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Sherlock's Maple Haven

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Wendy Workman

Tuesday, November 30, 2004 7:42 PM

Fw: Sherlock's Maple Haven


Hi Friends,


I am asking for a plea for help for animals. A friend of mine (Kimberly)

who has an Animal Sanctuary in Westport, Ontario, is in dire need of help.

She must find homes for all of her animals before Dec. 31st of this year.

If you knew her, you would know how horrible this situation is for her. She

is an amazing human being and her non-human companions which she has

rescued from unspeakable situations, are her family members. This is truly

heartbreaking for her and she needs all of our help. Attached you will find

her email to me regarding why this has happened, as well as a 'bio' on all

her non-human companions that need to be adopted and placed immediately.


Please forward this on to other true animal lovers ASAP. If you have any

ideas of how to help her, you can contact her by phone at (613) 273-6315.

It is best to call her in the evening. Also, you can email Kimberly at



Also, feel free to contact me by phone (613) 386-1355 or email

wen.don if you feel more comfortable.


Please help! This is a real emergency situation and we need a community

effort for this to work. I know we can do it, if we pull together!!! THANK




For The Animals,


Wendy, Don Dusty, Bekki & C.C. Workman-Murphy





K. Kent-Rodgman

Wendy Workman

Saturday, November 27, 2004 5:10 PM

Sherlock's Maple Haven


Dear Wendy ...


First let me thank you for emailing some time ago regarding speaking with

you at Queen's. I was actually quite excited by the idea and did mean to

respond and attend. I have been going through quite a transition however

and this doesn't leave much time for anything extra at the moment. I do

apologize for not at least letting you know one way or the other.


Since my breast cancer diagnosis two years ago, things have been very

strained. Despite my desire and determination to continue on the scale that

I have been ... I have had to face my physical and financial limitations

this year and come to the very difficult realization that I will have to

shut down our sanctuary. We simply cannot keep up with the expenses. Many

things are in need of repair (both inside and out) and we don't have the

funds or the manpower to fix them. I'm also going through a divorce, had to

go back to work (in Kingston). I'm simply spreading myself too thin and

this significantly effects my short and long-term health putting me at risk

of the cancer returning. I have two live-in interns at the moment and they

are taking very good care of the animals while I'm working. The working

conditions are difficult however and I cannot afford to pay the one intern

for much longer. The farm itself also has to be sold as part of my divorce

which simply adds more fuel to the fire. I always promised I would provide

the best life possible to the animals in my care and in order to do that

now, I need to place them in permanent, loving homes as quickly as

possible. Our deadline is December 31st, 2004. Donna and I both realize how

difficult a task this will be. Certainly impossible without help and this

is why we are reaching out before we reach crisis mode.


I am concerned about getting other animal rescue workers involved because I

need to see the animals placed with extreme care and concern. It's my

preference to reach out to only those who have caring, compassionate and

understanding hearts. We've been through so much already that we would find

it difficult to deal with those who are judgemental about our situation.

I'm sending this to you because I believe you are one of those caring and

compassionate people. I so enjoyed meeting you at the conference that day

and I trust that you will share this information with people you trust. We

also had an idea that there might be someone out there who is interested in

buying the farm and taking over the sanctuary. A longshot yes, but one

worth mentioning. So if you have any thoughts, please do share them.


The following is a list of the animals up for adoption. I've tried to

provide as much detail as possible. I can have photos available for anyone

who is interested. If you have any questions at all Wendy, please ask them.

I have been checking emails regularly and will continue to do so. We have

had many successful adoptions this year and we feel very positive about

those placements. It makes this entire process a little easier knowing that

we are doing something good for our beloved animals, placing them where

they will have one-on-one attention and love for the rest of their lives.

So that you aren't totally discouraged by this news, I do intend to proceed

with the therapy work with some of the sanctuary dogs that will remain in

my care. I'd like to talk to you about that too at a later date if you're

interested. Okay, read on and let me know what you think. Is this email

okay to send out to people? This is emotionally very difficult that I find

it hard to know which way to turn at the moment. I appreciate any help you

can provide. Talk to you soon,


Kimberly ... read on:


Sherlock's Maple Haven - Animals for Adoption





Conditions of Adoption


Farm animals, dogs & cats adopted from Sherlock's Maple Haven are NOT to be

used for breeding purposes. There is no adoption fee. A donation would be

gratefully accepted which we will put towards our veterinary bills.


None of the animals are to be sent to the slaughterhouse or otherwise

killed for meat.


