Guest guest Posted August 19, 2007 Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 Raw Living Foods® Education and Training Teaching Wellness That Works " Good health is a habit, not an event. Address your health or it will address you. " You can read this newsletter in webpage format at <> . The previous newsletters are at <> . You can find previous articles indexed by subject on our blog at <> .. Subscription <file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/James/My%20Documents/My%20Website\ s/chiDiet.4/news/LivingFoodsNews20070818.htm#unsub> and publisher information <file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/James/My%20Documents/My%20Website\ s/chiDiet.4/news/LivingFoodsNews20070818.htm#contact> are at the end of this newsletter. August 18, 2007 [arrow] Table of Contents This Week's Theme From 22 to 2 Keeping Inspired Body, Mind and Soul Another Vegan to Raw Vegan Raw Living Foods Continuing Education <file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/James/My%20Documents/My%20Website\ s/chiDiet.4/news/LivingFoodsNews20070818.htm#homestudy> Six Steps to Raw Health Raw for Over 30 Years Cancer Free Renata on Raw Dr. James Carey to Speak at " Backsliders Gathering " at Creative Health Institute <file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/James/My%20Documents/My%20Website\ s/chiDiet.4/news/LivingFoodsNews20070818.htm#backsliders> Victoria Boutenko to Speak at Creative Health Institute In The News Events and Meetings See You in Sedona! <file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/James/My%20Documents/My%20Website\ s/chiDiet.4/news/LivingFoodsNews20070818.htm#sedona> Raw Living Foods TV Shows and Videos Interviews with James Available Online Raw Recipe Resources Other Raw Living Food Resources Customer Service Center [arrow] This Week's Theme By the time you receive this I'll be on the road, driving a new hybrid car to my speaking engagement at Creative Health Institute on the 26th. I thought this might be a good week to share some of our collection raw testimonies. ------------------------ Hi Jim! I've been researching the raw food lifestyle for years now and even put it into practice back in 1993, when faced with life threatening liver disease, it worked. Since then, I haven't taken very good care of my bod and am paying for it, big time! Anyway, I've been searching for simple and quick recipes as I transition and as much info as I can get my hands on... I have done several searches on the internet and today, NIRVAVA! I came across yours! Nothing is by coincidence ) Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love your site! I will be searching it daily! Many Blessings to you! Gena T. [Gena is referring to <> .] [arrow] From 22 to 2 When I was a small child it didn't really matter to the world that I was so overweight until I entered school. Then all of a sudden my appearance mattered to everyone. How I looked would determine how many friends I would have, what kickball team I would be chosen to play on and who would mock me. Well, let me explain something to you, it does not matter how big my heart is, how much I long to be loved, or how much love I am willing to give to someone. If I don't look a certain way, no one will want to even get close to my heart. Once I am judged by my appearance whether pleasing to the eye or not it doesn't matter, now it is determined how I am treated. Will I be invisible? Will I be mocked? Will I be treated with respect? Will I be lied to? Will I be used? Most of my life I was used for one reason or another. I let myself be walked over because I was in such desperate need to be loved or at least, liked. If someone showed any interest in me at all for any reason I would do whatever it took to be around them. I never had any real friends. No one that really cared about me and supported my dreams and aspirations. In fact, I did not have any dreams or aspirations because my mother didn't let me. I had to live the life that she wanted me to live. If I had a desire to do something she would say no. I was never allowed to have a thought or show any emotion without checking with her first. I never had any privacy and was always around such negativity and pain that I didn't know what real love or happiness was. Love and happiness were just something that I was desperately looking for my whole life. I guess that I wouldn't even know what they were if I had stumbled upon them. Believe it or not, there were a few times that I did stumble upon them, or so I thought. No. Not this time. This is why I used food to control my emotions. The only thing I could control was the food that went into my mouth and it was a lot of food. [scountdown] <> [click on photo for enlargement] I was always the fat girl in school, you know the one you can pick out of any class picture. That was me, the fat girl with a big heart desperately wanting to be included in anything. When I was 10 years old I was 150 pounds and a size 13. My nickname was Moose. We would play