Guest guest Posted June 30, 2007 Report Share Posted June 30, 2007 Vegan Animal Rights Environmental Feminist World Hunger Activism Campaign is really very simple. Get the average person to stop eating animals and animal products and you can produce a world in which vast numbers of animals are no longer created to satsify the demand for animal centered diets. You can help to save the environment, help people to expand their consciousness about oppression as they end their oppression of animals for food they may end their oppressions of one another and help to create a world in which men and women are equals and food is grown for people not for so called-food animals. You can even cut the funding to petroleum exporting state sponsors of terror by eliminating high energy requiring animal centered diets. By doing so you can stop those who seek to reverse the progress earth has made in attaining women's rights as it is those same petroleum exporting state sponsors of terror who seek to see women confined to their homes as they were under the Taliban, with so-called " morality police " in the streets whipping any unescorted women they found outside their homes. You can emulate PETA's alleged takeover of an old anti-vivisection group by joining environmental and other groups and turning them into vegan advocacy organizations. is the url for Cool Cities Across America All over America, communities are taking action to help solve global warming. From hybrid vehicle fleets in Charlotte, to green buildings in Austin, and homes powered with renewable energy in Seattle, local governments are moving forward with innovative energy solutions that curb global warming, save taxpayer dollars, and create healthier cities. At a time when the federal government is failing to act, these local leaders are moving America toward a safer and more secure future. So what is a Cool City? These are cities that have made a commitment to stopping global warming by signing the U.S. Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement. The Cool Cities campaign helps cities turn their commitments into action by pushing for smart energy solutions. To find out whether you live in a Cool City, click on your state or search by your city. To get involved with a Cool Cities campaign in your city, network with citizens taking action nationwide, and gain access to campaign resources you can click on the following url: I hope that everyone who can will get involved with that campaign. Imagine a world in which Cool Cities pledged not to buy animal products with their city budgets. Imagine a world in which Cool Cities taught their citizens, including their school children how to become vegans and why they should become vegans and stopped feeding animal products to their citizens including their school children. You can help to make that happen if you get involved and talk to and write and call your local city and town and village officials. Imagine the impact vegans and animal rights people could have if they packed every one of the upcoming live earth parties and turned them into discussion groups on how veganism can help to stop global warming and more. Did you know that to get the amount of energy your body will receive from a can of corn requires about 77 calories of energy input. To get the same amount of energy for your body from steak would require about 21,000 calories of energy input. Every penny you put into the hands of certain petroleum exporting countries whose names are known to everyone puts more arms, including weapons of mass destruction they seek to build, buy, or steal, in the hands of those nations and the terrorist gangs they support whose members seek to destroy America, Israel, and the rest of the civilized world. You can fight back against terrorism and the state sponsors of terrorism that gain their revenues from exporting petroleum by eating directly rather than through animals. Frances Moore Lappe's classic 1970s era book: DIET FOR A SMALL PLANET told us all that it takes on average about 8 to 10 pounds of protein input fed to animals to get one pound of animal protein on the plate. If you are talking about steak it takes 21 pounds of protein fed to animals to get 1 pound of steak protein on the plate. 86% of corn, oats and barley, 90% of non-exported soybeans grown in America have for decades been fed to animals rather than grown for and fed to human beings. Whether you support the struggle against world hunger or the struggle against petroleum exporting state sponsors of terrorism eating low on the food chain helps to make it possible to feed human beings directly and helps take money out of the hands of petroleum exporting state sponsors of terror. Vast numbers of so called " food animals " are raised to satsify demand for animals as food. All of those so-called " food animals " compete with humans for land, food, water and oxygen. The very air we breathe is at stake, as is our planet and all of the life on it. So called " food animals " all produce carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, and other deadly greenhouse gases, contributing to global warming and the Greenhouse Effect. The United Nations FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization's study on this subject makes the message clear. " Meat Contributes to Climate Change, UN Study Confirms by Megan Tady Dec. 7, 2006 – The typical American diet adds significantly to pollution, water scarcity, land degradation and climate change, according to a United Nations report released last week. Written by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO),the report is the latest research linking meat-eating with environmental destruction. According to the FAO, the arm of the UN that works on worldwide hunger-defeating initiatives, animal farming presents a " major threat to the environment " with such " deep and wide- ranging " impacts that it should rank as a leading focus for environmental policy. The report calls the livestock sector a " major player " in affecting climate change through greenhouse-gas production. The FAO found that the ranching and slaughter of cows and other animals generates an estimated 18 percent of total human-induced greenhouse-gas emissions globally. Greenhouse gases – such as methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide – are linked to global warming. Livestock emit methane and other greenhouse gasses through excrement and belching. The FAO estimates that cow manure and flatulence generate 30 to 40 percent of total methane emissions from human- influenced activities. As demand for meat grows, the report explains, so does the need for pasture and cropland, making deforestation an additional concern; currently, according to the report, the livestock sector occupies 30 percent of ice-free land on the planet. Extensive grazing also takes a toll on arable land. The livestock sector also contributes to water depletion; currently, the livestock sector accounts for 8 percent of human water use globally. Animal wastes, antibiotics and hormones, as well as chemicals from tanneries and pesticides from feed crops, also contaminate water supplies. Henning Steinfeld, an author of the report, said in a press statement that " urgent action is required to remedy the situation. " While the report gives a global picture of meat production, sustainable-food advocates say the US is leading the world in harmful meat-eating habits and industry practices. From 2000 to 2002, consumers in the United States ate on average approximately 38.5 million tons of meat per year, second only to China, according