If the adoption does not work out, for any reason and at any time in the

future, your adopted animal friend will be returned to Sherlock's Maple

Haven (Kimberly & Donna) and we will take full responsibility for their



FARM ANIMALS for adoption


Abigail, Olive, Journey and Big Sam - Abigail is the matriarch ... she is

Journey's aunt and Olive's mum. All three are black Dexter cows .... small,

hardy, gentle and sweet ... they are always together and prefer to lead a

rather quiet existence. They are very curious however and you will often

look over your shoulder and see them watching you as you go about your

chores. Big Sam is a Holstein steer. He's very friendly, loves to have his

head scratched and to watch people as they go about their day. He's like a

big dog. These four are a close-knit family and ideally would be placed

together where they can live out their natural lives on pasture. They are

accustomed to going in and out of the shelter/barn areas as they please.

They are kind and gentle souls.


Piggy Sue - Piggy Sue arrived at SMH with Big Sam. They grew up together in

very poor conditions. When I say together, they were in stalls next to one

another. Piggy Sue is a big pink farm pig. She weighs approximately 600

-700 lbs. ... she loves belly rubs, back scratches and ear caresses. Piggy

Sue didn't really bond with anyone until she met Jacob the young horse.

Piggy Sue has always been very territorial. She didn't like to share her

space or her food with anyone. Until Jacob. When Jacob walked into the barn

for the first time ... he went right up to Piggy Sue's area and they just

looked at each other. Piggy Sue was extremely curious and interested ...

she reached into her pile of fresh hay and held it out to Jacob who in turn

took it from her mouth. It was one of the most touching things we'd ever

seen. Piggy Sue likes all horses, but she has a special connection with

Jacob. Ideally, placement together would be wonderful (for more info on

Jacob, see below). Piggy Sue's needs are simple. She needs a clean, warm

space to sleep ... she loves to sleep in big piles of straw. A food and

water area away from her sleeping area ... a place to go to the bathroom.

These three areas can be in one large stall but they need to be at opposite

corners from each other as pigs are very clean. Her stall should lead into

a paddock area ... fenced to keep her secure. She is very strong and

requires a solid wood fenced area (both her paddock and her stall) that she

cannot lift up with her snout.


Blossom - Blossom arrived at the sanctuary through Animal Outreach ....

believe it or not ... she was a baby orange pig on the loose, stray -

believed to have escaped from a factory farm. Blossom is a very animated

pig who doesn't really know she's a pig. She's very fond of other animals

and likes to be involved and included in the goings on at the farm. Also

strong, she needs a secure paddock and sleeping area. Unfortunately, she

can't be in the same quarters with Piggy Sue because Piggy Sue doesn't like

her that much ... but they can be near to each other, as long as they have

their own 'territory'. She really is lovely in colour ... bright orange and

glows in the sunshine. A special girl indeed who deserves to live out her

life being adored.


Miss Maudie, Olivia & Cinder - Our first potbellied pig family unit

includes a cat! Miss Maudie is grey & white, Olivia is pink and Cinder the

Cat (male neutered) is black. Miss Maudie came to us through a shelter

where she was given up. She is very sweetnatured, always responding to

belly rubs and ear rubs. Little Olivia was rescued as a baby. She needed a

mum and Miss Maudie needed someone to nurture. They wree a perfect fit.

They bonded immediately and have been together ever since, with Miss Maudie

in charge of course. Originally their quarters were near the house. Three

barn cats enjoyed the same quarters coming and going as they pleased. When

we moved Miss Maudie & Olivia to their new pig house ... imagine our

surprise to one day find Cinder sleeping with them in their straw. He never

leaves them now which is why we want to place this family together. One of

the most lovely experiences we've had at the sanctuary is seeing how the

different animals bond with each other ... like this one, unlikely friends

but happy to be with each other.


Paisley Pig, Elmer & Thistle - Our second potbellied pig family unit

includes a duck! Paisley Pig is the most senior of the potbellies .... she

is approximately 11 years old and is grey with some white. Elmer is black

and smaller than she is. They are both a delight, Paisley Pig likes to

mosey around, lie down, root and mosey some more. Content really to sleep

away much of her day as long as there is straw, mud and sun. Elmer is more

curious ... little man about town ... he likes to join in with the farm fun

the way a dog would. Thistle was one of four ducks. All three have since

passed away and funnily enough ... he's found his place with the pigs. He's

never been so happy. Living with ducks was okay but living with pigs is

cloud nine to Thistle. He suffered a nutritional deficiency as a young one

and as a result his wings are funny but he nests in with Paisley Pig and

Elmer and we'd like to keep them together.


