Guest guest Posted March 10, 2007 Report Share Posted March 10, 2007 Vegans Ecology And Animal Rights If you do not get the connections between veganism, ecology and animal rights we hope that you will soon. Vegans do not use animal products. Dietary vegans do not eat animal products. Simply put so-called " livestock " would not exist without the human demand for animals as food and for animal products as food such as milk, butter, cheese, cream, eggs, etc. Vast numbers of animals are raised as so-called " livestock " because of that human demand for animals and animal products as food. All of those so-called " livestock " animals compete directly with human beings for oxygen, water, energy, land, etc. Our small planet is running out of all of those things. Fish such as anchovies, and krill, a fish plankton, are also used as feed for so-called " livestock " . The plant plankton called " phyto-plankton " , that co-exists with the krill produce 40% of the world's oxygen. Because vast amounts of krill are being used as feed for so- called " livestock " the plant plankton called phyto-plankton are in jeapordy, and thus 40% of the earth's oxygen supply is also in jeapordy. If all humans stopped eating so-called " livestock " krill would no longer be used as feed for so called " livestock " we would decrease the jeapordy the plant plankton called phyto-plankton are in. Just like humans, so called " livestock " consume oxygen and produce greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. Years ago Buckminster Fuller, the author of " Small Is Beautiful " gave an example of just how fragile the earth really is. Looked at from space you might rename the planet Earth and perhaps call it the planet Water but how much water do we really have? Fuller asked us to envision the earth as a steel ball 6 feet in diameter. Next he asked that we visualize breathing on that steel ball. The condensation from the moisture of our breath on that steel ball 6 feet in diameter would equal the depth of the world's oceans in relationship to that steel ball 6 feet in diameter. In other words, the world's oceans, though vast are not deep. The plant plankton called " phyto-plankton " that produce 40% of the world's oxygen are in jeapordy from, among other things, the amount of ultra-violet light coming through the holes in the world's ozone layer, particularly above the planet's north and south poles. This increased radiation is killing much of the phyto-plankton. Putting that phtyo-plankton in further jeapordy by removing the fish plankton called krill to use it as feed for so-called " livestock " is sheer insanity and the height of environmental irresponsibility. Any so-called " environmentalist " who eats animals or animal products is enormously ignorant of this fact and needs to become aware of these facts through our efforts as vegan activists. " ENVIRONMENT: The Ides of March of the Penguins Stephen Leahy BROOKLIN, Canada, November 30th 2006 (IPS) - Ice-loving penguins have never been more popular, but few people realise they are threatened with extinction from climate change and industrial fishing. The loveable stars of the Hollywood movie " Happy Feet " and the stoic and courageous creatures featured in the popular documentary " March of the Penguins " are in trouble. Of the world's 19 penguin species, 12 are now so threatened they need special protection, according to the Centre for Biological Diversity (CBD), a California environmental group focused on species extinction. Popularity doesn't guarantee survival. But it might increase protection and prompt action on climate change, says Brendan Cummings, director of the CBD's Oceans Programme. Cummings' organisation filed a formal petition this week requesting that 12 species of penguins worldwide, including the well-known Emperor Penguin, be added to the list of threatened and endangered species under the United States Endangered Species Act. Although there are more than two million pairs of Macroni Penguins left, they are listed in the petition because of a 50 percent population decline in the past 15 years. There are roughly 150,000 to 175,000 pairs of the world's largest penguin, the Emperor, but that number is far fewer than a few decades ago. The Emperor Penguin colony at Pointe Geologie, featured in the film " March of the Penguins " , has declined by 70 percent, Cummings told IPS. He blames the decline on fewer krill, a small shrimp-like creature that is its main source of food, the early break-up of ice shelves where chicks are born, and the general changes to its ice and ocean habitat due to a warmer Antarctic. Penguins are only found in the Southern Hemisphere. The U.S. Endangered Species Act could prevent U.S. vessels from fishing for krill and might force the federal government to take stronger action on its emissions of greenhouse gases, he said. Krill are the keystone species of the Antarctic marine ecosystem. An essential food source not just for penguins but also for whales and seals, krill have declined by as much as 80 percent since the 1970s in some parts of the Southern Ocean, he said. Industrial fishing boats have recently turned their attention to the great Southern Ocean to catch krill for the fast-growing trade to supply krill as fish meal for farmed salmon, says Clif Curtis, director of the Pew Charitable Trusts' Antarctic Krill Conservation Project. .... There are also new fishing technologies being developed that will literally allow krill to be vacuumed up even when they are deep in the water column. One such Norwegian ship has been proposed that could catch 120,000 tonnes of krill in a season, he said. This and other ships would likely supply the booming health food and pharmaceutical markets. Krill are rich in omega-3 three fatty acids, which are believed to prevent heart disease and inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. " (We add the following to the article being quote above: " Health risks In a letter dated October 31, 2000 entitled Letter Regarding Dietary Supplement Health Claim for omega-3 Fatty Acids and Coronary Heart Disease, the United States Food and Drug Administration Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Office of Nutritional Products, Labeling, and Dietary Supplements noted that the known or suspected risks of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may include: Increased bleeding can occur if overused (normally over 3 grams per day) The possibility of hemorrhagic stroke Oxidation of omega-3 fatty acids forming biologically active oxidation products Increased levels of low density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol or apoproteins associated with LDL cholesterol among diabetics and hyperlipidemics[citation needed] Reduced glycemic control among diabetics Suppression of immune and inflammation responses, and consequently, to decreased resistance to infections and increased susceptibility to opportunistic bacteria " Pumpkin, soy and walnut are of course ethical vegan soures of omega 3.) article being quoted continues: " At the same time, climate change is reducing the sea ice cover which is home to phytoplankton that krill feeds on, he said. The krill fishery is " laxly regulated " , says Curtis. His organisation has appealed to the 24-nation Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources to adopt monitoring, control and surveillance measures that other fisheries operating in the Southern Ocean already use. The George W. Bush administration finalised a proposal this month that would clear the way for an expanded U.S. fishing fleet for krill in the otherwise protected waters off Antarctica. " It is absurd and illegal that the administration would authorise krill harvesting off Antarctica without even considering the well- documented impacts of global warming on krill stocks and the penguins, " said Cummings. " First we fished out the whales, and then the toothfish (Chilean Sea Bass) and now we've fished our way to the bottom of the food chain catching krill. " In a statement, John Collee, co-writer of the movie " Happy Feet " , said, " We have this bizarre delusion that we can utterly destroy our marine ecosystems and somehow emerge unscathed. " " As regards global warming, the entire West Antarctic ice sheet is balanced on the tips of mountains and fragmenting at the edges, " Collee said. The United States, with four percent of the world's population, currently produces about one-quarter of the world's greenhouse gases. The U.S. Government Accounting Office projects that these greenhouse gas emissions will grow by 43.5 percent through the year 2025. Environmental groups and many U.S. states brought a landmark lawsuit to the U.S. Supreme Court this week to challenge the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's refusal to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles as pollutants under the Clean Air Act. " We're all in denial " about tremendous impacts humans are having on the environment, Collee said. That reality is " so dark that most people don't want to contemplate it " . " Report: Meat contributes to climate change ROME, February 20th 2007 (UPI) -- A report by a U.N. organization in Rome says a large amount of the greenhouse gases credited with global warming come from livestock. The report, by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, said the gasses result from deforestation and the use of energy to produce fertilizer and run slaughterhouses and processing plants, the Christian Science Monitor reported Tuesday. The FAO report said gasses produced by the livestock trade account for 18 percent of all greenhouse-gas emissions, including 9 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions, 37 percent of methane and 65 percent of nitrous oxide. The total percentage exceeds that caused by transportation. " Livestock are one of the most significant contributors to today's most serious environmental problems, " said Henning Steinfeld, senior author of the report. The report's findings have been cited by animal rights groups as a reason to end meat eating. " Our NJSingleVegetarians/ has a poll below which we hope could be a useful template for similar polls at like minded groups. poll has been created for the NJSingleVegetarians group: When we are asked we we became vegetarian, or vegan, or whatever we often are hard put to come up with a single answer because there are so many good reasons to become vegetarian, or vegan, or whatever. Rather than ask that question we have a better idea. Please vote for as many answers as possible. o I am a veggie for pacifist reasons o I am a veggie to help end world hunger o I am a veggie to help stop the Greenhouse Effect o I am a veggie because I believe it is healther for me o I am a veggie to help the environment o I am a veggie to help the animals o I am a veggie because I think I will live longer o I am a veggie because I think I can avoid cancer o I am a veggie because I think I can avoid a heart attack o I am a veggie because I love animals o I am a veggie because killing animals is wrong o I am a veggie because the food tastes better o I am a veggie because