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VERY URGENT: Help protect Animals and Democracy.

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Are you a terrorist if you act for animals?VERY URGENT - PLEASE SEND THIS E-MAIL












If the Bush Administration plans to protect the industries that exploit, torture

and kill animais are approved, under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA),

legal and constitutional activities such as peaceful protests, consumer

boycotts, media campaigns, legislative proposals, or even telling the public

what happens in puppy mills, factory farms, or canned hunting facilities, could

be classified as acts of terrorism.







Why Oppose the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA):

The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act poses the most serious threat to free speech

and social justice advocacy in years. Violent or other illegal activities are

already prohibited by law. This bill brands nonviolent activism as terrorism and

imposes unfairly harsh penalties on animal protection advocacy. Laws should

apply equally to all groups and individuals, and terms like " terrorist " should

be accurately and judiciously applied. The consequences of AETA are

far-reaching. Animal protection activists are only the first to be singled out.

If we allow this bill to become law, other social justice movements may be the

next target.


The true purpose of AETA , is to severely chill AR activism by intimidating

those who would legally protest, and as such attempts to prevent the loss of

profit to corporations and businesses -special interest groups


Official text of AETA Bill (H.R.4239) - Detailed critique of AETA - Talking

points - Resources page












1- http://www.kintera.org/TR.asp?ID=M721107147435993136908765

2- http://capwiz.com/bigcatrescue/issues/alert/?alertid=9014956 & type=CO








http://www.stopaeta.org - http://www.noaeta.org





- CALL AND WRITE your U.S. Representatives now! (not State Reps but US Reps)

202-224-3121 to urge them to oppose HR 4239.

- Contact your Senators and express your anger concerning their unanimaous

decision to AETA in the Senate 202-224-3121.

- Contact co-sponsors Senators Inhof & Feinstein at 202-224-3121.

- Forward this webpage url to your Congresspersons so they may quickly see that

they will lose votes if they vote yes on AETA. They are here to serve you and

it's you're job to let them know what you want.

- Forward this message to all your friends,the ACLU & social advocacy groups


- Write letters to the editor to your local area newspapers.

- Try to get radio interview time to make the public aware of the issue.

- Take out paid ads in papers, magazines and other publications For just a few

dollars you may make a world of difference.

- For the very few who can afford to, rent a billboard and we will provide the

art work for it.(It's the most efficient form of advertisting there is).

- Educate yourself on the issue as much as you can so you can better defend your


- Send a message to Congress NOW! click here








Urge your representative to oppose the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act


International Fund for Animal Welfare October 30, 2006


Are you a terrorist if you act for animals???



Let your Representative know you oppose the

Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act.



I need your help with two critical animal welfare issues now

under consideration by the US federal government.


Your First Amendment rights to speak out to protect animals

are under attack. When the House of Representatives returns to Washington in two

weeks they will be debating an extremely dangerous bill that will give jail time

and fines for any action that can be linked to a loss of profit to any company

classified as an " animal enterprise " . This includes anyone who produces or

distributes animals or products from animals, animal entertainment (including

rodeos, circuses, zoos or aquariums), research facilities, pet stores and even

animal fighting.


Under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA), legal

activities such as peaceful protests, consumer boycotts, media campaigns,

legislative proposals, or even telling the public what happens in puppy mills,

factory farms, or canned hunting facilities, could be classified as acts of



The AETA is in all likelihood not constitutional and needs to

be stopped now before it becomes law. The AETA could severely intimidate animal

activists like yourself who wish to legally protest cruelty to animals.

Sufficient laws are already on the books to accommodate any and all illegal

activist activities.


Please urge your representative to oppose AETA.

( http://www.kintera.org/TR.asp?ID=M721107147435993136908765 )


Thanks for all you do for animals,


Fred O'Regan

President and CEO


P.S. Visit IFAW's Action Center to protect the rights of

animal activists and push for better care for captive elephants.



IFAW © 2006


All gifts to IFAW represent a contribution to IFAW's entire

mission. Donations will be used where they are most needed to help animals.


Worried about Donating online?

I used to be too ... so I made sure our online system is safe,

secure, and state-of-the-art. It also eliminates check-processing costs, so more

money goes directly to saving animals. But if you prefer to donate by phone or

mail, simply click here for address information.