Jacob & Kenya - Jacob is approximately a year old. He and his mother

(Mellow, since passed away) along with Kenya ... they all came from one of

the worst cases of long-term neglect ... the farmer was arrested and the

horses seized. Mellow was 700 lbs. underweight ... skin and bones. She was

12-15 years old when rescued ... Jacob, her baby (he came out of that thin

body) was the size of a colt but closer to 12 months old. Despite the

neglect, Mellow as very friendly and trusting. I could even lie down on the

straw with her. Jacob and Kenya are timid of people but in a different way.

They are curious, will stand near you ... want to watch you. But they don't

like to be touched. Their placement with us was supposed to be temporary.

We don't have stalls and they need one stall each so that they can learn to

trust people so they can be properly groomed and vetted without fear and

stress. They need someone who knows horses, who is patient and kind and

gentle. Jacob is a Chestnut stallion .... the sooner he can be trained for

grooming, etc. the sooner he can be fixed. Kenya is a beautiful grey

dappled mare ... approximately 3-5 years old. Jacob and Kenya are very

attached to each other and to Paisley Pig. They all enjoy being around

other animals ... comfortable around dogs and farm animals of all kinds.

We're looking for a permanent placement for these beautiful friends.

We don't want them shipped from farm to farm. They deserve one permanent

and loving home.


Hogan & Maggie - Hogan is a 15 year old Quarter Horse. He is calm &

sweet-natured, curious and interested in life. He has been ridden in his

day ... by children and adults alike, but not for a number of years. His

favourite passtime is to spend his days grazing with Maggie, his best

friend. Maggie is a 7 year old 3/4 Thoroughbred & 1/4 Percheron. She has

the prettiest eyes and is lovely head to toe. She has a tendency to be

bossy but she looks to Hogan for direction (he's the boss) and as such, she

is calm and good natured. She has been with Hogan since she was a few

months old. She wasn't handled at all for the first four years of her life

and then had some handling while being boarded for two months. The vet has

no problems tending to either Hogan or Maggie. Maggie has never been

ridden. Hogan and Maggie have been with me for almost five years. I'm

finding placing this pair particularly difficult however ... they deserve

to be showered with attention and love. They are very responsive and would

thrive with someone who had the time. As with Jacob & Kenya, I am very

concerned for their long-term welfare. I want them placed once or not at

all. They are wonderful horses and deserve a gentle spirit to bond with.


DOGS for adoption


We are looking to place the dogs into lifelong loving homes. In order to

achieve this, we want to be open about any issues that might arise in the

first few weeks of adjustment in a new home. The dogs are used to living

communally, in family groups. In general, the dogs that are up for adoption

will get along with other dogs ... some of them get along with cats. Most

of them will have to be in secure, fenced yards ... supervised especially

during the first few weeks as they learn to bond with their new person(s).

All of the dogs have been spayed or neutered and will be up-to-date on

their shots. There is always what we call an " Adjustment Period " . During

this period, especially during the first few weeks, your new animal friend

needs to adapt to your lifestyle and home. Routine is the key. Use of a

crate (all the dogs are crate trained) and a structured routine will reduce

any stress that might be experienced by such a big change. To create a

lasting bond with your new animal friend, regular walks, playtime in the

yard, brushing and treats at the same time each day will ease any stress

for the dog(s) and be the start of a special relationship for you and your

dog(s). We will be happy to assist in any way to ensure a positive adoption



Timber & Tundra - father & daughter shepherds ... big dogs, scarey dark

faces, gentle giants. Timber is 10-11 years old, Tundra is 5-7 years old.

These dogs are very bonded to one another. Both are in good health. Tundra

doesn't have any health issues to date; Timber has some hind end weakness,

possibly the start of arthritis in the hind end also, but he carries on

with life with no discomfort. They are big love bugs who enjoy the

outdoors, always have to be on lead ... need secure fenced yard, will curl

up on the bed or couch .... but love a crate and both will curl up together

in a large one. These dogs cannot be placed in a home with cats or small

animals. Sadly, they have a high kill instinct with smaller critters. To

our knowledge they have not lived with children, however, they have been

fine with older children who have visited the farm. The most important

thing to know about Timber & Tundra is that they are very loyal and loving.

They desperately want their own people who will dote on them.


