Guest guest Posted August 12, 2003 Report Share Posted August 12, 2003 Sri Sri Guru Gaurangau Jayatah Chanting and Service by His Divine Grace Shrila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Deva Goswami Maharaj Jai Shrila Gurudev. Hare Krishna. Dear devotees of Krishna, fortunately I am getting this chance to discuss Krishna consciousness. I am feeling so fortunate for that, because in this material world what is truth? Truth is God. And we trust it. We are from childhood writing on the letterhead, " God is good, God always is good " . And by the Grace of the Lord we have gotten the opportunity to use many things in this material world, and if we try to use these things properly then we will be benefited supremely. What I want to say I cannot express properly, but after hearing my lectures so many questions are coming from the searcher section. And I am happy to give that answer. This time I have got this question, " Chanting and service which is more important? " It is the truth, if we cannot understand what is service and what is chanting we will be frustrated. The actual fundamental basis of spiritual live is necessary to know first then everything will be clear to us. Faith to the Lord and surrender to the Lord, that is the fundamental basis. Surrender to the Lord. Faithfully we offer our self for service to the Lord, that is the fundamental basis of spiritual life. But Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said, " This is not the deepest thinking, deeper things than this also we can see in the Scriptures. " And He said to Ramananda Raya, when He questioned Ramananda Raya, Ramananda Raya gave the answer, " Totally abandoning all kinds of religion, surrendered exclusively unto Me. I will liberate you from all kinds of sins, so do not despair. " (Lord Shri Krishna said in Bhagavad-gita 18.66.) Mahaprabhu said, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu He said, " This also is not the deepest thinking, more than that in the scriptures you can say. " And through that question I asked Shrila Guru Maharaj, " 'Totally abandoning all kinds of religion, surrender exclusively unto Me.', why is this not the highest thinking. Why is this not the highest conception. " Guru Maharaj answered me, " Because you surrender to your Lord, here [in Bhagavad-gita] up to that Lord Krishna has given the advice, but after surrender what you will do that is not mentioned here. And because of that Bhagavad-gita 18.66 is not sufficient. " Then we will understand sufficient, what is sufficient. After surrendering wholeheartedly what will we do? We must do everything for the service of the Lord. That will be sufficient; without hesitation, without any interest in our mundane life, if we try to serve wholeheartedly to the Lord, 24-hour service to Lord. After surrender, when we will engage ourselves in service, then we must get super benefit in our spiritual life. We are receiving the mantram from our Gurus. Guru is giving the instruction, " Chant 16 rounds, or chant 4 rounds. " That is also service to Hari Nam [the Holy Name]. Service to Hari Nam and service to Guru-Vishnava [the spiritual master and the devotees] is almost equal, but still to a certain extent the basis must be the service of the Holy Name. Actually, 24 hour engagement is necessary for the service to the Lord. Hari Nam is the non-different form of the Lord and service to Him, to do directly, some obstacles we can see and they are called the 10 kinds of offenses. And we cannot easily leave those offenses. But Guru and Vishnava are very kind. When they are accepting us as a servitor of the Lord, they are engaging us in the service to the Lord. And 24 hours they are giving that opportunity to us. They themselves are doing that and engaging us in service. For the service of the Holy Name it is essential that side-by-side also we want to serve the Lord not directly but through Guru-Vishnava. That will give us a safe position. Then Prabhupada A. C. Bhativedanta Swami instructed a daily minimum of 16 rounds you must chant and do the service of the Lord. Our Guru Maharaj instructed that we must chant at least 4 rounds per day on the mala, the rosary, but this is a minor difference because our Guru Maharaj wanted that we be very busily engaged in the various services. We must see that the mala does not fast. Some sort of service must be done to Her by way of chanting at least for rounds daily. That was his instruction, but he also instructed that when one had the opportunity he could chant more and more, and he gave the example of Hari das Takur. Two kinds of devotees we are seeing, one is bhajananandi and another is gosthyanandi. Who always is trying to chant, he also can do that, if he can chant properly, that means without offense. But with the devotee by the instructions of Guru-Vishnava who is doing service, his service is also getting the same position