Guest guest Posted October 30, 2000 Report Share Posted October 30, 2000 INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN AGAINST BARBARIC SPANISH GOVERNMENT SPONSORED " REJONEO " !!! THE BULLFIGHTING HORSES !!! (PHOTO IS ENCLOSED ) ----- Original Message from : ----- A.N.P.B.A. <anpba (National Association for the Protection and Welfare of Animals. ANPBA) Madrid (Spain) Tlfno./fax: (00 34) 91 559 17 34. Móvil: (00 34) 655 41 45 01 Sunday, October 29, 2000 3:58 PM INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE BULLFIGHTING HORSES ( " Caballos de rejoneo " ). SPAIN. URGENT In Spain, there is a type of bullfight called " rejoneo " , carried out by men on horseback, who need to get very close to the bull in order to be able to wound it. This places the horses in great danger. In fact, an increasing number of horses are injured or killed, since they do not wear any kind of protection. The latest victim, a horse named " Balacín " died on Sunday, 8 October. A bull pierced his lung with a horn and split his belly open. The horse fell backwards with his intestines protruding and his lung was destroyed. He took an hour to die. Unfortunately, in Spain, there is no possibility of abolishing this event at present, since a great deal of money is involved and the State provides its full support. Consequently, in order to achieve anything, we need to go step by step, covering partial objectives. ANPBA therefore submitted a document to the Ministry of the Interior (entry stamp dated 11 October), requesting these horses be protected and invoking the Amsterdam Treaty. However, a strong national and international lobby is needed in order for this " step " to be attained. HOW YOU CAN HELP : 1: Write to the Minister of the Interior in Spain : (Fax 00 34 91 537 11 77), (If you are sending fax from the U.S.A. please dial: 011-34-91-537-1177 ) The address of the Minister of Interior is : EXCMO. SR. MINISTRO DEL INTERIOR. Pº de la Castellana, 5. 28071- MADRID SPAIN 2: Send an E-mail to the President of the Spanish Government: jmaznar The proposed sample letter is as follows (in Spanish): EXCMO. SR. PRESIDENTE DEL GOBIERNO Complejo de La Moncloa 28071 - Madrid Sr. Presidente, Invocando el Tratado de Amsterdam, cuyo " Protocolo sobre Protección y Bienestar de los Animales " exige que los Estados miembros garanticen " una mayor protección " a los animales como " seres sensibles " , me adhiero a la solicitud formal presentada al Sr. Ministro del Interior por la Asociación Nacional para la Protección y el Bienestar de los Animales (ANPBA), en escrito registrado en el Ministerio del Interior el 11 de octubre de 2000. Por tanto, muy respetuosamente, RUEGO a V.E. que los caballos de rejoneo sean urgentemente protegidos con un peto adecuado, evitándoles así terribles heridas y muertes crueles. Es justicia que solicito a V.E. Nombre: DNI: Nacionalidad: (etc.) _____________________________ Sample letter in English translation: Dear Sir, Invoking the Amsterdam Treaty, the " Protocol on Animal Protection and Welfare " of which requires Member States to guarantee " greater protection " of animals as " sentient beings " , I adhere to the formal petition submitted to the Minister of the Interior by the National Association for the Protection and Welfare of Animales (ANPBA), (10/11/2000) and, therefore, request that the bullfighting horses be urgently protected with an appropriate protective covering, thus avoiding terrible wounds and cruel deaths. It is justice I request from you. Name: Id Card/Passport No.: Nationality: Address (etc.) _______________________________ A special note : IMPORTANT Please, let us know if you send faxes or e-mail or both ? Thank you. Alfonso Chillerón (President of the ANPBA) ==================================== (Dear friend, the above is only a sample letter for you. You may request more if you wish. c.c.) ======================================= THE BARBARIC SPANISH " REJONEO " THE BULLFIGHTING HORSES Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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