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Earthlings movie + Help save Iceland's whales and Canada Seals.

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The best movie documentary about Animals Rights and their relationship with

Humans. A must see.


See part 1 of the movie:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQHVCzHM-4k & mode=related & search






EARTHLINGS is a feature length documentary about humanity's absolute dependence

on animals (for pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research)

but also illustrates our complete disrespect for these so-called " non-human

providers. "

With an in-depth study into pet stores, puppy mills and animals shelters, as

well as factory farms, the leather and fur trades, sports and entertainment

industries, and finally the medical and scientific profession, EARTHLINGS uses

hidden cameras and never before seen footage to chronicle the day-to-day

practices of some of the largest industries in the world, all of which rely

entirely on animals for profit. Powerful, informative and thought-provoking,

EARTHLINGS is by far the most comprehensive documentary ever produced on the

correlation between nature, animals, and human economic interests. There are

many worthy animal rights films available, but this one transcends the setting.

EARTHLINGS cries to be seen. Highly recommended!


Official website: http://www.isawearthlings.com/











GREENPEACE: Take Action - Help save Iceland's whales.









Volume 6, Number 9 - October 2006



Iceland resumes commercial whaling


Iceland has decided to defy world opinion, granting a

license to kill 30 minke and 9 endangered fin whales: the first commercial whale

hunt the country has undertaken since the 1980s. Three years ago, we

successfully battled back an attempt by Iceland's Fisheries Ministry to set a

quota of 500 whales. We did it by showing Iceland that whales are worth more

alive than dead: tens of thousands of us took the Iceland Whale Pledge -- a

promise to visit Iceland if, and only if, the whaling ends. To date, nearly

90,000 people have taken the pledge. That represents a potential income to

Iceland of more than 100 million US Dollars (80 million Euros), against a

whaling industry that is today effectively worthless, and which even at its peak

made only 4 million dollars per year. We've seen 20,000 new pledges in the last

few days as news of the hunt has spread: we need to show the Icelandic

government just how much we value keeping whales alive.


Your travel plans could save a whale.

Take the Iceland Whales Pledge.

Already pledged? Send a message to Icelandic officials.

Send a video e-card to a friend and ask them to take the




Do-it-yourself activism: the return of the

Greenpeace Forum



Mouse on over to http://forum.greenpeace.org and

register to join other Greenpeace supporters discussing our campaigns along with

environmental and peace news in the new Greenpeace Forum: " Louder than Words. "

It's the successor to the Greenpeace Cyberactivist Community, and one of our

goals is to encourage and provide resources for supporter activism. Lisa, or

" bermewjan " writes about a campaign she's working on:


" The Government of Bermuda recently decided to

destroy a third of our botanical gardens, one of the few open spaces left on the

island, to build a new hospital. Many of us believe they should rebuild on the

existing hospital site instead. In order to focus public support for saving the

gardens, I launched a campaign using Flickr and a simple weblog -

http://www.savethegardens.com. Support for the campaign has been great, with

thousands of Bermudian residents signing a petition and many people including

kids, and even a pop star joining the 'virtual march' I set up, inspired by

Greenpeace's 2005 Virtual March for the Whales. And guess what? In light of the

massive outrage, the government has announced it will reconsider! "


If you're a Do-it-yourself activist and want to

get support, share lessons learned, or find other activists and resources to

help you out, sign up at Louder than Words and post to our " DIY Activism "




Bottom trawling moratorium within reach



Over the past year, all of us who have been taking

online action have helped convince governments around the world to support a

moratorium on unregulated high seas bottom trawling. That includes the US,

Brazil, Sweden, Netherlands, France, Germany, New Zealand and Australia.


Bottom trawling tears up an area of seabed larger

than Canada each year - large metal plates and rubber wheels attached to bottom

trawl nets crushing nearly everything in their path.


But Canada is still trying to block the UN from

taking action. We need to turn one more ocean destroyer into an ocean defender

to protect deep sea life. Here are two ways you can help:


Click here to send an email to the Canadian Prime


Click here to call your local Canadian embassy or






Take the Iceland Whales Pledge

Your travel plans could save whales.



Ban bottom trawling

Tell the Canadian government to do the right

thing, eh?



Check out the new Greenpeace Forum

DIY activism and sounding board for a green and

peaceful future.



Making Waves: the Greenpeace blog

From behind the scenes and below the decks: a

more personal view from Greenpeace staff and volunteers.



Donate now!

and help us to keep winning campaigns.






Green my Apple stuff

Check out the amazing contributions to the Green

my Apple campaign so far. From t-shirts to keyboard hacks to posters and

buttons. More coming. Make your own!


Nuclear club expands

Korea detonates nuke test proving there's no such

thing as safe nuclear power.


" Solar Chill " wins award

The Solar Chill is a climate-friendly technology

designed to provide off-grid refrigeration for vaccines and food in the

developing world. We and our development partners are proud that it just won an

Environmental Pioneer award.


Fun Stuff

Play Duke Anti-nuke and save the world from

nuclear power and nuclear weapons.


Go Shopping




feedback | enquiries












Take Action - Help save the seals





Trouble with links or images? View this message online:





Seal Hunt Documentary Wins at Wild Screen Film Festival.

You Can Watch It Now.





1. View the award-winning documentary.


2. Help us spread the news! Share this link with your



3. Sign the pledge to boycott Canadian seafood.


Learn more about the campaign to stop the seal hunt at




I'm writing to share some exciting news with you: Our

documentary exposing the barbaric slaughter of seals during the 2005 hunt in

Canada has won an award at the Wild Screen Film Festival in the United Kingdom!


Bearing Witness: Canada's 2005 Seal Hunt, filmed by our sister

organization The Humane Society of the United States, follows HSI Canada's

Rebecca Aldworth as she observes the annual commercial slaughter of young seals.


" A lot of people ask how I can go back and look at it each and

every year that I do, " says Aldworth in the film. " It's a horrific thing to look

at, but I know that in going there and filming and observing, and telling the

world what is happening on the ice floes, we can put an end to it. "


Help us tell the world about this cruel hunt. And help us stop



See the film.

If you have not yet seen this powerful, moving film, I invite

you to view it online now:

Bearing Witness: Canada's 2005 Seal Hunt

(11 minutes. Warning: contains graphic and disturbing images

of seal hunting.)



Share this email with your friends.

Only by showing the reality of this cruel hunt to the public

will we be able to stop it. Please help us stop the Canadian seal hunt by

sharing this email -- and this powerful video -- with your friends.





Sign the pledge to boycott Canadian seafood.

Then, if you have not already done so, sign the pledge to

boycott Canadian seafood. Seal hunting is an off-season activity conducted by

fishermen from Canada's east coast. They earn, on average, a small fraction of

their incomes from seal hunting -- the rest comes from commercial fisheries. The

connection between the commercial fishing industry and the seal hunt in Canada

gives consumers all over the world the power to end the vicious slaughter of



Humane Society International is on the front lines every year

in Canada, fighting to halt this atrocity. You can help with your simple pledge

to keep the pressure on the Canadian government and on the fishing industry that

profits from the slaughter of the seals. Thank you for all you do for animals.




Andrew Rowan

Chief Executive Officer

Humane Society International








If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up

for HSI Global.














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