in the playground at recess and I would be on one side of the see saw and 3 or 4 girls would be on the other end. This was the only way that anyone would play with me. It was rare that I was included in anything like parties or sports teams. If I was invited to something I was usually made fun of once I got there. It was as if they had hired a clown for the birthday party and the clown never showed up so they decided to just use me for a laugh instead. If I could tell you how many times I called my mom to come get me from a party or a sleep over because I was being laughed at for being fat… I just kept on eating and my parents kept telling me how fat I was. I was a closet eater. I would go to a drive thru, super size it, eat it in the car on the way home, go home and eat another meal. I would eat an entire box of oreos in one sitting and not even realize I had eaten anything. My mother put me on weight watchers countless times. I would lose 30 pounds in 6 months and then gain it all back, plus more. This was a vicious cycle that surrounded me until I turned 25. A quarter of a century, 25 years old. I don't know what this did to me but, it pushed some deep rooted buttons, that lit a fire inside me burning so hot that no one could stop me. This point of my life, I was still living at home, engaged to a guy I dated for 10 years that I knew I didn't want to marry, I couldn't get a job, no one would hire me because I was morbidly obese, a size 22 and 245 pounds. Well, I was now on a mission to lose weight. I went on a mission to find the perfect way to lose weight. I searched the internet and spoke to people about what they did to lose weight. I found the perfect plan!!!!!! I got started and my first month I lost 23 pounds!! WOW!!! In the past it would take me months to lose that much. Over a period of 10 months I made little changes every day and learned how to listen to what my body was trying to tell me. I felt amazing! I started to exercise and completely change all of my habits. I turned into a different person. People started to treat me differently. I broke up with my fiancé and gave him his ring back. I needed to move on. I started to surround myself with people that I wanted to model, positive, grounded and happy people. I went from a size 22 down to a 2 in 10 months. This was about 9 years ago. I have always struggled with my weight since then fluctuating up and down a bit but, I have kept my weight down. Now I have some other demons to deal with. The demons in my head and some terrible digestion problems that I didn't know I had until I lost weight and realized what my body had been trying to tell me all along. I have severe constipation. Now starts the long road of taking laxatives and going to countless doctors. I won't bore you with all the details but, let me tell you it was not fun at all. I became a fixture in many doctors' offices for years. Still to this day not one doctor could tell me what was wrong with my body and would just prescribe some medication that I would end up not taking. I did not want to be dependent upon medication, I wanted to find the cure! Google and I became best friends. Google helped me find something called a raw food vegan diet. That sounded intriguing so, I read on and on and on and on. How fascinating it sounded. I became a sponge and soaked up all the knowledge I could about being a raw foodist. A light switch was turned on in my head, how could I have been so blind? It was the food I was eating that was making me sick! Of course! Well, I got started immediately eating raw and about 4 days after I began I started to notice some changes. It was amazing! All I needed to do was change the way I eat once again to feed my body properly. It wasn't about the amount of calories I put into my mouth, it was the quality of the food and how it is prepared so my body will be able to digest it. The way my body feels is beyond words, it is just a feeling you need to experience for yourself. My body feels lighter, I am not bloated all the time like I used to be and I have the most amazing energy all the time. My mind is very clear. It was so foggy at one point I don't even know how I was able to get my shoes on. I have been raw now for only 6 months and I have fallen in love with it. Everyone around me at work is so fascinated about the food I eat for lunch. A group forms around me at my desk on a daily basis to see what I have brought that day. My friends know that when they have a party at their house I am bringing a raw dish. Most people don't believe that what I made or how I made it, they just know it is delicious. Now, I am on the right path, I can just feel it inside me. I have left the old me behind and still creating the new me. I am excited to be taking this new journey in my life. It is amazing what only 6 months can do to someone's life. Check back with me in another 6 months! Thank you for listening to my story. Mayorga [i met in Atlanta last month and was fascinated by the story of this beautiful, energetic