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Please sign & send this letter to the South Korean President.

Please make any number of copies & forward them to friends for them to sign &


Thank you.

~ The Raven.


President Roh Moo-hyun,

Republic of Korea Government,


Republic of Korea.


CC: Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry:


CCC: Your local Korean Embassy/tourist office.



Dear President Roh,


I am writing to protest the killing and torture of dogs and cats in Korea and

to request you to make every effort to remove this horror from your country. I

cannot visit Korea or buy any goods made in Korea or by Korean-owned companies

because of South Korea`s total failure to enact and enforce strong legislation

banning the torture, killing and consumption of companion animals, specifically

dogs and cats.

At present, every year, countless dogs and cats die horrible deaths at the

hands of butchers who sell the meat for human consumption. The cruelty involved

in killing these intelligent and beautiful animals is beyond belief. Please make

every effort to dispel the health myth behind the torture and consumption of

dogs and cats. People are aware that torturing and eating dogs and cats is not a

long-standing tradition of Korea. It is based on superstitious lies and

commercial greed.

The cruel treatment applied to these animals is against the Korea Animal

Protection Law, and therefore is an illegal act. Unfortunately, your government

has turned a blind eye to such cruelty by not enforcing the law. This has shown

the world that the Korean Government does not care about the appalling cruelty

inflicted upon these animals, and any animals for that matter. The FBI report,

however, says that animal abuse is closely linked to violence against humans.

Torturing and killing animals that display love, loyalty, fear and pain in such

an unmistakable manner is to encourage people to disregard trust and bond and

become insensitive to suffering.

We were told, according to the Ministry of Health, that the human consumption

of dogs and cats was illegal. Now we learn that in 1994 the dog-meat lobby got

the Ministry of Health to secretly eliminate the portion of the 1984 Food

Sanitation Law that classified dog-meat as a disgusting food, not fit for human

consumption. This reveals to the world that the Korean Government sides with the

dog-meat industry and has no intention of listening to compassionate Koreans

within your country.

I urge you to make every effort to introduce new, clearly enforceable laws

that will ban the consumption of dogs and cats once and for all and enforce

existing laws that prohibit cruelty to animals. I also understand that some of

your politicians would like to introduce a new bill, which would include dogs

which have earned their reputation as man`s best friend, as livestock

production. I urge you to stop these outrageous attempts now. If this kind of

law is passed in congress, Korea will bear a great burden of shame, and would

become the only country in the world where dogs are legally processed as


The image of Korea will be damaged beyond redemption and its caring people

will also suffer the disgrace and shame. Once dog-meat is legalised in Korea,

the only image people will form about Korea is its people eating dogs. This

would be tragic, because we know that Korea has the capacity to be a progressive

country, with the help of the caring Koreans to whom your government flatly

refuses to listen.

Dogs and cats are companion animals in many parts of the world. The practice

of killing dogs causes pain to many animal lovers in your own country as well as

animal lovers abroad. You must be aware that many people in Asia also look upon

the practice of eating dogs in your country with horror and disgust. Please do

not allow Korea`s image to be equated with the torture and killing of dogs and

cats by continuously arguing that it is Korea`s tradition to eat dogs. Instead,

please make genuine efforts to end the torture and killing of these beautiful


I will not buy Korean goods, support Korean business, or visit Korea, until

Koreans stop eating dogs and cats, nor until Koreans stop the brutal treatment

of these companion animals. I will tell everyone I know, and ask that they tell

everyone they know, until the entire world is boycotting Korea, Korean products

and industries. I will seek out and inform Korean business investors of the

atrocity happening in Korea to dogs and cats, and boycott any investor who

continues to support the businesses of Korea.








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