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2 Sides Of The Holidays

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>2 Sides Of The Holidays



Was it really necessary to spam every single vegan group with this ?

I don't mind reading it once, or even twice at a pinch, but it's

starting to get old now.





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Hey, Paul -


Maybe you're on too many lists! P-)



Live Simply So That

Others May Simply Live






= = = = = =


, Paul Russell <prussell@s...> wrote:

> >2 Sides Of The Holidays

> >


> Was it really necessary to spam every single vegan group with

this ?

> I don't mind reading it once, or even twice at a pinch, but it's

> starting to get old now.


> Paul

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>Hey, Paul -


>Maybe you're on too many lists! P-)



Next time you consider spamming every vegan list known to mankind,

please give it a little thought first, OK ? Consider the possibility

that all you'll be doing is annoying an awful lot of people. Please.


There - I've been as nice as I can be about this.


Thank you,





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Hey, Paul -


Just because you are on a lot of lists doesn't mean everyone else is.


Stop being so selfish and give others a chance to see what you don't



Maybe you should change your settings on the list(s) to " digest "

or " no mail " so you don't get so ticked-off.


Besides, I get more positive results than your lonely

irate " annoyance. "


Calm down - take a deep breath - be considerate to others.


Happy " holidays! "


= = = = = = =


, Paul Russell <prussell@s...> wrote:

> >Hey, Paul -

> >

> >Maybe you're on too many lists! P-)

> >


> Next time you consider spamming every vegan list known to mankind,

> please give it a little thought first, OK ? Consider the


> that all you'll be doing is annoying an awful lot of people. Please.


> There - I've been as nice as I can be about this.


> Thank you,


> Paul

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>Hey, Paul -


>Just because you are on a lot of lists doesn't mean everyone else is.


>Stop being so selfish and give others a chance to see what you don't



>Maybe you should change your settings on the list(s) to " digest "

>or " no mail " so you don't get so ticked-off.


>Besides, I get more positive results than your lonely

>irate " annoyance. "


>Calm down - take a deep breath - be considerate to others.



It's you that's being inconsiderate. You actually think people like

receiving spam ? Have you been living in a cave for the last couple

of years ?


You didn't even bother to check whether the groups were appropriate,

e.g. Vegan Travel. And you posted on many groups where you don't

otherwise contribute anything.


All I ask is that you *think* about what you're doing next time

before you send out all this unwanted and indiscriminate spam. I seem

to remember you've done this before and other people have objected,

but evidently you didn't take any notice of the complaints last time,

and it seems that you are deaf to any requests to moderate your

activities this time.


If you want to promote this kind of stuff please do it on your own list.


Thank you,





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Out of interest, which other groups did fidyl's post get posted on? I don't

think it was posted on any of the groups I'm on... unless I missed it...

mind you, I think I actually missed it on this one. Can someone post it

again? Just kidding! lol.


Everyone lighten up - and maybe consider continuing this argument privately.

You both have email addresses... it wouldn't be hard. I'm sure no-one else

is really interested.


Shari Black Velvet





> There are 2 messages in this issue.


> Topics in this digest:


> 1. Re: 2 Sides Of The Holidays

> Paul Russell <prussell

> 2. Re: 2 Sides Of The Holidays

> " fidyl " <fidyl

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Now, now, Paul, you did not take my advice and breath.

The next we'll be expecting from you is your madness in ALL CAPS.


Why all this anger?

I'm sure you don't read every post on all the groups you're on.

You could have saved yourself a lot of self-inflicted aggravation by

doing the same with my posting.


Besides, encourages inviting members from one group to

another. They even have an option for listmanagers to send out a

similar greeting to whole groups.

You agreed to this when you first signed on to for their

discussion groups.


Maybe you'd be interested in Yoga.

I do have a discussion list for that, too.


Om Shanti



Live Simply So That

Others May Simply Live





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>Now, now, Paul, you did not take my advice and breath.

>The next we'll be expecting from you is your madness in ALL CAPS.


Your arrogance is breathtaking, and only matched by your

unwillingness to listen to anybody else's point of view.


Why would people in, say, Vegan UK, Vegan Travel or Vegans Uncensored

be interested in receiving your spam ? Did you even stop to think

what the purpose of those groups was, or whether what you are

promoting would be appropriate for these groups, before spamming them



When you were chastised before by the moderators of some of these

groups for spamming on previous occasions did it not even register

with you that you had crossed a line by annoying not only fellow

vegans but also the owners of the groups that you were spamming ?


Are you not able to respect the wishes of group owners, or to

consider how irritating it might be for people to receive a barrage

of spam from you ?


Rather than just assume that you are right about everything, and that

if anyone should dare to object to your self-promotion that they are

simply " full of anger " , perhaps you could just stop and think for a

moment ? Maybe you could use some breathing and meditation yourself ?

Work on that empathy thing a little, maybe ?





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>Out of interest, which other groups did fidyl's post get posted on? I don't

>think it was posted on any of the groups I'm on... unless I missed it...