eating animals is disgusting o I am a veggie so that I may express love in action o I am a veggie because I love all creatures o I am a veggie because I want to create a better world o I am a veggie so that I may be a good example to children o I am a veggie because the killing stops with me o I am a veggie because I vote for love at each meal o I am a veggie because love is better than hate o I am a veggie because people have no right to eat animals o I am a veggie so that earth's food may be grown and fed to earth's people o I am a veggie because I cannot let another human starve while animals are fattened for slaughter o I am a veggie because I am morally obligated to help bring about a civilized world o I am a veggie because it is the only sane choice To vote, please visit the following web page: NJSingleVegetarians/surveys?id=12490438 Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the web site listed above. Thanks! To vote or post a message to the group you need to be a member of NJSingleVegetarians/ Post message: NJSingleVegetarians Subscribe: NJSingleVegetarians- In the news these days former Vice President Al Gore's movie is making headlines, as is the former Vice President himself. Having seen his film and read his book I found much to agree with in both. One horrible flaw I found in his film was his reference to the need to do things in addition to fighting terrorism. What Al Gore needs to recognize is that cutting down on energy consumption is a key element in the struggle against terrorism. Much of the world's terrorism is state sponsored, and often sponsored by states that are oil rich. Whether you are driving a more fuel efficient car or whether you have become a vegan you are fighting terrorism because you are using less energy than you would be using if you were driving a less fuel efficient car or if you were eating animals and animal products. It takes an enormous amount of energy to produce an animal based diet. Vegans use far less energy to produce a non-animal based diet. Thus vegans are leading the way in the struggle against oil-rich state sponsored terrorism. Moreover terrorism is just one tactic of such states. Some of the lunatics in some of those oil rich state sponsors of terrorism would love to get their hands on nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and then use them on the civilized world, as well as on each other. If you really want to build a less violent world you will become a vegan and urge others to become vegans. I do hope that you will see Al Gore's film and that you will encourage environmentalists to become vegans and joing discussions on the topic whenever you can whether in person or on line or in print via letters to the editor of newspapers and magazines, or on the phone via calls to radio and t.v. talk shows, as well as doing your own appearances on radio and t.v. talk shows. Wednesday March 14 2007 Free Showing of An Inconvenient Truth Library of the Chathams, 7:30 PM Wednesday, March 14, 2007 Film: Free Showing of " An Inconvenient Truth " Library of the Chathams, 7:30 PM 973-635-0603 214 Main St. Chatham, New Jersey This post on Al Gore's movie is from: Walter Goldenbaum goldenb1 goldenb1 AT please respond to him regarding it not to me thanks very much. Discussion Leader: Jeff Huppert Please join us to view Al Gore's documentary film, " An Inconvenient Truth. " This film discusses the facts and figures behind global warming and the urgency to address it today rather than tomorrow! " An Inconvenient Truth " won an Oscar in the Best Documentary Feature category. This viewing is free and open to the public. After the film, there will be a general discussion. Come early since space is limited! Note: Teachers can arrange for a classroom showing by contacting the discussion leader at jeffhup jeffhup AT Library of the Chathams, 7:30 PM 973-635-0603 214 Main St. Chatham, NJ We could not agree with any animal rights activist or group more than we agree with the call for Al Gore to become a vegan. Not only is his house using vast amounts of energy one look at the ponderous former Vice President is enough to convince you that he is definitely doing something wrong in his diet. It would appear that the former Vice President looks more like The Thing, from The Fantastic Four, or The Hulk, or some other obese monstrosity, than a human being these days. I can sympathize with the depression that must have resulted from his not becoming President of the United States on January 20th, 2001 but I cannot sympathize with the former Vice President taking his anger out on helpless animals by consuming vast numbers of them to push his weight so far through the roof that in his own words he got so fat that he could no longer put his wedding ring on. It is time for Al Gore and other environmentalists to become vegans. " Animal rights group tells Al Gore to become vegetarian Posted on : Fri, 09 Mar 2007 08:26:00 GMT News Category : Environment NEW YORK: Animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has sent a letter to former U.S. vice president and environmentalist Al Gore saying he should as a crusader against global warming go vegetarian. It says the meat industry is the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. PETA said the effect of meat addition among people on climate is truly staggering and pointed out to a recent report by the U.N., " Livestock's Long Shadow—Environmental Issues and Options, " which has shown that raising animals for food generates more greenhouse gases than all the cars and trucks in the world combined. It also drew attention of Gore to a research study at the University of Chicago, which showed that those who switched to a vegan diet did more to combat global warming than those who switched from a standard American car to a Toyota Prius. The voluntary group said unfortunately Gore's Oscar winning documentary " An Inconvenient Truth " on the perils of global warming has not addressed the fact that the meat industry is the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. PETA's president Ingrid E. Newkirk said the single best thing that people can do for their health, for animals and for the environment is to go vegetarian. " The best and easiest way for Mr Gore to show his critics that he's truly committed to fighting global warming is to kick his meat habit immediately.' " PETA also reminded Gore how his critics have been questioning him whether he practices what he preaches and that by going vegetarian he can silence them and at the same time contribute his mite to the efforts of controlling global warming. The organization offered to cook for him faux " fried chicken " to introduce him to meat-free meals. Meanwhile, An Inconvenient Truth is making its TV premiere on Showtime Sunday at 8 p.m. EDT. The documentary has already been to the theaters and is available on DVD. " I hope that as many organizations as possible will show Al Gore's movie and will have veganism centered discussions before and after the film followed up with vegan activism which would include letters and phone calls and emails to Al Gore and other environmentalist individuals and organizations urging them to become vegans and vegan activists. So what are we doing about all of this? Well we are trying to create a veggie world. That means of course getting more people to become aware of the need to go veggie. And what about the veggies who are out there already? Well I want to tell you a personal story about that. My late father was a veggie when he was younger, but he married a carnivore. As a result I was raised as a carnivore, though I can recall my late father eating vegetable plates at diners we would go to so he could get them and eating vegetarian Chinese food at Chinese restuarants we would go to so he could get that food. At long last he finally gave up and ended his vegetarianism. Though he live to what some consider to be " a ripe old age " I am convinced that had he remained a veggie he would still be alive. He has been dead for some years now. What all of that means of course is that we need to make sure that veggies marry veggies and that they raise their children as veggies. So the need for single veggie organizations is enormous. NJSingleVegetarians/ Subscribe: NJSingleVegetarians- It was certainly good fortune that I became a veggie myself quite awhile ago but many children of these so-called " veg/carnivore " or " mixed-marriages " are not quite so lucky and end up as non- veggies. I am also of course promoting the veggie way of life to others who are not yet veggies. One key group to promote the veggie way of life to is science fiction fans. Why science fiction fans? Well because some science fiction fans actually become science fiction writers. Why science fiction writers then? Well because the way of life that we take for granted here in the so-called " first world " , of industrialized nations is a way of life that not so long ago was considered to be science fiction. It was a science fiction writer: Arthur C. Clarke, who came up with the idea of communications satellites as a science fiction idea. Well they are fiction no more. Nor are communications devices that do not require wires. Remember the " communicators " on StarTrek? Chances are you have a cell phone in your pocket or in your car, or if you don't you know more than one person who does. Once again, fiction no more. Fact. The science fiction fan of today is the science fiction writer of tomorrow. The science fiction story or idea of today is the fact of tomorrow, just as yesterday's science fiction stories and ideas are the facts of today. Another place I am helping to promote the veggie way of life is in the Jewish community. I happen to be Jewish and would want nothing but the best way of life there is for my fellow Jews. Eating animals is not only not good for the animals who are murdered for food, it is not good for the humans who eat them. Being veggie is also very much in the interests of the Jewish community around the world. Producing a pound of steak " protein " on the plate requires up to 21 pounds of so-called " feed " protein from things like the 42% of American wheat production, the 86% of American corn, oats and barley production, the 90% of non-exported soybean production, that goes into the creation of that pound of steak " protein " on the plate of the American animal eater. Producing all of that so-called " feed " requires a lot of energy. More energy is used as petro-chemical based fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, etc. as well as in the transportation of that so-called " feed " , and of the animals themselves, in the disposal of their wastes, in the movement of water to irrigate those crops and to " water " those animals. Many of the energy sources involved are nations around the world that supply arms to terrorists who slaughter Jews in Israel and around the world, as well as other innocents, such as those who were slaughtered on September 11th. 2001. So I am promoting Jewish singles events at veggie establishments to bring the fact of being able to have a veggie meal as a reality to my fellow Jews. I