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Why is Hilary Duff Supporting Animal Abuse?

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Why is Hilary Duff Supporting Animal Abuse?


Source > http://www.sharkonline.org/?P=0000000383


Hilary Duff’s image is that of a young, pretty, always

smiling, all-American singer/actress who has enjoyed

quite a bit of success in her young life. Hilary

claims to love animals, and has even come out with a

line of cruelty-free cosmetics. Unfortunately, there

is a very different side of Hilary Duff.


In March 2005 we learned that Hilary had played a

concert at the infamous Houston rodeo, one of the

largest rodeos in the country. In fact, the rodeo

management credited Hilary’s performance for

record-breaking attendance. Anyone acquainted with

SHARK’s investigations into rodeo knows the cruelty,

injuries and deaths that rodeo animals suffer. Click

here to see video and pictures of the suffering

animals endure at the hands of rodeo animal abusers.

Putting money into the pockets of these animal abusers

keeps them in business, abusing, injuring and killing

more animals.


We wondered why Hilary Duff would support such animal

abuse. At the time SHARK was focusing on other

campaigns, and we gave Hilary the benefit of the doubt

over her rodeo concert. We were hopeful that this was

just a one-time deal, and that Hilary would figure

that with her success she didn't need to lower herself

to doing more rodeos.


But Hilary Duff did do more rodeo performances. In

2006 she played a concert at a rodeo in San Antonio,

Texas, and she again played at the Houston rodeo,

where this time at least one animal, a steer,was

killed. Interestingly, the fan blogs devoted to Hilary

said nothing about the dead steer. Instead, Hilary

wrote about how much fun she had at both the San

Antonio and the Houston rodeos.


But our research into Hilary revealed even more

disturbing behavior for someone who claims to “love



On May 6, 2006, Hilary Duff plans to play a concert at

an indoor bullring in Madrid, Spain. Her concert is

independent of any bullfights that take place at that

bullring, and is not part of a bullfight that day. We

have included bullfighting pictures and video on this

site, but we must warn you that the evidence is

extremely disturbing. Bullfighting is one of the very

worst forms of animal abuse on the planet, in which

bulls are slowly tortured to death by gangs of armed

thugs. As with performing at rodeos, performing in

bullrings, regardless of coinciding with a bullfight

or not, attracts more people and puts more money into

the pockets of people who horribly treat and

ultimately kill animals.


The fact that Hilary is playing at a concert at a

bullring is more than adequate to show either

ignorance or gross insensitivity. Hilary's bullring

appearance, as with her rodeo appearances, will

attract thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of young

people into an environment which they may have never

entered before. There they will see lots of hype and

glamorization of animal abuse. Some will likely be

persuaded to come back for the pitiless and cowardly

slaughters. While many if not most will likely

ultimately reject this disgusting activity, some may

not, and those who do have nonetheless lost their

money to the killers.


Whether Hilary likes it or even accepts it, she has

influence on her fans, and is therefore responsible if

she sends negative messages. We are simply letting ALL

of her fans know what she is supporting, either

directly as in the case of the rodeos, or indirectly

as in the case of her bullring appearances.


Maybe Hilary doesn't realize the abuse and horrors

that are part of Rodeo and Bullfighting?


That is exactly why SHARK gave Hilary the benefit of

the doubt and we have done our best to politely

educate her as to what she is supporting. SHARK sent

two DVDs containing investigative footage of the

graphic reality behind these bloodsports. The

bullfighting DVD was received at True Public

Relations, Hilary's publicists' office, on April 11,

2006. It was sent via Next Day UPS, and was signed and

confirmed received. The rodeo DVD was sent some days

earlier, and True Public Relations acknowledged back

then that they had received it. According to Marcel

Pariseau at TRP, both DVDs were sent along to Hilary.

Still no word has been heard from her expressing any

regret or change in regards to her affiliations with

these appalling industries.


We hope that Hilary Duff will simply see the light and

take a hard stand against animal abuse in rodeos and

bullfighting. This would mean that she promises to

never play another rodeo or bullring, and that means

canceling the May 6 performance. Otherwise, SHARK will

see to it that the world comes to know Hilary Duff in

a very different light.


Please contact Hilary's management team and urge them

to do the right thing for Hilary's career and for the

animals by halting all involvement with animal-abusing



Ms. Susan Curtis

Curtis Talent Management

9607 Arby Drive

Beverly Hills, CA 91210

Phone: 310-276-9932

Fax: (310) 273-324

Please Contact Hilary's Corporate Affiliates!


Hilary Duff has endorsement deals with Kohl's

Department Store and Candie's Shoes. Please contact

them to let them know that you won't be associated

with any store that supports people involved in

inhumane activities. By telling these companies about

DumpDuff.com, they can see first hand the abuses that

their spokesperson is supporting.


Kohl's Customer Service: 866-887-8884

Customer Relations 800-694-2647

Headquarters: 262-703-7000

Media Relations: 262-703-1335

Fax Media Relations: 262-703-7115

Email Kohl's by clicking here.


Hilary is a spokesperson for Candie's Shoes. Let

Candie's know how disappointed you are with their

choice of Hilary Duff as their spokesperson.

Please e-mail Candie’s at:



It will be helpful if you would let us know what kind

of response you receive. Thanks for caring about

animals. Let’s hope Hilary Duff will show that she

cares too!






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