to the FAO analysis. In those same years, the United Kingdom consumed nearly 5 million tons of meat each year, Brazil nearly 15.5 million tons and Uganda 308,647 tons. North America had one of the highest methane emissions from livestock manure management in the world in 2004, according to the report. Methane is more readily produced when manure is managed in a liquid form, such as in holding tanks or lagoons commonly used in North America. Additionally, the US is a leader in CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels in the manufacture of nitrogen fertilizer used to grow food for livestock.... Dawn Moncrief, director of ... a national food-education organization, said that not only are US consumers harming the environment through their appetite for meat, but American food choices are being exported to other countries. " [The US sets] the example, which a lot of the world is trying to follow, " Moncrief told TNS. " [Meat consumption is] partly being exported by our corporate interests who are pushing it as a lifestyle because they're making money in it. " Often serving as a status symbol, meat is becoming a staple in diets of countries that, prior to industrialization and Western cultural influence, ate far fewer animal products. According to FAO, world meat production is expected to double by 2050. In March 2006, the Department of Geophysical Sciences at the University of Chicago released a study that compared the differences in greenhouse-gas emissions caused by various plant- and meat-based diets. Researchers found that the difference between a red-meat diet and a vegan diet – in terms of greenhouse-gas emissions – equaled the difference between driving a sedan and driving a sport-utility vehicle. " These results clearly demonstrate the primary effect of one's dietary choices on one's planetary footprint, an effect comparable in magnitude to the car one chooses to drive, " the report concluded. Despite such alarming findings, the FAO report stopped short of suggesting more people adopt plant-based diets; instead it advocated for technological solutions and changes in farming policies. " It's not like [the UN is] going to advocate a vegan diet, but they could say, 'A plant-based diet would get you [closer to sustainability], " Moncreif said. Among the remedies, the UN suggested investing technology that already exists, including soil-conservation methods, feeding methods that reduce livestock's gas emissions, and improved irrigation and manure management systems. Adopting these changes " with a sense of urgency, " wrote the FAO, can " make a very significant contribution to reducing and reversing environmental damage. " The report also noted the economic importance of the livestock sector to global populations; work with livestock contributes 40 percent of global agriculture Gross Domestic Product and employs 1.3 billion people worldwide. But Moncrief said simply altering agriculture practices without changing consumers' food consciousness and habits will not lead to true sustainability, in terms of either environmental health or feeding the growing population. " They talk about the problems, but then they refuse to advocate a reduction of meat as part of the solution, " Moncrief said. " We just think we're going to be able to outsmart our way out of this. " Moncrief said educating consumers about their food choices is essential. " We need to get organizations who are working on food-policy issues, like the UN and the USDA, to at least come out and say, 'Here are the health benefits, here are the environmental benefits' " to reducing meat consumption, Moncrief said. " If we could get these governmental and quasi-governmental agencies to come out and say it, that would be a good first step. " Gidon Eshel, assistant professor of physical oceanography and climate and co-author of the University of Chicago report, echoed Moncrief's concern. Eshel told TNS: " It is probably not a bad idea to suggest unambiguously that if more people used less animal products in their diet than they do today, we [would] be able to sustain a larger number of people on earth for an indefinite period of time, or afford those who are here a better lifestyle. " Local Solutions to Global Environmental Threats Tuesday July 10 at 7 pm A note from me regarding the posts below from Walter Clarke essexsierra_pr essexsierra_pr AT and from Walter Goldenbaum goldenb1 goldenb1 AT At events I have gone to of the group below Snacks and refreshments were included free. And the events were FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC. On one occasion that I can recall the group went out to eat after the event. The restaurant they chose was one that I could obtain totally vegetarian (vegan) food at. I happen to be on a totally vegetarian diet, eating no animal products myself. I believe that an individual answer to environmental threats requires that everyone go on and stay on a totally vegetarian diet. How do you feel about that? If you have any questions regarding the event in the posts below from either Walter please email the Walter whose post you are asking about directly. Directions: Rt. 280 E or W to Exit 4A- This will put you South on Eisenhower Parkway. Make a Right at the first light onto Eagle Rock Ave. The Center is 1/2 mile on the left. Parking before the building and across the street in the large lot. the post below is from: Walter Clarke essexsierra_pr essexsierra_pr AT If you have any questions regarding it please contact Walter about it, not me. The Sierra Club, Essex Group, invites you to join them as they present the program: Local Solutions to Global Environmental Threats Tuesday, July 10th, at 7 p.m. at the Essex County Environmental Center (621B Eagle Rock Ave. Roseland, NJ) Join Patrick Hossay, Richard Stockton University Professor, as he briefly outlines the nature of climate change and discusses what we can do to help address this crisis. Professor Hossay, an authority on sustainable development, will discuss " green " lifestyle choices as well as international, national and local initiatives that will help YOU make a difference. Snacks and refreshments included. Free and Open to the Public For more information, call 973-228-8776 Walter Clarke Sierra Club – Essex County Group Publicity Chair essexsierra_pr essexsierra_pr AT NJ-ESSEX-NEWS List Info & Archives: Sign up to receive NJ Sierra Action Network Alerts & Updates. Sent out several times a month, it features the Club's latest alerts, news and activities. Subscribe and view recent posts at: The post below is from: Walter Goldenbaum goldenb1 goldenb1 AT The Sierra Club, Essex Group, invites you to join them as they present the program: Local Solutions to Global Environmental Threats Tuesday, July 10, 7pm at the Essex County Environmental Center (621B Eagle Rock Ave. Roseland, NJ) Join Patrick Hossay, Richard Stockton University Professor, as he briefly outlines the nature of climate change and discusses what we can do to help address this crisis. Professor Hossay, an authority on sustainable development, will discuss " green " lifestyle choices as well as international, national and local initiatives that will help YOU make a difference. Snacks and refreshments included. Free and Open to the Public For more information, call 973-228-8776 Directions: Rt. 280 E or W to Exit 4A. This will put you on Eisenhower Parkway Make a Right at the first light onto Eagle Rock Ave. The Center is 1/2 mile on the left. Plenty of parking before the building. " now for a moment from history The New England Anti-Vivisection Society (NEAVS) " On March 