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Living Foods News, 3/23/2005

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Wellness That Works

-- Good health is a habit, not an event. Address your health or it

will address you.




" Though I have had two serious illnesses in my life, I believe that

man has little need to drug himself. 999 cases out of a thousand can

be brought around by means of a well-regulated diet, water and earth

treatment, and similar household remedies. " - Gandhi




The Splendor of Splenda

- Splenda Marketing Accused of False Advertising, Misleading Public


Many have questioned the accuracy of the marketing campaign for

Splenda that reads: " Splenda No Calorie Sweetener is made from sugar,

so it tastes like sugar. "


In fact, Johnson & Johnson's McNeil Nutritionals, maker of the

artificial no-calorie sweetener Splenda, has been slapped with a

number of lawsuits accusing the company of falsely advertising Splenda

and deceiving buyers into believing it is a natural product. Lawsuits

have been filed by:


* Individuals (three state consumer class action suits)

* The Sugar Association

* Merisant Worldwide Inc, maker of low-calorie sweetener Equal


Made From Sugar?

Those filing the lawsuits argue Splenda's marketing campaign does not

truthfully reflect the end product, which is created with chlorine and

does not have sugar in it. Even Splenda's Web site (www.splenda.com)

states that the artificial sweetener starts with sugar, yet is

converted into a no-calorie, non-carbohydrate sweetener. This process

selectively replaces three hydrogen-oxygen groups on the original

sugar molecule with three chlorine atoms.


In response to the accusations against them, a spokeswoman for McNeil

stated the lawsuits have no merit, as the company has never

represented Splenda as being natural. Moreover, despite feuding

claims, Splenda holds just over 50 percent of the U.S. market for

low-calorie sweeteners, based on dollar volume.


- Business Week -



- Dr. Mercola - http://www.mercola.com/2000/dec/3/sucralose_dangers.htm#


also - http://www.mercola.com/2004/jan/10/splenda_questions.htm




Half of all Bankruptcies Caused by Medical Bills


Eat Raw, Stay Healthy, or


(75 percent of them had insurance, too!).




How Your Eating Habits Affect the Environment

- by Kim McCoy, environmental & animal law student and Sierra Club




Animals raised for food produce 130 times more excrement than the

entire human population---86,600 lbs. per second---which all too often

leaches into streams and contaminates groundwater. Nearly 90% of all

U.S. farms drain into a single body of water-the Mississippi River.

Waste lagoons on livestock farms release a considerable amount of

methane, a greenhouse gas which contributes to global warming, into

the atmosphere.



Nearly 90% of all agricultural land in the U.S is used to raise

animals for food. 20 times more land is required to feed a meat-eater

than to feed a pure vegetarian. For every quarter-pound burger made of

rainforest beef, 55 square feet of land are consumed. Livestock

grazing is the number one threat and cause of elimination to tropical

rainforest species.



Nearly 50% of all water consumed in the U.S. is used for livestock.

The production of one pound of California beef requires a total of

2464 gallons of water. You would save more water by not eating a pound

of California beef than you would by not showering for 6 months.



Raising animals for food requires more than 30% of all raw materials

and fossil fuels used in the United States. Producing a single

hamburger patty uses enough fossil fuels to drive a small car 20

miles, not to mention enough water for 17 showers.



Fish and shrimp farms destroy habitats and contaminate water with

heavy use of antibiotics, causing coastal pollution, displacement of

local people from their land, and the clearing of mangrove forests.

They take away land that is traditionally used for growing rice, the

primary staple for most of the world's people. Just like their

land-dwelling counterparts, fish and shrimp are highly inefficient

converters of protein. It takes 5 lbs. of wild ocean fish to feed and

produce a single pound of farmed saltwater fish or shrimp. Think

you're better off eating wild-caught? Think again. Factory trawlers

use long lines with thousands of hooks and huge nets, spanning up to

80 miles. These lines wreak havoc, destroying the ocean floor and

drowning everything in their path, including seabirds, seals,

dolphins, sea turtles, and countless other species. About 25% of all

animals caught in factory nets are thrown away. Factory trawlers have

driven more than 100 species of " food fish " to full or near extinction

and caused irreparable harm to others.



The obesity rate among the general (meat-eating) U.S. population is

nearly 20%. For vegetarians, that number drops to 6%, and for vegans

(people who abstain from all animal products), it is only 2%. The

increased risk of heart disease and gallstones for obese people is

double to triple; the risk of colon cancer is triple to quadruple; and

the risk of diabetes is 40 times greater than for people at a healthy

weight. Vegetarians and vegans enjoy a reduced risk for obesity,

coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes, and some types of

cancer. This translates to a much lower drain on U.S. tax dollars

spent on health care and preventable medical procedures. In addition,

the EPA estimates that 60-80% of all livestock receive antibiotics as

a routine food additive, leading to an increase in antibiotic

resistance in humans by causing selective pressure for the emergence

of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Roughly 24 million pounds of

antibiotics (about 70% of the nation's total antibiotic use) are added

to animal feed every year to speed livestock growth.



Open waste lagoons on factory farms store urine and liquefied manure,

home to more than 150 pathogens (disease causing organisms) such as

Salmonella, E. coli, Cryptosporidium, and fecal coliform. These

pathogens are 10-100 times more concentrated than in human waste and

pose a serious threat to human health. Animal waste is also

contaminated with endocrine disrupters from pesticides (consumed via

feed crops) and hormones (fed to cattle to speed up growth), which can

alter sexual development in humans, undermine intelligence, and render

us less resistant to disease. Animal waste lagoons emit toxic fumes

(such as ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, and methane) which

can cause diarrhea, nausea, headaches, eye irritation, sore throat,

shortness of breath, wheezing, excessive coughing, seizures, coma, and

even death. Nitrate-contaminated drinking water can increase the risk

of methemoglobinemia (blue baby syndrome), and high levels of nitrate

contamination have been linked to spontaneous abortions.



