activities

or the purascarya regulative principles generally observed before initiation.

The holy name does not wait for all these activities. It is self-sufficient.

(Padyavali 29)


Herein is evidence that the Hare Krishna maha-mantra is so powerful that one who

sincerely takes shelter of it will attain all the desired results of connection

with the Supreme. The Skanda Purana gives further evidence of how powerful is

the maha-mantra: " The name of the Lord need not be chanted with regard to place,

time, circumstantial conditions, preliminary self-purification or any other

factors. Rather, it is completely independent of all other processes and rewards

all the desires of those who eagerly chant it. " (Skanda Purana)

Therefore, without a doubt, the Hare Krishna mantra is the most potent mantra

one can utilize for spiritual upliftment. The Caitanya-caritamrta (Madhya-lila,

15.107) also points out that one is freed of all sinful reactions simply by

chanting Krishna's names. And all the nine types of devotional service are

completed by this process. Thus, in Kali-yuga only the chanting of the holy

names is necessary for worshiping the Lord. However, if one is not able to chant

purely or follow the regulations for chanting, it is recommended that one get

further guidance from a bona fide spiritual master.

In Kali-yuga the chanting of the holy names is certainly the most practical and

effective process for the conditioned souls. It is also the easiest process

whether one finds himself in Kali-yuga, Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, or Dvapara-yuga.

Regardless of what age one may be living in, the process of chanting the holy

names is always recommended for everyone. " The names of the Supreme Lord who has

the disc as His weapon should be glorified always and everywhere. "

(Vaisakha-mahatmya section of the Padma Purana) But since the age of Kali is the

most difficult, where men have short durations of life, it is also the most

fortunate age. This is explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.5.36-37, and 12.3.51)

which states that those who are wise know the value of this age of Kali because,

in spite of the fallen nature of this age, the spiritual perfection of life can

be attained by the easy process of sankirtana, the congregational chanting of

Krishna's holy names. No better position can be found to attain freedom from

material existence and entrance into the spiritual kingdom than joining the

Lord's sankirtana movement.

Even those living in other ages desire to take birth in Kali-yuga to take

advantage of this special concession of a speedy delivery from the cycle of

birth and death through the process of sankirtana. This is confirmed in

Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.5.38) where we find it said that those who live during

Satya-yuga and other ages wish to be born in Kali-yuga just to take advantage of

associating with the devotees of Lord Narayana, who are especially found in

South India.

The Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.5.32) also explains that intelligent persons perform

congregational singing of Krishna's names to worship the incarnation of Krishna

who sings His own names, and who is accompanied by His associates and

confidential companions. Therefore, as the Caitanya-caritamrta (Adi-lila, 7.74)

specifically says, the essence of all scriptural teachings is that the only

religious principle in the age of Kali is to chant the Lord's holy names, which

are the basis of all Vedic hymns. " In this way the most perfect penance to be

executed in this world is the chanting of the name of Lord Sri Hari. Especially

in the age of Kali, one can satisfy the Supreme Lord Vishnu by performing

sankirtana. " (Caturmasya-mahatmya section of the Skanda Purana)

The fact of the matter, as explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam (3.33.6-7), is that

regardless of what one's present situation is, if a person once speaks about the

activities and chants the holy names of the Supreme, or hears about and

remembers Him, he becomes eligible to engage in the Vedic rituals. And how much

more glorious are those who regularly chant the holy names. Such people are

indeed worshipable, for they must have performed all kinds of austerities,

achieved the characteristics of the Aryans, studied the Vedas, bathed at all the

holy places of pilgrimage, and done whatever else is required.

In this way, we can begin to understand how elevated the writer of the Vedic

scripture considers those who have adopted the process of chanting Krishna's

holy names. However, for those who do not like the chanting of the holy names

and blaspheme the process and criticize or try to restrain those who do chant,

we can understand that their sentiment is due to their sinful and offensive

activities. Such people are said to have no intelligence and work for no useful

purpose and simply contribute to the chaos and confusion within society. The

Bhagavatam (3.9.7) confirms that those who do not engage in the blessed chanting

and hearing about the activities of the Supreme are bereft of intelligence and

good fortune. They perform sinful activities to enjoy sensual pleasure which

lasts only for a short time.




It may be somewhat surprising for the average Westerner to hear about the power

within the vibrations of words or mantras, but the potency is real. For example,

any numerologist will tell you that each letter has a particular value and a

group of letters pronounced as a word invokes the power of those letters.