20, 1989, Forbes reported: PETA aggressively runs slates of its own people in board elections of rival rights groups. Latest is the successful 1987 " takeover " of the Boston-based New England Anti-Vivisection Society (fund balance, $8 million). The century-old group officially still operates independently, but in reality PETA vegans and allies now control the Society and its spending. " " An April 10, 1987 Boston Globe article explained how PETA did it: The wife of Gary Francione, a PETA executive and a Pennsylvania attorney, walked into the Anti-Vivisection Society's Boston headquarters a few months ago and purchased 300 voting memberships for $3000 in cash. A surge of several hundred applications for voting memberships arrived at the headquarters in bulk March 31. PETA set up the Action Campaign Fund to subsidize or pay full air fare to Boston for an unspecified number of voting activists. And the Boston Herald wrote on April 30, 1987 that Ingrid Newkirk: … sought to fill four open board of directors' seats and four officer's positions with a slate of PETA members and friends. Some locals claimed the election was " stacked " by PETA, who bankrolled the busing of new members to the Boston election meeting from New York, Washington, New Jersey, and New Mexico. Along with PETA founders Ingrid Newkirk and Alex Pacheco, PETA's candidates for NEAVS board membership included Neal Barnard himself. Barnard even co-signed letters with Newkirk and Pacheco, urging NEAVS members to vote for the PETA slate. In 1987, Barnard was elected to NEAVS' board. He and Newkirk remained there for ten years. " Using an animal centered diet requires vast amounts of food grown as feed for animals, of water, or energy, or land, or petroleum based pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, etc. By contrast a vegan, totally vegetarian diet requires far less of all of the above. Will vegans and other vegetarians join with those who want to see petroleum exporting state sponsors of terror lose the revenues they get from the energy used to produce animal centered diets, and with others who support animal rights, the environment, the struggle against world hunger, etc. emulate PETA's alleged tactics describe above by moving to take over environmental and other groups and go beyond those alleged tactics by turning those environmental and other groups into vegetarian and vegan advocacy groups? While I do not agree with everything PETA has ever done I strongly support the PETA call for former Vice President Gore to become a vegan. It would not only be an enormous boost to Al Gore's credibility on Global Warming if he started to walk the talk, it would probably add years to his life as it took inches off his waistline and pounds off his frame. " March 8, 2007 at 8:22 pm · Filed under News, Global Warming, Greenhouse Gases, Al Gore, An Inconvenient Truth, Methane, Cows, Channel 4, PETA This is not " pick on Al Gore week " for me…I swear, but the article I found today combined some of my favorite topics: Al Gore, extremism, and cow flatulence! Apparently PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has sent correspondence to the former Vice President imploring him to " go veggie " ! The global warming tie-in? Well, at the heart of the argument is that raising cattle for human consumption produces " more greenhouse gases than all of the cars and trucks in the world combined. " This is actual fact, people, like it or not. PETA also maintains that Gore's film, An Inconvenient Truth " has failed to address the fact that the meat industry is the largest contributor to greenhouse-gas emissions. " Also in the letter to Gore, Peta asserted that " Researchers at the University of Chicago have determined that switching to a vegan diet is more effective in countering global warming than switching from a standard American car to a Toyota Prius. " That wouldn't make Toyota very happy. So, if greenhouse gases are where it's at, and we know it is for Mr. Gore, he might take a bit of advice from our friends at PETA and have a veggie burger next time he cooks up a meal in that energy- hogging mansion he resides in. " SOURCE FOR ITEM EXCERPTED FROM IMMEDIATELY ABOVE: Al Gore ignores eating meat global warming Glenn Beck on how Al gore is a hypocrite I used to be very impressed by Al Gore. I share his views on the Greenhouse Effect but I do not believe that he goes far enough. Animals, like humans, consume oxygen and produce Greenhouse Gases like carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, etc. Read the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization FAO report on livestock's footprint and the Greenhouse Effect. Al Gore should, as PETA, a group I differ with on many issues, but not this one: should become a vegan, a total vegetarian, eating no animal products. If Al Gore did that he would really be walking the talk. Beyond this horrid flaw of omission, regarding veganism, total vegetarianism, Al Gore's film " AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH " is flawed in another way. Gore says in the film that there are other things to do in addition to fighting terrorism. Most, not all, but most, terrorism is funded by some member states of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC. The more petroleum based products you use, whether for your car, or for your diet, the more you contribute to the funding of terrorism. It is not only the consumption of the dope sold by terrorists which contributes to terrorism. And yes, you should stop using dope if you are using it to help fight terrorism, and to help your mind and body and the rest of the universe for that matter. Hedonism is not good for you or for any living being. To get a pound of steak protein on your plate 21 pounds of feed grain protein: corn, oats, barley, soy, wheat, etc. etc. etc. are used to fatten that castrated bull called a steer that you eat. On average it takes about 8 to 10 pounds of feed protein fed to so called food animals to get 1 pound of animal protein on your plate. Lots of that is very high energy intensive production using lots of petroleum based fertilizers, pesticides,herbicides, etc. Not to mention vast quantities of water used by the animals and used to irrigate the crops fed to animals. The USA feeds almost all of the the soybeans corn oats and barley it grows to animals rather than to hungry people. Food animals are competitors with humans for oxygen, water, land, energy, and life itself. 