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Vegan Community Meeting

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To all of our New Friends,

Yes we do cherish much more than just the word community.



The Eden Project is just another EcoVillage to save the Earth and a

whole lot of other places no less as just a humble part of the

emerging vision of the Emerald Forest. Eden Village in this way is

just one small part of the larger vision of becoming the good

stewards of the entire web of life that is the Emerald Forest. We

are to become the Kindred Spirits of the Emerald Forest.



The place could be called Eden Village. People who understand the

real significance of Personal Freedom would be welcomed to come who

want to live there or have been welcomed to come as visitors or who

have come with friends or been given approval through various

internships and learning programs and work trades or to attend

Global EcoVillage Conferences.



Various people you might meet at the meetings may welcome you to

stay at their homes or direct you to campsites nearby if you have

come a long way and don't have any place else to go but that is all

on the voluntary level. It is considered to be an insult to expect

anything that you have not provided in any healthy Eco-Logical

culture. If you think there should be a bowl of organic tangerines

on the table then you bring them.



We are only inviting other creative people to join in with us who

come in full collaboration as supportive and companionable members

of the larger growing resource base behind this emerging vision and

within the creation framework of the Kindred Spirits of the Emerald

Forest which is connected up with most all other communities who

stand in unity in good faith who uphold their end of our vision of a

Earth Restored and a World at Peace.



Once that foundation of supportive contributors has reached a

critical mass and an unofficial core group of deeply committed

supportive members is in place and been well enough integrated we

will then be able to go ahead and buy the land. Towards that End we

expect people to open up personal accounts in the Permaculture

Credit Union. You can access that off our webpage. In the

application box for what business you may be affiliated with don't

put down that you are a shoemaker or a gambler just put Eden if you

will in that space so we can keep track while you still retain full




These decisions will be made by a 3/4 consensus among the densest of

those who have committed to the project and are on the stewards

council. Each of those will in return get to have one of the 3 acre

homesteads and one of the 2 acre farmsites for their own personal

use at a lower rate in return for their early support which will

help to get the ball rolling into an Eco-Logical Critcal Mass.



$1,500. gets you on that Council as one of the preposterously

bombastic initial members and that goes towards your full

Contribution Pledge which can be as low as $30,000. or even as low

as $24,000 for those who want to claim the seniors discount and are

willing to dress up like old folks and hobble around on crutches.



This is going to be relatively inexpensive for that much personal

use land within a larger community of this finely crafted high

quality of integration that has even more land that is to be held

collectively and to be the place of the 200 acre Community Farm and

extensive protected surrounding forest lands.



We will have the Village Commons too which will be like a 64 acre

downtown ecovillage mini eco-tropolis shared use area with a

multiuse building and a few other things all surrounded by a park

like wooded area with ponds and a creek flowing through it with

maybe a vegan restaurant.



There we could have a place where we can have music and a community

garden for interns and one for the children and all that can be paid

off by the month and that all goes along with what you get for your




The homesteads are there because some people maybe really do need a

place where they can go to get away from the fully involved full

blown intensity of the vibrantly alive community village once in a

while. The whole community vision of the Emerald Forest is at the

real heart of Eden and so it is not all just about the people and

their personal needs to suck the Earth dry.



But seriously I do personally try to welcome most all true

collaborators to become true companions who do have a sense of humor

and can make a real contribution and will work very closely with me

and some of the other folks towards Saving the Earth by creating the

Emerald Forest of all sustainable communities and their friends

throughout the Americas and all around the world.



That Equitable Contribution plan if you must know will make it

possible for each of the fuzzy furry homesteaders to get in for as

little as $380. a month or even less for seniors and that is with no

down payment. Each homesteader will then have to build his or her

own naturally non toxic passive solar home right in the center of

that homestead if you don't mind and native trees will then be

planted all around the rest of the homestead as you wish.



Eden is going to be in a county which is the most alternative

friendly place in the known Universe being the first place on Earth

and a whole lot of other places to ban genetically engineered crops

among other things like fewer building code restrictions for owner

builders and a fairly progressive local population base.



The beautifully formed Valley of Eden is already named Eden. Eden

Village will become everything that very significant name suggests

and much much more. The only drawback for those who have no hope is

that we must put truth first here and we do expect trust to be well

in place first as those who are not willing to trust anyone cannot

themselves be entrusted with anything so do be somebody we might

want to have right from the start or you may no make it through.



The usual fantasies about need and greed having universal

predominance over every real thing that ever tried to grow might

have to be re-examined in the light of the emerging Eco-Logical

Truth instead of Goof as that which has not been thoroughly checked

out will not hold water here for long since where we are going is

beyond the sidewalks of doom and gloom and all these loony tunes

that have no room for the kind and loving qualities that we hold

high and the people that we hold so dear and clear so don't be

tragic and remember the magic.



We are not just grasping for straws. We are now in the planning

stages of a significant new creation. But we have no tolerance for

the brain dead conglomerations of mass destruction. This is to be

the human scale 2,000 acre Sustainable EcoVillage Community where

everybody has a passive solar home on enough land in that community

to feed themselves and their families and a share in decision making

which is by a Consensus of all homesteaders and within walkable

distances from the village.



There will also be Ancient Valley, a camping and retreat area with 2

large lakes one of which is about 40 acres. There will be 3 acre

homesteads all around the rim of the valley as well as 2 acre

farmsites where people can make a living as small farmers. There

will also be the Community Farm of about 300 acres in Raspberries to

create jobs and to help drive our own Sustainable Micro-Economy

which also does not work by need and greed.



We will have Permaculture Trainings, Sustainable Living workshops

and protecting the environment and more personal freedom which

starts right here in the heart of the Earth but that only comes

after personal responsibility.



Our Next Meeting is the Annual Meeting on January 28th so join our

group to stay informed as Eden unfolds. - T






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