woman. I especially thank her for being willing to write this piece for us. Perhaps another time will share the before-and-after pictures of her now-raw husband, parents and family. - James Carey] [arrow] Keeping Inspired Dear Jim, Since I received your weekly newsletter I try to eat as much as possible raw vegetables and fruit with good results regarding my health (my age is 84). It was a tremendous help to keep me on the raw-food-track. C.R. Segers (Belgium) [arrow] Body, Mind and Soul (Haleakela Times) " Raw food is the only diet I have found that simultaneously nourishes the mind, body and soul. I know I am eating in a way that has minimal impact on the planet. It really is in harmony with the environment, the natural order, and it lets me support my community eating local organic produce, " says Dave Elberg of Makawao, Hawaii: <> . [arrow] Another Vegan to Raw Vegan I went from 189 pounds to 155 pounds in a few months by going from vegan to 100% raw vegan without the aid of any supplements. I should add that I was not " fat " at the high weight or at least I carried it well. People comment that I am so skinny now, but it is all relative. I feel great (didn't feel bad before) and I have continued to run a minimum of four miles three times a week and have had some of my best times in over five years. I have also continued to work out three times a week and have increased both the weight and number of reps in my routine. I have more energy and need less sleep. Again, all of this without supplements. In fact, I stopped taking the various vitamin, mineral, and herbal supplements that I had been taking. I trust that many of you have had similar results by going raw. Shaya [from serenityspaces <serenityspaces > ] [arrow] Raw Living Foods® Continuing Education To fully attain the benefits of the Raw Living Foods Lifestyle means more than eating raw fruits and veggies. You need to be aware of your protein and sugar intakes, and your combination of foods, for example. The lifestyle also includes internal and colon cleansing, the proper type and amount of exercise, supplements of wheatgrass juice, the benefits of fresh sprouts and easy ways to grow your own, energy soup and green smoothies, dehydrated foods, and how to deal with your cooked food addictions. Even when you attend one of Dr. Ann Wigmore's hands-on educational centers, it's hard to retain all of the information. It's also challenging to stay Raw in a cooked food world. For that reason we created the Dr. Ann Wigmore Raw Living Foods Lifestyle Home Study Program. [Complete Lifestyle Education Package] Compiled from over 30 years of teaching the Wigmore Lifestyle at Creative Health Institute <> in Michigan, the 15 Lessons of the Home Study Program are available as a set, or you can get one lesson at a time on the subscription plan (the first Lesson is free). Please visit <> for more information (we're having a Back-to-School Sale this month!). Here's what others have to say about the Home Study Program:\ ml <\ tml> . [arrow] Six Steps to Raw Health My Own Testimonial by Robert Hayes, Pretoria, South Africa I believe that you could all relate to my situation and that it will help you to stay raw as it did for me. Four years ago a friend told me about the Robert Beck protocols. I bought it and got cured in two weeks from high blood pressure, diabetes type 2, rectal prolaps and other problems. I said, " Hey, we are being lied to. I've been on medication for years, were told that it was for keeps, and here I got cured in two weeks, in my home with no side affects. Why didn't my doctor tell me about this? I will investigate and tell others. " I said, " Lord help me, I want to know the truth. Please help me find it. " I just got the internet and I discovered that these protocols were looked at as alternative medicine, hated by the medical profession, and the pharmaceuticals are trying their best to ban them by law. Then I really decided to investigate. I want to know the truth about disease and health. I started with doctor Hulda Clark books. She believes that all disease is caused by parasites and pollution. I wanted to see these fellows in the blood, so I bought a good microscope. Of course I did not know what to look for, so I had to get books on hematology, microbiology and parasitology. And I studied them. What a wonderful world in the small. Then I realized I must learn these big names doctors use, I also have to study physiology and anatomy, its part and parcel of the bigger picture. So I did, in my home, after hours, searching, and learning. What a new beautiful world unfolded. God really made it perfect. Then I met Dr. Norman Walker, Dr. Bernard Jensen, and others through their books. These got me to study the colon. I believed that all diseases start in the colon. I had my own washed eleven times last year, eventually bought my own equipment, taking colonics and enemas frequently. By now I thought I had reached the end of the road. But something bothered me. What about