Winnie - female, 5 years old, beagle/shepherd cross. Medium-size, smart as

a whip, loyal and loving. Loves to be stimulated, would love training and

bonding in this way with her new person(s). Her health is excellent, never

a health issue to date. She has two issues. Winnie is an escape artist and

we mean this. She can get out of any enclosure if she so desires and she

has on the farm. She hasn't ever gone far, never off the property and

always comes when she is called. She is very in sync with people so if you

bond with each other ... she will look to you for direction and the more

bonded, the less likely she will be to try to escape (although, we think

she does this just for fun, it's the beagle in her). Her other issue is her

hatred of all critters small. Like Timber & Tundra, she has a high prey

drive and will kill cats and other small animals. Despite this trait,

Winnie is one of the dearest spirits you'll ever meet. Easy to fall in love

with and she'll try to earn that love for the rest of her life. While she

hasn't been living with children, she would do fine living with older

children that enjoy interacting with her.


Maple - female, 3 year old petite beagle, pretty & sweet with a mischievous

streak. Maple's favourite place to be is with her person ... she'll sit

with you on the couch and sleep next to you on the bed. Maple needs lots of

attention and exercise ... she loves to play with other dogs so she'd

benefit by being placed in a home with other dogs. It has been one of our

greatest pleasures to watch Maple and her dog friends playing like puppies.

She would fit into any dog family and would be fine living with cats. She

is a runner (hello, a beagle) ... if she catches a scent, she's gone and

you can run as fast as your little legs will take you ... and you still

won't catch her. Thankfully, she does come back but this can be dangerous

for her so she must be on-lead at all times. She also has the ability to

escape from backyards ... so you need to have one that is securely fenced

and it isn't advisable to leave her alone there. She will use her time to

find a way out. She is to be a house dog, not a hunting dog. Maple will be

your loyal and loving companion. She is not used to living with children

but would fine with older children.


Ami - pronouced Ah-me (French for " friend " ) is a 3 year old black lab/hound

cross. He suffered a serious head injury as a puppy as a result of abuse

which resulted in Ami being brain blind which means his brain isn't telling

his eyes to see. He suffers from epilepsy and is medicated daily with

phenobarbital and valium. Ami is a gentle, loving soul. He is able to

connect and love his person and enjoys the closeness of curling up on the

bed with you at night. Ami is most definitely a special needs dog and

therefore will only appeal to someone wishing to share their life with this

special boy. Ami enjoys the company of other animals ... dogs and cats

both. Certain dogs will try to attack Ami when he is having a seizure,

others will stand back. Ideally Ami bonds with a dog who is calm in nature

and would enjoy the role of protector. Ami must have a secure fenced yard

to explore in ... not alone for long because this can be confusing and

frightening for a blind dog. Ami is a very quiet dog. He is very easy to

love and will fit in nicely to a routine in a new home.


Tex - 5 year old black & white petite border collie. Tex is blind as a

result of abuse after WD-40 was sprayed in his eyes by his abuser. Tex is

alert and able to get around as any sighted dog would once he's figured out

his boundaries. He prances slowly when in unknown territory but once he has

it figured out, he will run full speed. He is tender-hearted and active and

would love a person to call his very own. He has a particular fascination

with cats and will lie on the floor motionless for hours if he knows they

are in the room but high up somewhere. He'd live fine with cats that can

get up and out of his way ... perfect companion for the cat that likes to

rule the roost and taunt Tex from on high. Naturally Tex requires a

securely fenced area to keep him from getting into harms way.


Mork & Marigold - these two dogs are very special in that it is their

chosen preference to live outdoors on the farm most of the time. Mork will

ask to come in on occasion, if it's raining for example. But Marigold

decided to live outdoors one day and would not come back in. She stays on

the property (which is kilometres from any roads) and likes to sleep in a

few different places but her favourite is in the old part of the barn where

the hay is stored. Mork likes to sleep right at the house ... under a

tree/bush where no one can see him but he can see everything. We put a lot

of straw under there for him and now he thinks its the best place ever.

They really enjoy each other's company and would be thrilled to live on

someone's property where they could follow you around as you do chores.