>mind you, I think I actually missed it on this one. Can someone post it

>again? Just kidding! lol.


Hi Shari -


I think it probably went to every with " vegan " in the

name (which probably means it annoyed some Las Vegans too ;-)). I saw

it on just about every vegan list that I read. If it were just a " one

off " then I wouldn't bother, but this " fidyl " person has done this

before, been reprimanded by list owners and users alike, and still

continues to do it.


>Everyone lighten up - and maybe consider continuing this argument privately.

>You both have email addresses... it wouldn't be hard. I'm sure no-one else

>is really interested.



Yes, I've got better things to do with my time than try to argue with

spamers who clearly don't care abut anything other than their own

self-promotion - like sort out my sock drawer and make an appointment

for a wisdom tooth extraction. ;-)







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, Paul Russell <prussell@s...> wrote:


> I think it probably went to every with " vegan " in the

> name (which probably means it annoyed some Las Vegans too ;-)). I

> saw it on just about every vegan list that I read. If it were just

a " one

> off " then I wouldn't bother, but this " fidyl " person has done this

> before, been reprimanded by list owners and users alike, and still

> continues to do it.


- Wrong again.

- But, you're " Las Vegans " is a cute - but old - term.

- And, again, your " every " does not encompass a whole lot.

- There are 100's of " Vegan " lists on alone, and I did not

post on each.

- As to your accusation of " reprimanded by list owners " - another


- Besides, your negativity is gleaming - you didn't notice the

opposite responses - praise - from your " every vegan list that I

read? "


> Yes, I've got better things to do with my time than try to argue


> spamers who clearly don't care abut anything other than their own

> self-promotion -


- Again, please widen your horizons and take a look at Yoga, and the

simple act of giving.

- I am offering a wide variety of information concerning topics of

interest to specified groups.

- Numerous articles are posted concerning Vegans in the United

Kingdom (not only England), as well as around the world.

- Eateries, recipes, demonstrations, businesses, shopping, etc.

- No where in any of these posts is there " self promotion. "



> make an appointment for a wisdom tooth extraction. ;-)


- Ouch! Had all 4 of mine done at one time. There was no way they

were gonna get me back in that chair again!

- Good luck!


PS - ThanX for not resorting to ALL CAPS P-)

Your anger is coming through just fine!



Live Simply So That

Others May Simply Live





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, Paul Russell <prussell@s...> wrote:


> Your arrogance is breathtaking, and only matched by your

> unwillingness to listen to anybody else's point of view.


- <Ahem>

- You may want to review some of your previous posts on this list

alone and catch your tone of negativity and self-righteousness.

- As you stated on another of our similar lists, " People in glass

houses... " Very original.



> Why would people in, say, Vegan UK, Vegan Travel or Vegans

Uncensored be interested in receiving your spam ?

> Did you even stop to think

> what the purpose of those groups was, or whether what you are

> promoting would be appropriate for these groups, before spamming



- 'Coz it's the VEGAN, stupid (revised quote from a presidential

candidate in the U.S. - former Bush. Please do not take this




> When you were chastised before by the moderators of some of these

> groups for spamming on previous occasions did it not even register

> with you that you had crossed a line by annoying not only fellow

> vegans but also the owners of the groups that you were spamming ?


- Firstly, the moderators did not " chastise " me.

- If there was any " crossed...line by annoying, " it was expressed by

a few.

- You concentrate only on those. Did you not see (from ALL the

other lists we share) the thanX and chiming in from like-minded

people willing to be open?

- Hey, you really like that word, " spam. "

- I see you use it alot elsewhere, too for other posts and people

you take " offense. "



> Are you not able to respect the wishes of group owners, or to

> consider how irritating it might be for people to receive a barrage

> of spam from you ?


- There's that " spam " word again.

- Actually, on some other lists the moderators thanked me for making

their list " alive again. "

- Most of the responses from the thanXgiving (and now, holiday) post

(s) were people exchanging their experiences.

- As to the " barrage, " you exaggerate again, my friend.

- No one list got more than one message from me.

- It appears that others are more savvy than you and rather than

bore a whole group with narrow-minded thinking, just forge ahead by

ignoring what they don't want.



> Rather than just assume that you are right about everything, and


> if anyone should dare to object to your self-promotion that they


> simply " full of anger " , perhaps you could just stop and think for a

> moment ?


- Then you obviously did not read what I wrote - you only read into

it what didn't sit well with YOU.

- Hey, do you really think I am " right about everything? "

- You know, if you put yourself out there, you are open to criticism.

- This does not scare me. I'm a Vegan, for crissake!

- Just sitting down to eat with people elicits " dare to object " ions

from people.



> Maybe you could use some breathing and meditation yourself ?

- How original.


> Work on that empathy thing a little, maybe ?

- Wanna see empathy?

- I 'dare' you to join SoFlaVegans...

- And, why do you think I have a SignSoFla list?

- I work with the Deaf.

- (BTW - your reference to my " being Deaf " is really derogatory.