do so periodically at Veggie Heaven, a Kosher Vegan Chinese Restaurant with several locations here in New Jersey. I hope that similar restaurants exist elsewhere that may serve as event locations. Failing that I hope that vegan house parties can be arranged everywhere. If you are Jewish yourself I hope that you will do the same wherever you may be. If you are able to come to some of these events I hope that you will do so. If you live to far away to get to them by all means create them. Create them for your fellow Jews if you are Jewish. Create them for your fellow veggies if you are veggie. Create them for science fiction fans if you want to see science fiction fans become veggie and science fiction ideas created by veggie science fiction writers, all of whom start off as science fiction fans creating the new facts of life on earth as ones which will make it possible for a veggie world to in fact come into being. Will you help in these effforts? Jewish Singles and Other Events Because singles events at which Jews meet non-Jews often result in marriages between Jews and non-Jews, with the children resulting from such marriages usually raised as non-Jews, we feel that it is vitally important that single Jews go to Jewish singles events and meet other Jewish singles at those events. If you know anyone who happens to be Jewish who is hosting singles events please ask him or her to consider hosting events just for Jewish singles. We also offer the opportunity at our on line Jewish singles groups to post your Jewish singles introductions and to respond to other Jewish singles introductions. Please do so regularly. Please state that you are Jewish, single and over 21 in your introductions at our on line Jewish singles groups. Please state that you are Jewish, Single, 21 or over, when you apply to join the Jewish Singles at the websites the urls below will take you to JewishSinglesOfNJ/ JewishSinglesinNJforIsrael/ JewishSinglesFromEverywhere/ REMEMBER TO SET YOUR CLOCK AHEAD ONE HOUR ON THE LATE NIGHT OF SATURDAY MARCH 10TH, 2007 C.E. GOING INTO THE EARLY MORNING OF SUNDAY MARCH 11TH, 2007 C.E. The next Jewish Singles Chat for Jewish Singles is scheduled for Sunday March 11th, 2007 c.e. at 1 p.m. at Congregation B'nai Israel, 160 Millburn Avenue, Millburn, New Jersey 07041 973-379-3811 Do not miss the event. We will be there. You should too. Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour this late Saturday night into Sunday morning. Afterwards some of those in attendance usually go to a nearby diner,albeit a non-Kosher one, to socialize, as is the custom with this group. The next Jewish Singles Chat for Jewish Singles is scheduled for Sunday March 11th, 2007 c.e. at 1 p.m. at Congregation B'nai Israel, 160 Millburn Avenue, Millburn, New Jersey 07041 973-379-3811 Do not miss the event. We will be there. You should too.The Star- Ledger Ticket Section, which comes out each Friday will no doubt list the event,as will many other newspapers, as they have for quite awhile. " MILLBURN, NEW JERSEY, SINGLES CHAT WITH LARRY, FOR JEWISH SINGLES AGES 40-60, Sunday March 11th, 2007 c.e. at 1 p.m. $5 Congregation B'nai Israel, 160 Millburn Avenue, Millburn, New Jersey 07041 973-379-3811 The refreshments alone, which are delicious, are well worth the $5 after the event many of the group's attendees usually adjourn to a nearby non-Kosher diner. The cost for the Jewish Singles Chat for Jewish Singles, sponsored by a group that we have no connection,with: is $5. You pay them if you go to it. You do not pay us. We assume that the low $5 cost for the event will be the same at the Sunday March 11th, 2007 c.e. event as it was at the Jewish Singles Chat for Jewish Singles previous events. " Finding Congregation B'nai Israel Congregation B'nai Israel is at 160 Millburn Avenue, Millburn, New Jersey,07041. Our office phone number is 973-379-3811.We are at the intersection of Millburn Avenue and Vauxhall Road. From downtown Millburn, approach the synagogue by heading East on Millburn Avenue (about 1 mile) and turn right into the first parking lot entrance just past the synagogue building. If you miss this entrance, there is a second parking lot entrance at the traffic light just beyond the first entrance. If you are coming from Route 78 Westbound, take Exit 50B, Millburn. Turn right at the light at the end of the exit ramp onto Vauxhall Road. Follow the road less than 1 mile as it winds through a couple of lights and ends at a light at the T-intersection with Millburn Avenue. Staying in the left lane, turn left onto Millburn Ave, go straight through the light immediately in front of you at the first parking lot entrance and then turn left into the second parking lot entrance just before the synagogue. You can also get directions via Mapquest. " We have no connection to the Jewish Singles Chat for Jewish Singles, or to its sponsors, but we will be going to it, and very highly recommend it to everyone who is Jewish and single, and within the age range that seems to have showed up last time for the Jewish Singles Chat for Jewish Singles, which seemed to be, roughly speaking, Baby Boomers, give or take a few years or so. Larry always gets a good turnout at his events, which he has been running for many years around New Jersey. You may recall some of those events which used to take place at Temple Beth Shalom 193 E Mount Pleasant Ave Livingston, NJ 07039 for a number of years. The fact that this event will no doubt be in the Ticket Section of The Star-Ledger on the Friday preceding the event ,and no doubt other newspapers at well,will help to assure a great turnout. Be There! The next item is from: Plzbmine1 Plzbmine1 AT Jewish singles meet Sunday March 11th 2007 c.e. from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m in Emerson, New Jersey All Jewish singles are welcome to " get off the couch " and gather together for a late afternoon of Games & Desserts on Sunday, March 11, 2007, from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Congregation B'nai Israel Synagogue, 53 Palisade Ave., EMERSON, NJ 07630. This event will feature fun and conversation while playing a variety of board games and listening to favorite music all in a relaxed and comfortably casual atmosphere. Desserts and beverages included for $5.00 payable at the door. For more info contact 201-265-2272 or e-mail Luv2smilelaugh AT Luv2smilelaugh Synagogue Web site is See you there for our premiere event! Congregation Gesher Shalom and the JCC on the Palisades are co-sponsoring a new egalitarian Friday night service for singles. Sing spiritual and Carlebach melodies. March 16, April 20 and the third Friday of every month to follow at 8:00pm. Congregation Gesher Shalom, 1449 Anderson Avenue, Fort Lee, NJ. All are welcome. Bring your friends. Beverages and light dessert to follow. Pauline Rotmil Administrative Assistant Congregation Gesher Shalom Jewish Community Center of Fort Lee 1449 Anderson Avenue Fort Lee, New Jersey 07024 Voice: 201-947-1735 Fax: 201-947-1530 email:pauliner pauliner AT the Elite Jewish Singles post below is from elaine423nj elaine423nj AT please contact elaine423nj elaine423nj AT about it not me thanks very much Elite Jewish Singles, ages 45 to 60 please no exceptions will be hosting a dinner party at a home in Metuchen, New Jersey, Saturday March 17th at 7:30 p.m. The cost will be $25.00. Please contact 732-548-0322 for reservations and directions. Reservations no later than March 17th at 11:00 a.m. Please reserve early! the Elite Jewish Singles post above is from elaine423nj elaine423nj AT please contact elaine423nj elaine423nj AT about it not me thanks very much CIRCLE OF SINGLE JEWISH FRIENDS LUNCH PARTY SUNDAY MARCH 18TH, 2007 C.E. AT NOON at a restaurant in Iselin, New Jersey. Age range Baby Boomers give or take a few years or so. Please email Roberta for details roger AT roger (Not a Kosher restaurant. Please recommend Kosher restaurants to Roberta for future events.)Price cost of meal, tax and tip plus $3 to Roberta Please RSVP Roberta (908) 668-8450 roger roger AT Please email Roberta for details roger AT roger Do you have a Jewish single friend that you have not yet met in person and may have been in touch with via email or telephone or otherwise. Why not invite that Jewish single friend to meet you at one of the many Jewish singles events listed in our posts? Be sure to send your photo to your Jewish single friend, and to ask your Jewish single friend to send a photo to you. That way you can recognize one another when you meet at a Jewish singles event. Please state that you are Jewish, Single, 21 or over, when you apply to join the Jewish Singles at the websites the urls below will take you to JewishSinglesOfNJ/ JewishSinglesinNJforIsrael/ JewishSinglesFromEverywhere/ A free fantastic Jewish singles resource can be found at the url below You may post your own introductions there, with our without photos of yourself and may also search for other Jewish singles there by state, gender, age range, etc. Everything there is free. We have no connections whatsoever to the site, but if you do post your photo there you may wish to include the url where your photo may be found at that site, in your introductions, and responses to other introductions, that you post at our Jewish singles groups. To keep yourself posted on Jewish Singles Events and more Time to Post Your Introductions Even if you have previously posted an introduction please post another one from time to time as new members keep on joining. Please state that you are Jewish, Single, 21 or over, when you apply to join our Jewish Singles , and in your introductions, and when your reply to other posts at our Jewish Singles Groups. Some helpful hints on introductions: Because our Jewish Singles strip out attachments please do not include attachments in your introductions. If a photo of you is available on the net please do include the url for that photo, if you are not shy about it. Another option would be to offer to email your photo in your introduction. Some Hints for email personal introductions are below. Please feel free to post your reactions to them and your own ideas. " likes fine dining " , or words to that effect, are a total turnoff. They imply that you want to be taken out to eat, and that you are not serious about being a partner in a relationship of equals. Do not forget to note in your introductions whether you are a smoker or not. Non-smokers need to meet non-smokers. Do not waste the time of a non-smoker if you are a smoker. If you smoke, say so. If you are a non-smoker say so. Are you allergic to cats? If so, say so. Do you have a cat or cats? If so say so in your introductions. People who are allergic to cats will have no luck getting people who have cats to part with those cats. So do not waste time trying to build a relationship with a person who is allergic to cats if you are a cat lover or vice versa. How observant are you? Please say something about that in your introductions. " Food that is not kosher is called " trefe " , pronounced to rhyme with " waif " . Some foods such as pork and lobster, are inherently trefe. Other foods are made