and category of chanting the Holy Name. Because for the satisfaction of the Lord it is necessary. And that will come through the service of Guru-Vishnava. Guru-Vishnava are not digesting our service. When we are serving them they are sending immediately our service to the Lord. Then we must get super benefit. Who has much attachment for the Lord and detachment from this material world, he as a bhajananandi is chanting the Holy Name always, like Hari das Takur, trying. Hari das Takur everyday is taking the Name, chanting the Name three lakhs times. But the fundamental basis is this: Service to the Lord with full faith and submission to Guru-Gauranga, that is necessary. And when service will come 24 hours in our life we must be super benefited, and everything will be clean and by the grace of Guru-Vishnava our service will go directly to the Lord. The general standard set by Mahaprabhu, He not only told 16 rounds, He told 4 times 16 which equals one lakh names. This is particularly said for one who is not within the body of an organized society and especially if he is living individually. When he is in an organized body he always has orders from the superiors to do this and that, and thereby he is engaged in service. So the minimum quantity of chanting becomes a little relaxed from the 64 rounds. But in the case of a grihastha, a householder living separately from the main body of devotees, they especially should chant one lakh of Names daily. That is the general standard recommended by Mahaprabhu and by our Guru Maharaj. But when one is in an organized body and is required to do service running here and there, sometimes he is so busy that he cannot even find any opportunity to sleep in the night. In that case he will try to chant at least 4 rounds. He is so busily engaged that within 24 hours he is not taking any rest, but still he is required to chant a minimum of 4 rounds. Whereas the general recommendation is that one who lives individually as a grihastha should chant at least one lakh of Names. Mahaprabhu asked and advised us to purify ourselves with the help of Divine Sound, but the sound should be proper transcendental Krishna consciousness. In this Kali yuga, the age of controversy there will only be the minimum demand from us for our purification. The word Kali comes from Kalaha meaning quarrel, controversy. We are cautious about everything. Everyone thinks, " No, I won't accept anything without some proof. " The mind is very suspicious, so we should take advantage of Divine Sound. Only the very minimum demand is necessary from us. Here the transformation which will appear in us will be very great. To have some shraddha, faith is the minimum demand, the minimum admission fee required of us. If I do this, if I attend to this sankirtan, the congregational chanting of the Holy Names of God, then everything will be done. That underground faith must be there and it will help us. That sincere co-operation from the heart is necessary for Krishna consciousness and that can purify very quickly. To have faith that this process of Krishna consciousness will purify us is the minimum demand. One must think if I attend to this everything will be done. If such a sort of generous wide conviction is there within us along with a sincere mood of cooperation, then that can help us very quickly. That cooperation means, cooperation with the Divine Sound, the sound aspect of the Supreme. It is easily approachable for the beginners, and from the many other aspects of the infinite it will come to help us. Beginning with the universal sound aspect, which is easily approachable, other aspects will follow in its retinue gradually, but our faith must be heartfelt and sincere. I am in difficulty and this will give real relief to all my troubles. It will put an end to all the troubles I am experiencing now as well as any I am to experience in the future. I am a bona fide student of searching my own real inner interest. I must be faithful to my own self. I feel that I am uneasy here in this world and I must search for some home comfort. If I am sincere I know that the way forward will be open to me and that it is not difficult. It is there in the sound aspect of the Supreme. The greatest reality is Himself present also within the Divine Sound. This Divine Sound is not an imaginary thing, even though to my present conception it is coming and going, appearing and disappearing, it is not a transient thing, it is the reality. And for the beginner that ear experience is a great thing. Sound carries things from faraway and the ear can catch them, but the eye experience is not able to see so far. What can I say more? Jai Shri Guru Maharaj. Jai Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Shri Chaitanya Saraswat Krishnanushilana Sangha Calcutta, India Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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