40% of the world's oxygen is produced by the tiny plant plankton called phytoplantkon in the oceans. These phytoplantkton live with krill, a fish plankton,in a very fragile ecosystem. These days krill are being used as animal feed and pet food. As the krill vanish so will the phytoplankton that produce 40% of earth's oxygen. The phytoplankton are also jeapordized by increased solar ultraviolet radiation breaking through the holes in the ozone layer above the poles. It is estimated that there will be no more fish in the seas by the middle of this century c.e. Those who want to save energy should consider this, it takes about 77 calories of energy input to get the food energy a CAN of corn will give you. That same amount of food energy from steak would require 21,000 calories of energy input. If anyone knows how to reach Al Gore, or any other enviornmentally concerned people, be they Presidential candidates, or not, please reach out to them about how important it is to stop eating animals and animal products if they really want to to consistent about being advocates for our environment and the survival of life on our fragile small planet. In fact Frances Moore Lappe's 1970s book, DIET FOR A SMALL PLANET, ought to be required reading for every environmentalist and Presidential candidate. If you can get hold of it, or other pro- vegetarian material send it to every enviornmentalist and Presidential candidate you can think of, from Al Gore on down or up as the case may be. Please help to bring these truths to Al Gore and others who have so far refused to come to terms with them by taking action and becoming vegans. Imagine the impact vegans and animal rights people could have if they packed every one of the upcoming live earth parties and turned them into discussion groups on how veganism can help to stop global warming and more. Welcome to the registration site for Live Earth House Parties for Sierra Club members! Live Earth and the Sierra Club are working together to enable and encourage individuals like yourself to host events in your home to combat our climate crisis. We've created a special program for individuals who are already involved with organizations that are members of the Alliance for Climate Protection, so that you can register your event and use our event management tools. To search for a party near you, complete this form, click submit, and then click on the " Find an Event " link on the next page. To host a party, complete this form and then continue with the registration process on the next page. If you choose to make your event public, it will be searchable and others in your community will be able to RSVP. If you make the event private, you can invite your friends and family to join you for a Live-Earth themed event on 7/7/07 - watch the concert together and take concrete action as a Sierra Club member to combat the climate crisis. Thank you for supporting Live Earth and for all that you do for our environment item directly below from url directy above " Why is it that many Jewish religious leaders advocate vegetarianism, including Chief Rabbi of Britain Jonathan Sacks, late Chief Rabbi of Israel Shlomo Goren, and the first Chief Rabbi of pre- state Israel Abraham Kook? Why is it that the former Chief Rabbi of Ireland David Rosen considers " the consumption of meat as halachically unacceptable " ? The Torah is full of commandments demanding humane treatment of animals, yet the modern factory farms that produce over 90% of the animal products we consume today raise their animals in unconscionable conditions of abject misery. The Torah reflects great concern for the land, yet as the primary cause of water pollution, water use, topsoil erosion, destruction of the world's rainforest, and other environmental harms, animal agriculture takes a devastating toll on the planet. Jewish teachings emphasize the grave importance of protecting human health, yet the consumption of animal products in the United States is responsible for numerous diseases including heart disease, America's number one killer. Judaism places great concern on providing for the poor and the hungry, yet while 800 million people do not have enough food to sustain themselves, our carnivorous diets are at least ten times as wasteful of food resources as a vegetarian one. Please read and learn about the growing Jewish vegetarian movement, and think about how Jewish teachings relate to decisions we make everyday as we sit down to eat. As Rabbi Isaac ha-Levi Herzog said, " Jews will move increasingly to vegetarianism out of their own deepening knowledge of what their tradition commands... A whole galaxy of central rabbinic and spiritual leaders...has been affirming vegetarianism as the ultimate meaning of Jewish moral teaching. " Jewish Vegetarianism » ITEM IMMEDIATELY ABOVE FROM URL DIRECTLY ABOVE please see also: VeggieJews/ Subscribe: VeggieJews- Subscribe: VeggieJews- AT Schwartz/dp/1930051247 It was certainly good fortune that I became a veggie myself quite awhile ago but many children of these so-called " veg/carnivore " or " mixed-marriages " are not quite so lucky and end up as non- veggies. I am also of course promoting the veggie way of life to others who are not yet veggies. One key group to promote the veggie way of life to is science fiction fans. Why science fiction fans? Well because some science fiction fans actually become science fiction writers. Why science fiction writers then? Well because the way of life that we take for granted here in the so-called " first world " , of industrialized nations is a way of life that not so long ago was considered to be science fiction. It was a science fiction writer: Arthur C. Clarke, who came up with the idea of communications satellites as a science fiction idea. Well they are fiction no more. Nor are communications devices that do not require wires. Remember the " communicators " on StarTrek? Chances are you have a cell phone in your pocket or in your car, or if you don't you know more than one person who does. Once again, fiction no more. Fact. The science fiction fan of today is the science fiction writer of tomorrow. The science fiction story or idea of today is the fact of tomorrow, just as yesterday's science fiction stories and ideas are the facts of today. Another place I am helping to promote the veggie way of life is in the Jewish community. I happen to be Jewish and would want nothing but the best way of life there is for my fellow Jews. Eating animals is not only not good for the animals who are murdered for food, it is not good for the humans who eat them. Being veggie is also very much in the interests of the Jewish community around the world. Producing a pound of steak " protein " on the plate requires up to 21 pounds of so-called " feed " protein from things like the 42% of American wheat production, the 86% of American corn, oats and barley production, the 90% of non-exported soybean production, that goes into the creation of that pound of steak " protein " on the plate of the American animal eater. Producing all of that so-called " feed " requires a lot of energy. More energy is used as petro-chemical based fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, etc. as well as in the transportation of that so-called " feed " , and of the animals themselves, in the disposal of their wastes, in the movement of water to irrigate those crops and to " water " those animals. Many of the energy sources involved are nations around the world that supply arms to terrorists who slaughter Jews in Israel and around the world, as well as other innocents, such as those who were slaughtered on September 11th. 2001. So I am promoting Jewish singles events at veggie establishments to bring the fact of being able to have a veggie meal as a reality to my fellow Jews. I do so periodically at Veggie Heaven, a Kosher Vegan Chinese Restaurant with several locations here in New Jersey. I hope that similar restaurants exist elsewhere that may serve as event locations. Failing that I hope that vegan house parties can be arranged everywhere. If you are Jewish yourself I hope that you will do the same wherever you may be. If you are able to come to some of these events I hope that you will do so. If you live to far away to get to them by all means create them. Create them for your fellow Jews if you are Jewish. Create them for your fellow veggies if you are veggie. Create them for science fiction fans if you want to see science fiction fans become veggie and science fiction ideas created by veggie science fiction writers, all of whom start off as science fiction fans creating the new facts of life on earth as ones which will make it possible for a veggie world to in fact come into being. Will