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I'm a New Vegan

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I am 30 f from Louisiana. I've been trying to be a vegan for a week now

since reading 2 books " Mad Cowboy and Diet for a New America " . I am in

need of some really good recipes. Something quick and easy. I am really

wanting to make this work and to change my way of eating forever. I'm

so happy also to find a group where there are others trying to do the


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>I am in need of some really good recipes. Something quick and easy.


Congratulations on going vegan!! :-)


I mostly just do the simplest, one-pot meals! I chop up up a variety of veggies

into a pot with just enough water to keep them cooking, maybe some tomatoes or

tomato sauce, whatever seasonings I fancy that day (sometimes curry)... cover

and cook 20 minutes then serve that on top of some rice. If I put some legumes

into the veggie pot, I prepare them ahead since they need to soaked for a day or

two, and cooked for a couple of hours. You can use canned beans instead of

preparing your own of course, but dried beans are much cheaper.


I have a rice cooker, which I think of as a kitchen-basic! I do the rice

separately while I'm doing the veggies. If you tolerate wheat, you can use

spaghetti for variety.


For variety, I use other whole grains like millet, buckwheat or quinoa, or

different types of rice.


With a big colourful salad on the side, some whole or dried fruit for snacks

and/or dessert, you have a wonderful, complete, nutritious, satisfying meal.


For breakfast, we have fruit and cereal.


I hope that helps! It gets easier with practice. :-)


Good luck!





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Hello and welcome to the group.


--- momofelijah2004 <momofelijah2004 wrote:


> I am 30 f from Louisiana. I've been trying to be a

> vegan for a week now

> since reading 2 books " Mad Cowboy and Diet for a New

> America " . I am in

> need of some really good recipes. Something quick

> and easy. I am really

> wanting to make this work and to change my way of

> eating forever. I'm

> so happy also to find a group where there are others

> trying to do the

> same.













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Perhaps these links can help:














--- momofelijah2004 <momofelijah2004 wrote:


> I am 30 f from Louisiana. I've been trying to be a

> vegan for a week now

> since reading 2 books " Mad Cowboy and Diet for a New

> America " . I am in

> need of some really good recipes. Something quick

> and easy. I am really

> wanting to make this work and to change my way of

> eating forever. I'm

> so happy also to find a group where there are others

> trying to do the

> same.





[...there'll be love and laughter,

and peace ever after,

just you wait and see...

---Vera Lynn]







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Hi, I want share with you these ideas about food conceptions. Good luck and



Veganism laws


Prehistory of the Veganism

Basic rules

Panis Angélicus

History of the Arepanes



I want to explain my thoughts thoroughly on the correct nutrition that should

constitute the new construction of a culture, of a superior human culture. The

term " essential " is the key to choose the means of satisfaction of our life. The

objective is to use and to spend a small quantity of energy with a high

achievement of well being.


Each culture has its birth in the common dedication of people to get a common

meal. And when the agriculture was discovered and taught by the women to the

men, after having extinguished the main mammals of the American prairies, one

hundred and twenty hundred of years ago, people found the small seeds of

pastures, wrapped up under their big green leaves, and they gathered these sown

seeds, already in the wheat of Europe, the oat of the cold steppes, in the

amaranths of America, the corn, the quinoa of the savannas, in the sorghum of

Africa, the sesame, in the Asian rice... These were the gifts of Ceres, The

Greek Goddess of agriculture.


Each tribe knew how to gather and to put these seeds above the hot stones, and

they tasted of the growth of the yeasts in the stone when uniting with the germ,

during the maceration and the one kneaded of the seeds until the formation of

the bread. The seeds of breads are of the grasses of several families in botany,

mainly gramineous. This way, if we are living in America, in the popol earth,

and in the deep shade of the high stratum of the virgin canopy, we should

recognize in the corn, and in the amaranth fields, the protein of NASA

astronauts, our main food.