trefe by the materials/utensils used in the processing. Materials/utensils that have been in contact with trefe food will make trefe any other food that touches them. " Do you keep Kosher? Please say something about that in your introductions. Please state that you are Jewish, Single, 21 or over, when you apply to join our Jewish Singles , and in your introductions, and in your replies to other introductions, etc. JewishSinglesOfNJ/ JewishSinglesinNJforIsrael/ JewishSinglesFromEverywhere/ Not sure if these Shabbat Singles events are happening or not please check with the people there before you go. " Shabbat Singles Shabbat Singles brings together single people from Bergen County and beyond to partake in social and religious activities. Oneg Shabbats, dinners, trips, and special events make this unique club a singular success. " click on to get details of events immediately below Sat, 10 Mar White Plains, NY Event Spring Boutique Sat, 10 Mar New York - The Bronx, NY Lecture Analyze This: art 15- 20th Century Paintings Sun, 11 Mar New York - The Bronx, NY Event Singles Event - Riverdale, March 11, 2007 Mon, 12 Mar New York - Brooklyn, NY Event Tichul, bandana and jewelery sale! Tue, 13 Mar New York - Manhattan, NY Event Chefs' Tasting 2007! Tue, 13 Mar Oceanside, NY Lecture Yom HaShishi: A Unique Opportunity for Kedushah Sun, 18 Mar Teaneck, NJ Event Cantorial Council of America midwinter Conference Sun, 18 Mar Teaneck, NJ Lecture The Tower of Babel Unearthed Sun, 18 Mar Englewood, NJ Lecture Making marriage special Sun, 18 Mar Englewood, NJ Event Teaneck Shidduch Club click on to get details of events immediately above events immediately below are from url immediately above Singles 40-57 Comedy Night at the JCC Saturday, March 17 • 8:30 pm Two great comedians, one funny evening. Featuring Tony Powell of HBO's " Chris Rock Show " , TV's " Showtime at the Apollo, and Trump Casino. Also featuring Ray Pennetti of TV's " Rascals Comedy Hour " and writer for The Dennis Miller Show. Includes beer and Munchies Fee: $20 Cosponsored with Singles 40-57 & the singles of Rockland Y/JCC Dinner out at Bensi's Italian Restaurant In Paramus Park Mall Wednesday, March 21 • 7:30 pm Join other singles for a delicious dinner and socializing at Bensi Restaurant, 700 Paramus Park Mall (at the Macys wing near Lego Land). Menu includes salad, a pasta dish, choice of entrées (including fish or pasta), soda, coffee and tea. For directions only call 201.225.1124. Reservations required, call ext 435 $27 if paid by March 20, $30 after Cosponsored with Singles 40-57 Singles Schmooze Sunday, March 25th 2007 c.e. at 6 p.m. Led by Jeff and Elaine Spend a casual evening getting to know other singles through discussions on various topics determined by the participants. $4 JCC members, $6 Nonmembers SINGLES OF ALL AGES Friday Night Jewish Singles Services and Oneg At Congregation Gesher Shalom in Fort Lee (1449 Anderson Ave) Friday, March 16 • 8pm Join other singles for " Shabbat B' Yachad " , a new stimulating and inspirational Shlomo Carlbach style –egalitarian service. Following the service join singles in your age range for an Oneg Shabbat. For further information email: brucep brucep AT or call 201.947.1735 x12 No fee NOT FOR SINGLES ONLY Traditional Passover Seder Wednesday April 2 • 7:00 pm Join other families, seniors and singles for a traditional Seder in a warm, comfortable setting. Led by Rabbi Chaim Boyarsky. Enjoy a complete dinner including gefilte fish, chicken matzah ball soup, salad, roast chicken, kugel, tzimmes, coffee/tea, and cake. Reservation & payment no later then 3/19, call ext. 204 $45 for adults and seniors, $25 for children under 8. If you wish to be seated at a singles table please specify when making reservations Rewiring your Life: Career and Life Choices for Baby Boomers Sunday, March 18 • 1-2:30 pm Carla Visser Not ready to retire? Carla Visser, founder of Global Human Resource Solutions, will help you discover life and career options that are available to those over the age of 50. Learn about demographic and workplace trends that are taking place in our society as they apply to mature adults, and learn the key principles for re-energizing your life. $7 JCC members • $10 Nonmembers Co-sponsored with the Adult Department Control Chaos: Tips for De-cluttering Your Home and Organizing Your LifE Thursday, March 15 • 7:30pm Sharon Danzger, Professional Organizer Learn more about how to create systems to organize your life and eliminate clutter. What better time than spring to clean up and clear out. Discover valuable ways to create order so you spend less time searching for things and more time doing what you love. Reservations required, call ext 204. $8 JCC members • $12 Nonmembers For more information contact: Esther Mazor, Singles Director x460 emazor emazor AT events immediately below are from url directly above Singles 30-47 Comedy Night at the JCC Saturday, March 17 • 8:30 pm Two great comedians, one funny evening. Featuring Tony Powell of HBO's " Chris Rock Show " , TV's " Showtime at the Apollo, and Trump Casino. Also featuring Ray Pennetti of TV's " Rascals Comedy Hour " and writer for The Dennis Miller Show. Includes beer and Munchies Fee: $20 Cosponsored with Singles 40-57 & the singles of Rockland Y/JCC Dinner out at Bensi's Italian Restaurant In Paramus Park Mall Wednesday, March 21 • 7:30 pm Join other singles for a delicious dinner and socializing at Bensi Restaurant, 700 Paramus Park Mall (at the Macys wing near Lego Land). Menu includes salad, a pasta dish, choice of entrées (including fish or pasta), soda, coffee and tea. For directions only call 201.225.1124. Reservations required, call ext 435 $27 if paid by March 20, $30 after Cosponsored with Singles 40-57 SINGLES OF ALL AGES Friday Night Jewish Singles Services and Oneg At Congregation Gesher Shalom in Fort Lee (1449 Anderson Ave) Friday, March 16 • 8pm Join other singles for " Shabbat B' Yachad " , a new stimulating and inspirational Shlomo Carlbach style –egalitarian service. Following the service join singles in your age range for an Oneg Shabbat. For further information email: brucep or call 201.947.1735 x12 No fee NOT FOR SINGLES ONLY Traditional Passover Seder Wednesday April 2 • 7:00 pm Join other families, seniors and singles for a traditional Seder in a warm, comfortable setting. Led by Rabbi Chaim Boyarsky. Enjoy a complete dinner including gefilte fish, chicken matzah ball soup, salad, roast chicken, kugel, tzimmes, coffee/tea, and cake. Reservation & payment no later then 3/19, call ext. 204 $45 for adults and seniors, $25 for children under 8. If you wish to be seated at a singles table please specify when making reservations Control Chaos: Tips for De-cluttering Your Home and Organizing Your Life Thursday, March 15 • 7:30pm Sharon Danzger, Professional Organizer Learn more about how to create systems to organize your life and eliminate clutter. What better time than spring to clean up and clear out. Discover valuable ways to create order so you spend less time searching for things and more time doing what you love. Reservations required, call ext 204. $8 JCC members • $12 Nonmembers For more information contact: Esther Mazor, Singles Director x460 emazor events directly below are from url directly above Singles 50+ Monday Night a the Movies " Mr. Klein " Monday, March 12 • 7pm Alain Delon, the title character, is a French-Catholic art dealer during the Nazi occupation who buys fine art from desperate Jews for bargain prices. Ironically, police mistake him for a different Mr. Klein, a fugitive Jew involved in secret operations. Directed by Joseph Losey, features Jeanne Moreau. Reception with coffee and cake for singles only at 7pm and then we will join others for the film at 7:30. Mr. Harold Chapler will give us some pointers when introducing the film and then share his expertise with us at an optional discussion following the movie. $4 JCC member • $6 nonmember Cosponsored with the School of Performing Arts Walk with Liz to Mountain Lakes in Morris County Sunday March 25 • 9:30am Cancelled in case of rain (call ext. 460 after 8:30am morning of) Meet at the JCC at 9:30am ($4 carpool fee) or at the bus stop parking area on Lake Drive at 10:30am. Walk around the lake and historic area. Built in the early 1900's, the town built around several man made lakes, with mansions built in Colonial, Georgian, and Spanish and other styles. Mountain Lakes is where the rolling hills of New Jersey Piedmont region meet the rocky outcroppings of the highlands. It is 35 miles due west of NYC. Have lunch (at your own expense) after the walk. Wear comfortable walking shoes, bring water. No fee SINGLES OF ALL AGES Friday Night Jewish Singles Services and Oneg At Congregation Gesher Shalom in Fort Lee (1449 Anderson Ave) Friday, March 16 • 8pm Join other singles for " Shabbat B' Yachad " , a new stimulating and inspirational Shlomo Carlbach style –egalitarian service. Following the service join singles in your age range for an Oneg Shabbat. For further information email: brucep or call 201.947.1735 x12 No fee NOT FOR SINGLES ONLY Traditional Passover Seder Wednesday April 2 • 7:00 pm Join other families, seniors and singles for a traditional Seder in a warm, comfortable setting. Led by Rabbi Chaim Boyarsky. Enjoy a complete dinner including gefilte fish, chicken matzah ball soup, salad, roast chicken, kugel, tzimmes, coffee/tea, and cake. Reservation & payment no later then 3/19, call ext. 204 $45 for adults and seniors, $25 for children under 8. If you wish to be seated at a singles table please specify when making reservations Rewiring your Life: Career and Life Choices for Baby Boomers Sunday, March 18 • 1-2:30 pm Carla Visser Not ready to retire? Carla Visser, founder of Global Human Resource Solutions, will help you discover life and career options that are available to those over the age of 50. Learn about demographic and workplace trends that are taking place in our society as they apply to mature adults, and learn the key principles for re-energizing your life. $7 JCC members • $10 Nonmembers Co-sponsored with the Adult Department Control Chaos: Tips for De-cluttering Your Home and Organizing Your LifE Thursday, March 15 • 7:30pm Sharon Danzger, Professional Organizer Learn more about how to create systems to organize your life and eliminate clutter. What better time than spring to clean up and clear out. Discover valuable ways to create order so you spend less time searching for things and more time doing what you love. Reservations required, call ext 204. $8 JCC members • $12 Nonmembers For more information contact: Esther Mazor, Singles Director x460 emazor Directions to the JCC (Jewish Community Center) on the Palisades 411 East Clinton Avenue Tenafly, NJ 07670 201 569 7900 these directions were found at: FROM GARDEN STATE PARKWAY NORTH Exit 161 to Route 4 East. Continue directions from Route 4. FROM GARDEN STATE PARKWAY SOUTH Exit 163 to Route 17 South to Route 4 East. FROM NEW JERSEY TURNPIKE Exit 18 to Route 46 East to Grand Avenue. Proceed North past Route 4 and continue as described below (from Route 4). FROM I-80 EAST To Garden State Parkway North to Exit 161 and then to Route 4 East. FROM ROUTE 4 Exit at Grand Avenue/Englewood. Follow Grand Avenue North about 1 mile, where it becomes Engle Street. Continue on Engle Street past Englewood Hospital. 