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Fwd: Alert: Lisberger's Cruel Animal Experiments

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In a message dated 5/28/2003 2:57:30 PM Pacific Standard Time,

alerts writes:


> Lisberger Alert


> Greetings,




> Intelligent and social rhesus macaque monkeys continue to endure intense and

> prolonged suffering as subjects of brain experiments conducted by University

> of California-San Francisco (UCSF) researcher Stephen Lisberger.


> Please write to your Congressperson and Senators TODAY to urge an immediate

> end to federal funding for these cruel and unjustifiable experiments.








Send a letter to the following decision maker(s):


> Your Congressperson

> Your Senators



> Below is the sample letter:


> Please Urge the NIH to Terminate Funding of UCSF Researcher


> Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here],


> I would like to express my firm opposition to the use of my tax dollars to

> support National Institutes of Health-funded brain experiments performed on

> monkeys by University of California-San Francisco researcher Stephen

> Lisberger.


> The experiments involve highly invasive and unacceptably cruel research

> methods, including multiple invasive surgeries of the skull, brain and eyes.


> experiments also utilize water deprivation as a training method, frequently

> causing dehydration and weight loss in the monkeys.


> Finally, they involve prolonged restraint of the primates and single housing

> of social monkeys, who are forced to live for as long as three years with

> metal plates, bolts and steel recording cylinders in their skulls, metal coils

> in their eyes and vision-distorting glasses periodically on their faces for

> as long as three months. These devices cause frequent infections and chronic

> irritations of the eyes and skull area.


> The high degree of suffering inflicted on these primates is not justified by

> the minimal potential benefit of the research to humans. The experiments

> pursue basic scientific knowledge with little or no discernable clinical

> implication.


> For these reasons, I urge you to contact the NIH to endorse an immediate

> termination of federal support for these experiments, which have been


> for more than two decades. In these tight budgetary times, our government can

> ill afford to support research that promises so little clinical gain while

> causing unspeakable suffering in the monkey subjects of the experiments.


> Thank you for your consideration.


> Sincerely,


> [Your Name]


> cc:

> Dr. Margaret Snyder




> Take Action!

> Instructions:

> <A HREF= " http://ga0.org/campaign/lisberger/xnd8inz2783w57 " >Click here to take

action</A> on this issue or choose the " Reply to Sender "

> option on your email program.



> Tell-A-Friend:

> Visit the web address below to tell your friends more about this campaign. <A

HREF= " www.vivisectioninfo.org " >

> www.vivisectioninfo.org</A>.

> <A HREF= " http://ga0.org/campaign/lisberger/forward/xnd8inz2783w57 " >




> What's At Stake:



> Dr. Lawrence Hansen, a prominent Alzheimer’s researcher at the University of

> California-San Diego, analyzed Lisberger’s protocol and stated, " I've had

> many years experience in neuroscience research, but I have never previously

> encountered experiments which would deliver quite so much suffering for so

> comparatively little scientific gain.â€


> These experiments are funded by two National Institutes of Health grants

> from “Cortical Plasticity Systems†(2P01NS034835) and “Neural Control of


> Movement†(5R01EY003878) for more than $1.1 million annually. This means


> our federal tax dollars fund this monkey torture!



> IDA has obtained internal records from UCSF that detail the torment caused

> by multiple invasive surgeries of the brain, skull and eyes; chronic and

> repeated infections of the eyes and skull; and water deprivation so severe

that it

> frequently causes monkeys to lose weight and suffer from dehydration.

For Ralphie, Puck, Oliver, Ulysses, Montana, Quincy, Yogi, Wyatt, Theo,

> Stanley, Valentino and three other monkeys not given the dignity of a name in

> Lisberger’s lab, the extraordinary suffering they are forced to endure on a

> daily basis simply cannot be justified by any stretch of scientific reasoning.


> Please write to your federal representatives TODAY to urge an immediate end

> to federal funding for these cruel and unjustifiable experiments. A sample

> letter is included below. In these times of soaring federal deficits and

> increased budget tightening, we can ill afford to continue these basic


> experiments that offer no tangible clinical benefit while causing

> extraordinary suffering for intelligent and social non-human primates.


> Campaign Expiration Date:

> December 31, 2003






> If you received this message from a friend, you can <A

HREF= " http://ga0.org/indefenseofanimals/join.html?r=Qdazda11UPFPE " >sign up for

In Defense

> of Animals Action Center</A>.






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