NOTE: To make sure you continue to receive further emails from

IFAW, please add fred to your email Address Book. If you use a spam

filter program, please assign this address a status of " safe " or " trusted. " If

you have an AOL, Hotmail, MSN or email address, this is particularly

important as we receive many " bounce backs " from these email addresses.


PO Box 193 . 411 Main Street Yarmouth Port, MA 02675












Free speech: a domestic terrorism casualty?

Andrea Gordon

Issue date: 9/25/04 Section: Perspectives

" The United States is not a capitalist country. It is corporate socialism.

Government of the corporations, for the corporations and by the corporations. " -

Captain Paul Watson, founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society


Call it an election campaign tactic, call it corporate socialism, or call it

protecting our country, the US has a new target in the war on terror. According

to the FBI, the new faces of domestic terrorism include a law student, an EMT,

college graduates and social justice volunteers.


On May 26, the US Attorney's Office indicted seven activists (the SHAC 7) under

the Animal Enterprise Terrorism statute, 18 U.S.C.A. § 43. Just six days prior,

an FBI terrorism expert testified at a hearing for the Senate Committee on the

Judiciary that " the activities of SHAC generally fall outside the scope of the

Animal Enterprise Terrorism statute. " Nevertheless, the US Attorney's Office

wasted no time or energy indicting these activists on federal charges, each

carrying a total of 3-8 years and a $250,000 fine.


Don't be fooled. The SHAC 7 case is not just about terrorism or animal abuse. It

is about the government attempting to narrow the limits of legal free speech and

protest activity in this country. If you care about the First Amendment and your

right to express dissent, you should care about this case.


Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act


Congress originally enacted the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act in 1992 to

protect industries using animals from underground direct actions, such as the

rescue of animal from fur farms. Specifically, the act criminalizes activities

causing " physical disruption " only against companies using animals for profit

(animal enterprises). Under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, actions

intended to save the lives of animals becomes terrorism when directed against an

animal industry.




Just who are these alleged terrorists? SHAC or Stop Huntington Animal Cruelty is

an international campaign dedicated to closing Huntington Life Science (HLS), an

infamous contract laboratory product testing company. Huntington tests

everything from carpet cleaner to toothpaste on primates, beagles, cats and

mice. Undercover investigations have exposed Huntington's egregious laboratory

violations and horrific treatment of the animals, which make their products

dangerous to both consumers and animals.


Because the US and UK governments have repeatedly ignored these violations and

abuse, SHAC stepped in with a grassroots campaign to close Huntington.


The SHAC campaign has devastated Huntington. Since 1998, HLS lost of 90% of its

market value. It is currently $87 million dollars in debt because its customers

and associates have either disinvested or ended their contracts with HLS. No

wonder HLS and similar corporations are running to politicians for help. And all

due to a small group of committed activists with innovative tactics.


Criminalization of Legal Tactics


Tactics that activists have successfully used against HLS include: calling

companies that associate with HLS to complain about animal abuse, sending mass

emails to these companies, publicizing demonstrations on the internet and

demonstrating outside the homes of HLS employees and their customers. The major

flaw with the indictment is that the majority of allegations against the

activists involve perfectly legal forms of protest.


Josh Harper, one of those arrested, said the government views the SHAC 7 as

basically " conspiring to make other people break the law " by posting information

about demonstrations on the SHAC website. According to Mr. Harper, " legal

activities such as letter writing are also being counted as part of an illegal

campaign because the government proclaims that we conspired to create such a

volume of letters as to interfere with interstate commerce. "


Yet U.S. Attorney, Christopher Christie described SHAC activists as " violent

fanatics. "


Profit and Politics


The deep irony in the government prosecution of activists is that the industries

exploiting our world flourish while the people defending the environment and

animals are labeled as criminals and terrorists. For example, the Department of

Justice indicted Greenpeace last year on an inane 1873 law for sailor mongering.

The crime? Greenpeace activists climbed aboard a boat bringing in illegal

mahogany wood into the US and put up a sign that said " President Bush: Stop

Illegal Logging. " A Florida jury saw through the DOJ's baseless charges and

acquitted Greenpeace in a matter of hours.


The political and financial motivations driving these prosecutions are perfectly

obvious. During the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, company representatives

from Kentucky Fried Chicken, Yerkes Primate Research Center (a federally funded

primate research facility in Atlanta, GA) and Chiron (a HLS customer) testified

in support of effectively limiting the First Amendment. After pocketing a

campaign contribution from the Center for Consumer Freedom, Senator Orin Hatch

read a letter supporting the indictment. (You may have seen the Center for

Consumer Freedom anti-PETA ads on the Metro last spring.)


