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monkey tricks...

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Monkey tricks


We have invaded their habitats and it is time for us

to show more concern for the monkeys that have strayed

into urban areas in search of food


Monkeys are known to be destructive. They are famous

for damaging crops and property. Coping with the

nuisance of urban monkeys has tested human patience.

For this reason they are often harassed, trapped,

hunted and sometimes even subjected to government

sponsored extermination programme. But primatologists

argue that primates are commensal species that mean to

cause no harm to human beings.


So are monkeys just trouble makers? Do they always

intend to cause damage to human beings? ìNo,î says

Ranjan, manager of People For Animals (PFA), an

organisation that rescues and rehabilitates animals in

Bangalore city. " There are many instances where

monkeys are taunted by humans. I witnessed a shocking

incident where a monkey on a rooftop of one of the

busy roads of Bangalore was being pelted with stones

by a group of auto drivers. On reaching the site I

found that the monkey had become aggressive on account

of the inhuman behaviour displayed by the

autodrivers,î says Mr. Ranjan.


Monkeys generally keep away from human beings, as most

other animals prefer to do. Worshipping them and

offering food as a ritual has probably brought them

closer to human beings. These practices have helped

monkeys lose the fear for man and they frequent places

wherever food is available. " People make it a habit of

offering bananas and food to these monkeys on festival

days. This becomes a habit and the monkeys come back

in search of food. When the food is not available they

venture into houses and gardens. When this happens the

people brand monkeys as trouble makers and destroyers,

forgetting the fact that they were the ones who have

made the habit of giving them food, adds Ranjan.


There have been several complaints about urban monkey

menace in the last few months in the City. This

includes the incident where a monkey got into one of

the rooms of the Oberoi Hotel and created problems for

the inmates of the room. When the PFA investigated the

case, it found a canteen located behind the Oberoi

Hotel. The canteen waste that was thrown out served as

an excellent source of food for these monkeys. When

the canteen was closed and food was not available the

monkeys ventured into the neighbouring hotel in search

of food. This behaviour of monkeys can be closely

attributed to human behaviour. They are said to be

very quick in developing habits and find new ways of

getting food.


Rapid urbanisation seems to be one of the important

causes for all reported cases of monkey menace.

Bangalore has expanded and encroached upon monkey

habitat. " ìWe have begun to move into their houses,

and hence should accept them as one among us. Monkeys

are very adaptable and have begun to adopt themselves

very well to city life. People need to understand that

they also have a right to live and hence should make

way for monkeys who now have an equal chance in our

urban life,î says Sharath, one of the animal rescuers

of PFA.


The People For Animals (PFA), which was founded by

Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment

Menaka Gandhi in 1999, has been constantly working for

the betterment of urban wildlife in Bangalore. The PFA

deals with all cases concerning animal trafficking,

animal abuse, and abandoned animals. Its commitment in

offering service to wildlife and making them more

compatible with human beings was recently rewarded

with the Venu Menon Wildlife Award of 2003.


" ìWe rescue a number of monkeys everyday that are

either electrocuted or hurt. There are a number of

cases where they are trapped and beaten. People fail

to understand that these monkeys have been here for a

long time and it is high time we understand that they

are also an integral part of our city life " says

Ranjan. Though PFA rescues monkeys and helps in curing

them, it is not a permanent solution to the problem.

Once these monkeys in the animal shelter are fit after

treatment they have to be released into the wild. If

human beings do not co-operate, this cycle of monkeys

being hurt, being rescued, treated and released only

to be hurt again will become a vicious circle.


The PFA conducts awareness programs in schools and

residential areas regarding the myths about monkeys.

Their audio-visuals and pamphlets teach the public how

to avoid monkey menace and even more important, how to

live with monkeys ñ by not throwing food waste around

houses or offices and not tempting monkeys with food

stuff items. The PFA also has a helpline that

functions round the clock. Public who face any kind of

discomfort due to monkeys in their vicinity can

contact them for help and advice.


Inspite of Jane Goodallís continued efforts to bring

primates a step closer to man, very little seems to

have changed. It's time for human beings to show more

concern for monkeys, who are considered to be our

immediate ancestors.


Vignesh Kumar V

(In partnership with Centre For Environment Education,

News Feeder service)





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