- It would be just as simple to say " ignore, " or " not listening. " )

- And the SoFlaSchools list?

- To change the way of thinking within the schools, like getting

McD's out and putting more compassion in.

- I don't have children - but work with them.

- You have children - this could be a list for you!

- Besides fasting this past thanXgiving, I also work the 'soup

kitchen' by my house every year. Hate the food, but love to help.

- I give free Yoga classes to underprivileged children every summer.

- This is a short list, but 'nuf said.



Live Simply So That

Others May Simply Live





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> - (BTW - your reference to my " being Deaf " is really derogatory.


You're paranoid and deluded. I said:


> > unwillingness to listen to anybody else's point of view.


and you somehow reintrepret this as a derogatory reference to deafness ?


(FYI, I worked in hearing research for many years, and am hardly

likely to use deafness as a slur.)


Oh well, you obviously have " issues " - an inability or unwillingness

to listen to others is probably the least of your problems. I shan't

waste any more time trying to explain to you why spamming is

anti-social - you have obviously decided that you're going to carry

on spamming whatever anyone says to you.


Oh, and as for your claim that you have never been reprimanded for

spamming - here is a response from the owner of this very group from

the last time you spammed every vegan group en masse with the

annoying " Ahisma ThanXgiving - Fast 2003 " drivel:


At 22:10 +0000 11/11/03, mavreela wrote:

>If not then I will have to send a ticking off to " fidyl " , whom I am

>guessing is Nancy, who has spammed every vegan list with the same



>Unsurprisingly I doubt most of the members of a UK list are interested

>in Thanksgiving, nor joining a South Florida list.


You obviously have a very selective memory. How convenient.





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, Paul Russell <prussell@s...> wrote:

> > - (BTW - your reference to my " being Deaf " is really derogatory.


> You're paranoid and deluded. I said:

> unwillingness to listen to anybody else's point of view.

> and you somehow reintrepret this as a derogatory reference to

deafness ?

> (FYI, I worked in hearing research for many years, and am hardly

> likely to use deafness as a slur.)


- To quote you (at the end of this post): " You obviously have a

selective memory: "

- /message/3998

- " it seems that you are deaf to any requests to moderate your

activities this time. "

- Besides, " hearing research " and actually working hands-on with the

people is akin to donating to charity as to actually working in the

organization or with the people.



> Oh well, you obviously have " issues " - an inability or


> to listen to others is probably the least of your problems. I


> waste any more time trying to explain to you why spamming is

> anti-social - you have obviously decided that you're going to carry

> on spamming whatever anyone says to you.


- Again, to quote you: " You're paranoid and deluded. "

- It is YOUR " inability or unwillingness " to accept a differing

opinion - or even to read it as it is.

- It appears that you saw your name in my original posts and took a

personal affront on both.

- As I mentioned before, you could have read it then let it go.

- You decided to take up arms - and for what " issue, " I don't know.

- A selfish one?

- One to make you look " better? "

- BTW - these are rhetorical, but you seem to like to have the last


- As to what we write and to what we respond, you rarely (if ever)

have an original post.

- From what I can see, all you do is respond...and, your tone is not

very amiable. Actually, in most cases, if it is not downright mean,

it is condensating.



> >Unsurprisingly I doubt most of the members of a UK list are

> >interested in Thanksgiving, nor joining a South Florida list.


- And, unsurprisingly, not everyone on the list lives in the UK.

- I believe you live in California, USA.

- Additionally, if you were to have read, even tho I (and the list)

are based in sunny South Florida, there is information for Vegans


- Again, to quote you:

> You obviously have a very selective memory. How convenient.


> Paul




Live Simply So That

Others May Simply Live





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>> >Unsurprisingly I doubt most of the members of a UK list are

>> >interested in Thanksgiving, nor joining a South Florida list.


> - And, unsurprisingly, not everyone on the list lives in the UK.

> - I believe you live in California, USA.


Try and keep up - this was a quote from the list owner when he

reprimanded you last time you spammed the Vegan UK list. You ignored

his requests to cease and desist that time just like you're ignoring

my requests this time.


Anyway, this is the last post from me on the subject - I regret ever

trying to enlighten you as to the wrongness of spamming - I guess I

just have to let you find out for yourself. It's unfortunate that we

all have to suffer as a result of your ignorance in the mean time.


I shall offer chants and prayers for your enlightenment.





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  • 2 years later...

2 Sides Of The Holidays


Well, it appears that we all got through our ThanXgivings, but even

before that " holiday " came around, the media was gearing us up for

the next event.


Xmas outshines them all, but there is Chanukkah, Kwanzaa and the

Winter Solstice.


No matter what side of the fence you are on about these upcoming

December " traditions, " you can find what you are looking for at the

discussion lists below.


Already I have posted about shopping, recipes, history and politics

surrounding this time of the year.


If you would like all this information - and, more - come join us!


Either way, enjoy whatever it is you 'celebrate' or identify with.



Live Simply So That

Others May Simply Live





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