At least one senator saw through the smoke. Senator Patrick Leahy commented, " I

think most Americans would rather that we address more urgent concerns that

really do pose a threat to this country and to the world. " Senator Leahy even

refused to attend the hearing despite sitting as a member of the committee.


What You Can Do


Voting for Kerry isn't enough! Support the SHAC 7 and defend your right to free

speech. Visit www.shac7.com for more information.


Next, do what you can in your individual capacity to protect everyone's civil

liberties. Hold your supervisors accountable for their decisions and protect the

integrity of the organization where you work. Many students at WCL intern at

government offices such as the DOJ and US Attorney's Office. Find out what cases

your employer is bringing. Express dissent in the workplace. And, as future

lawyers, make ethical decisions considering the longterm ramifications of your



Martin Luther King said, " There comes a time when one must take a position that

is neither safe, nor political, nor popular, but must take it because his

conscience tells him that it is right. " Now is one of those times.











The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) is a bill which seeks to amend the

1992 Animal Enterprise Protection Act (AEPA - PL 102-346), a section under Title

18 of the criminal code which protects animal enterprises from illegal acts

comitted by animal activists.

The AETA bill (S 3880) recently passed in the Senate on Sept. 30th, 2006, was

introduced by Mr. Inhofe (R-OK), Mrs. Feinstein (D-CA), Mr. Thune (R-SD), and

Mr. Isakson (R-GA). Its counter-part is currently pending in the House (H.R.

4239) and will be voted on sometime in November after congress reconvenes from

recess on November 9th.




.. AETA risks having a chilling effect on First Amendment protected speech for

everyone including law abiding citizens, who risk being tarnished a terrorist

even if wrongfully charged. On the chance that a law-abiding citizen wins

his/her case, the damage to their reputation will already be done. Appeals often

take years.


.. Anyone engaging in non-violent civil

disobedience causing at least $10,000 profit loss, will be considered a

terrorist. If this were law at the turn of the 20th century, the suffragettes,

notably Susan B. Anthony, as well as, civil rights leaders including Rosa Parks

and Martin Luther King, and Mahatma Ghandi, may have been labelled terrorists.


.. AETA risks punishing content based speech.


.. AETA would foster a slippery slope and a precedent by which to target other

content-based speech as terrorism or target any unfavorable group as terrorists.


.. AETA risks singling out animal advocates for

penalties that are harsher than for other felonies.


.. Laws penalizing tort, harassment, etc. already exist and the bills' additional

penalties are unnecessary.


.. The bills' exemptions would not be an adequate defense against being

wrongfully arrested or charged, and do not resolve ambiguities in the bills or

the chilling effect on protected free speech.


.. AETA risks further frustrating protected free speech rights that calls

attention to the government's failure to enforce the Animal Welfare Act. There

are no similarly harsh penalties against animal enterprises that are in gross

violation of the AWA, or that act with depraved indifference or with intent to

do harm.




We believe that the true purpose of AETA , is to severely chill AR activism by

intimidating those who would legally protest, and as such attempts to prevent

the loss of profit to corporations and businesses -special interest groups (who

see the ever swelling tsunami of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare consciousness)

heading right their way.


We further believe that there are sufficient laws already on the books to

accomodate any and all illegal activist activities. As an example, Surely, we do

not advocate threat, vandalism, and bodily injury, but why should any sector of

society receive special treatment and consideration under the law from threat,

vandalism and bodily harm moreso than any other sector?


The justice system has already successfully prosecuted cases using existing law

and we maintain that AETA is not only uneccessary but will have a stigmatic and

chilling effect on our first amendment rights to free speech, preventing

individuals from exercising their right to protest, under the constitution, for

fear of being unjustly labeled and prosecuted as a terrorist. The Animal

Enterprise Terrorism Act is in all likelihood not constitutional and needs to be

stopped now before it becomes law. The Senate passed S 3880 in the 'wee hours'

of 09/30/06 and the House is next in line to vote sometime after November 9th.


Don't sell out your rights to corporate America! Let your voice be heard! Send a

message to Congress NOW! click here .




http://www.stopaeta.org - http://www.noaeta.org





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