Therefore, someone's name contains the subtle formula that signifies to varying

degrees one's characteristics, qualities, and future. By associating with

particular sound vibrations one becomes influenced by them.

A good example of this is when one country tries to take over another in war, or

one political party tries to defeat another. The first thing they try to do is

take over the lines of communication and the media, such as radio, television,

and newspapers. By sending out its propaganda through sound, a government can

influence people's minds and stay in power, or a political party can remove the

leaders of the opposition. In the latter case, a new government may become


According to the predominant types of sound vibration people associate with

through T.V. and radio, or in reading articles in magazines and newspapers, they

become attracted to certain things or drawn towards certain viewpoints. When

television shows, songs on the radio, stories in magazines, and advertising

everywhere propagates the concern for temporary sense gratification, then people

lose their interest in the real goal of life. They simply become absorbed in the

thoughts of whatever type of sound vibration enters their consciousness. When

nonsensical sound vibrations enter and contaminate the ether, the air, water,

and the very molecular structure of each and every person, place, and thing,

then we cannot expect anything else but continued and worsening turmoil and

perplexities in the world.

Let us try to understand how this happens. First of all, energy pervades the

atmosphere of this creation in the form of vibrations, as in sound waves, light

waves, radio waves, and so on. The mind can especially be affected by the kind

of energy or vibration it picks up or tunes into. The function of the mind is

twofold: it joins thoughts and concepts into theories and goals or desires, and

it simplifies or interprets experiences that are gathered through the senses.

This is controlled by sound vibration or thought waves. For example, when you

hear the following words, an image will form in your mind: dog, cat, insect,

man, woman, politician, automobile, and sunset. We can take the experiment a

little further as follows: snarling dog, sleeping cat, biting insect, ugly old

man, beautiful voluptuous woman, conniving politician, sleek automobile, and

tranquil red sunset.

The second set of words may have brought images to your mind that were

completely different than the first set. This is all due to sound which triggers

the mind to react and form thoughts or images related to the words by

interpreting past experiences. Such thoughts and images may also form into goals

or desires of what we want to attain or wish to avoid. When throughout our life

we are bombarded by different kinds of sound waves, whether from schoolbooks in

our early years, or to present day radio, television, and movies, our

consciousness is led through particular changes and different levels of

development. This might be controlled by others so that we act in a certain way

according to someone else's design, whether we know it or not. If you start

listening to the radio all the time and all they play are songs about making

love under the apple tree, you will not have to tell anyone what you will be

thinking about. It is not difficult to figure out. This is how we are controlled

by sound.

Another example is that sometime we may be feeling peaceful and decide to spend

a nice, quiet evening watching television. After several hours of being exposed

to all kinds of sound vibration in the form of game shows, cop shows, comedy,

soap opera, news, and a multitude of advertising, we may wake up the next

morning unrested, agitated, and disturbed without knowing why. In this way, the

kind of sound vibration we associate with can make a big difference on our


There are, however, many kinds of beneficial sound vibrations that we can

utilize. A friend of mine once cut his finger down to the bone while he was in

India. It was a serious cut and he was not able to do much to stop the bleeding.

He told one of the Indian men nearby who took him into his house. The man put

some mustard seed oil on the cut and stroked it with his finger while chanting a

certain mantra. At that point the bleeding stopped. He did it again and the cut

closed. The man did it a third time and, to my friend's amazement, the cut on

his finger was healed. Some farmers also use mantras to produce better crops.

Plants are very sensitive to vibrations and different sounds can assist plants

in their growth.

In the Vedic literature there are, of course, many stories which describe the

use of mantras. The brahmana priests produced many kinds of magical results by

using them. They could even curse others or, if necessary, kill someone with the

use of mantras. The warriors or kings could also attach a brahmastra weapon to

the arrows they shot. A brahmastra is a weapon equivalent to the atomic bombs of

today, but were produced by perfectly chanting particular mantras. However, the

brahmastra could also be called back by using a different mantra and the extent

of damage could also be controlled. They were not like the bombs of today that,

when released, are completely uncontrollable and kill and hurt everyone and


There are many other kinds of sound vibrations, mantras, or prayers that can be

used for gaining money, maintaining health, defeating enemies, getting good

luck, subduing evil spirits, counteracting snake bite, and so on. There are

countless mantras or prayers for temporary results, not only in the Vedic

culture but in other cultures as well. The most powerful mantras are those that

can completely free one from this material world and the cycle of birth and

death and allow one to enter the spiritual realm. As already established, there

is no mantra more powerful for this purpose than the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.