2nd Traffic light past hospital make right onto E. Clinton Avenue. JCC is approximately 1 mile on left. FROM NEW YORK CITY & LONG ISLAND Go over George Washington Bridge to Palisades Parkway North. Get off at Exit 1, Englewood Cliffs & Palisades Avenue. Make right and go to 1st light. At light make a right onto Route 9W No. At 4th light make a left onto E. Clinton Avenue. JCC is ¾ mile on right. FROM SOUTH OR WEST Take New Jersey Turnpike (95) No. or Route 80 East to Broad Ave. Exit. Bear right onto Broad Ave. toward Englewood. Broad Ave. will become Dana Place. Take Dana Place to end. Make right onto E. Palisades Ave. At 3rd block (on left) make left onto No. Woodland Street to end. Make right onto E. Clinton Avenue. JCC immediately on left. FROM NORTH Take Palisades Parkway South and get off at Exit 2. Make left off ramp onto Route 9W South. At 3rd light make right onto E. Clinton Avenue. JCC is ¾ mile on right. FROM TAPPAN ZEE BRIDGE To Exit 13 So. (Palisades Parkway So.) to Exit 2. Proceed as above from North. FROM CONNECTICUT (Stamford) Route I 95 So. to 287 West to Tappan Zee Bridge. Proceed as above. Please stay in touch with Elaine who has been hosting house parties for her ELITE JEWISH SINGLES Ages 45-60 Please no exceptions group at a private home in the Metuchen area usually on one or two Saturday nights each month starting at about 7:30 p.m. weather permitting. You may email Elaine, who ran many Jewish singles events some years back at the JCC in the Edison, New Jersey area at elaine423nj elaine423nj AT please contact Elaine about her ELITE JEWISH SINGLES Ages 45-60 Please no exceptions house parties thanks Elite Jewish Singles, ages 45-60 (please no exceptions) . Please contact Elaine at 732-548-0322 for reservations and directions. Incidentally it is a different Elaine who is moderating the Singles Schmooze at the JCC Jewish Community Center in Tenafly, New Jersey. Average age of attendees at the Singles Schmooze at the JCC in Tenafly, New Jersey is baby boomers give or take a few years ago. Turnout is usually around 36 people or so, another double Chai ! Sunday, March 25th 2007 c.e. at 6 p.m. Led by Jeff and Elaine Spend a casual evening getting to know other singles through discussions on various topics determined by the participants. $4 JCC members, $6 Nonmembers Schmooze Singles, 40-57, schmooze with each other and talk with Elaine and Jeff at the JCC on the Palisades in Tenafly, 6 p.m. $4 for JCC members, $6 for non-members. (201) 569-7900, ext. 460. Freedom. Power. Awe. Love. Breakthroughs is a workshop based on Jewish wisdom designed to develop our innate capacity for greatness. Through voluntary participation, challenging coaching, and dynamic exercises, over one day and an evening, participants discover surprising access to life's greatest blessings. What participants say: " of the most significant growth experiences I've ever had. Breakthroughs helped me realize that I could transform negative aspects of my life into positive energy, and it provided me with a concrete methodology to access a power that I did not even know that I had. " -Russel, Senior Manager at a large financial services company Sunday March 11th, 10am -8:30pm, Wednesday March 13th 7:30pm-9:30pm (breaks will occur every several hours) Where: Aish NY (313 West 83rd St.) Cost: $50 (food not included) For Young Jewish Professionals in their 20s and 30s To register* call 212-579-1388 ext. 23 (*please note: pre-registration and attendance at both sessions are prerequisites to join) re the item directly above please respond to the phone number directly above that item was posted by: yael_aish yael_aish AT Pianist Bonnie Kaplan, Dinner and Dessert -House Party Elite Jewish Singles, ages (45-60) will be hosting a house party including pianist Bonnie Kaplan, dinner and dessert at a home in Metuchen, NJ on Saturday, March 17th at 7:30 pm. The cost will be $25.00. Please try to reserve early! Reservations no later than Saturday, March 17th by 11:00 am. Please contact 732-548-0322 for reservations and directions. No jean attire, please. post immediately above was posted by: elaine423nj elaine423nj AT An Evening of Dinner and Comedy - Singles 25- 40 Date: 19 Mar, 2007 Description: Orthodox Union Singles Connection Ages 25 - 40 An Evening of Dinner and Comedy Comedian Scott Blakeman Over 30 national TV appearances, performed in comedy clubs throughout the country. Get to know each other before dinner at our icebreaker and enjoy a bountiful buffet with your newfound friends. REGISTRATION AND RESERVATIONS: $32 in advance $40 at the door (space permitting) Click here to view event flyer Location: Talia's Steak House (OU certified) 668 Amsterdam Ave. (at 92nd St.) New York, NY Contact: Reservations: 212-613-8300 Learn How To Take Charge Of Your Life with Rabbi Osher Jungreis *ENHANCE YOUR RELATIONSHIPS* *DEVELOP YOUR SELF - ESTEEM* *LEARN TO CONTROL YOUR ANGER* *MASTER THE ART OF SERENITY* IT'S ALL IN YOUR HANDS! The First Wednesday of Every Month Hineni Heritage Center 232 West End Avenue 212-496-1660 Visit our website. Hear these valuable lessons from our Rebbetzin TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE LEARN THE MEANING OF LOVE Rabbi Yisroel's Torah Lunch & Learn Every Wednesday Afternoon Class located at 383 Madison Avenue Between 46-47th Streets, 13th floor. Visit our website. The Hineni Heritage Center 232 West End Avenue, New York, NY, 10023 (212) 496-1660 Inner Paradise: Practical Spirituality for Women Who says you need to turn your life upside down, get on a plane and spend big bucks to find paradise? Every Shabbat morning, join Tzipora Harris for spiritual experience and practices that will lift your spirit, blow your mind and warm your heart. Saturdays 10:45am-12 Class 12 pm Sushi Kiddush AishNY 313 W 83rd Street between West End and Riverside To register call (212) 921-9090 Discovery Weekend Retreat The Discovery Program is one of the most popular spiritual/Jewish Identity seminars of all time. It takes participants on a exhilarating exploration of the origins of the Torah. Sound in intriguing? Come ck it out for yourself! 5 star accomodations and fully catered meals Amazing Saturday Night Event which included a Hypnotist! Friday March 23- Sunday March 25th Ck in at 3:30 PM on Friday Check out after breakfast at noon on Sunday At the luxurious Sheraton Raritan Center in Edison NJ Cost: $299 including food and hotel scholarships available up to $200 off per person Exclusively for Jewish Professionals in their 20\'s and 30\'s go to to register for more into call Alliza at 1-800-742-2228 items directly below are from url directly above saturday [march 10] Saturday night surprise The JCC in Manhattan offers " Saturday Night Surprise " for singles, 40s-50s, 7 p.m. Free. Event details, (646) 505-5726 or visit sunday [march 11] Walking tour The Mosaic Outdoor Club offers a walking tour of Roosevelt Island and the multi-ethnic historical district in Astoria. Bring a snack and water. Option for a dinner. Meet at the Roosevelt Island Tram (East 59th Street and 2nd Avenue), 9:30 a.m. Ira, (718) 854-4472, no Shabbat calls. $10 for non-members. Visit Soup kitchen Singles, 20s-30s, from the JCC in Manhattan meet to serve a meal for the homeless at St. Francis Xavier in New York City, 11:45 a.m. 55 W. 15th St. (646) 505-5708 or visit New group meeting Cong. B'nai Israel in Emerson invites area singles, older than 21, to its new Jewish Singles Circle at the shul, with board games, music, desserts, and beverages, 4-7:30 p.m. $5. 53 Palisade Ave. (201) 265-2272. monday [march 12] Feature film Jewish Singles on the Palisades, 50+, at the JCC on the Palisades in Tenafly, meet at the JCC to see " Mr. Klein. " A singles coffee and cake reception starts at 7 p.m., the film begins at 7:30. Harold Chapler introduces the film and leads a discussion afterward. $4 for JCC members, $6 for non-members. (201) 569-7900. Support for young widows and widowers Social workers from The Living Room at Jewish Family Service in Teaneck continue a four-session support group through March 26, for young widows and widowers, 7:30 p.m. Free. Advance registration preferred. 1485 Teaneck Road. Call Laura at (201) 837-9090 or e-mail thelivingroom thursday [march 15] Control chaos Professional organizer Sharon Danzger discusses " Control Chaos: Tips for De-cluttering Your Home and Organizing Your Life, " for Jewish Singles of All Ages at the JCC on the Palisades in Tenafly, 7:30 p.m. $8 for JCC members, $12 for non- members. Reservations, (201) 569-7900, ext. 204. friday [march 16] Shabbat in Fort Lee Jewish Singles of All Ages from the JCC on the Palisades in Tenafly and Cong. Gesher Shalom/JCC of Fort Lee, meet for kabbalat Shabbat services (Carlebach style), at Cong. Gesher Shalom in Fort Lee, 8 p.m. Afterward, there will be an oneg Shabbat. (201) 569-7900, ext. 460, or (201) 947-1735, ext. 12. saturday [march 17] Dinner Elite Jewish Singles, 45-60, meets for a dinner party with music at a private home, 7:30 p.m. $25. Reservations required, (732) 548-0322. Saturday night comedy The JCC-Y in Rockland and the JCC on the Palisades in Tenafly host a comedy night with Tony Powell and Ray Pennetti, for singles, 30-47 and 40-57, at the JCC in Tenafly, 8:30 p.m. Beer and munchies. $20 at the door. (201) 569-7900 or (845) 362- 4400, ext. 112. sunday [march 18] Rockland hike The Mosaic Outdoor Club hosts a seven-mile " Rockland Ramble " through Nyack State Park and Rockland Lake. $10 for guests. Bring water, lunch, and wear hiking shoes. Call Hanna, at (732) 565- 1125 or visit Bear Mountain hike The Mosaic Outdoor Club hosts a moderately paced eight-mile hike through Bear Mountain. Hiking boots and water required. $10 for guests. Call Ira, at (718) 854-4472 (no Shabbat calls), or visit Career choices Jewish Singles of All Ages meet at the JCC on the Palisades in Tenafly for " Rewiring Your Life: Career and Life Choices for Baby Boomers " with Carla Visser, 1 p.m. $7 for members, $10 for non-members. (201) 569-7900, ext. 460. Afternoon talk on Israel A member of the Yachad chapter of Jewish Women International, a group for widowed, divorced, or single women, discusses her recent trip to Israel, at the Fort Lee Recreation Center, 1:30 p.m. Stillwell Avenue. (201) 343-4003. monday [march 19] Bereavement group Jewish Family & Children's Service of North Jersey in Fair Lawn begins a bereavement group for widows and widowers, led by Julie Kaplan, 10 a.m. (973) 595-0111. Singles and adoption The Jewish Child Care Association's Ametz adoption program meets at the JCC in Manhattan for a post-adoptive support group, 4 p.m. $15 for member adults, $20 for non-member adults, plus $5 per child. Childcare provided. Information, (646) 505-5708 or visit Support for singles with breast cancer Sharsheret, a national not- for-profit organization supporting young Jewish women facing breast cancer, has launched Empower and holds its