On average, 25% of factory farm workers suffer job-related injuries

and/or illnesses each year-the highest rate of any job in the country.

At high concentrations, methane and/or carbon dioxide can displace

enough oxygen to suffocate a worker; hydrogen sulfide can result in

unconsciousness, respiratory failure, and death within minutes; and

ammonia causes severe irritation to the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs

and can also be fatal.



Livestock are simply not efficient converters of protein-it takes 17

pounds of grain to produce 1 pound of beef. As the meat industry

devotes more and more grain to feeding livestock, valuable food

resources are diverted from the hungry, contributing to food scarcity

for the world's poor, particularly in developing countries. An

astounding 70% of U.S. grain and soybeans are fed to livestock. If

Americans were to reduce their beef consumption by only 5%, it would

free up the 12 million tons of grain needed to adequately feed every

single person on the planet who dies from hunger or hunger-related

diseases annually.



The Food Revelation, by John Robbins

Diet For A New America, by John Robbins

Hope's Edge, by Frances Moore Lappe and Anna Lappe

Earthsave - www.earthsave.org

Natural Resources Defense Council: www.nrdc.org





From Steven Gibb, Associate Director of Creative Health Institute.


Hello friends…


When we see, hear or learn something in life we have to make a

decision what to do. One decision is to ignore what we have learned.

Another is to take head to this information and truly discover what

and how it may play a part in our life. On another note we are right

where we are supposed to be in life but that doesn't mean our friends

can't plants seeds. So, here I am planting the seed that you may take

heed to consider what you place in your mouth.


I was once well and became violently ill due to the things I placed in

my mouth. Much of that was cooked food and from fast food joints like

McDonalds! I am now on a life looooong journey to once again achieve

total wellness.


Even though it has been an interesting journey I wouldn't wish it upon

an enemy if I had one.


You health is the best thing you have going for you…take it from

someone who lost it.


You are a living organic organism and your fuel is " living food. " Its

not up for discussion… there's nothing to discuss… get the facts! End

of story…







Dare you click here to discover some more truth? ?





Paul Nison speaking at Creative Health Institute


Paul Nison, internationally acclaimed author, educator, and raw food

chef, will be speaking at Creative Health Institute in Michigan on

Sunday, April 24th from 1 to 4 P.M.. For more information please visit






Transition Snacks

- excerpted from Lesson 2 of http://www.chidiet.com/lessons.htm


Banana and Raw Nut Butter - Grab a banana, a jar of your favorite nut

butter, a spoon and spread.


Ambrosia - Almond mylk, chopped avocado, berries, chopped apple,

chopped orange, pumpkin seeds, raw honey and shredded coconut. Mix in

a bowl and enjoy.


Avocado and honey - Cut an avocado in half, skin it and pour a little

honey over it.


Thick Shake - Blend 1 cup of almond mylk, half of an avocado and a

frozen banana.


Figs and Olives - 5 dried figs and small bowl of Greek olives.


Chocolate Pudding - 1 Avocado, 2 Tbs. raw carob powder and a big scoop

of raw honey. Whip it up and enjoy each creamy mouthful!


Ahhhhh Almond - A jar of raw almond butter and a spoon. It's that simple.


Cherimoya Blues - Eat one of these if you're feeling down. If you

don't know what a cherimoya is, find out. Also try it whipped in a

blender with an avocado.


Date Crunch - Stuff a pitted date with an almond and munch, crunch,



Banana Crème - Mash a banana and avocado together, or put them in a



Melon Deluxe - Blend ½ of a cantaloupe and one avocado. Just eat an

apple - When all else fails one of the best things one can do is eat

an apple.


Ice Cream - Cut 2 frozen bananas into small pieces and place in the

blender or in a food processor. Blend/process an avocado into the banana.


Creamy Crunch - Two stalks of celery and your favorite raw nut butter.

Spread it in the valley.


Fudge - Blend 1 avocado, 2 Tbs. of coconut butter, 1 cup blueberries,

1 Tbs. raw honey and 3 Tbs. carob powder. Refrigerate for 3 hours for

hard fudge.


Three minute Burrito - Mash 1 avocado in a bowl and mix in juice of

one lemon, chopped garlic, a dash of cumin, a dash of chili powder and

pinches of cayenne and salt. Wrap avocado mixture in romaine lettuce

leaves and add chopped tomato and chopped onion.


Two minute guacamole - In a bowl, mash with a fork: 1 avocado, 1 clove

chopped garlic, ½ of a red onion chopped, juice of 1 lemon, 1 tsp

cumin, 1 tsp coriander, pinch of cayenne, and sea salt. Stuff into

tomatoes, peppers, portabella mushrooms, or add it to salads, or use

as a dip.





This newsletter is an expression of opinions and not professional

advice. You are solely responsible for the use of the ideas, concepts

and content and agree to hold Creative Health Institute and its

associates and affiliates harmless in any event or claim. The

information in this newsletter is not meant to be a substitute for

professional medical advice.


If you received this email from a friend and would like your own free

subscription, please go to ChiDiet.com/.htm. We will never

sell, rent, lease or otherwise share our mailing list.


You can contact the editor of the newsletter for comments, suggestions

or submissions by e-mailing editor or by writing to Jim

Carey, Living Foods News, PO Box 321, Midville, GA 30441.


© 2005 by Creative Health Institute. Please feel free to reproduce

this newsletter, in whole or in part, giving credit where credit is

due, of course.

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