Very easy of sowing, it is the necessary base among the whole class of fruits

that the nature offers us every day. The Ideal should be 65% of corn, amaranth,

and maybe rice or wheat; 15% of vegetables of dark leaves of the green one, and

it completes the other 20%, with the roots, fruits and something of small

leguminous. The quantity of food for people is minimum of a pound, with the

exceptions of children that consume them according to its tireless physical







1. The body needs 1 gram of protein for each kilogram of weight

2. The basal metabolism is an average of 2000 calories

3 the Typical and native cereals of each region constitute the essential food:

A gram of cereal adds 4.1 calories.

4 the Spiritual Teachers classify the food in the following way:

Those that grow under the earth are the sattwa, the pure: Eat for the saints,


Those that grow under the sun and the clarity of the moon are the lustful

fruits: The seeds, fruits and leaves. They are called " raja " food

Those that are killed before eating are the putrid, unnatural and dead, this

way called tama, for the ignorance and the business of the pain.

5 Pythagoras and Ghandi didn't recommend the leguminous fruits.

6 the germination of cereals is at the entire great discovered secret for all

the races and cultures for the humanity's simple feeding.


The technique to cook the cereals.


1 that I put in a flask of glass 2 pounds of my native cereal (for me it is

corn and amaranth in the valleys and quinoa in the Andean cold savannas.) I full

the bottle with water.


2 after twenty-four hours I empty the water and I allow the breathing of the

small cereal grains during another day, under the light of the sun, and at

night, under the stars and the clarity of the moon, and after 50 at 56 hours

they are born and you have the best sacred food.


3 when the grains become germ, I break up the grains with the stone of

milling, or with a ferric mill or at least with a kitchen assistant.


a. I Add water, oil and salt to the mass to make a compact mixture, I put in a

hot stove or in a " disk " or " comal " (a clay plate and milled stone), to form

the bread queues or the crepes " , during two or three minutes for each side to

the low fire.


b. I add to the breads, round maize loaves or arepanes, some vegetables cooked

with olive oil or sesame.


c. I eat them accompanied with the cocoa (theobroma cocoa), fact with the

achiotl (bixa orellina), the estevia like sweetening and the sagú or achira like



I try to eat every day 500 grams of food, twice per day.


The leguminous ones are recommended when it is necessary to make a big effort,

nothing else then that 50 or 60 grams per day.


It is good to remember that the increase of the weight in the germination of

the cereals that is 30 percent is mainly protein.







The Bread of the angels, made bread for the men.


Given by the bread of the sky


Term to the old forms.


OH cosa admirable


Food for the gentleman,


The poor person, the servant and the humble one.


Saint Tomas of Aquino





Centre of Natural Technology for the XXI century

It dates: December 24 2004

Matter: What it is THE germinated ROUND MAIZE LOAF or Arepanes

Hello neighbour. What do you do when your doctor tells you that you must

follow a diet and you respond him that you are not able to, because you are a

slave of your position, the one which not only it removes you the time but the

health. That also you must to eat somewhere around. And that when it arrives at

your house neither of cases you can not say that you do not eat and it is for

sure it no longer fits you more but you have to continue eating because perhaps

it is the last thing that you will see that day.

Hello neighbour, if your position has removed you the waist, and you are

following the flowing diet characterized by wheat bread, dry leguminous in

abundance, meats with abundant fat, white rice, potatoes, yuccas, bananas, yucca

starch, and multiple drinks each one with 30 grams of sugar, and you do not know

as getting rid of similar trap... unless about to coffee, tea, chocolate and

salt and shortening in effervescent and analgesic and sedative form of food

scrap fried and many digestive salts and antibiotics and antidepressants...

Because this is the bread of the angels that will allow to your stomach to

distribute to the rest of your organs, this essential, delicious, cheap and

enough medicinal food for your daily diet: The round maize loaves of germinated


That how we learned it? We owe it first to the manuscripts of Qum Ran and

second to Paracelso. The Manuscripts of Qum Ran, they were found in long pots of

mud by a shepherd in a cave to the banks of the dead sea and it describes the

teachings from Jesus Christ to their tribe: The Esenios, a Jewish mystic tribe.

