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Yadda yadda..replacements

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hey hope!


why do you care so much about what other mothers say?

or even other people?

in england the vegan lifestyle is somehow traditional, so that many families

are vegan for about 4 generations.

there never appeared any problem with lack of b12 or anything.

so the problem is not the nutrition but more the conciousness of the people.

when someone is allergic on milk or whatever animal product noone seems to

care if he/she may not get enough of this or that.

but when people start to try out what may be good for them or live the way

they think it´s right others seem to care a lot for anything.

i believe that people have to be aggressive against anything not in their

way of thinking, seeing the world.


the day you stop caring of other peoples concerns, you will feel that your

own concerns on eating vegan are wiped out (or even vice versa) and others

will stop bothering you as much as they do now.

at least that´s what i learned.


hope this will help you out!


all the love


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, people are at me again. *sigh*


I joined a list for Spirited Kids and after discussing my daughters tantrums,

a lady posts a post to me with the " I noticed you are vegan....... " (it's in

my sig, big mistake to use it huh??)


Then she went into this HUGE post about makeing sure my daughter and I got

some fatty acids and Omega 3 or something, I couldn't keep up with her post,

it all sounded way bogus. Telling me the only way to get this is from fish or

flax oil.


First off, even when I DID eat meat, I never, ever ate anything as nasty as

fish (always hated the smell/taste/etc) and no doctors were ever concernd. I

never was told fish was " needed " in a diet, I just knew if someone at fish,

they ate it, if they didn't, they didn't. Now she is lecturing me on how I

feed my daughter and it may have something to with her lack of " Omega-3 "


Can anyone explain what this person was babbling to me about??? I thought if

we were vegan the ONLY things I needed to make sure we get in our diets was

the things that are in meat/eggs/dairy. And you can easily replace all of

that with other fruits/veggies/nuts/legumes/etc and even now they have B12

replacements/supplemenst. Is there something else I need to do besides this?

Am I feeding my family wrong? Was I misinformed?


Also, can anyone give me a list of the recommended amounts of all the

vitamins.protein/calcium an average adult would need and a toddler, so I can

watch and be sure I am feeding her right?


Any info would be appriciated! TIA! (Thanks In Advanced)


-+- Hope -+-

SAHM to Raina Louise 8/22/99

and Baby #2 due Feb 2001

PROUD to be cloth diapering, sleep sharing, natural living, vegan family!

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Hi Tia,

Sometimes people are very quick to blame veganism as the cause of just about any problem (but not eating meat for any of the conditions it is known to cause!). We do need essential fatty acids but we don't have to get them from animal products. Flax is a very good source and so is hemp seed oil - but other oils (sunflower, corn, safflower, olive), nuts, seeds and avacados have them too.

I'm sure you're feeding your child very well as you are giving a lot of thought to what she eats - I have got Dr. Klaper's book and can post up the amounts of nutrients he recommends if you like - let me know.

After all what does this accusing lady feed her child? maybe not the best source of info.


Kind Regards





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Sorry - just realised I replied to you as Tia and your name is Hope! - there you are - obviously I am deficient in EFAs!!!! Also wanted to add that my son was very hyperactive and this improved greatly on going vegan four years ago - tantrums are very common in toddlers - your daughter is quite (dare I say it?) normal :)





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In a message dated 10/26/00 2:34:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

lucyb writes:


<< I have got Dr. Klaper's book and can post up the amounts of nutrients he

recommends if you like - let me know. >>


That would be WONDERFUL! Please do. =)

What's the name f this book anyway?

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In a message dated 10/26/00 2:34:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

lucyb writes:


<< Flax is a very good source and so is hemp seed oil - but other oils

(sunflower, corn, safflower, olive), nuts, seeds and avacados have them too.



See now, we use olive oil a lot when cooking, and nuts are always in the

house, although I don't yet feed them to my 14 month old because of choking

hazards, but we give her avacados a lot to get " fat " in her body.


Thanks for this info!

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In a message dated 10/26/00 3:04:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

lucyb writes:


<< - tantrums are very common in toddlers - your daughter is quite (dare I

say it?) normal :) >>


I've read the " Raising Your Spirited Child " and found that she is spirited.

Her tantrums can get out of the norm which is why I joined that list, LOL. So

the lady (who must have a spirited child too or else wouldnt be on the list?)

was thinking Raina's temper was from lack of Omega-3's.

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In a message dated 10/26/00 7:17:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

aurelia999 writes:


<< why do you care so much about what other mothers say? >>


I don't care, I was just making sure I wasn't leaveing something out in our

diet...She pointed out Omega-3's and fatty acids and I was just double

checking. This is all new to me...


Remember, in America, if you don't eat meat and dairy and eggs, it's so

shocking to others because the way they base the food pyramid here, it's like

" normal " and if do the ab norm, people will alwasy point something out to

" make sure " you eating ok if you take out certain things. America is way

different than any country. Things are so ignorantly mainstream here.

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In a message dated 10/26/00 5:13:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

lucyb writes:


<< The book is 'Pregnancy, Children and the Vegan Diet' by Dr. Michael Klaper

- really good, I strongly recommend it. >>


Thanks! This would be perfect for me. =)

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In a message dated 10/26/00 5:13:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

lucyb writes:


<< I had a friend with a very hyperactive child (not vegan) who supplemented

with flax oil and it did make a big difference to him. She had read that some

children have difficulty absorbing EFAs - don't know how true this is. >>


Ok, how can I get flax oil in her food? What do I need to do? Never used it.

Any tips or suggestions? She is eating table food now. She's 14 months old.

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The book is 'Pregnancy, Children and the Vegan Diet' by Dr. Michael Klaper - really good, I strongly recommend it.

He gives the US rec. daily allowances for protein, calcium and iron:



0-6 mos. 13lb 15g 360mg 10mg (per day)

6mos.-1year 20 20g 540mg 15mg

1-3 29 23g 800mg 15mg


I'll stop there as that covers the age of your children! he then goes on to show how this is accomplished on a vegan diet. I see there is a bit about EFAs too - he lists good sources as whole grains, legumes, avacados, nuts, nut butters like almond, and sesame (tahini) and olive oil and safflower and flax. He says that cold pressed oils are best and that vegans usually have no difficulty in meeting their needs for EFAs.

I had a friend with a very hyperactive child (not vegan) who supplemented with flax oil and it did make a big difference to him. She had read that some children have difficulty absorbing EFAs - don't know how true this is.


hope that's been of some use to you,




GeekGoddessMama <GeekGoddessMama 26 October 2000 21:05Re: Yadda yadda..replacementsIn a message dated 10/26/00 2:34:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time, lucyb writes:<< I have got Dr. Klaper's book and can post up the amounts of nutrients he recommends if you like - let me know. >>That would be WONDERFUL! Please do. =)What's the name f this book anyway?

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