you help in these effforts?Jewish Singles Events And A Whole Lot More THE MONTHLY CIRCLE OF SINGLE JEWISH FRIENDS LUNCH PARTY IS USUALLY HELD ON THE 3RD SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH AT NOON IN THE EDISON NEW JERSEY AREA. ROBERTA HAS DONE THESE EVENTS FOR SOME TIME AT A VARIETY OF RESTAURANTS IN THE EDISON, NEW JERSEY AREA. ROBERTA SKIPPED JUNE AND WILL BE DOING HER NEXT CIRCLE OF SINGLE JEWISH FRIENDS LUNCH PARTY IN JULY Age range Baby Boomers give or take a few years or so. Please email Roberta for details on THE JULY CIRCLE OF SINGLE JEWISH FRIENDS LUNCH PARTY roger AT roger Price cost of meal, tax and tip plus $3 to Roberta Please RSVP Roberta (908) 668-8450 roger roger AT Please email Roberta for details on THE JULY CIRCLE OF SINGLE JEWISH FRIENDS LUNCH PARTY roger AT roger Attendees should RSVP Roberta at (908) 668-8450 regarding her July 22nd Circle of Single Jewish Friends lunch party at noon on Sunday July 22nd. The restaurant is not Kosher but some totally vegetarian (vegan) foods and a salad bar are available as are a very wide variety of other foods. Organization: The Circle of Single Jewish Friends Age: 49+ July 22, 2007 Time: 12:00 P.M. Event: Meet and Eat Lunch Location: 247 Raritan Avenue (Route 27) Highland Park, New Jersey Cost: Price of meal off the menu and tip, plus $3:00 Please RSVP Roberta at (908) 668-8450 We also hope that you will join Please state that you are Jewish, Single, 21 or over, when you apply to join the Jewish Singles at the websites the urls below will take you to JewishSinglesOfNJ/ JewishSinglesinNJforIsrael/ JewishSinglesFromEverywhere/ Do you have a Jewish single friend that you have not yet met in person and may have been in touch with via email or telephone or otherwise Why not invite that Jewish single friend to meet you at one of the many Jewish singles events listed in our posts Be sure to send your photo to your Jewish single friend, and to ask your Jewish single friend to send a photo to you. That way you can recognize one another when you meet at a Jewish singles event. Please state that you are Jewish, Single, 21 or over, when you apply to join the Jewish Singles at the websites the urls below will take you to JewishSinglesOfNJ/ JewishSinglesinNJforIsrael/ JewishSinglesFromEverywhere/ A free fantastic Jewish singles resource can be found at the url below You may post your own introductions there, with our without photos of yourself and may also search for other Jewish singles there by state, gender, age range, etc. Everything there is free. We have no connections whatsoever to the site, but if you do post your photo there you may wish to include the url where your photo may be found at that site, in your introductions, and responses to other introductions, that you post at our Jewish singles groups. The Jewish Singles Events immediately below are from the website of The Jewish Standard items directly below are from url directly above By Jewish Standard | | Singles | monday [july 2] Bereavement group Therapist Judy Brauner begins a five- session " Beyond Bereavement for Widows and Widowers — Phase II " group through Aug. 6 at the JCC on the Palisades in Tenafly, 6:30 p.m. $75 for JCC members, $90 for non-members. Sponsored in part by the Soforenko Foundation. (201) 569-7900, ext. 460. Support for singles Therapist Judy Brauner begins a five- session " Uncoupling: Coping With Divorce and Separation " support group at the JCC on the Palisades in Tenafly, 8:15 p.m. $75 for JCC members, $90 for non-members. (201) 569-7900, ext. 460. friday [july 6] Shabbat under the stars Jewish singles in their 30s from the JCC in Manhattan meet for Shabbat dinner on the JCC's terrace, 7:30 p.m. Vegetarian by request. $25 for JCC members, $35 for non-members. (646) 505-5708. saturday [july 7] Dinner Elite Jewish Singles, 45-60, meets for a house and lawn party with appetizers, dinner, and dessert, at a private home in Metuchen, 6:30 p.m. $25. Reservations required, (732) 548-0322. items directly above are from url directly above Directions to the JCC (Jewish Community Center) on the Palisades 411 East Clinton Avenue Tenafly, NJ 07670 201 569 7900 these directions were found at: FROM GARDEN STATE PARKWAY NORTH Exit 161 to Route 4 East. Continue directions from Route 4. FROM GARDEN STATE PARKWAY SOUTH Exit 163 to Route 17 South to Route 4 East. FROM NEW JERSEY TURNPIKE Exit 18 to Route 46 East to Grand Avenue. Proceed North past Route 4 and continue as described below (from Route 4). FROM I-80 EAST To Garden State Parkway North to Exit 161 and then to Route 4 East. FROM ROUTE 4 Exit at Grand Avenue/Englewood. Follow Grand Avenue North about 1 mile, where it becomes Engle Street. Continue on Engle Street past Englewood Hospital. 2nd Traffic light past hospital make right onto E. Clinton Avenue. JCC is approximately 1 mile on left. FROM NEW YORK CITY & LONG ISLAND Go over George Washington Bridge to Palisades Parkway North. Get off at Exit 1, Englewood Cliffs & Palisades Avenue. Make right and go to 1st light. At light make a right onto Route 9W No. At 4th light make a left onto E. Clinton Avenue. JCC is mile on right. FROM SOUTH OR WEST Take New Jersey Turnpike (95) No. or Route 80 East to Broad Ave. Exit. Bear right onto Broad Ave. toward Englewood. Broad Ave. will become Dana Place. Take Dana Place to end. Make right onto E. Palisades Ave. At 3rd block (on left) make left onto No. Woodland Street to end. Make right onto E. Clinton Avenue. JCC immediately on left. FROM NORTH Take Palisades Parkway South and get off at Exit 2. Make left off ramp onto Route 9W South. At 3rd light make right onto E. Clinton Avenue. JCC is mile on right. FROM TAPPAN ZEE BRIDGE To Exit 13 So. (Palisades Parkway So.) to Exit 2. Proceed as above from North. FROM CONNECTICUT (Stamford) Route I 95 So. to 287 West to Tappan Zee Bridge. Proceed as above. Remember to ask anyone who does a house party about any special needs you may have before attending, such as convenient parking, if you have trouble walking, or difficulty climbing steps, whether the events are outside or inside, whether the bathrooms are upstairs, or downstairs, whether the events are all on the same level, the presence or absence of animals, such as cats, you may be allergic to,if they have dogs, if you are afraid of dogs, whether the events are non-smoking, whether drinking alcohol is allowed or forbidden, whether the events are Kosher if you keep Kosher, or anything else you can think of. For example: at a recent Jewish Singles event one person who has not yet done any house parties, but is thinking of doing them. disclosed that she had recently added cats to her home. Please stay in touch with Elaine who has been hosting house parties for her ELITE JEWISH SINGLES Ages 45-60 Please no exceptions group at a private home in the Metuchen area usually on one or two Saturday nights each month starting at about 7:30 p.m. weather permitting. You may email Elaine, who ran many Jewish singles events some years back at the JCC in the Edison, New Jersey area at elaine423nj elaine423nj AT please contact Elaine about her ELITE JEWISH SINGLES Ages 45-60 Please no exceptions house parties thanks Elite Jewish Singles, ages 45-60 (please no exceptions) . Please contact Elaine at 732-548-0322 for reservations and directions. elaine423nj elaine423nj AT Incidentally it is a different Elaine who is moderating the Singles Schmooze at the JCC Jewish Community Center in Tenafly, New Jersey. Average age of attendees at the Singles Schmooze at the JCC in Tenafly, New Jersey is baby boomers give or take a few years ago. Turnout