The way the maha-mantra works is a science. One thing we must first understand

is that there are channels by which the Infinite descends into this world. One

channel is through transcendental sound. The maha-mantra is a purely spiritual

vibration. It cannot be chanted with a material tongue nor heard with a material

ear. In this way, the holy name reserves the right of not being exposed to

organic senses or understood by someone in materialistic consciousness. However,

the Infinite has the power of making Himself known to the finite mind. When He

reveals Himself to His devotee, the devotee experiences the perception of God.

This is called self-realization and transcendental revelation. This can be

attained through the process of purely chanting the maha-mantra.

The holy names are not revealed simply through Vedic writings, but they are

revealed to the world through the spiritual tongues of the pure devotees. Such

pure devotees are the real spiritual masters of everyone in the universe. But if

the guru is not genuine, then the sound or mantra, though seeming to sound the

same, will not produce the real effect.

The audience of the pure devotee hears the name of Krishna but may not fully

recognize or comprehend it. Yet the name enters the ear and vibrates the eardrum

which touches our mind. There is still not genuine spiritual realization at this

point because the soul remains untouched. Yet the name begins to affect our mind

by cleansing the dust within. This dust is the materialistic consciousness which

causes forgetfulness of our real spiritual identity. This forgetfulness

manifests in forms of bodily attachment, lust, greed, envy, anger, etc.

Therefore, by chanting the maha-mantra we wash our mind and enable it to get

free of the contaminating dust. Then the mind and intelligence become very clear

and sharp.

The mind is the connecting link between the body and the spirit soul within. The

soul, which does not actively engage in any material activities, remains in a

state of suspended animation while covered by illusion, as in the case of a

materially conditioned person who engages in material activities. Through the

vehicle of the mind, the senses act and we perceive things around us and form

theories. If the mind is unclear or dusty due to the influence of the material

energy, we then become confused about the goal of life and may engage in so many

material pursuits. When the mind is cleansed or purified by associating with the

Infinite in the form of the maha-mantra, all our material concoctions are forced

out. By inundating our mind with the transcendental sound of the holy names, all

of our misconceptions, which is the cause of our material suffering, are

completely conquered, leaving no more enemies within the mind. Then the mind

reflects the quality and nature of the soul.

The holy sound of Hare Krishna, as uttered by the pure devotee, moves our

intellect and we begin to consider the Vedic philosophy. When the intelligence

is thus energized by spiritual knowledge, the transcendental sound vibration,

after cutting through the senses, mind, and intelligence, makes contact with the

soul. Thus, we are able to hear the holy name with our real spiritual ear, and

actual spiritual revelation and self-realization is open to us. Then the soul,

having made contact with the Supreme in the form of transcendental sound,

recapitulates, sending the vibration back through our intelligence, mind, and

senses. At that time, when we chant Hare Krishna, the Supreme Infinite Lord is

there and our whole being experiences a deluge of unlimited spiritual ecstasy.

From this level of spiritual realization, we can enter into the understanding of

the very cause of everything that exists. The mind, body, and soul, and even

material nature itself can be changed into transcendental energy by one pure

exclamation of Hare Krishna. This is very important to understand because when

everything becomes saturated with this transcendental sound, the result is total

transformation of energy. Thus, what is material can be changed into something

spiritual. If this can be done on a grand scale, then the material world can be

transformed into the spiritual world.

Another example of how the holy names of Krishna work, and how powerful they

are, can be cited from the Srimad-Bhagavatam, Sixth Canto, in the story of

Ajamila. Ajamila was born of good parents who trained him in knowledge of the

Vedas to become a perfect brahmana. Yet one time, while walking along the road,

he happened to see a man and a prostitute in a state of intoxication, frolicking

in the grass. The woman was not covered properly and was uninhibitedly engaging

in amorous pastimes with the man. Upon seeing this, Ajamila became very agitated

and later sought the company of the prostitute. He left his young beautiful wife

and lived with the prostitute, giving up all regulative principles. He begot ten

sons in the womb of the prostitute and named the youngest son Narayana, a name

of one of the expansions of Krishna.

To maintain himself and his family, Ajamila cheated others in gambling or by

robbing them. While he spent his time in abominable, sinful activities,

eighty-eight years of his life passed by. Since his youngest son was born while

Ajamila was very old, Narayana was very dear to him. Because of the child's

awkward manners and speech, Ajamila delighted in the child's activities. When

Ajamila ate or drank, he always did so with his son, Narayana. Ajamila, however,

could not understand that the length of his life was decreasing and death was

approaching. When the time of death arrived for Ajamila, he began to think only

of his son.