cholesterol and stomachs acids, where do they fit in? Then I came across Dr. Frank Navratil, an iridologist, offering a home study course in Iridology. I got it and for a year I analyzed hundreds and hundreds persons' eyes. I could see almost everything happening inside a person's body. Two things were clear to me. The younger the patient, the worst the condition of their organs and systems. With the course, in its program, there are diets and supplement advice for specific conditions. That got me thinking. If, for instance, carrots will heal a specific condition, then diet must be the cause of the sickness or disease. This means I had to study diets so that I can eliminate diseases. Back to the internet, reading pros and cons about different diets. Well, soon a name popped up that changed my life forever. Her name? Dr. Ann Wigmore. By this time I have spent more than three years studying and searching, and spent some $60.000. And all I got was the truth. Now I have to start studying what she teaches. Of course, all my previous work was gratifying and necessary. If I hadn't done it, diets and nutrition would not have had the impact on me as it has now. After eating raw until supper, for months, I decided to go raw 100%. Two weeks later I visit my family, enjoy coffee, etc., and come Monday I could not go without coffee. For the next two weeks I had about 10 cups of coffee plus sugar free rusks every day, and lots of droëwors. (A mixture of 70% meat and 30% fat plus spices, prepared like a sausage and dried in the air like jerky) Two weeks later my blood pressure reading was 200/130. I knew this was trouble. I know the 12 Steps of Victoria Boutenko <> . I new all about backsliding, thinking it would never happen to me. She's right, on your own, you're not going to make it. I took stock of myself and made a decision. Today I am 100% raw, and will never turn back. Here's how. Reason no. 1. When I started my research, I prayed for help from Above, to get to the truth. He showed me the truth, sickness and health is mainly about diet. He showed me what to do, how can I now refuse it? Shall I say, thank you Lord, but this is not for me! I like to please my taste buds and my cravings! I can't do that! That was reason number 1 which keeps me from going back. And by the way, when He gave Adam and Eve the same diet, they had no alternative! But look at their lifespan. And there were no doctors and no pharmacies to help them if they got sick. Reason no. 2. If I turn back to cooked food and later get sick - which will definitely happen - how can I approach Him for help? He will laugh at me. He showed me the way and I refused. So I can't look at the wrong foods ever again. Prayer does not help if you disobey the laws, millions are dying and they all are praying! Reason no 3. I was brought up to pray at the table before the meal, and I still do it today, no matter what. Knowing that cooked food is poisoning our bodies, how can I pray, " God, please bless this food " - which are in essence poisoning me. This is making a joke about religion, your relationship with God, and your seriousness about your health. Reason no 4. I believe you teach and convince people by example. You have to be raw yourself to influence others. " Don't do as I do, do as I say, " does not work. Reason no. 5. What happened to my will power? Am I like a child who cries at everything I am not allowed to? Am I so weak that I can't say no to a cup of coffee and a slice of bread? Reason No 6. In my country, everybody over 65 has aids. Walking aids, hearing aids, etcetera. I don't want aids! We all have a job to do. We have to go out there and tell the people that the raw food diet came first, medicine came later. Medicine is therefore the alternative treatment. We must reverse this wrong perception. May this testimonial help to empower you, too. God Bless you all. Robert Hayes Pretoria, South Africa 27-82 820 1520 balusterman <balusterman [arrow] Raw for Over 30 Years At 40 I was fat and greasy. I suffered with constipation, sinus congestion, and much more. Of course, I smoked, drank, and did no exercise. From time to time I would see my doctor, and he would prescribe a number of pills. One day he took me aside and said, " It would be a good idea if you would improve your lifestyle. " I was indignant! I did not wish to change, just give me some pills; after all it was his job to make me better! This was in 1973, my business was buying and selling precious metals and I was living in Honolulu, Hawaii. In 1978 I met Dr. McDougall when he was giving lectures to the public at St. Francis Hospital in Honolulu. I started on my new diet - giving up eating animal foods, and all the other things I had once thought were good. I walked a little each day, quit smoking, and soon I got off my medications. Within 3 months I had lost about 50 pounds and was running five miles a day. My renewed health lasted a few years. I am now 73 years old, fully functional, chest pains are a rare event, and I am happy