first Empower Teleconference " Dating and Disclosure, " for single Jewish women facing breast cancer, 8:30 p.m. Registration, Elana, (866) 474-2774 or visit wednesday [march 21] Singles and adoption The Jewish Child Care Association's Ametz adoption program meets at the JCC in Manhattan to discuss " How to Adopt Domestically and Internationally, " 6 p.m. $15 for JCC members, $20 for non-members. (646) 505-5708 or visit Dinner in Paramus Jewish singles, 30-57, from the JCC on the Palisades in Tenafly meet for dinner at Bensi's Italian Restaurant in Paramus Park Mall, 7:30 p.m. The menu includes salad, pasta dish, choice of entrees including fish and pasta, coffee, and tea. Reservations required. $27 with payment by March 20, $30 at the door, includes tax and gratuity. Reservations, (201) 569-7900, ext. 435. thursday [march 22] Literature and drinks The JCC in Manhattan hosts a Lit Café in the JCC's Literary Café, 8 p.m. The monthly group includes guest authors, signings, and discussions. Free. (646) 505-5708 or visit sunday [march 25] Ski trip The Mosaic Outdoor Club hosts a ski trip to Banff and Lake Louise, Canada, through April 1. Information, e-mail ski Walk with Liz Jewish Singles on the Palisades, 50 and older, take a hike with Liz at Mountain Lakes in Morris County. Meet at 9:30 a.m. at the JCC on the Palisades in Tenafly or at 10:30 in the bus stop parking area on Lake Drive in Mountain Lakes. Wear comfortable shoes and bring water. Free. $4 carpool fee. Optional stop for lunch (at your own expense) after walk. Canceled if it rains. (201) 569-7900, ext. 460. Schmooze Singles, 40-57, schmooze with each other and talk with Elaine and Jeff at the JCC on the Palisades in Tenafly, 6 p.m. $4 for JCC members, $6 for non-members. (201) 569-7900, ext. 460. items directly above are from url directly above One of the biggest complaints heard from many women who attend some singles events is that there are far more women than men in attendance. One of the biggest complaints heard from many men who attend most science fiction events is that there are far more men in attendance than women. Most science fiction fans are male. Many science fiction fans in places like New Jersey are also Jewish. There are science fiction clubs in many places. In New Jersey many science fiction club attendees are single Jewish men. The SCIENCE FICTION ASSOCIATON OF BERGEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY is open to everyone regardless of marital status or background and is absolutely NOT a singles group nonetheless many single Jewish men attend its many functions. It has existed since 1984 c.e. and was founded by its director, Phil. The club holds a monthly meeting on the Second Saturday night of each month. The next monthly meeting of the SFABC Science Fiction Association of Bergen County, New Jersey is Saturday Night March 10th, 2007 . The speaker usually begins at about 8 p.m. on the Second Saturday night of each month, and there are usually some pre-meeting discussions starting around 6:30 p.m. on the Second Saturday night of each month. The monthly meetings usually last until about 10 p.m. or 11 p.m. after which many members usually adjourn to a nearby non-Kosher diner for socializing until around midnight or sometimes even later. The club has other events during the month also. call the club's founder and director Phil at 201 447-3652 for details about the SCIENCE FICTION ASSOCIATON OF BERGEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY and their many wonderful events. Please be sure to join NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_ FICTION_FANS- NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS/ We will be discussing Wandering Stars: An Anthology of Jewish Fantasy and Science Fiction by Jack Dann Wandering Stars ed. Jack M. Dann (Harper & Row, 1974, hc) • Why Me? • Isaac Asimov • in • On Venus, Have We Got a Rabbi • William Tenn • nv * • The Golem • Avram Davidson • ss F & SF Mar `55 • Unto the Fourth Generation • Isaac Asimov • ss F & SF Apr `59 • Look, You Think You've Got Troubles • Carol Carr • ss Orbit 5, ed. Damon Knight, G.P. Putnam's, 1969 • Goslin Day • Avram Davidson • ss Orbit 6, ed. Damon Knight, G.P. Putnam's, 1970 • The Dybbuk of Mazel Tov IV • Robert Silverberg • ss * • Trouble with Water • Horace L. Gold • ss Unknown Mar `39 • Gather Blue Roses • Pamela Sargent • ss F & SF Feb `72 • The Jewbird • Bernard Malamud • ss The Reporter Apr 11 `63 • Paradise Last • George Alec Effinger • nv * • Street of Dreams, Feet of Clay • Robert Sheckley • nv Galaxy Feb `68 • Jachid and Jechidah • Isaac Bashevis Singer • ss, 1961 • I'm Looking for Kadak • Harlan Ellison • nv * • Ellison's Grammatical Guide and Glossary for Goyim • Harlan Ellison • ms • Evise, the Zsouchmoid • Tim Kirk • il And : More Wandering Stars ed. Jack M. Dann (Doubleday, 1981, hc); An Anthology of Jewish Fantasy and Science Fiction • Introduction: The Hebrew Source • Isaac Asimov • in • Tauf Aleph • Phyllis Gotlieb • nv * • Leviticus: In the Ark • Barry N. Malzberg • ss Epoch, ed. Roger Elwood & Robert Silverberg, Berkley, 1975 • Warm, Dark Places • Horace L. Gold • ss Unknown Oct `40 • A Lamed Wufnik • Mel Gilden • ss F & SF Dec `75 • Isaiah • Barry N. Malzberg • ss Fantastic Sep `73 • Dress Rehearsal • Harvey Jacobs • ss F & SF Jul `74 • Forcing the End • Hugh Nissenson • ss In the Reign of Peace, 1969 • The Last Demon • Isaac Bashevis Singer; trans. by Martha Glicklich & Cecil Hemley • ss Short Friday, 1964 • The Mazel Tov Revolution • Joe W. Haldeman • ss Analog Sep `74 • The Scrolls • Woody Allen • ss The New Republic • The Pagan Rabbi • Cynthia Ozick • nv The Hudson Review, 1966 • The Celestial Orchestra • Howard Schwartz • ss, 1980 • Camps • Jack M. Dann • nv F & SF May `79 • Mom • Harlan Ellison • nv Silver Foxes Aug `76 • Disciples • Gardner R. Dozois • ss Penthouse Dec `81 at some upcoming NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS/ events Stay tuned for details of when and where these discussions will be held. We also hope that you will join NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS/ There is no charge to join NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS/ or to belong to NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS/ NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS or to attend any of its events. If you go to a restaurant you pay only for the food that you order plus tax and tip. You never pay NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS/ anything for any of its events. NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS/ Wants you! Our Science Fiction group is for everyone 21 or older regardless of background or marital status. Younger fans should find another group. Please introduce yourself when you join and periodically as new members keep joining. We plan to get together at restaurants and to go to movies. We will see them in movie theaters, and, if people are kind enough, on people's home VCRs, or DVD players, for the technologically advanced among us. Buy your own movie tickets. Buy your own meals at Restaurants. Hopefully a typical event would involve going to a Science Fiction Movie and then to a Restaurant to discuss the movie we just saw. Are you a single Science Fiction fan looking for a soulmate? Perhaps you will find that person here. This club is not a New Jersey singles group per se, and is open to anyone over 21, regardless of background or marital status, nonetheless, love is a good thing. In the parts of New Jersey where the science fiction clubs we know of operate there is also a very high percentage of Jewish residents. Many science fiction fans and science fiction writers and even science fiction stars, like Leonard Nimoy, (Mr. Spock), of Star Trek, and William Shatner (Captain Kirk), of Star Trek, also happen to be Jewish. Most science fiction fans I know are single men, and many of them, at least in places like New Jersey, are Jewish. Many science fiction fans in New Jersey also happen to be Jewish. Most science fiction fans are male. For the single Jewish woman in New Jersey joining a science fiction group may be the ideal way to find her ideal man. Unlike most singles events, which tend to be attended by more women than men,most science fiction events are attended by more men than women. If you happen to be Jewish, Single and over 21 Please state that you are Jewish, Single, 21 or over, when you apply to join the Jewish Singles at the websites the urls below will take you to JewishSinglesOfNJ/ JewishSinglesinNJforIsrael/ JewishSinglesFromEverywhere/ Phil, is the founder and director of 201 447-3652 The Science Fiction Association of Bergen County, New Jersey THE STARSHIP LOCAL (A note from me re the SFABC my experience with the SFABC has been that usually your first attendance at a monthly meeting is free if you are not a member of SFABC and after that you are asked to join and to pay $2 for each monthly meeting that you attend. SFABC has been holding monthly meetings on the 2nd Saturday night of each month since 1984 after the evening program the group usually adjourns to a nearby non-Kosher diner) please contact Phil, who is the founder and director of the SFABC regarding this post at (201) 447 - 3652 not me thanks THE STARSHIP LOCAL THE STARSHIP LOCAL A NEWSLETTER OF THE SCIENCE FICTION ASSOCIATION OF BERGEN COUNTY NEW JERSEY is excerpted from below: 136 MANHATTAN AVENUE WALDWICK, NJ 07463 PHONE: (201) 447 - 3652 MARCH MEETING PREVIEW: 6:15 PM: SAMAURI CHAMPLOO (Animation Associates) 6:30 PM: Currently Cool (Ice Nine) 8:00 PM: Artist WILLIAM O'CONNOR You are invited to join us for an evening of science fiction on Saturday, March 10, 2007 at the meeting of the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County. The gathering will be held at the Saddle River Valley Center Cultural Center, 307 West Saddle River Road, Upper Saddle River, Bergen County, New Jersey. Directions appear on page two. PRE MEETING ACTIVITIES: After a month of showing British cartoons, our Animation Associates return to Japanimation with a screening of SAMAURI CHAMPLOO. Show up at 6:15 PM to see what this show is all about. If anime does not strike your fancy, you can join the Currently Cool meeting of Ice Nine at 6:30 PM. Last month's gathering focused mostly on movies. The month before, mostly comics. You can never tell where this discussion will go. Read a good book? Seen a fun show? Watched a scary movie? Come and share your thoughts with the group! ARTIST WILLIAM O'CONNOR: Our guest is science fiction illustrator William O'Connor. Mr O'Connor has studied aspects of art and web design at Parsons, The School of Visual Arts, and other institutions. His work has graced books and cards by Doubleday, HarperPrism, Del Rey, White Wolf, TSR, and other publishers, as well as working on illustrated editions of ORLANDO FURIOSO and 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA. His website is ABOUT THE ASSOCIATION: The S F A B C meets on the second Saturday of the month and features talks, slide shows and other presentations by people in the science fiction, fantasy, horror and related fields. The Association