At the moment of death, Ajamila became extremely frightened when he saw three

persons with deformed bodies, fierce, twisted faces, and their hair standing

erect. With a noose in their hands, they had come to take him to Yamaraja, the

lord of death. Because of attachment to his son, Ajamila fearfully began to call

him loudly by his name, Narayana.

Just then the Vishnudutas, soldiers of Lord Vishnu, arrived when they heard the

holy name of their master from the mouth of the dying Ajamila. Ajamila had

certainly chanted the name of Narayana without offense because he had chanted in

complete anxiety. The Yamadutas, soldiers of Yamaraja, were snatching the soul

from the heart of Ajamila, but the messengers of Lord Vishnu forcefully stopped

them from doing so. The Yamadutas inquired why they were being stopped from

taking Ajamila. The Vishnudutas then asked the Yamadutas that if they were

really servants of Lord Yamaraja, then explain the meaning of religious and

irreligious principles.

The Yamadutas replied that from their master, Yamaraja, they had heard that

which is prescribed in the Vedas constitutes religious principles, and the

opposite is irreligion. They continued to explain that Lord Narayana is situated

in His own abode in the spiritual world, but controls the entire cosmic


The sun, fire, sky, air, demigods, moon, evening, day, night, directions, water,

land, and Supersoul Himself all witness the activities of the living entities.

Those that deserve punishment are those who are confirmed by these witnesses as

having engaged in unrighteous activities. Everyone engaged in fruitive

activities deserves punishment in proportion to their sinful acts. In this way,

they must enjoy or suffer the corresponding reactions of their karma in the next


The Yamadutas continued to explain the laws of karma and the position of the

living entity, pointing out that in considering the sinful life of Ajamila, they

had the right to take him to hell in order to rectify his sinful behavior.

The Vishnudutas, however, stated that Ajamila had already atoned for all of his

sinful actions, not only for this one life but for those performed in millions

of lives, simply by chanting the holy name of Narayana in a helpless condition.

Even though he had not chanted purely, he chanted without offense, and,

therefore, was now pure and eligible for liberation. Throughout Ajamila's life,

he called the name Narayana. Although calling his son, by chanting the name

Narayana, he sufficiently atoned for the sinful actions of millions of lives. At

the time of death, Ajamila had helplessly and very loudly chanted the holy name

of the Lord. That chanting alone had already freed him from the reactions of all

sinful life. Therefore, the soldiers of Lord Vishnu forbade the servants of

Yamaraja to take Ajamila for punishment in hell. Anyone who takes shelter of the

Supreme through His holy names can similarly be saved from the dark future of

sinful reactions after death.

Although Srimad-Bhagavatam relates the full story of Ajamila and how he

witnessed the discussion between the Yamadutas and Vishnudutas and then went on

to achieve ultimate spiritual perfection by taking to the process of

bhakti-yoga, our short summary here is to show the potency of the holy names.

Ajamila is not much different than most people in this age of Kali who are

attracted to sinful activities. Therefore, we should seriously try to understand

and take advantage of the chanting of the holy names, for by doing so even the

greatest sins we may have committed can be atoned, as the following verses


" Simply by chanting one holy name of Hari, a sinful man can counteract the

reactions to more sins than he is able to commit. " (Brihad-vishnu Purana)

" As when all small animals flee in fear when a lion roars, similarly all one's

sinful reactions leave when a person chants the Lord's holy names while in a

helpless condition or even if he has no desire to do so. " (Garuda Purana)

" The path to liberation is guaranteed when a person once chants the holy name of

Lord Hari. " (Skanda Purana)

The Srimad-Bhagavatam (6.3.31) explains that chanting the holy names can negate

the reactions of the most serious of sins, and, therefore, everyone should take

this seriously and join the sankirtana movement, which is the most auspicious

activity in the universe. And the Caitanya-caritamrta (Madhya-lila, 15.109)

discloses that beyond dissolving one's entanglement in material existence, by

chanting Krishna's names one develops attraction and awakens his love for


From these verses we can understand that there is no impediment for everyone to

readily utilize the holy names to purify themselves of even the worst sins,

providing they are sincere and chant purely. Even those who cannot speak

properly can repeat the maha-mantra within their minds. From those who are the

most saintly to those who are in the most abominable position, all have the

opportunity of chanting the holy names to begin the escape from karmic reactions

and to free themselves from material entanglement.