They really like to participate and Mork likes to oversee and caretake the

farm. Mork is a 9 year old chow cross ... big dog with a gentle heart. He

only barks to alert you and is calm, quiet and gentle. Marigold is an 7

year old shepherd cross with the sweetest most soulful brown eyes. She too

is gentle and will simply wiggle like crazy when excited. They would be

happy living inside and out ... right in the house or happily on dog beds

in the mud room. Both are in good health. Recently because of coyotes we

had to encourage Marigold back in the house. She has moved back in happily

spending her days outdoors and her nights in the kitchen on a favourite

bed. They could be adopted separately but you couldn't ask for a better

pair of friends to join your family. Adoping pairs helps the adjustment

period for the dogs because they have each other, a familiar friend to help

them adjust. We call Mork & Marigold our move in and fit in dogs. Note:

during the adjustment period, and until the dogs bond with you and your

home, property, it is important that they be in a secure fenced type area

until they *know* this is *home*.


Mindy - 9 year old chow cross with three-legs. Mindy lost her leg to cancer

but since having it removed, has been thriving. She is sweetness itself.

The vets love her because she is the most delightful patient, will just lie

there patiently as you treat her or groom her. She is gentle, kind and

loving .... very sensitive. Somewhat timid of other dogs and will try to

eat cats, so we think she'd do best in a dogs only home with a gentle dog

as a companion. She will be the apple of your eye, loyal to you for life.

She is in good health and gets along fine on three legs. The cancer did not

come back and she will live for many years to come.


Kiddles - 16 year old Lhasa Apso. Slightly timid because of past abuse but

loving and loves to be loved. She is old but would love to have someone

love her and just her for the rest of her life. She loves to go for walks,

has loved living on the farm and enjoys exploring as if she was a big farm

dog in a little dog's body. Kiddles is in good health and needs a patient

person. Her eyesight isn't the greatest so if you move in on her too

quickly she might snap or growl therefore an adult home only. If you like

to go for walks and have a quiet, loving dog by your side day and night,

Kiddles is the dog for you.


Lady - 13 year old black lab cross with grey face. Lady is a delight. Old

yes but offers so much. Lady loves to explore, loves to spend time with and

be directed by her person. She loves treats, balls and cuddles. For some

reason, Lady is loved by many a dog at the sanctuary. At any given time,

you will see another dog licking Lady ... grooming her, letting her know

she is the best. This happens on many an occasion ... and with many

different dogs. We haven't been able to figure it out to date ... we just

think she must have that something special. Lady only barks for three

things: food, water or to go out .... she'll let you know. She gets

confused from time to time so you don't let her out on her own because she

can become disoriented ... but if she catches you in her sight, she'll run

to you, excited and eager to be by your side.


HOUSE CATS for adoption


The following cats are in need of permanent indoor homes (at least to start

with). They are the kind of cat who particularly loves the comforts of home

.... a cushion on a rocking chair in the sun ... time cuddled near their

person day or night. Once bonded with you and your household, they might

enjoy safe time outdoors but please make sure they will stay nearby and

will stay away from roads. Ideally, you live off the beaten path and an

indoor/outdoor cat will be safe. If not, if you are in the city for

example, please take precautions for dangers that face cats outdoors ...

pesticides, cars, abusive kids or people. If you are at all concerned for

their safety, keep them indoors, they are happy and accustomed to this kind

of lifestyle. The cats can be adopted in the pair groupings listed below or



Poppy & Smudge - Poppy is a 2 year old very pretty cat with a medium-length

coat of many colours (grey, white, ginger). She was rescued from the

landfill as a very sick little kitten. She healed and grew to be a healthy,

lovely cat. Smudge is 2-3 years old, black & white male with a black smudge

on his nose. He has six toes on each of his front paws ... he is somewhat

timid at first because he was abused as a young kitten/cat but if you are

gentle and kind, Smudge will fall in love with you in very short order.

Smudge & Poppy enjoy each others company very much. We often find them

curled up together in the same basket. These cats would be well-suited to a

quieter home.


Storm & Halo - Storm is 5-6 years old, a black fluffy male cat. He is

somewhat shy but once he feels safe with you, he'll be your best friend.

He's handsome and sweet and would look wonderful on your rocking chair.

Halo is 5 years old. I called him Halo because I found him at midnight ...

on the road, after being hit by a car. He was in the path of my car so I

stopped to see if he was alive. He looked dead, but then he lifted his

head. I raced him to the vet and because of his head injury, she gave him a

50-50 chance. Halo required rehabilitation, about six months worth. His

brain wasn't functioning properly .... he couldn't jump up onto a couch or

do anything that a healthy cat would do. In time, he began to function like

any cat and that's why I called him Halo because he must have had one on in

order to survive that accident. Halo is a white and grey and brown tabby

cat. He is sweetest itself, gentle and tender beyond measure. He will bring

happiness to anyone he meets. Storm & Halo would be best suited to a

quieter home.


