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Canola Oil

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<WildForager >, <VeggiesnHerbs, <TheLordsPrayerGroup >, <macro >, <CH-H >



"Betty" <er.br | Block Address | Add to Address Book



Thu, 23 Aug 2001 09:47:17 -0400






[macro] Fw: [DirkBenedict] [Fwd: Fwd: Fw: important information this could save your life charlieb13]






I received this on another list and thought some of you mightfind it interesting,I don`t think I`ll be buying canola oil everagain.Betty: Got this email this morning....who knew........well Dirk did iguess....*silver who just checked her cupboard and has sunfloweroil......*whew*:: > i wanted everyone i love to read this important info.: > >: > > Canola Oil: > >: > >Before you buy your next bottle of cooking oil...I thinkit's important: > >that as many people as possible KNOW about the origins ofthis product.: > >: > >Then, if you choose to buy it, at least you're doing so withyour eyes: > >open.: > >: > > RAPE IN A DIFFERENT GUISE: > >: > >Recently I bought cooking oil that's new to oursupermarkets, Canola Oil.: > >I tried it because the label assured me it was lowest in"bad" fats.: > >: > >However, when I had used half the bottle, I concluded thatthe label told: > >me surprisingly little else and I started to wonder: wheredoes Canola oil: > >come from?: > >: > >Olive oil comes from olives, peanut oil from peanuts,sunflower oil from: > >sunflowers; but what is a Canola?: > >There was nothing on the label to enlighten me, which Ithought odd.: > >: > >So, I did some investigation on the Internet. There areplenty of official: > >Canola sites lauding this new "wonder" oil with all itslow-fat health: > >benefits. It takes a little longer to find sites that tellthe less: > >palatable details.: > >: > >Here are just a few facts everyone should know before buyinganything: > >containing Canola. Canola is not the name of a natural plantbut a made-up: > >word, from the words "Canada" and "oil.": > >: > >Canola is a genetically engineered plant developed inCanada from the Rape: > >seed Plant, which is part of the mustard family of plants.: > >: > >According to Agri Alternatives, the Online Innovation, andTechnology: > >Magazine for Farmers, "By nature, these rape seed oils,which have long: > >been: > >used to produce oils for industrial purposes, are... toxicto humans and: > >other animals." (This, by the way, is one of the web sitessinging the: > >praises of the new Canola Industry.): > >: > >Rape seed oil is poisonous to living things and is anexcellent insect: > >repellent. I have been using it (in very diluted form, asper: > >instructions) to kill the aphids on my roses for the lasttwo years. It: > >works very well; it suffocates them. Ask for it at yournursery.: > >: > >Rape is an oil that is used as a lubricant, fuel, soap and: > >synthetic rubber base and as an illuminate for color pagesin magazines. It: > >is an industrial oil. It is not a food.: > >: > >Rape oil, it seems, causes emphysema, respiratory distress,anemia,: > >constipation, irritability, and blindness in animals andhumans. Rape oil: > >was: > >widely used in animal feeds in England and Europe between1986 and 1991,: > >when it was thrown out. Remember the "Mad Cow disease"scare, when: > >millions of cattle in the UK were slaughtered in case ofinfecting humans?: > >: > >Cattle were being fed on a mixture containing material fromdead sheep, and: > >sheep suffer from a disease called 'scrapie.' It was thoughtthis was how: > >"Mad Cow" began and started to infiltrate the human chain.: > >: > >What is interesting is that when rape oil was removed fromanimal feed,: > >'scrapie' disappeared.: > >: > >US and Canadian farmers grow genetically engineered rapeseed and: > >manufacturers use its oil (Canola) in thousands of processedfoods, with: > >the blessings of Canadian and US government watchdogagencies.: > >: > >The Canola supporting web sites say that Canola is safe touse. They admit: > >it was developed from the rape seed, but insist that throughgenetic: > >engineering it is no longer rape seed, but "Canola"instead. Except Canola: > >means "Canadian oil"; and the plant is still a rape plant,albeit: > >genetically modified.: > >: > >The new name provides perfect cover for commercial interestswanting to: > >make millions. Look at the ingredients list on labels.Apparently, peanut: > >oil is being replaced with rape oil. You'll find it in analarming number: > >of processed foods. There's more, but: > >to conclude: rape oil was the source of the chemical warfareagent mustard: > >gas, which was banned after blistering the lungs and skinsof hundred of: > >thousands of soldiers and civilians during W.W.I. RecentFrench reports: > >indicate that it was again in use during the: > >Gulf War.: > >: > >Check products for ingredients. If the label says, "May: > >contain the following" and lists Canola oil, you know itcontains Canola: > >oil because it is the cheapest oil and the Canadiangovernment subsidizes: > >it to industries: > >involved in food processing.: > >: > >I don't know what you'll be cooking with tonight, but I'llbe using olive: > >oil and old-fashioned butter, from a genetically unmodifiedcow.: > >: > > Here is more information...: > >: > >Canola oil from the rape seed, referred to as the Canadianoil because: > >Canada is mainly responsible for it being marketed in theUSA. The Canadian: > >government and industry paid our Federal Food and DrugAdministration (FDA): > >$50 million dollars to have: > >Canola oil placed on the (GRAS) List, "Generally RecognizedAs Safe." Thus,: > >a new industry was created. Laws were enacted affectinginternational: > >trade, commerce, and traditional diets.: > >: > >Studies with lab animals were disastrous. Rats developedfatty degeneration: > >of heart, kidney, adrenals, and thyroid gland.: > >: > >When Canola oil was withdrawn from their diets, the depositsdissolved but: > >scar tissue remained on all vital organs.: > >: > >No studies on humans were made before money was spent topromote Canola oil: > >in the USA. Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is a rarefatal: > >degenerative disease caused by a build up of long-chainfatty acids (c22 to: > >c28) which destroys the myelin (protective sheath) of thenerves.: > >: > >Canola oil is a very long-chain fatty acid oil (c22).Those who: > >will defend Canola oil say that the Chinese and Indians haveused it for: > >centuries with no effect; however, it was in an unrefinedform (taken from: > >FATS THAT HEAL AND FATS THAT KILL by Udo Erasmus).: > >: > >My cholesterol level was 150. After a year using Canola oil,I tested 260.: > >I switched back to pure olive oil and it has taken fiveyears to get it: > >down to 160. Thus began this project to find answers sincemost doctors: > >will say that Canola oil is O.K.: > >: > >My sister spilled Canola oil on a piece of fabric. Afterdoing five pre: > >treatments and harsh washings, the oil: > >spot still showed. She stopped using Canola oil, wonderingwhat it did to: > >our insides if it could not be removed from cloth easily.: > >: > >Our father bred birds, always checking labels to insure: > >there wasn't any rape seed in their food. He said, "Thebirds will eat it,: > >but they do not live very long." A friend, who worked foronly nine months: > >as a quality: > >control taster at an apple-chip factory where Canola oil wasused: > >exclusively for frying, developed numerous health problems.These included: > >loose teeth & gum: > >disease, numb hands and feet, swollen arms and legs uponrising in the: > >morning, extreme joint pain especially in hands, cloudyvision,: > >constipation: > >with stools like black marbles, hearing loss, skin tearsfrom being bumped,: > >lack of energy, hair loss, and heart pains. It has been fiveyears since: > >she has worked there and still has some joint pain, gumdisease, and: > >numbness.: > >: > >A fellow worker, about 30 years old, who ate very little ofthe product,: > >had a routine check up and found that his blood vessels werelike those of: > >an 80 year old man.: > >Two employees fed the waste product to baby calves andtheir hair fell: > >out. After removing the fried apple chips from the diettheir hair grew: > >back in.: > >: > >My daughter and her girls were telling jokes. Stephanie hither mom's arm: > >with the back of a butter knife in a gesture, "Oh Mom," nothard enough to: > >hurt. My daughter's arm split open like it was rotten. Shecalled me to: > >ask what could have caused it. I said, "I'll bet anythingthat you are: > >using Canola oil." Sure enough, there was a big gallon jugin the pantry.: > >: > >Rape seed oil is a penetrating oil, to be used in lightindustry, not for: > >human consumption. It contains a toxic substance. Even afterthe processing: > >to reduce the erucic acid content, it is still a penetratingoil.: > >: > >We have found that it turns rancid very fast. Also it leavesa residual: > >rancid odor on clothing. Rape seed oil used for stir-fryingin China found: > >to emit cancer causing chemicals. (Rape seed oil smokecauses lung: > >cancer): > >: > >Amal Kumar Maj. The Wall Street Journal June 7, 1995, pB6(W)pB6: > >: > >(E)col 1(11 colin). Compiled by Darleen Bradley.: > >: > >Canola oil is a health hazard to use as a cooking oil orsalad oil. It is: > >not the healthy oil we thought it was. It is not fit forhuman consumption.: > >Do not eat Canola oil; it can hurt you. Polyunsaturated ornot, this is a: > >bad oil.: > >: > >Be Sure to also read this informative report written byleading health: > >expert Tom Valentine, Canola Oil Report./columns/canola2f.htm: > >: > > Go to Ask Jeeves yourself:: > >http://www.askjeeves.com/ and type in "Where does CanolaOil come from?": > >and see what you come up with.This discussion group is a service to rs of ROSANNA'S FREE NEWSLETTER http://www.rosanna.comFor more information: http://www.rosanna.com/discuss.htm Post message: macro to or un- send a blank email to:Subscribe: macro- Un: macro- URL to group: macro

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