to be alive. Last week I did a 14 mile bike ride. My ejection fraction is now up to 36% and my heart is of a normal size. Amazing! My total cholesterol is 125. I am of the opinion that my heart is healing itself. My secret? I reduced the amount of sodium to 300 mg a day, and live on potatoes, oatmeal, corn tortillas, cabbage, lettuce, broccoli, onions, yams, beans, fruit, and one ounce of walnuts daily. Routinely, I do 20 minutes a day on my exercise bike, frequently ride my recumbent trike 15 or 20 miles. I take a small amount of medication which I hope to soon stop. At one time I thought that my body was like a car, just a piece of machinery that could be repaired from the outside - with pills and surgery. I no longer believe that. My body is in fact a wonderful device that will repair itself if given the right fuel, a chance to breathe, and a little exercise. Read the entire article at: <> . [arrow] Cancer Free Cancer Free! a letter to CHI from Gloria Albu A routine check-up in late January of this year resulted in the discovery of a lump at the base of my neck. A biopsy followed and I was diagnosed with cancer (adeno-carcinoma of unknown origin). The oncologist said I must start chemotherapy immediately so I would have 5 years instead of six months to live. I absolutely refused his professional advice and went to work on myself. To start with I made Essiac tea and drank it every day, took Jordan Rubin's products and did a lot of praying! I knew I first needed to rid myself of the fear surrounding the dreaded C-word. From there I was in touch with many people, gladly accepting their prayer support. I thanked God in advance for answered prayer. I practiced visualization - like sending wheelbarrows, dump-trucks and empty box car trains throughout my body to pick up all the debris of dead cancer cells and removing them. I sent armies in to annihilate any remaining cancer cells. I talked to the cancer cells first and let them know they were not going to spread any more - they were done! I practiced hands-on prayer, employed the healing humming technique of the Australian aborigines. I practiced the energy system's healing technique of guided imagery developed by Carolyn Myss and Norm Shealy. I planned to have fun - gardening, spending time with my youngest grandchildren. I hung affirmations on pretty ribbons all over my house such as " I am made in the image and likeness of God therefore I am magnificent in every way. " I kept fresh flowers on my dining table. I made plans to go to Hippocrates in West Palm Beach but when my cousin in Michigan heard of my plans she said, " Come to Michigan. I have a friend who went to CHI and is now cancer-free! " (Mary Lou, now CHI's secretary <> ). So, knowing that Holy Spirit had already worked out all the details, I soon arrived at CHI in the middle of April. By the 3rd day of the wheatgrass fast my blood sugar dropped so low I had to ask for fruit to balance out. I have been off all medications for diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol ever since!! Wow! After 17-18 years of prescriptions! Last week I went to my family doctor for a follow-up and the CEA was about the same, so he said I must get started on chemotherapy right away so I could live 5 years instead of 6 months. So, reluctantly, I went to see the chemotherapist again, but at the same time I was so sure the cancer was gone. He tried his medical best to convince me I must get started on chemo immediately, so I could live another 5 years instead of 6 months (must be a standard remark) and to " stop taking herbs! " Medical professionals have a way of making one feel as if he/she is delusional - or that I was just a 70 year old silver-topped nut! He finally asked how I felt and I replied, " I believe in the power of prayer and have been building my immune system with wheatgrass and raw foods and was sure the cancer was gone! " So he suggested we take another CAT scan and see what the results were. The technician gave me an infusion so the x-ray would be very clear. I had to wait through the weekend for the report on Monday. While I was unloading the trunk of my car that weekend a magnificent peacock-blue and black butterfly circled around me twice, flitted away and returned. It circled me again and landed on the floor of the carport. As it posed there, facing me, it seemed to be blessing me by raising and lowering its wings slowly several times. I knew instantly this was a Divine messenger letting me know that everything was OK! Monday I picked up the report and there was no evidence of any cancer! Confirmation by Medical Technology!! Ain't God awesome!! The CHI founder (Don) and staff are wonderful emissaries for our Creator's plan of healing the planet. Thank you, thank you! I learned so much. I'll stay green and raw for the rest of my life! Gloria Albu June 17, 2005 P.S. An additional benefit - I have dismissed 46 pounds forever! My minister of many years told me to " Hold the High Vision " and I have! May the Light and Love