As described in Srimad-Bhagavatam (6.2.9-10), the chanting of the names of the

Supreme is the best atonement for one who is a thief, a drunkard, a killer of

brahmanas, or one who kills women or kings or cows or his own parents, or for

any other kind of sins. Simply by chanting the holy names one attracts the

attention of the Supreme who gives that person special protection.

Herein we can discern that attracting the attention of the Supreme by chanting

His holy names is the best means of protecting ourselves from our past

impurities. When the Supreme is pleased with someone, what can they not

accomplish? Anything can be done by one who becomes spiritually powerful.

Therefore, out of all the various processes of atonement that are prescribed by

different scripture, engaging in the chanting of the holy names is best because

it actually uproots the material desires in the heart. As the Bhagavatam

(6.2.12) confirms, the various processes of atonement are not complete if one's

mind still runs back to unwanted material habits. Therefore, those who want

freedom from their karmic reactions, chanting of the names and pastimes of the

Supreme is the best because it completely purifies the mind. Furthermore, the

Bhagavatam (6.2.15) relates that chanting the holy names of the Lord before

dying by some misfortune is enough to deliver a person from having to enter hell

to suffer for his bad karmic reactions.

Not only is the name of the Lord so powerfully effective on one who seriously

chants it, despite the fact that he may have been sinful in his past, the name

also acts on one who chants it in a very casual manner. The Bhagavatam (6.2.14,

19) points out that even if one chants the holy names neglectfully, jokingly, or

simply for entertainment, the holy names are nonetheless effective enough to

free the person from unlimited sins, just as a powerful medicine is effective

whether a patient who takes it understands it or not.

Pondering all these points, Lord Yamaraja, in Srimad-Bhagavatam (6.3.26),

concludes that all intelligent men take to devotional service by chanting the

holy names of the Supreme because even if they accidentally perform some sinful

act, they are protected since the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra

obliterates all sinful reactions.




In the previous segment it is mentioned that there are certain channels through

which the Infinite descends. Similarly, there are certain channels that the

living beings can use to escape material existence and return to the spiritual

realm. Of course, the final goal of any religious process or yoga system is to

get free from material entanglement and enter directly into spiritual existence.

This happens easily for one who learns how to purely chant the holy names, as

verified in the Caitanya-caritamrta (Adi-lila, 8.26, 28) which states that the

chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra vanquishes all sins and makes way for the

performance of devotional service to begin. The chanting of this maha-mantra

gives so much spiritual advancement that one easily ends his material existence

and attains love of God.

From everything that has been described so far about the glories of the holy

name, such as its potency to purify the mind, to relieve us of material

activities and the reactions to sinful acts, as well as to put us in direct

contact with the Supreme and reawaken our attraction for Him, it is obvious,

especially for this age of Kali-yuga, that the most worshipable object is the

Lord's holy name as found in the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. The Bhagavatam

(6.3.22) also confirms this by stating that the topmost religious principle for

the entire human race is to engage in devotional service beginning with the

chanting of the Lord's holy names. Therefore, those who chant the holy names

have reached the ultimate position in civilized life and, if they continue on

the path, will attain further realizations in spiritual life up to reaching the

platform of pure, unadulterated devotional service. All such transcendental

opulences, as stated in the above verses, are attained simply by chanting the

Hare Krishna maha-mantra without offenses. In this way, one attains the supreme

spiritual bliss. The Caitanya-caritamrta (Antya-lila, 20.14) explains that by

chanting the spiritual names of Krishna one tastes spiritual ecstasy when his

love for Krishna awakens. Then one attains Krishna's direct association and

feels like he is in an ocean of love.

The name " Krishna " literally means " the greatest pleasure, " or " the all

attractive. " All living entities are looking for pleasure and happiness. God is

the storehouse of all pleasure and whatever happiness we feel in this material

world is simply due to contact with His energy. However, by chanting His holy

names, we can transcend whatever temporary pleasure is found on the material

platform and experience actual spiritual happiness by coming in direct contact

with the Supreme, the source of all pleasure. The Caitanya-caritamrta (Adi-lila,

7.73) verifies that simply by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra a person is freed

from material life and will be able to see the Lord.

The mystery behind these names of God is further explained in the Sri Caitanya

Upanishad, texts 12-14. It explains that the names of the Supreme that are used

in the Hare Krishna mantra have specific meanings. Hari refers to " He who unties

the knot of a person's material desires. " Krishna is divided into Krish, which

means " He who is attractive to everyone, " and Na, which means " the greatest

spiritual pleasure. " And Rama means " He who is full of spiritual bliss and

attracts all others. " The Hare Krishna mantra consists of the repetition of

these names of the Supreme (Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare

Hare/Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare) and is the best of all mantras

and most confidential of secrets. Those who are serious about making spiritual

progress continually chant these holy names and cross over material existence.