is usually around 36 people or so, another double Chai ! ITEMS DIRECTLY BELOW ARE FROM URL DIRECTLY ABOVE: Singles 30-47 Bicycle Ride for Singles 35-55 Only Sunday, July 15 • 9:30 am-3 pm Meet at the Oradell train station. Bring helmets and water. Join us for a leisurely paced ride as we cycle to Piermont and back. Call 201.947.1735 to RSVP Co-sponsored by the JCC and Congregation Gesher Shalom Brunch and Cruisin' on Spirit Cruises Sunday July 29 • 11:15 am Don't miss this 2 hour lunch cruise around the tip of Manhattan. Enjoy bountiful buffets with selections (includes vegetarian) entertainment and the beautiful views of New York/ New Jersey. Meet at Lincoln Harbor (1500 Harbor Blvd, Weehawken, NJ) at 11:15 am, cruise leaves at noon. Reservations required. $45 if paid by July 26, $50 at event (based on Availability) Co-sponsored with Singles 40-57 Walk in Glen Rock and Lunch out Sunday August 12 • 10:00 am Cancelled in event of rain. Meet at Saddle River Park in Glen Rock, off Prospect Street (the parking lot furthest from entrance). Enjoy strolling along the paved ways, near the stream, for about 2 hours. Then join others for lunch, at your expense, at Kosher Nosh in Glen Rock. Directions form Rt 4 Exit Saddle River Rd and follow to Prospect St –bear right and ¼ mile on right. Go around lake to second parking area. $3 JCC members, $5 general admission SINGLES OF ALL AGES Friday Night Jewish Singles Services and Oneg At Congregation Gesher Shalom in Fort Lee (1449 Anderson Ave) Friday, July 20 • 8 pm Join other singles for " Shabbat Yachad " , a stimulating musical style –egalitarian service. Following the service join singles in your age range for an Oneg Shabbat. For further information email: brucep brucep AT or call 201.947.1735 x12 No fee For more information contact: Esther Mazor, Singles Director 201 569-7900 x460 emazor emazor AT ITEMS DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE FROM URL DIRECTLY ABOVE items immediately below are from url immediately above Singles 40-57 Singles Schmooze Sundays, July 22 & August 19 • 6 pm Led by Jeff and Elaine Spend a casual evening getting to know other singles through discussions on various topics determined by the participants. $4 JCC members, $6 Nonmembers Bicycle Ride for Singles 35-55 Only Sunday, July 15 • 9:30 am-3 pm Meet at the Oradell train station. Bring helmets and water. Join us for a leisurely paced ride as we cycle to Piermont and back. Call 201.947.1735 to RSVP Co-sponsored by the JCC and Congregation Gesher Shalom Brunch and Cruisin' on Spirit Cruises Sunday July 29 • 11:15 am Don't miss this 2 hour lunch cruise around the tip of Manhattan. Enjoy bountiful buffets with selections (includes vegetarian) entertainment and the beautiful views of New York/ New Jersey. Meet at Lincoln Harbor (1500 Harbor Blvd, Weehawken, NJ) at 11:15 am, cruise leaves at noon. Reservations required. $45 if paid by July 26, $50 at event (based on Availability) Co-sponsored with Singles 40-57 SINGLES OF ALL AGES Friday Night Jewish Singles Services and Oneg At Congregation Gesher Shalom in Fort Lee (1449 Anderson Ave) Friday, July 20 • 8 pm Join other singles for " Shabbat Yachad " , a stimulating musical style –egalitarian service. Following the service join singles in your age range for an Oneg Shabbat. For further information email: brucep brucep AT or call 201.947.1735 x12 No fee items immediately ABOVE are from url immediately ABOVE items directly BELOW are from url directly ABOVE Singles 50+ Walk with Liz at the Celery Farm in Allendale Sunday July 22 • 9:30 am • No Fee Cancelled in event of rain Meet at the JCC at 9:30 am for carpooling ($5 carpooling fee) or at the Celery Farm at 10 am. Enjoy a nature hike through almost 48 acres of Marshes and fields in a wonderful hidden treasure in Allendale. Bring water and wear comfortable shoes. Sizzling Summer BBQ Sunday, August 5 • 4:00 pm Rain or Shine Enjoy great food like hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers, salads and more along with socializing and games. Wear sneakers! Reservations required, call ext. 460. $15 with paid reservations by August 10, $20 after SINGLES OF ALL AGES Friday Night Jewish Singles Services and Oneg At Congregation Gesher Shalom in Fort Lee (1449 Anderson Ave) Friday, July 20 • 8 pm Join other singles for " Shabbat Yachad " , a stimulating musical style –egalitarian service. Following the service join singles in your age range for an Oneg Shabbat. For further information email: brucep brucep AT or call 201.947.1735 x12 No fee items directly above are from url directly ABOVE items directly below are from the website of click on for more information on them Fourth of July Day-After Party with Andy Biskin Quartet Celebrate America's freedom on the JCC rooftop with jazz upstart Andy Biskin's independent view on American jazz. Enjoy red, white and 'blues,' Dixieland, polka, circus and even a touch of Klezmer as the Andy Biskin Quartet performs selections from their critically acclaimed CD, featuring fresh takes on Stephen Foster melodies plus quirky originals. Enjoy all-American refreshments, a great view, and a show that will make you glad you stayed in town for the Fourth and the day after. --- ----------- Thu, Jul 5 8:00 PM $5.00 - Member $10.00 - Non-Member EAYBSK00U8 Location: The JCC in Manhattan, 334 Amsterdam Ave. at 76th St. (Program room assignments will be available at the JCC Customer Service Desk, in the lobby of the Samuel Priest Rose Building.) For more information, or to register, please call 646-505-5708. Wet Hot American Summer Directed by David Wain (97 min, USA, 2001) Catch the ultimate Jewish summer camp experience on the JCC rooftop with a special screening of the comedy Wet Hot American Summer. This film captures the craziness of the last day of camp, in the hot summer of 1981. Not for the weak hearted; film is rated R and contains adult themes, images and language. Thu, Jul 12 8:30 PM $3.00 - Member $5.00 - Non-Member EFFWHA00U8 Location: The JCC in Manhattan, 334 Amsterdam Ave. at 76th St. (Program room assignments will be available at the JCC Customer Service Desk, in the lobby of the Samuel Priest Rose Building.) For more information, or to register, please call 646-505-5708 Sarah Aroeste Band Come out for a sizzling night on the roof with the Sarah Aroeste band featuring music from their new album, Puertas. Combining traditional Ladino music with rock, funk and blues. Aroeste and her band promise music that's great for a hot summer night. Thu, Jul 26 8:00 PM $5.00 - Member $10.00 - Non-Member EAYMUS00U8 Location: The JCC in Manhattan, 334 Amsterdam Ave. at 76th St. (Program room assignments will be available at the JCC Customer Service Desk, in the lobby of the Samuel Priest Rose Building.) For more information, or to register, please call 646-505-5708. items directly above are from the website of click on for more information on them Shabbat Dinner under the Stars for 30's Spice up a summer night, escape from the work week and welcome the Sabbath with a festive meal, plentiful wine and great conversation on the terrace of the JCC. Meet other 30's and soak up the beautiful Manhattan skyline on a summer's eve. Registration required 2 days prior to event. In case of rain, dinner will be moved indoors. If you require a vegetarian option, please call 646.505.4416 after you register. Fri, Jul 6 7:30 PM $25.00 - Member $35.00 - Non-Member BSHSUS00U8 Location: The JCC in Manhattan, 334 Amsterdam Ave. at 76th St. (Program room assignments will be available at the JCC Customer Service Desk, in the lobby of the Samuel Priest Rose