of God enfold and bless all who read my story! [arrow] Renata on Raw Enjoying Being in the Kitchen Do you like being in your kitchen and preparing food? I mean do you really like to be in your kitchen? For me, it is very important to be surrounded by colors, light and utensils I like to handle. After all, I want to prepare delicious food, and the main ingredients besides organic produce (if possible) is lots of love. That means my spirit must be in a good mood in order to transfer love into the food. I don't want to sound too esoteric about this rather intangible ingredient " love. " By now many of us have heard about vibrations. I am sure you have been in a situation where somebody emanated less than loving vibrations towards you. Not a pleasant spot to be, wouldn't you agree? However, if you are in the presence of lovebirds, the love they radiate seems to be so catching. And it is actually catching. We feel touched by love. Pets feel the love and even plants, as studies have shown (Secret Life of Plants). Can you imagine how your body and the people you delight with your culinary creations will change if they continuously are exposed to this loving vibration via food? I need to be in a loving space, mentally and physically, in order to prepare food. That means my environment reflects my taste in dishes, in silverware and yes, even the strainers. Anything I handle on a daily basis must be zangy, zingy and zippy. Purple salad utensils, green plates, various colorful dishes, little cheerful containers for leftovers. You get the idea. You must have fun in the kitchen, especially when transitioning. It is a new chapter in your life. Time to let go of the old (Goodwill stores are just around the corner)... which holds a lot of memories and might keep you in old patterns. Fun, sunny dishes and gadgets must not be expensive. Any " dollar store " has great kitchenware for a very reasonable price. Pick your favorite colors and play. Practicality is another ingredient in the raw kitchen. You might want to cover your stove with a big cutting board (cut the electricity/gas to prevent accidents) which gives you more counter space. Leave blender and food processor close by. Rearrange your fridge for convenient handling of the various foods such as top shelf for sprouts, middle shelf for leftovers, get one or two big extra containers for the kale and collards, wash them before storage. I think you are catching on... Have fun and enjoy! Renata renata <renata [arrow] Backslider's Corner - Backsliders Gathering at Creative Health Institute Backsliding but progressing is NOT about feeling guilty about slipping. Even if you weren't 100% raw this week, how much better are you feeling than when you were on the SAD? Dr. James Carey to Speak at Backslider's Gathering Dr. James Carey, former Director of Creative Health Institute and Trustee of the Creative Health Institute Non-Profit Trust, will speak at Creative Health Institute tomorrow, Sunday, August 26th. There will be a Raw Gourmet Vegan meal that begins at 2:30 p.m., and Dr. Carey will be speaking after the meal. Everyone is invited! The subject of Dr. Carey's talk will be, " What Raw Living Foods Did, and Do, for Me. " There will be a question-and-answer period about the Raw Living Foods Lifestyle after Dr. Carey's talk. Donald Haughey, founder of Creative Health Institute, will also be available to answer questions. A donation is asked to cover the cost of the luncheon. To reserve your place at the luncheon and talk, please call the CHI office at (517) 278-6260 or (866) 426-1213, or email to chi <chi . For driving directions and maps visit <> . [Jim December 2000] James at 240 lbs. December, 2000 [Jim in August, 2005] James at 170 lbs. August, 2005 You can read James' story here <> : <> If you'd like Dr. Carey to speak to your group, be it raw or not, please contact Renata at renata <renata or (877) 213-4699. [arrow] Victoria Boutenko to Speak at Creative Health Institute [Victoria Poster] <> Click here for a larger image <> Raw Gourmet Buffet and Inspiring Lecture - Sunday, September 16th, 2:30 pm Buffet -- 3:30 pm Lecture. Victoria Boutenko, Internationally Acclaimed Raw Food author and inspirational speaker will be speaking at Creative Health Institute. For reservations please call (517) 278-6260. For driving directions please click here <> . For more information click on the poster at left. [arrow] In The News Raw Living Food Lifestyle-related news and events are published daily on our blog: <> . You can have the blog postings delivered via email or RSS feed by signing up at <> . For every article that makes the newsletter, there are many more of related interest on the blog and published in our daily news feed. [arrow] Events and Meetings " The gathering of people is what most frightens oppressive government. Wherever freedom reigns in the world, there is open communication amongst people. When we gather, we gain power. When we fail to gather, we only fail ourselves. Therefore, let us not forsake