For one who takes shelter of the maha-mantra, he is sure to reach the Supreme

because such mystic meditation engages the mind and intelligence in Krishna. By

such continued remembrance of Krishna, even though one may seem to be engaged in

so many duties, one regains his spiritual consciousness which is the

prerequisite for entering back into the spiritual world. As Sri Krishna explains

in Bhagavad-gita (8.7-8), a person should think of Him as Krishna and carry out

one's duty with the mind and intelligence fixed on Him. Thinking and meditating

on Krishna in this undeviated way, one can be sure to reach the divine Supreme


From this information we can understand that if we can continue setting some

time aside everyday for chanting the maha-mantra and spiritualizing our

consciousness, we will be prepared for entering the spiritual realm after death.

This is the most important aspect of any yoga or religious system--being free

from material consciousness and remembering the Supreme at the time we give up

our body. This requirement is easily fulfilled simply by remembering the Lord

through chanting His holy names. This is confirmed in the Srimad-Bhagavatam

(3.9.15) which declares that one who takes shelter of Krishna by invoking His

spiritual names at the time of leaving the body is cleansed of many lifetimes of

sin and attains Krishna without fail.

The most practical example of this is Ajamila, as previously discussed. The

Bhagavatam (6.2.49) describes that at the time of death Ajamila chanted the

Lord's name and returned to the spiritual world, although he was calling for his

son, Narayana. So where is the doubt that if one seriously chants the Lord's

holy name he will return to the spiritual world? Therefore, as the Bhagavatam

(6.2.46) elaborates, for one who is serious about attaining freedom from

material existence, there is nothing more effective than chanting the holy names

of the Supreme and discussing His pastimes and qualities. Other processes are

not as complete and leave one's mind tainted with passion and ignorance.

Furthermore (Bhag.6.3.24), all of one's sinful karmic reactions are wiped out

simply by chanting the Lord's names and glorifying His qualities and activities.

Even if one cannot properly pronounce the holy name, a person will achieve

liberation if he chants without offense.




We should not think that sankirtana, the chanting of the Lord's holy names, is

simply part of the system of mantra-yoga, or is merely a formula that has been

passed down through the ages like other yoga systems. Nor is it a ritual,

ceremony, or activity meant for producing good karma or positive fruitive

results. Neither is it merely a way to focus the mind and achieve peace and

tranquility. It is more than any of these.

As previously explained, there is a system of self-realization especially

recommended for each age. In the age of Kali, people are not attracted to

spiritual pursuits and are often rebellious against anything that seems to

restrict or stifle their freedom to do anything they want. Since in this age we

are so easily distracted by so many things and our mind is always in a whirl, we

need an easy path. Therefore, the Vedic shastra explains that God has given us

an easy way to return to Him in this age. It is almost as if He has said, " Since

you are My worst son, I give you the easiest process. " The Caitanya-caritamrta

(Adi-lila, 3.40) confirms this and says that the Supreme Being descends as Sri

Caitanya, with a golden complexion, to simply spread the glories of chanting the

holy names, which is the only religious principle in this age of Kali. In this

way, God Himself has given the method of chanting His holy names as the most

effective means to reach His spiritual abode.

The Lord always descends to establish the codes of religion. This is confirmed

in Bhagavad-gita (4.6-8) where Lord Krishna explains that although He is unborn

and the Lord of all living beings, He still descends in His spiritual form in

order to re-establish the proper religious principles and annihilate the

miscreants whenever there is a decline of religion and a rise in irreligious


Though there are many incarnations of God, all incarnations are known and

predicted in the Vedic literature. Each incarnation performs many wonderful

pastimes. But in Kali-yuga the Lord descends as His own devotee in the form of

Sri Caitanya in order to show the perfect example of how devotional service

should be performed, and to stress the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra for

this age by inaugurating the process of the sankirtana movement.

Predictions of the appearance of Lord Caitanya can be found in many Vedic texts.