Building.) For more information, or to register, please call 646-505-5708. Shabbat Dinner + Comedy Evening with 30's + 40's End the workweek with delicious food and wine! Join a fun group of other 30's + 40's for a relaxed Shabbat dinner. Enjoy the warmth and camaraderie of welcoming the Sabbath with others in your age and stage of life. Dinner will be followed by the hilarious antics of the NYC improv group Comedy Sportz. Be the judge while these clever comics compete with each other for your laughs! Pre-register by Wednesday, August 8. If you require a vegetarian option, please call 646.505.4416 after you register. Fri, Aug 10 7:30 PM $30.00 - Member $35.00 - Non-Member BSHABT00U8 Location: The JCC in Manhattan, 334 Amsterdam Ave. at 76th St. (Program room assignments will be available at the JCC Customer Service Desk, in the lobby of the Samuel Priest Rose Building.) For more information, or to register, please call 646-505-5708. Our Jewish singles groups are designed to increase the Jewish population by bringing single Jews together in the hope that marriages, and children who will be raised as Jews ,will result from bringing single Jews together. We cannot ignore the real threat to Jewish survival posed by intermarriage, which usually results in the children of such marriages being raised as non-Jews. Another real threat to Jewish survival in these times is the fact that in these times for one reason or another some people are no longer " straight " . Any Jew who is no longer " straight " is of course much less likely to marry a Jew of the opposite gender and to have children with that person. We need every single Jew who can do so to marry another single Jew and to have children as a result of those marriages who will be raised as Jews. It is with great joy that we can report that there are resources available to deal with the situation some Jews who are no longer " straight " find themselves in. One such resource is " JONAH is a non-profit international organization dedicated to educating the world-wide Jewish community about the prevention, intervention, and healing of the underlying issues ....If you are confused or know someone who is and desire help, please contact us for resources and professional confidential assistance. click on & Itemid=3 JONAH info info AT P.O. BOX 313 Jersey City, NJ, 07303 USA 201-433-3444 Why Date Jewish? Find out at FREE books for Jewish teens and much more! While our groups are for Jewish singles who are over 21 some of us may have teen age children or even teen age grandchildren. We hope that they will be able to suggest to those teenagers. If you would like to be kept aware of events in Israel please click on and go from there we have no connection with that website but believe that the news it makes available is very worthwhile. The website there states: " Arutz Sheva is proud to offer free, concise email summaries of the day's news from Israel. Please complete the following brief survey to begin receiving the newsletter. (Arutz Sheva will not share this information with any third party.) In addition to the news, rs will receive promotional emails featuring Israeli/Jewish products and services. You may from promotions and continue to receive the Daily News Report. " another source of news you may wish to use may be found at another source of news you may wish to use may be found at Do you have a Jewish single friend that you have not yet met in person and may have been in touch with via email or telephone or otherwise Why not invite that Jewish single friend to meet you at one of the many Jewish singles events listed in our posts Be sure to send your photo to your Jewish single friend, and to ask your Jewish single friend to send a photo to you. That way you can recognize one another when you meet at a Jewish singles event. Please state that you are Jewish, Single, 21 or over, when you apply to join the Jewish Singles at the websites the urls below will take you to JewishSinglesOfNJ/ JewishSinglesinNJforIsrael/ JewishSinglesFromEverywhere/ We also hope that you will join NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS Please forward this sign up information to everyone who should get it. NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS- NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS/ There is no charge to join NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS Please forward this sign up information to everyone who should get it. NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS- NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS/ or to belong to Please forward this sign up information to everyone who should get it. NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS- NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS/ NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS or to attend any of its events. If you go to a restaurant you pay only for the food that you order plus tax and tip. You never pay NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS Please forward this sign up information to everyone who should get it. NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS- NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS/ anything for any of its events. NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS Please forward this sign up information to everyone who should get it. NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS- NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS/ Wants you! Our Science Fiction group is for everyone 21 or older regardless of background or marital status. Younger fans should find another group. Please introduce yourself when you join and periodically as new members keep joining. We plan to get together at restaurants and to go to movies. We will see them in movie theaters,and, if people are kind enough, on people's home VCRs, or DVD players, for the technologically advanced among us. Buy your own movie tickets. Buy your own meals at Restaurants. Hopefully a typical event would involve going to a Science Fiction Movie and then to a Restaurant to discuss the movie we just saw. Are you a single Science Fiction fan looking for a soulmate? Perhaps you will find that person here. This club is not a New Jersey singles group per se, and is open to anyone over 21, regardless of background or marital status, nonetheless, love is a good thing. In the parts of New Jersey where the science fiction clubs we know of operate there is also a very high percentage of Jewish residents. Many science fiction fans and science fiction writers and even science fiction stars, like Leonard Nimoy, (Mr. Spock), of Star Trek, and William Shatner (Captain Kirk), of Star Trek, also happen to be Jewish. Most science fiction fans I know are single men, and many of them, at least in places like New Jersey, are Jewish. Many science fiction fans in New Jersey also happen to be Jewish. Most science fiction fans are male. For the single Jewish woman in New Jersey joining a science fiction group may be the ideal way to find her ideal man. Unlike most singles events, which tend to be attended by more women than men,most science fiction events are attended by more men than women. If you happen to be Jewish, Single and over 21 Please state that you are Jewish, Single, 21 or over, when you apply to join the Jewish Singles at the websites the urls below will take you to JewishSinglesOfNJ/ JewishSinglesinNJforIsrael/ JewishSinglesFromEverywhere/ One of the biggest complaints heard from many women who attend some singles events is that there are far more women than men in attendance. One of the