sponsors a number of special interest groups, focusing on different aspects of science fiction and related matters, including activities devoted to books, movies, televison, animation, horror and other events. We also produce a monthly newsletter listing talks, conventions, discussion groups and other activities of interest to poeple who enjoy science fiction and related areas. We invite you to contact us through our website: Reminder: The Association's General meeting will be held on Saturday, March 10, 2007. Artist William O'Connor will be our guest. The meeting will be at the Cultural Center in Upper Saddle River , New Jersey . Thanks, PHIL THE STARSHIP LOCAL A NEWSLETTER OF THE SCIENCE FICTION ASSOCIATION OF BERGEN COUNTY NEW JERSEY is excerpted from below: 136 MANHATTAN AVENUE WALDWICK, NJ 07463 PHONE: (201) 447 - 3652 MARCH MEETING PREVIEW: 6:15 PM: SAMAURI CHAMPLOO (Animation Associates) 6:30 PM: Currently Cool (Ice Nine) 8:00 PM: Artist WILLIAM O'CONNOR You are invited to join us for an evening of science fiction on Saturday, March 10, 2007 at the meeting of the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County. The gathering will be held at the Saddle River Valley Center Cultural Center, 307 West Saddle River Road, Upper Saddle River, Bergen County, New Jersey. Directions appear on page two. PRE MEETING ACTIVITIES: After a month of showing British cartoons, our Animation Associates return to Japanimation with a screening of SAMAURI CHAMPLOO. Show up at 6:15 PM to see what this show is all about. If anime does not strike your fancy, you can join the Currently Cool meeting of Ice Nine at 6:30 PM. Last month's gathering focused mostly on movies. The month before, mostly comics. You can never tell where this discussion will go. Read a good book? Seen a fun show? Watched a scary movie? Come and share your thoughts with the group! ARTIST WILLIAM O'CONNOR: Our guest is science fiction illustrator William O'Connor. Mr O'Connor has studied aspects of art and web design at Parsons, The School of Visual Arts, and other institutions. His work has graced books and cards by Doubleday, HarperPrism, Del Rey, White Wolf, TSR, and other publishers, as well as working on illustrated editions of ORLANDO FURIOSO and 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA. His website is ABOUT THE ASSOCIATION: The S F A B C meets on the second Saturday of the month and features talks, slide shows and other presentations by people in the science fiction, fantasy, horror and related fields. The Association sponsors a number of special interest groups, focusing on different aspects of science fiction and related matters, including activities devoted to books, movies, televison, animation, horror and other events. We also produce a monthly newsletter listing talks, conventions, discussion groups and other activities of interest to poeple who enjoy science fiction and related areas. We invite you to contact us through our website: ################################################################# THE STARSHIP LOCAL Volume 5, Number 3 Philip J De Parto THE STARSHIP LOCAL is the monthly meeting notice of the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County. It is designed to communicate basic information about the activities of the organization to devotees of fantasy, horror and science fiction. All material by Philip J De Parto unless otherwise acknowledged. We also publish a more extensive monthly newsletter, THE STARSHIP EXPRESS, for members of the organization. If you are not a member and would like to receive the EXPRESS, mail a check for $ 8.00 for the electronic version or $ 12.00 for the print version. Checks should be made payable to Philip J De Parto, 136 Manhattan Avenue, Waldwick, New Jersey 07463. 1 Directions to meeting site: Saddle River Valley Cultural Center 305 West Saddle River Upper Saddle River Bergen County, New Jersey The Cultural Center looks like (but is not)a classic little white church, steeple and all. The parking lot is not too large, but it's okay to use the much bigger lot of the Methodist Church diagonally across the street. Important Note: The Cultural Center is on WEST Saddle River Road. One block further over is EAST Saddle River Road. Unlike streets in New York, East does not turn into West. The roads are on opposite banks of the Saddle River which is nothing more than a stream at this point. FROM ROUTE 17 NORTHBOUND: Exit ROUTE 17 NORTH at the sign which reads SADDLE RIVER / WOODCLIFF LAKE. (This is the exit after Sheridan Avenue, Ho Ho Kus.) This exit puts you onto EAST ALLENDALE AVENUE heading East. Stay on road for about 1/2 mile and turn left at the first traffic light onto WEST SADDLE RIVER ROAD. Drive north for 1-3/4 miles. Shortly after passing a brick Catholic Church, the Church of the Presentation, on your left hand side you cross into Upper Saddle River. The Cultural Center is on your left hand side. If you come to a traffic light you have slightly overshot and hit LAKE STREET. Note: You will see a sign marked WEST SADDLE RIVER ROAD on Route 17 northbound well to the south of where you have been told to leave 17. If you take this exit, you will eventually get where you want to be, but it will take you a lot longer to get there. FROM ROUTE 17 SOUTHBOUND: Exit ROUTE 17 SOUTH at SADDLE RIVER / WOODCLIFF LAKE exit. This puts you onto EAST ALLENDALE ROAD heading East. You drive under the highway. Then follow the directions from Route 17 Northbound. Note: This way takes you a little bit longer than the exit for UPPER SADDLE RIVER, but it spares you making hairpin turns on steep hills at night in bad weather on an unfamiliar road. FROM THE GARDEN STATE PARKWAY NORTHBOUND: Take Exit 172, GRAND AVENUE, MONTVALE. (This is the last exit in New Jersey and is just past the Montvale Service Area). Turn left at the exit ramp and head west on GRAND AVENUE. There are a lot of small towns in this area, and the road that you're on will keep changing its name. At different points it is called GRAND AVENUE, MONTVALE ROAD, RAMSEY ROAD and LAKE STREET. At the second traffic light you will be at the intersection of LAKE STREET and EAST SADDLE RIVER ROAD. It has two landmarks that anyone in the area will know about: a 7-11 type store called Elmers and a Texaco station. Keep driving west. Do not turn. Turn left at the next traffic light onto WEST SADDLE RIVER ROAD. The Cultural Center is 1/10 of a mile down the road on your right. FROM ROCKLAND COUNTY VIA ROUTE 59: Follow ROUTE 59 until you come to Norris Pontiac in Monsey and turn south at the traffic light unto ROUTE 306. This road is also called EAST SADDLE RIVER ROAD. Head south towards New Jersey. (Note: Although the maps show this road as Route 306, and that's what everyone calls it, after you make the turn, the sign reads ROUTE 73. Don't ask me to explain it.) Stay on ROUTE 306 for 2.3 miles Note that there is a long stretch between the first and second traffic lights. Turn right at the second traffic light which is the intersection of EAST SADDLE RIVER ROAD and LAKE STREET. A Texaco station and Elmers are at this corner. Proceed west and turn left at the next traffic light onto WEST SADDLE RIVER ROAD. The Cultural Center is 1/10 of a mile down the road on your right. 2 ASSOCIATION ACTIVITIES AT A GLANCE: Please note that we maintain separate email reminder lists for all of the monthly activities of the Association. If you would like to be added to any or all of these lists, please contact the Association. ............................MARCH 2007 03/10/07....Saturday....Animation Associates: SAMAURI CHAMPLOO. .........................Cultural Center, 6:15 PM. .........................Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. 03/10/07....Saturday....Ice Nine: Currently Cool. .........................Cultural Center, 6:30 PM. .........................Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. 03/10/07....Saturday....General Meeting: Artist William O'Connor. .........................Cultural Center, 8:00 PM. .........................Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. 03/11/07......Sunday....Electronic Writers' Workshop. .........................Herr Residence, 4:00 PM. .........................Caldwell, New Jersey. 03/14/07...Wednesday....That's SF2!: BIG FISH. .........................Webber/De Parto Residence, 7:30 PM. .........................Waldwick, New Jersey. 03/17/07....Saturday....Special Activity: Lunacon SF Convention. .........................Rye Town Hilton Hotel .........................Rye Brook, New York. 03/20/07.....Tuesday....Topic: Old Age. .........................Borders Books, 8:00 PM. .........................Wayne, New Jersey. 03/30/07...Wednesday....Month End Book: OLD MAN'S WAR by Scalzi. .........................Paramus Park Food Court, 7:30 PM. .........................Paramus, New Jersey. This next item is from: If you join the CAMERA email team you will get alerts like the one below " Please forward this alert to friends and family who care about fair and factual reporting about Israel and the Middle East. Shalom CAMERA Email Team: Please forward this alert to friends and family who care about fair and factual reporting about Israel and the Middle East. Shalom CAMERA E-Mail Team: Coddling Carter: ABC's George Stephanopoulis Opts for Softball Interview As Jimmy Carter's error-ridden Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid continued on the New York Times bestseller list for the 13th week, ABC's George Stephanopoulos sat down with the former president on February 25 for a wide-ranging interview (excerpts below of Israel- related section). Despite the many articles and critiques available enumerating factual errors in the book, the ABC host who often raises challenging questions for guests, touched only superficially on two items, didn't follow up and omitted many other possible topics. He mentioned one ill-worded passage in Carter's book and posed a non- specific query about critics saying Carter had " hardened " his heart toward Israel. Otherwise, Carter enjoyed another high-profile forum to peddle distortions. ** Carter countered the question about his hardened heart by saying most Israelis and American Jews " agree with me that Israel must exchange Palestinian land for peace " -- as though Israel hadn't tried to make an " exchange " of land for peace. Carter routinely distorts the facts about both Israel's unprecedented offer in 2000/2001 and the response by Arafat and his forces -- a war of terror. Onus and responsibility are laid instead on Israel. Most Israelis and American Jews have, of course, long been prepared for a territorial compromise but they surely do not " agree " with Carter's deceptions. Stephanopoulos could have said: " Mr. President, didn't Israel try to exchange land for peace in 2000? In fact, isn't this in a section of your book challenged by Dennis Ross and others who were present at Camp David? They say you've seriously misrepresented the far- reaching offer made by Israel. " Nor do most Israelis and Jews automatically term all the area of the West Bank " Palestinian land " as Carter does in virtually