One of them is from the Svetasvatara Upanishad (3.12): " The Supreme Personality

of God [Purusha] is Mahaprabhu [great master], the propagator of transcendental

enlightenment. " Another is from the Vayu Purana: " In the age of Kali I shall

descend as the son of Sacidevi to inaugurate the sankirtana movement. " The

Bhagavatam (11.5.32) also describes how intelligent men sing the holy names to

worship the incarnation of God who is accompanied by His associates and always

sings the names of Krishna. And in the Caitanya-caritamrta (Adi-lila, 3.19-20)

the Supreme Lord Himself describes how He will appear as His own devotee to

perform and teach devotional service by inaugurating the sankirtana movement,

which is the religion for this age.

The Sri Caitanya Upanishad (texts 5-11) of the Atharva-veda contains the most

detailed prediction of Lord Caitanya's appearance and activities. When Pippalada

asked his father, Lord Brahma, how the sinful living entities will be delivered

in Kali-yuga and who should be the object of their worship and what mantra

should they chant to be delivered, Brahma told him to listen carefully and he

would describe what will take place in the age of Kali. Brahma said that the

Supreme Lord Govinda, Krishna, will appear again in Kali-yuga as His own devotee

in a two-armed form with a golden complexion in the area of Navadvipa along the

Ganges. He will spread the system of devotional service and the chanting of the

names of Krishna, especially in the form of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra; Hare

Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama

Rama, Hare Hare.

These and other predictions confirm the fact that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would

appear to specifically propagate the chanting of the holy names. Of course, now,

five hundred years after Lord Caitanya's appearance, we have complete

descriptions and elaborations on His life, activities, and philosophy, as

written by His close associates. This verifies the fact that the chanting of the

maha-mantra is the rare and special opportunity given by God for all to be

relieved from the problems of the age of Kali and of material life in general.

As confirmed in the Caitanya-caritamrta (Adi-lila, 3.77-78), it is Sri Krishna

Caitanya who inaugurates the congregational chanting of the holy names, which is

the most sublime of all spiritual sacrifices. Intelligent people will worship

Him through this means, while other foolish people will continue in the cycle of

repeated birth and death in this material world.

In another place in the Caitanya-caritamrta (Antya-lila, 20.8-9), Sri Caitanya

specifically tells Svarupa Damodara and Ramananda Raya that chanting the holy

names is the most practical way to attain salvation from material existence in

this age, and anyone who is intelligent and takes up this process of worshiping

Krishna will attain the direct shelter of Krishna.




There are no hard and fast rules for chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. One

can chant anywhere, anytime, in any situation. In fact, the Caitanya-caritamrta

(Antya-lila, 20.18) describes that chanting the holy name at any time or place,

even during sleep or while eating, brings one all perfection. However, there are

different stages of chanting. The first stage of chanting is the offensive

stage, the second stage is offenseless chanting, and then is the third or pure

stage of chanting, which is when the chanting becomes extremely powerful.

The proper way to chant is to give up all of our internal thoughts. As mentioned

before, it is almost impossible to meditate on the void and empty our mind of

all thinking. Our mind is always being pulled here and there by something. But

the chanting process is easy because we simply concentrate on the mantra.

However, our meditation on the mantra will be most effective if we can avoid the

internal dialogue we always have within our mind. We should not be chanting

while we make plans for the day, or while focusing our attention on other

things. The maha-mantra is the Supreme in the incarnation of sound. Therefore,

we must chant with complete respect and veneration. We must give the mantra our

full attention, otherwise it is offensive. The process is to simply chant and

hear. That is all. If we can do that, then we will make rapid progress and

quickly attain the second stage of chanting, which is the offenseless stage.

As one progresses through the second stage and enters the third or pure stage of

chanting, a person gains direct perception of one's spiritual identity and is

immediately liberated while still in the material body. The Lord reveals Himself

to such a sincere devotee and the devotee relishes the taste of transcendental

life. As Srila Rupa Gosvami states in his Sri Upadesamrita (text 7), everything

about Krishna is spiritually sweet, such as His names, qualities, and

activities. But one who suffers from the disease of ignorance cannot taste this

sweetness. Yet by chanting the names everyday, a person can destroy this disease

and relish the natural sweetness of Krishna's names.

The essential state of mind that one should have while chanting the maha-mantra

is described by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself in the third verse of His

Siksastaka prayers:



" One should chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of mind, thinking

oneself lower than the straw in the street; one should be more tolerant than a

tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige and should be ready to offer all

respect to others. In such a state of mind one can chant the holy name of the

Lord constantly. "


The names of God come directly from the spiritual world, Vaikuntha, which means

the place of no anxiety. Therefore, the more we are absorbed in kuntha, or

anxiety caused by material pursuits, the longer it will take for us to reach the

Vaikuntha platform. But the more we associate with the Vaikuntha vibration of

the maha-mantra, the sooner we will progress to the stage of experiencing the

ecstasy that comes from awakening our transcendental love for the Supreme. The

Caitanya-caritamrta (Adi-lila, 8.27) confirms that bodily transformations of

spiritual ecstasy, such as trembling, perspiration, a faltering voice, and

tears, may manifest when one's spiritual love for the Lord is actually awakened.