Among many things, He teaches them to make the bread. He told them that are the

angels who prepare our bread; that the angel of the water softens it; that the

angel of the sun heats it, and that the angel of the air gives the life to the

grain so that it germinates, and be this way, bread of life that replaces to the

bread of death. The Bread of the angels. Paracelso on the other hand emblem that

in each place God sows the foods that each people needs in the quality and

quantity that it is required. And he agreed never on eating overseas food. What

will say our mind when she learns that of the twelve thousand years that we have

inhabited this cute field, it only makes five

hundred that our body eats wheat, cows, hens and pigs? That The QUINOA is the

bread of AMERICAN ANDEAN PLAINS, the CORN of its slopes and the AMARANTH of its

savannas, as the wheat it is of the old world of our European conquerors. The

Roman army conquered Europe with a diet of eight hundred daily grams of bread of

germinated wheat, called military bread. Hernán Cortez only could conquer the

Aztecs when the Malinche discovered him and he set on fire the cellars of

Tenochtitlán, replete of seeds of amaranths.

And do you know that the world health organization said that the cereals were

the first things in the human feeding? It is possible to eat single round maize

loaves of QUINOA or germinated CORN and to live saint as anchoret. But it is

also to be healthy and for we should eat it daily more than half of our food in

cereals. A sick Indian should not eat wheat bread, but bread of Indians.

Each germinated round maize loaf gives you eighty grams of germinated cereal,

seven drops of sesame oil, that which offers you approximately four hundred

calories; 20% of the requirement nutritional minimum. These round maize loaves

eat up with everything, with your soup, with your dry plate, with cocoa, with

stews... for that reason round maize loaves are called arepas, because they can

eat up with everything.

If we don't eat up these round maize loaves immediately, they come protected

by a viao leaf that conserves and it gives a traditional additional flavour that

it protects them of the heat, of the cold, of the humidity and of the dirt. But

remember, this it is an alive food that only it has two possibilities: or to

dry off or to die, due to fermentation or to rot. So please takes care of them:

if it doesn't put them in the freezer, it doesn't leave them in the darkness

that the cold makes it damage. The health is hot, dry and ventilated. Wrap them

in a cloth of dry cotton and look for them their basket, where they will last

for two days. That when they dry off they will be hard. And when it will consume

them, wet them with cold water until soaking them and heat them or toss them in

a hot broth or in chocolate and you will see that if you are hungry, you won't

be able to stop at the beginning and then, you won't be able to continue because

that feed, they feed.

Because when a grain will be born it is because it has all the necessary one

for the life and it is written in all the books of the antiquity that the man's

food is the seeds of the grasses of the fields and the fruits of the trees. So

we hope to be in their home every day so that the good works in that it spends

the energy of your day, come from a pure food that highlights the best in your


Because in this time of war, only it will survive for natural selection, which

is better, endowed with force and resistance for the chaos that approaches.

Eating better, we will do more, we will make fewer errors, we will remain

healthy and we won't waste our precarious resources.

However do not believe to this circular one, only ask to their body if he

wants more round maize loaves and eat of this round maize loaf like a quinoa,

corn, or wheat Host for your daily communion. And observe their production

process. Learn it, teach it in their house, make that they prepare you round

maize loaves in the afternoon, so that they also dawn, so that it takes to the

work and you do not make to yourself the competition.


¡Bon Apetit!

Arepanes: The bread of the angels







momofelijah2004 <momofelijah2004 escribió:

I am 30 f from Louisiana. I've been trying to be a vegan for a week now

since reading 2 books " Mad Cowboy and Diet for a New America " . I am in

need of some really good recipes. Something quick and easy. I am really

wanting to make this work and to change my way of eating forever. I'm

so happy also to find a group where there are others trying to do the










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