the gathering of ourselves together. It is as vital now as it has ever been. " - Jay North [Lawn5] <\ zed/lawn5.jpg> -- Working Together to Help Others -- The Special Events page is regularly updated at <> . The Regular Meetings and Events page is at <\ tml> . [arrow] See You in Sedona! Renata and I will be in Sedona, Arizona from October 11th to the 15th. Here's why: Located amidst trees and ponds on verdant lawns beneath Sedona, Arizona's famous Red Rocks, The Raw Spirit Festival <> celebrates organic raw vegan foods, world class music, spirituality, inspirational education, eco-sustainable solutions, healthy living and peace on Earth. Come discover ancient wisdom and the latest findings from the greatest minds in healthy eco-living. Benefits include: Educational Vendor Booths, Outdoor and Indoor Stages, Ongoing Workshops, Sacred Exercise Area, Food Demos, Childrens' Programs, Music, Dancing, Leadership Sharing Circle, Nature Trails, Fantastic Foods and Fabulous Friends! 7 Organic Raw Vegan Meals included. " This is more than a raw vegan food festival. Our vision is to integrate Healthy Living, Eco-Sustainable Solutions and World Peace because together these comprise a comprehensive strategy for addressing current global challenges. We feel that our Raw Spirit Fest non-profit organization belongs to the entire ever-expanding, international community. " - Happy Oasis, Founder For more information, please <> Hope to see you there! (Hint: Renata got rooms at the Sedona Days Inn for $79/night.) [arrow] Raw Living Foods TV Shows and Videos A collection of over 70 videos on raw and living Foods: <> . ------------------------- Here are the dates of the Raw Food TV show on Al Gore's new TV Network: <> Here is the link if you want to view it: < > ------------------------- [Veggiegirl] <\ zed/2007/03/24/veggiegirl.jpg> Raw Living Foods Lifestyle Reduces Global Warming - Last year a UN Report showed that the raw vegan diet is the best deterrent to global warming and promoting sustainability. This video by Glen Beck discusses how Al Gore - and other politicians - ignore how going low on the food chain deters global warming (8 minutes): < > . Includes an interview withPeople for the Ethical Treatment of Animals spokesperson. So... Is the Raw Living Foods® Lifestyle " An Inconvenient Truth? " [arrow] Interviews with James Available Online Just after my return from Maui I did a radio interview with Dr. Steve Monkiewicz on his Bakersfield, CA radio show. The program is available for download. Each part is about 7 minutes long, and is a 7 mb .mp3 file: The best way to get these files is to right-click on the below links, then click on " save target as. " That way you can save them to your computer or a CD disk and play them as you wish. Part One: <> Part Two: <> Here's my interview with Alexi Bracey about the raw living foods lifestyle: <> . Last year I did an Internet tele-seminar with Chris Brisson about the benefits of the raw living foods lifestyle. You can listen to the interview here: <> . I also did an Internet tele-seminar with Michael Snyder that month. You can listen to the show, or download it to CD, at: <> . [arrow] Raw Recipe Resources Lots of Raw Vegan Recipes are posted on our blog at <> .. We've sorted them by category for your convenience. [arrow] Other Raw Living Food Resources For a topic-organized resource of Raw Living Foods information: <> . Back issues of the newsletter are available at <> . FREE BOOK - Why Suffer?: How I Overcame Illness & Pain Naturally, by Dr. Ann Wigmore, ND, is available for free via download (you'll have to supply the printer and paper, or read it on your computer): <> (737 K). [arrow] Customer Service Center You're receiving this email because you d by double opt-in to the chi Living Foods News through <> , <> , <> , or one of our other friends. To UN-Subscribe, simply send an email to editor <editor?subject=> with the word " " in the subject. If you received this email from a friend and would like your own free subscription, please go to <> . This is an independently administered double-opt-in procedure to prevent spam abuse, so please be sure to follow the instructions. We will never sell, rent, lease or otherwise share our mailing list. If the newsletter isn't showing up in your inbox, email filtering tips can be found at <> . You can contact the editor <editor of the newsletter for comments, suggestions or submissions by e-mailing editor <editor or by writing to: James Carey - editor, chi Living Foods News 5678 W. Old Savannah Rd. PO Box 321 Midville, GA 30441 About the editor: <> . This newsletter is an expression of opinions and not professional medical or dental advice. You are solely responsible for the use of the ideas, concepts and content, and agree to hold the publishers and their associates and affiliates harmless in any event or claim. The information in this newsletter is not meant to be a substitute for professional advice. © 2007 by <> . 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