biggest complaints heard from many men who attend most science fiction events is that there are far more men in attendance than women. Most science fiction fans are male. Many science fiction fans in places like New Jersey are also Jewish. There are science fiction clubs in many places. In New Jersey many science fiction club attendees are single Jewish men. The SCIENCE FICTION ASSOCIATON OF BERGEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY is open to everyone regardless of marital status or background and is absolutely NOT a singles group nonetheless many single Jewish men attend its many functions. It has existed since 1984 c.e. and was founded by its director, Phil. The club holds a monthly meeting on the Second Saturday night of each month. Phil, is the founder and director of 201 447-3652 The Science Fiction Association of Bergen County, New Jersey please contact Phil regarding UPCOMING SCIENCE FICTION ASSOCIATION OF BERGEN COUNTY NEW JERSEY EVENTS THE SCIENCE FICTION ASSOCIATION OF BERGEN COUNTY NEW JERSEY was founded in 1984 by Phil who still is the Director. They have been having monthly meetings on the second Saturday of each month ,usually in the evening, since about 1984. not affiliated with NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS but highly recommended by NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_FICTION_FANS CALL PHIL AT 201 447-3652 FOR DETAILS contact Phil at SFABCPhil SFABCPhil SFABCPhil AT please contact Phil, who is the founder and director of the SFABC, the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County, New Jersey, at 201 447-3652 regarding the monthly SFABC meetings and the other SFABC events. You do not have to be single to join : OperationCSPAN/ Post message: OperationCSPAN Subscribe: OperationCSPAN- Help to counter anti-Israel, anti-Semitic callers to CSPAN programs such as Washington Journal, by making your own pro- Israel, pro-Jewish, pro-Zionist, calls to those same CSPAN programs. Please also do your part to help Israel by joining pro-Israel groups both on line and in real life. You can read more about topics and people in the news such as Jimmy Carter and James Baker and Coca Cola etc. by doing searches in the message archives of including those listed below. Some pro-Israel on line groups are listed below: IsraelAndAmericaTogetherForVictory/ Post message: IsraelAndAmericaTogetherForVictory Subscribe: IsraelAndAmericaTogetherForVictory- IsraelMustLive/ Post message: IsraelMustLive Subscribe: IsraelMustLive- IsraelNowAndForever / Post message: IsraelNowAndForever Subscribe: IsraelNowAndForever- IsraelTheBestFriendAmericaHas/ Post message: IsraelTheBestFriendAmericaHas Subscribe: IsraelTheBestFriendAmericaHas- OperationCSPAN/ Post message: OperationCSPAN Subscribe: OperationCSPAN- c-span, also known as C-SPAN provides much valuable information. However, we are distressed that programs like Washington Journal on c-span seem to provide a forum for anti-Semites and enemies of Israel and the Jewish people in general who seem to not only call into that t.v. show, but get through, and get on the air, where they are seldom interupted or cut off by the show's moderators. We feel that a 2 minute delay could enable the show's moderators to screen out the anti-Semites and enemies of Israel and the Jewish people, however no such 2 minute delay seems to be in place. Moreover the moderators of that show and others do not seem to be of a mind to cut off the anti- Semites and other enemies of Israel and the Jewish people in general who regularly call into that show and others on c-span. We have therefore created this in the hopes that members of the group will become regular viewers of c-span and will call in regularly to Washington Journal and other c-span call in t.v. shows, to support Israel and the Jewish people and to counter the anti-Semites and other enemies of Israel and the Jewish people whose calls are regularly aired on c-span. We also hope that members of our will contact their U.S. Senators and members of Congress and President Bush at to see what can be done about the situation at c-span. PeopleForIsrael/ Post message: PeopleForIsrael Subscribe: PeopleForIsrael- PeopleWhoSupportIsrael/ Post message: PeopleWhoSupportIsrael Subscribe: PeopleWhoSupportIsrael- WeAreForIsrael/ Post message: WeAreForIsrael Subscribe: WeAreForIsrael- WeStandUpForIsrael/ Post message: WeStandUpForIsrael Subscribe: WeStandUpForIsrael- AmericansForIsrael/ Post message: AmericansForIsrael Subscribe: AmericansForIsrael- If you know of other pro-Israel on line groups and/or pro-Israel groups that meet in real life please post the information about them. There are many avenues for Jewish activism. Support of Israel, Support of the Jewish people, Opposition to anti-Semitism, to name a few. We believe that it is vital for Jewish survival that single Jews meet other single Jews, marry one another, and raise their children as Jews. Because there is a hole in our calendar from Friday night to Saturday night during which many single Jews go to non-Jewish singles events, meet non-Jews, marry non-Jews, and have children from those marriages who are not raised as Jews, the Jewish people faces a very severe problem. We urge everyone who reads this to contact his or her Rabbi and demand that his or her Rabbi hold regular Jewish singles Onegs on Friday nights. We feel that it is vitally important that single Jews go to Jewish singles events and meet other Jewish singles at those events. If you know anyone who happens to be Jewish who is hosting a singles event please ask him or her to consider hosting events just for Jewish singles. We also offer the opportunity at our on line Jewish singles groups to post your Jewish singles introductions and to respond to other Jewish singles introductions. Please do so regularly. Please state that you are Jewish, single and over 21 in your introductions at our on line Jewish singles groups. Please state that you are Jewish, Single, 21 or over, when you apply to join the Jewish Singles at the websites the urls below will take you to JewishSinglesOfNJ/ JewishSinglesinNJforIsrael/ click on to get details on events directly below Tomorrow (Sun, 1 Jul) 8:00 AM Lecture - (Other - see title): CHAZAQ Presents a SPECIAL Lecture in Russian *Please Spread the Word* [New York - Queens, NY] 8:30 AM Event - Sale/Garage or Yard Sale: Headband Sale this sunday night [Teaneck, NJ] 10:30 AM Event - Sale/Garage or Yard Sale: YARD SALE [Fair Lawn, NJ] 12:00 PM Event - Concert: Free Concert in Kew Gardens Hills [New York - Queens, NY] 6:30 PM Event - Concert: Free Concert in Forest Hills [New York - Queens, NY] Mon, 2 Jul 8:00 PM Lecture - (Other - see title): R' Zecharia Wallerstein LIVE in Queens ~ Topic: Dating & Marriage! *Come & Bring ALL Your Friend [New York - Queens, NY] Thu, 5 Jul 6:00 PM Event - Classes/Seminar/Workshop: Thursday Evenings Free Financial Discussion Group [Hackensack, NJ] Mon, 9 Jul 7:30 PM Event - Other: aqua modesta trunk show [New York - Brooklyn, NY] Wed, 11 Jul 7:00 PM Event - Other: My Family's Exodus from Old Cairo to the New World [New York - Manhattan, NY] Wed, 25 Jul 7:00 PM Event - Concert: 2nd Annual New York's Best Emerging Jewish Artists [New York - Manhattan, NY] click on to get details of events immediately above (Meshugeneh means crazy in Yiddish (so-called Messy an eck Jews, they spell it somewhat differently, are not really Jews, they are Xtians pretending to be Jews to convert Jews to their religion) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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