every reference to the territory. Such mischaracterization is connected to his bending of facts related to UN Security Council Resolution 242 whose drafters repeatedly and explicitly made clear that the intent of this key diplomatic guidepost was to permit territorial adjustments to safeguard Israel. That is to say, what's " Palestinian land " and " Israeli land " are yet to be fully determined. ** Carter also charges that " it's almost politically suicidal in the United States for a member of the Congress who wants to seek reelection to take any stand that might be interpreted as anti- policy of the conservative Israeli government, which is equated, as I've seen it myself, as anti-Semitism. " Stephanopoulos could have said: " Mr. President, Holocaust scholar Deborah Lipstadt has termed these repeated references to alleged Jewish intimidation and power 'traditional anti-Semitic canards.' Are you aware of anti-Semitic libels that Jews control the levers of power? Can you see why some people might find your comments surprising and objectionable? " ** Stephanopoulos could have asked numerous other substantive questions - departing from the well-trod path of other interviewers who've also given Carter a pass. To see numerous articles about Carter's book and interviews, click here. ACTION ITEMS * Contact ABC's This Week and Stephanopoulos to urge he pose substantive, specific questions of Carter in the future and follow up to assure direct answers are given. Urge ABC to interview another guest as counterpoint to Carter, someone to be given equal time to answer his distortions and errors. The prestige of the office of president lends particular weight and ABC owes viewers an alternative -- accurate -- perspective on Carter's claims. thisweek ABCNews, 7 WEST 66th Street, New York, NY 10023. * Send CAMERA a blind copy (bcc) of your letter: letters letters AT The relevant excerpts from the interview are below. With thanks, Andrea Levin Executive Director CAMERA Excerpts from the interview: --- ----------- This Week Feb. 25, 2007 Stephanopoulos: ... You've also been involved in some controversy lately. I see you're smiling. Your latest book has probably gotten you the most intense personal criticism of your career. Carter: Yes, of my life. Stephanopoulos: Of your life? Carter: Yes. Well, you know, I've never before been called a liar or an. Stephanopoulos: Anti-Semite. Carter: . an anti-Semite or a plagiarist or a thief or a coward. These personal epithets against me have been a surprise. Stephanopoulos: Do you regret writing the book? Carter: No. The book is necessary. I think this book will make a major - a little step, I don't want to exaggerate - toward, first of all, precipitating a debate or an open discussion about what's going on in Palestine. Secondly, I hope it will be a little factor in renewing the abandoned effort to bring about a peace agreement between Israel and its neighbors. . Stephanopoulos: How do you respond to your critics who say that the book demonstrates that you've hardened your heart to Israel ? Carter: First of all, my honest opinion is that a strong majority of Israelis agree with me. Secondly, I believe a clear majority of American Jewish citizens agree with me that Israel must exchange Palestinian land for peace. If I have had one burning desire in my heart and mind for the last 30 years, I would put peace for Israel at the top of the list.. And commensurate with that has to be justice and human rights for the Palestinians next door. And I believe this book accurately describes what's going on in the West Bank and I believe it will contribute to accomplishing that goal. . Stephanopoulos: I know one part of the book you do regret is one sentence where you seem to say that the Palestinians should give up violence only when. Carter: I didn't use " only, " but I did say " when. " Stephanopoulos: " When, " yes. Carter: That was a mistake. Obviously, it was - you know, I write every word of my book. I don't have any ghost writers. And I wrote that sentence. And it slipped by, you know, the copy editors at Simon and Schuster and it slipped by me. And I didn't realize that that sentence implied that I wanted to see atrocities committed and terrorism continued until after we get a permanent agreement. That's ridiculous because it's in direct contravention to everything else that I said in the book. But that sentence has been corrected. Stephanopoulos: I was at the forum, last night, with Secretary Albright. And you were very blunt when you were asked. Question: WITH THE NEW DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS DO YOU BELIEVE THE US WILL BE MORE ABLE TO ACHIEVE PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST? Carter: NO. Carter: I don't see any present prospect that any member of the U.S. Congress, the House or Senate, would say, " Let's take a balanced position between Israel and the Palestinians and negotiate a peace agreement. " I don't see any possibility. Stephanopoulos: No member? Carter: I don't know of any. There may be two or three members. Because it's almost politically suicidal in the United States for a member of the Congress who wants to seek reelection to take any stand that might be interpreted as anti- policy of the conservative Israeli government, which is equated, as I've seen it myself, as anti-Semitism. And one reason I wrote the book was just to precipitate a discussion or a debate or question. And I think. Stephanopoulos: Well, you have gotten that, certainly. Carter: That has been accomplished. Stephanopoulos: No question about that. Of course, the whole country is also talking about Iraq. ***************************************************** To to CAMERA's E-Mail Team alerts, send a note with your name, address, email, telephone number and how you heard about the alerts to leegreen leegreen AT Please forward this alert to friends and family who care about fair and factual reporting about Israel and the Middle East. Shalom CAMERA E-Mail Team: You can read more about people who bring terrible shame to the political parties they are associated with, including Jimmy Carter, and James Baker, and other enemies of Israel, and of the Jewish people, at the pro-Israel on line groups listed below. Just type in Carter or Baker or the name of any other such enemy of Israel and of the Jewish people in the message search feature at those groups. You do not have to be single to join : OperationCSPAN/ Post message: OperationCSPAN Subscribe: OperationCSPAN- Help to counter anti-Israel, anti-Semitic callers to CSPAN programs such as Washington Journal, by making your own pro- Israel, pro-Jewish, pro-Zionist, calls to those same CSPAN programs. Please also do your part to help Israel by joining pro-Israel groups both on line and in real life. Some pro-Israel on line groups are listed below: IsraelAndAmericaTogetherForVictory/ Post message: IsraelAndAmericaTogetherForVictory Subscribe: IsraelAndAmericaTogetherForVictory- IsraelMustLive/ Post message: IsraelMustLive Subscribe: IsraelMustLive- IsraelNowAndForever / Post message: IsraelNowAndForever Subscribe: IsraelNowAndForever- IsraelTheBestFriendAmericaHas/ Post message: IsraelTheBestFriendAmericaHas Subscribe: IsraelTheBestFriendAmericaHas- OperationCSPAN/ Post message: OperationCSPAN Subscribe: OperationCSPAN- c-span, also known as C-SPAN provides much valuable information. However, we are distressed that programs like Washington Journal on c-span seem to provide a forum for anti-Semites and enemies of Israel and the Jewish people in general who seem to not only call into that t.v. show, but get through, and get on the air, where they are seldom interupted or cut off by the show's moderators. We feel that a 2 minute delay could enable the show's moderators to screen out the anti-Semites and enemies of Israel and the Jewish people, however no such 2 minute delay seems to be in place. Moreover the moderators of that show and others do not seem to be of a mind to cut off the anti- Semites and other enemies of Israel and the Jewish people in general who regularly call into that show and others on c-span. We have therefore created this in the hopes that members of the group will become regular viewers of c-span and will call in regularly to Washington Journal and other c-span call in t.v. shows, to support Israel and the Jewish people and to counter the anti-Semites and other enemies of Israel and the Jewish people whose calls are regularly aired on c-span. We also hope that members of our will contact their U.S. Senators and members of Congress and President Bush at to see what can be done about the situation at c-span. PeopleForIsrael/ Post message: PeopleForIsrael Subscribe: PeopleForIsrael- PeopleWhoSupportIsrael/ Post message: PeopleWhoSupportIsrael Subscribe: PeopleWhoSupportIsrael- WeAreForIsrael/ Post message: WeAreForIsrael Subscribe: WeAreForIsrael- WeStandUpForIsrael/ Post message: WeStandUpForIsrael Subscribe: WeStandUpForIsrael- AmericansForIsrael/ Post message: AmericansForIsrael Subscribe: AmericansForIsrael- If you know of other pro-Israel on line groups and/or pro-Israel groups that meet in real life please post the information about them. We highly recommend " the Jewish community's leading response to the multi-million dollar efforts of cults and evangelical " (Xtians) " who target Jews for conversion. " (Meshugeneh means crazy in Yiddish (so-called Messy an eck Jews, they spell it somewhat differently, are not really Jews, they are Xtians pretending to be Jews to convert Jews to their Xtian religion.) There are many avenues for Jewish activism. Support of Israel, Support of the Jewish people, Opposition to anti-Semitism, to name a few. We believe that it is vital for Jewish survival that single Jews meet other single Jews, marry one another, and raise their children as Jews. Because there is a hole in our calendar from Friday night to Saturday night during which many single Jews go to non-Jewish singles events, meet non-Jews, marry non-Jews, and have children from those marriages who are not raised as Jews, the Jewish people faces a very severe problem. We urge everyone who reads this to contact his or her Rabbi and demand that his or her Rabbi hold regular Jewish singles Onegs on Friday nights. We feel that it is vitally important that single Jews go to Jewish singles events and meet other Jewish singles at those events. If you know anyone who happens to be Jewish who is hosting a singles event please ask him or her to consider hosting events just for Jewish singles. We also offer the opportunity at our on line Jewish singles groups to post your Jewish singles introductions and to respond to other Jewish singles introductions. Please do so regularly. Please state that you are Jewish, single and over 21 in your introductions at our on line Jewish singles groups. Please state that you are Jewish, Single, 21 or over, when you apply to join the Jewish Singles at the websites the urls below will take you to JewishSinglesOfNJ/ JewishSinglesinNJforIsrael/ JewishSinglesFromEverywhere/ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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