* * *

To begin progressing on the path of chanting the maha-mantra, it is prescribed

that the practitioner chant on beads called japa-mala, similar to a rosary. This

consists of 108 beads with one extra head bead, which is larger than the others.

This represents the 108 Upanishads, or, as described elsewhere, Krishna in the

form of the head bead surrounded by 108 of His most advanced devotees. One

chants the Hare Krishna mantra once on each bead from the head bead all the way

around the 108 beads. This is one round, or one mala. Then without chanting on

the Krishna bead, turn the beads around in your hand and go in the opposite

direction and chant another round. One should try to set aside a certain amount

of time each day, preferably in the morning, to peacefully sit down or walk and

chant the particular number of rounds you have set for yourself. One may chant

two rounds, four rounds, or whatever one can do.

For those who are serious, it is prescribed that they chant a total of at least

sixteen rounds everyday. With a little practice, this normally takes about two

hours. Two rounds will take about fifteen minutes. But one should set a fixed

number of rounds to chant everyday. Then one can also spend some time reading

Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam to enhance his spiritual development. A daily

program of chanting and reading will produce definite results very quickly.

You may be able to purchase a set of japa beads at certain import shops or at

temples. If you cannot find them anywhere, you can also make them. Simply go to

a crafts shop and purchase 108 beads of the same size and one larger bead of

your choice for the Krishna bead. Also get a length of durable nylon cord.

String the 108 beads with a knot in between each one and bring the two ends of

the cord through one hole of the Krishna bead and out the other side where you

tie the two ends of the cord together in a firm knot. Then cut the remaining

lengths of the cord so you have a small tassle. Now you have got your own set of

beads for japa meditation.




This article contains descriptions of the glories and effectiveness of chanting

the maha-mantra. Those who are intelligent will certainly add this spiritual

practice to their lives. By taking it seriously, they will soon notice a change

in their disposition. They may feel more peaceful, content, happy, etc. One

trait that is always noticeable in a person who seriously takes to bhakti-yoga

and the chanting of the maha-mantra is a decrease in such feelings as anxiety

and distress, up to the point of complete fearlessness. Once someone is no

longer afraid of death, then what is there to be afraid of in this material

world? One loses such fear when he or she is spiritually self-realized and knows

he or she is not this body and, therefore, not actually subject to death, but

merely undergoes a transformation of giving up the body. And by taking shelter

of the protection of the holy names of Krishna, one will remain spiritually safe

in any condition of life.

It is unfortunate that many people in the world are either not aware of this

transcendental knowledge or have no taste for it. For such people, extensive

material engagements and plan-making are their only occupations. But this kind

of activity is like working hard for nothing because in the end one is awarded

only with death, in which all material assets are lost. As stated in

Srimad-Bhagavatam (3.9.10), nondevotees engage in very troublesome work and

cannot sleep well at night because they are absorbed in worldly plans. By

providence their ambitions are frustrated and they continue in the cycle of

repeated birth and death in material existence.

The only way, therefore, to get release from such material problems and be free

from the contamination of the age of Kali is to take up the practice of

bhakti-yoga and regularly chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra while observing the

regulations as best as one can. By chanting the maha-mantra with faith, a person

will eventually purify his or her consciousness and reach success. As more

people begin to chant the holy names, the troubles and upheavals found

everywhere will diminish, and this age of Kali-yuga can become like the peaceful

and bountiful Satya-yuga--the golden age. This is actually the prediction made

by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who said (in Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila,

7.26) that love of God will one day inundate the world and drown everyone,

regardless of who or what they are. Then many beneficial changes in this world

will be seen. Therefore, the best thing any of us can do is to take it



" Let there be all victory for the chanting of the holy name of Lord Krishna,

which can cleanse the mirror of the heart and stop the miseries of the blazing

fire of material existence. That chanting is the waxing moon that spreads the

white lotus of good fortune for all living entities. It is the life and soul of

all education. The chanting of the holy name of Krishna expands the blissful

ocean of transcendental life. It gives a cooling effect to everyone and enables

one to taste full nectar at every step. " (Siksastaka 1, written by Sri Caitanya



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