Holstein & Josie - Holstein is 5 years old - black and white like a

holstein cow and adorable. He suffered a broken jaw so sometimes his little

tongue sticks out but he is a fun and loving cat. He enjoys the company of

other animals, dogs, cats ... you name it. His friend is Josie, she's a

petite black cat who loves to play. She's approximately 2 years old. Both

of these cats were dumped in the country by uncaring individuals, in the

middle of winter, on the coldest of days. They deserve a warm environment

where they are loved. Holstein and Josie would do well in a quiet home or

an active home. They enjoy being involved with their people.


Samantha & Tamsin - Samantha & Tamsin are siblings. They are 2 years old.

Samantha is pure black and Tamsin (Samantha's brother) is a brown & ginger

coloured tabby. They are active, playful friends and would very much enjoy

an active household. They very much enjoy the company of other dogs and

cats and would fit into anyone's home. They were rescued as sick kittens

from the landfill. Their other sibling died as a baby but these two thrived

in time and grew up to be healthy, strong cats.


BARN CATS for adoption


The following groups of cats will thrive in a safe and secure barn

environment. They are accustomed to a comfortable life outdoors ... their

current area consists of straw, shavings, litter boxes, beds, blankets and

a multitude of toys and scratching posts. They enjoy the company of other

cats and we have placed them up for adoption in groups that love each other

for that very reason. We are looking to place these cat families with

people who will love them, cuddle them, feed them and tend to them. All of

these cats came into our care at one time. We drove to NY State to pick up

a special needs cat named " Impy " . He has a brain disorder and as such,

wobbles when he walks. He needed a safe place to live out his life ... he

is at the sanctuary now and will live out his life with Donna, one of our

caretakers. When Donna and I arrived in the middle of the night to pick up

Impy, we walked into the most delapidated situation we'd ever seen. Stench,

disgusting mess, horrendous. In the middle of all of this disgust were

three adult cats (one of them was Impy) and 11 kittens from two different

litters, a couple of weeks apart from each other. Flea infested and dirty,

we knew we could not leave them in this state, so off we all go ... Impy

and his siblings, and 11 kittens ... loose in the truck with our pug.

Strangely, the cats did not freak out the way many cats do in a vehicle.

They simply laid in the blankets we provided for them in the back of the

SUV and were quiet, happy and content all the way home. They are now

healthy, happy, loving cats ... no fleas or health issues, spayed and

neutered. They would be very content to live as indoor/outdoor cats also

.... the main concern we have is that they have people who provide love and

caring the way these cats, who had such a tough start in life, deserve.


Albert & Baby Luca - Albert is a white & grey tabby, very snuggly. He is

approximately 1- 2 years old. Baby Luca is mainly white with grey tabby

markings. She is very playful and 4-5 months old.


Soraya & Solo Mio - Soraya is a white & grey tabby. Tender & sweet, she is

3 years old. Solo Mio is Soraya's daughter. She is mostly white with a grey

tabby patch on the top of her head. She is 10 months old.


Bella & Sparkie Doodle - Bella is white with grey tabby markings, cute and

cuddly. She is 3 years old. Sparkie Doodle is black & white, extremely

cuddly and attentive. He is 1-2 years old. Tiny.


SPECIAL NEEDS Barn/House Cats for adoption


Hawk & Mo are brothers, mostly white with a grey tabby patch on the top of

their heads, 1-2 years old. At first they were very mistrustful of humans.

They didn't like to be touched or held, would keep their distance.

Eventually they became curious and would find themselves moving in closer

and closer on us as we went about visiting the other cats. At this point,

we believe Hawk & Mo would thrive in their own indoor home. We feel they

will bond with their person, in a quiet environment and at some point could

go outdoors also. They are a very handsome pair and earning their trust and

love will be worth the time and patience.


Blueberry currently lives with Hawk & Mo, he is 1-2 years old. He is white

with grey tabby markings and considered timid and will need some extra

attention so that he can learn to trust. He will also do best in a quiet

home initially.


Scarecrow is a brown tabby with orange as part of her markings, she is 1-2

years old. She is the most fearful of all the cats in residence. She has

remained quite feral but over time, does come out of hiding to watch the

goings on or to be fed. We believe with the right person, who has lots of

patience, that Scarecrow could come around in time. Again, a quiet one or

two person home would be best.




Blueberry & Scarecrow would do well in a foster home with someone

interested in rehabilitation. Someone who has the time, patience and love

needed until they are ready for adoption.


" Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can

change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has " Margaret Mead



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